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Author Topic: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)  (Read 3884 times)

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Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« on: May 20, 2019, 12:03:49 PM »

Hello everyone,

I never had any problems with my height in society, with people, with work, with friends. I have had pretty good girlfriends and friends that are bigger and taller. That wasn’t the reason I did it, I did it for myself because I wanted to better than I could be, and wanted to be physically, mentally and whatever it may be, the best I could have ever been.

My career was of an athlete, always have been an athlete in my life,. I would never have done this surgery unless it was only 3 months of lengthening and that’s it, you are done, and you can still walk and do everything. Just thought it would be better to have a little bit more height to myself, not because I was trying to portray an image in anybody else’s eyes but just to make me feel better.

I had limb lengthening surgery on May 7, 2019 with Stryde method in Turkey, by Dr. Ozgur from a team called "Wanna Be Taller" (, who are specialized in limb lengthening and other orthopedic surgeries.

As I go through my LL journey I plan to update you guys every day. There will be photos, x-rays and videos soon.

edited: on OP request
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 08:06:38 AM by Admin »


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2019, 12:54:35 PM »

Hey Simon, congrats and best of luck on your journey, it won't be easy.

I'm also from Canada, and did my surgery in Azerbaijan, which almost neighbors Turkey, and in fact all the people here speak Turkish. Are you going to spend your recovery time in Turkey, or head back to Canada? 3 months lengthening ONLY means lengthening, it doesn't talk about the recovery time, which means the most actually. Heck, my lengthening stopped after 3 months, and 5 months later I'm still not 100%,

Did you do externals or LON/LATN?
External Tib Ilizarov, Azerbaijan:
Drugs, preparation, training:

1 year post can run slowly, walking/gym everyday. Issues are zero, ankle tight waking up.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2019, 01:31:34 PM »


(readers please note that I am making diaries in the form of voice recordings then convert them to text when I have time. So don't mind the weird structures of sentences, i just don't have the patience to edit it properly)

I arrived in Turkey in the evening, the driver from Wannabetaller team was already there waiting for me. He took me to my hotel and I got some rest. The next day he took me on a good tour, showed me around, I had a good translator and a good driver. He took me to the hospital where I did all my x-rays and everything to get ready.

I was starting to feel nervous and actually thinking maybe not to go ahead with it. I hadn’t told anybody I was doing it, and I almost cancelled. I set my thoughts and then we had an appointment arranged to see the surgeon. So I went in, saw the surgeon, had a good chat with him. He was very good, very professional, and I decided it was what I wanted to do, and I was gonna go through the surgery. The doctor explained everything about the surgery, and how it was going to be the first Stryde being done in Turkey. And then I told the guys that for the service package I had selected, I wanted to go with a different hotel.

So I decided I was gonna do it but I wasn’t really sure where I was going to stay, and so I spoke to the Wannabetaller team and their head boss decided he will come with me, and we went all around the city, we looked at different hotels, I told him what I was looking for, he went through all of them and asked the special rates and got really good deals from all of them actually. So I was happy with what I have found and I picked Hyatt Regency. I had also requested for a PlayStation to play, and they bought and gave me when I arrived here. They got me a blender for my protein shakes. Anything I asked them for, they wanted to sort it out.

At the end of the day, I was nervous about what was going to happen, and they knew that and so they really looked after me and made me so comfortable and told me that after the surgery they would help me through the whole recovery for the whole time I will be in Turkey.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2019, 01:33:30 PM »

are you lengthening femurs o tibias?


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2019, 01:54:14 PM »

I had surgery on femur and aiming for 8 cm. I think physiotherapy is very important to do every day and I chose the better package (they have two service packages for two types of budgets and I chose the more expensive one, and asked for even more physio sessions which added to the costs)

I also recommend staying in Turkey for 90 days, for the whole lengthening phase, to those who want to get it done, to prevent any complications. Because you need to be around people who know whats going on, in case of complications etc, this is the most serious surgery I have ever done.

