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Author Topic: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)  (Read 35523 times)

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A little about me:
Had this procedure in mind for at least 7 years but couldn't gather up time or at times money or at times will to do, this time I finally went for it, came to Delhi enquired around with different doctors and all the famous names out there few of them are undoubtedly good and qualified while few came across as sellers trying to sell their service which is fine if it isn't my legs at chopping board and them using bit little over of their smartness.

I had been in contact with Dr. Hirdesh Kumar(Harry) and Dr. Pradip Sharma for about a year or more as I was with other doctors met one of their(Dr. Harry and Dr. Sharma) patient in Gurgaon which gave somewhat of confidence to kick ahead and took a decision.

Starting heigh: 160cm
Target height: 165cm(I don't want to aim too high and was always scared of proportions)
Surgeon: Dr. Pradip Sharma
Physiotherapist: Dr. Hirdesh Kumar(Harry)
Cost: 15000USD
Surgery Duration: 4 to 5hours(I slept during surgery didn't really bother to check the time when I woke up and my time in other wards after OT, because this wasn't a time game for me to go for Guinness book of LL records)
Biggest discomfort: Not being mobile for menial tasks like to use the washroom without help(I have thought of many things before the surgery during my research, but using washroom somehow didn't cross my mind, this could be because most doctors I met/spoke said I be walking in 3 days with frames which didn't sound that bad)

Now the journey:
I met Harry for few times but all this time was questioning myself should I really go through it all or just stay with some insoles and make peace, but had an open mind made an appointment with Dr. Pradip Sharma did an X-ray he has gone through pros and cons and somehow I finally said them I want to do it, and we started the procedure.

Day 1: 12/10/2019 arrived at hospital(quite modern and comfortable can say to the standards of west) at 10:00AM done the documentation and stuff to checkin did few tests and we had our surgery scheduled at 01:00PM, to be honest back of my head I was still thinking to back down but I guess thankfully I didn't, 01:30PM after all pre OT checks arrived in OT on operation table not really nervous but just trying to process whatever going around and somewhere in me it felt enthusiastic and happy I wanted this from a long time. Dr. Pradip Sharma asked if I want to be conscious or sleep, I was tired so I went to sleep woke up in the last hour or 30 minutes of operation, could sense they banging/cutting/nailing/doing something on my legs apart from that couldn't feel physically anything. After the surgery did few other checks and medications and finally back to room(in hospital) by around 8PM, I could move my toes and feet for half an inch or less, but rest of legs were heavy as if some elephant was sitting on them felt like my knee caps are being crushed all of this was discomfort I was feeling, not really a pain, general physician that was taking care didn't seem to have much of a clue of LL so had to involve Dr. Sharma and Dr. Harry all this time I was asking for sleeping pills repeatedly because I wanted to sleep but couldn't they increased my sedative they were giving and I guess few pain killers and I finally slept.

Day 2: Had little pain in left leg and some considerable discomfort(my pain levels are maybe bit high so I characterized it as discomfort) still could only move toes and feet for some inch to 1.5 max, thoughts came to do other surgery(of frame removal) on that same day and take off these frames and be happy with 2mm of height they gave in surgery and make peace with it, can't move much, felt as if time passing too slow, sedative is still on so bottom part of my body is too heavy and was bit regretting the whole thing I went for, even that night I might have slept 2 hours max, generally I don't sleep much, resting on bed whole day and trying to sleep isn't my thing.

Day 3: Started feeling bit positive and wishing this two months with frame on pass quick, they had catheter for urine so that wasn't an issue but I didn't poop so far, but I felt bit of pressure building up I tried on bed-pan but wasn't successful and tried again after lunch with some medication I finally did poop,but this was most  ty experience to   with someones help and had them clean and not do it yourself, even this day I would have slept max 2 hours. I was resting on the bed all day so I wasn't looking like a zombie without sleep.