You wouldn’t be able to do what you usually do, so they provided an aid in the hospital, which is great, and covered in the package. You wanna make sure you get a hotel. Sports and mobility is important that’s why I recommend getting physio sessions 7 days a week for the whole period of lengthening.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2019, 02:04:28 PM »

 I had surgery on femur


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2019, 02:52:05 PM »

how tall are you simon? How much did you pay for it?


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2019, 03:49:30 PM »

can you remove your company name and website? diary would become more genuine then.
stryde 5cm femurs

account deactivated


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2019, 02:11:42 PM »

When in the hospital, I saw the surgeon, he went through what was gonna happen and then anesthesia was applied and I don’t remember anything, I just woke up there, not much pain, I was just very sleepy from the medication, and cannot really remember much of that day, this is how I spent my day 1 in the hospital.

Day 2
I didn’t sleep very well that night, I woke up, and then fell asleep, but I didn’t have much pain. I woke up the next day, I was still kind of trying to come to terms with what I have actually done. The boss of Wannabetaller came to visit me, they changed the translator to a better one, who spoke really good English. She was with me as my caretaker for the rest of the time I was in the hospital. The boss was really good, he is the guy who organizes everything. He bought me a chess deck, some additional PlayStation games. The hospital staff was bad, not organized, not kind, and after that, they (guys from Wannabetaller) are not going to use this hospital again.

Day 3
Was starting to feel a bit lost about what I have done, this is crazy, ‘should I have really done this?’. My gf came today as well, and that made me fell a lot better. I don’t remember so much, with a lot of painkillers, but I was ok. The hospital staff was bad but the Wannabetaller team came and set everything up for me, it was great, they were there for everything I needed the whole time and have never let me down ever since. They were more than enough of help.

Day 4
Feeling a bit better, and I haven’t mentioned earlier but the physiotherapist came on the previous days and I had walked a little bit every single day, not very much, and I have done physio and exercises.

Day 5
Here is a brief video of how I was walking on the day 5:

I will soon update more recent videos of my walking and hope that gives you an insight of how physio everyday improves walking ability.

Take care!


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2019, 12:29:13 AM »

Hi simon

Congrats on starting your new journey to the CLL!!  Yeah, it is a crazy process.  Most of people, perhaps all, have some moments to think "what the hell am I doing?"  But it is done and no turning back, which may be a good thing to think.  Just focus and make a small progress everyday!  So far, you look pretty good as a patient 5 days after surgery.  You may feel quite some pain for a while up to 3 weeks and then pain will go down to a extent.  So just keep on working everyday!
By the way, I am just curious about why you chose to go to this place in Turkey.  Are they cheaper than those in US?


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2019, 01:55:52 AM »

How much did you pay for it?

According to

For Stryde Precice with Dr. Ozgur its €58,500 ($65,230)


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2019, 01:29:28 PM »

hi! i live in norway and i am also thinking about taking Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul Turkey with wannabetaller, how's your status so far?


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2019, 01:39:45 PM »

Thanks all for kind words. I am making progress nearly every day. A couple of days after this video, I abandoned walker and walked with crutches. And right now, I am walking with a single crutch. Pain is minimal overall.

Some of the reasons why I went with these guys and Dr. Ozgur:

1.   Yes they are significantly cheaper than US, but more than that, the price is all inclusive and the main emphasis is after surgery period. They provide service packages that includes everything from physio to accommodation. I went with luxury package and saved my money and time on many things, but the guys who organize it find even better priced facilities to patients low on budget.

2.   I got very good vibes from the doctor. And then my initial impression was justified, he is quite nice and caring.

3.   Turkey is a beautiful country, especially Istanbul city. I love seeing new places and was amazed by this city in the city tour I was taken (which is btw included in surgery cost). I almost feel im on a touristic trip rather than medical :D enjoying my time here.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2019, 02:17:00 PM »

wow that's really good to hear! i will then for sure go through LL surgery in Istanbul then :) but i have to consult with the norwegian doctor first. To see what they can do with the finances ect.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2019, 07:15:56 PM »

So how much did you pay for everything?