Day 4: They stopped sedative completely and took off the pee-bag, this was another pain I had to force every time I had to pee in the pee-pot, by this time I was praying to be mobile so I could least use washroom, not much of pain but bit discomfort also because am laying on bed all day, this day Dr. Harry made me sit on bed never been that excited in my life to sit, I asked for sleeping pills again with Dr. Sharma which he finally agreed but seems on small dosage that had no effect on me but I did sleep for some 6 hours this time, but after an hour of pills, so not really sure of pills or after being tired with TV and internet

Day 5: I can move my feet and knees a bit but can't really move a leg without someone's help, they discharged me around 6 PM, I asked to be transferred to wheelchair than as a corpse laid on stretcher, was for sure painful especially if someone pulls or bends by mistake had to take help of three for this transfer, back to guest house felt like home and better, I dunno if this transfer to wheelchair had given some massage to my legs I can move my legs bit more(with my hands holding the frame) and than I could transfer to rolling office chair in guest house so to go for washroom but still someone needs to push the chair for me to move, but seems some improvement I can transfer from bed to chair and chair to bed or WC, never been this thankful to use WC in life.

Day 6: 04:00AM in early morning I felt the pressure to poop, I was alone in guest house I am staying, caretaker went to his home last night after helping me, no clue how I did I transferred to rolling chair pushed myself for some 4 feets, I felt my sugar levels dropped and I turned pale, stayed there for a good minute or so and proceeded to washroom transferred to WC myself and back to bed same way, I have no clue how I pulled it off at that time was nothing less than a horror in a way, caretaker came around 9AM went to washroom again this time I tried to move rolling chair myself but couldn't do much, or maybe its like in gym when you are pushing alone you push it hard, when there is someone to help/support your brain eases you down and not get to that extreme.

We take for granted few daily tasks we do I certainly did, as few doctors said I be walking with support in some 3 to 5 days(another backdrop on my part I didn't gave much attention to patient dairies I certainly did read them, but now I feel I must have not read whole of it or with attention), so I thought I should be able to use washroom too but wasn't the case with me and it is one key part of life one should consider and prepare themselves before venturing into LL, pain has always been manageable at least for me, but legs are still swollen(tibia part) and feels heavy but getting better by every day and movement, will keep you guys posted with time.

As for now, I feel thankful that I didn't back off or would have regretted not doing it, for better or worse we live only once so it isn't bad to make it comfortable and confident whichever way you feel the best.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2019, 10:37:07 AM by nomad13 »
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2019, 04:07:25 PM »

Thought I'd post some pics it's from Day 7: at times as before feels pain if I take off an ankle rest two towels you see in pics, had to remove bed covers and white-out surroundings coz few might recognize so sorry for that
(Left ankle)
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2019, 05:43:48 AM »

Hey Nomad

First 5 days were the worst for me probably. With LON the first surgery is so massive, plus the painkillers you need, it takes a toll on you initially. Everything feels like a swirl the first week but eventually you learn a routine to get by with the frames on.

Good luck! You'll be out of the frames before you know it.
Undergoing LON. 1st operation on July 18th 2019. Frame removal 21st September. My diary -


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2019, 04:22:19 PM »

Thanks Bluehen your dairy is one those that gave me confidence to go ahead
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2019, 06:17:30 PM »

From past days my legs are swollen like baloon full on to the level i could feel my skin is tight as hell if i make movements it cause pressure and bit discomfort at stitches area, did anyone had sam issues? And how was your sleep and pain? Today i had to take ultracet for ankle pain
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 05:27:52 AM »

Hi ,Congratulations nomad13. one more Dr Sharma’s patient diary.
Man swelling is normal for few days after surgery , you should elevate your legs for some time .
Keep updates.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2019, 07:39:19 AM »

Thanks beforeandafter, I did elavate last night was uncomfortable as hell for sure, apart from swellings i do have some good movement in legs
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2019, 05:21:13 AM »

LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2019, 10:30:32 AM »

Day 10: Started lengthening, 1mm per day, not much pain during lengthening apart from usual ankle pain at pin sites(if I don't have ankle rest and leave ankle in air hanging from the frame.
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>

Day 13: Alway felt the frame in right leg bit tighter, was doing leg raising exercise felt a click in the right leg, during the click it pained bit bad, but still, nothing over the roof, spoke to PT(Harry) about this, he said it's normal

LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2019, 11:29:49 AM »

Hi nomad13
Thanks for sharing your journey with us!  It is a really hard one.  But the hardest part is to start this.  You already finished the hardest part.
Keep up the good work!