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2019, 01:06:52 PM »

Hi Simon, hows your status ? :) I hope that everything is alright with you.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2019, 03:39:26 PM »

Today was a good day. I woke up and I was out of hospital, so actually I got better. I did morning stretching and physiotherapy sessions with my girlfriend, and an afternoon session with her, then in the nighttime, the physiotherapist came and we did a session together. As a result I gained 90 degrees of flexion in my knees, I could stand up bearing full weight. And I could use the walker to get to the toilet and walk around a little bit, and I did that several times in that day, I was pretty good.

I woke up, I went to the toilet, then started my exercises. I had a massive pain in my knee, the pain was very high level and agonizing.
I took some painkillers, then had some rest. My gf helped me doing physio session in the afternoon, then she just gave a light massage. When the physio came in the evening, it was much better, and we had a very good session. My flexion had become really good, I walked a lot better and the physio guy showed which muscles were weak, and which ones were stronger, and how I should be getting up, at what speed and how and at what angles because my muscles would change and they had to be adapted to the new length of the bones, the body dynamics would be different.
I started off bad but in the long run it was a good day.

Woke up this morning I was quite stiff, did a warm up and then an hour of exercises (some stretching, physio) with my gf. I’m feeling pretty good, my body is a bit warmed up so I took the wheelchair, went outside, we had some coffee, then we decided to go into the park. I had the next session of physio in the park till afternoon, it was a really good day, having some fun. We saw a kids playground, there were some bars, so I could stand up using the bars to hold my body and walk (you can see the video of my walking on that day on my previous post) with enough weight bearing to be comfortable. So it was a really big day doing that, really enjoyed it, came back. Then the physiotherapist came for evening session, had an hour of physio, really tired now, but I have a feeling that I am making progress.


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2019, 04:32:17 PM »

good to hear, Simon! stay strong and have a good rest:)


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2019, 02:04:05 PM »

Today was a good day. I woke up and I was out of hospital, so actually I got better. I did morning stretching and physiotherapy sessions with my girlfriend, and an afternoon session with her, then in the nighttime, the physiotherapist came and we did a session together. As a result I gained 90 degrees of flexion in my knees, I could stand up bearing full weight. And I could use the walker to get to the toilet and walk around a little bit, and I did that several times in that day, I was pretty good.

I woke up, I went to the toilet, then started my exercises. I had a massive pain in my knee, the pain was very high level and agonizing.
I took some painkillers, then had some rest. My gf helped me doing physio session in the afternoon, then she just gave a light massage. When the physio came in the evening, it was much better, and we had a very good session. My flexion had become really good, I walked a lot better and the physio guy showed which muscles were weak, and which ones were stronger, and how I should be getting up, at what speed and how and at what angles because my muscles would change and they had to be adapted to the new length of the bones, the body dynamics would be different.
I started off bad but in the long run it was a good day.

Woke up this morning I was quite stiff, did a warm up and then an hour of exercises (some stretching, physio) with my gf. I’m feeling pretty good, my body is a bit warmed up so I took the wheelchair, went outside, we had some coffee, then we decided to go into the park. I had the next session of physio in the park till afternoon, it was a really good day, having some fun. We saw a kids playground, there were some bars, so I could stand up using the bars to hold my body and walk (you can see the video of my walking on that day on my previous post) with enough weight bearing to be comfortable. So it was a really big day doing that, really enjoyed it, came back. Then the physiotherapist came for evening session, had an hour of physio, really tired now, but I have a feeling that I am making progress.
hi Simon, how is it going?any xray


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Re: Stryde LL surgery in Istanbul, Turkey (May 2019)
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2019, 11:23:55 AM »

Hi thank you for sharing your experience, i totally understand your mind set in regard the operation for LL i think in the same way, is been few year now that im thinking about it,  how  you feel till now?
how many cm did you gain ?
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