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2019, 02:14:28 PM »

Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep us update.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2019, 07:34:02 AM »

Thanks, Ghostfish and Joker :)

Day 19: by end of today I had lengthened 1CM doing 1mm each day, had pain in hamstring tendon for two days from day 17 which faded away, not much of pain bit constant discomfort in a way which is manageable as I take my mind of doing other stuff on a laptop or reading something, couldn't sleep much in nights it could also be because I am taking small naps during day and I am not a heavy sleeper.

Will do x-ray tomorrow lets see how it unfolded so far, but as per Harry(PT) my left leg might have lengthened a bit more.
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2019, 08:11:31 AM »

Hello brother thanks for the diary! I have a quick question if you would be so kind to answer

Did your doctors perform preventive fasciotomy on you during/before surgery? I know Paley recommends it with all tibial internal cases but wonder if it's commonplace for LON.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2019, 11:05:34 AM »

@Wavemaker, Dr. Sharma didn't perform any fasciotomy, I haven't heard of it by other doctors I enquired either
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2019, 11:15:25 AM »

Day 20: by end of today I have turned 1.1cm(11mm), I did x-ray this afternoon as per those I had lengthened 1.46cm in one leg and 1.43 in other, those in extra are from gap they left in operation, anyway it feels good because of 5 days less of wearing frames. No ballerina as of now

LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2019, 11:43:15 AM »

hey mate, Did you ask Dr Sharma why the bone break is not in a straight line and there is a bone piece on the side?

Congrats on 1 cm you are making progress


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2019, 05:34:51 AM »

Your X-ray looks good man . Are you feeling any pain and discomfort in this level.
I think this kind of osteotomy good for callus growth , callus grow fast in this kind of bone break. Or may be bone is too strong for clean cut so shattered during the surgery. That’s what I read in KiloKHAN’s diary , bone also break like that.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2019, 06:55:01 AM »

@Beforeandafter you are right about bone break, I read kind of same that if your bone break is clean and straight callus growth might not be that better in comporsion to when its bit rough, anyway will ask this with doctor and get back to you @Limewalk

I don't have much of pain but discomfort is constant at times it fades away but mostly it's there and it's hard to sleep, got few dumbbells now to workout, trying to tire myself if it helps in sleep
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2019, 01:19:49 PM »

As per Dr. Sharma osteotomy performed this way helps callus growth rather if it's cut clean straight
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2019, 08:33:11 AM »

Day 25: In general I don't feel much of pain now, except for in right leg feels light burning sensation near bone break and nerve pull
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2019, 12:04:02 PM »

Keep going man. How much have you lengthened? I would recommend gaining whole of 6/6.5 if you're gonna regret later.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2019, 01:28:31 PM »

thanks thatguy19, but I don't want to go over 5cm one for being safe side and most important I don't want to make any more obvious for my friends and family the difference in my height
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2019, 01:43:46 PM »

Day 26:  by end of today I had lengthened 1.7cm(plus 2 or 3mm of surgery not counted), from last two days I had some pull building up in right leg nerve this started paining a bit more than usual(but manageable) on my pain scale would call some 4 to 5 out of 10, I had been ignoring thera band exercises a bit, after pain I thought I should do it, I did like 10 sets of 1 minute each it reduced the pain/discomfort to 95% almost
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2019, 08:59:30 AM »

Day 27: Dr. Sharma visited to see nerve/muscle pull as per him it's not bad, bcoz i had pull build up inner side of calf not outer side(where there are nerves), he prescribed Pregaba M 75 twice a day and Neurobios forte(vitamin b12) twice a day.

Day 30: It been a month today from day of surgery, i lengthened 2.1cm as of today (without considering gap in surgery), feels like some milestone another 35 to 40 days i be off with frames
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2019, 10:53:31 AM »

Day 37: By end of today I lengthened 2.8cm(without considering surgery gap), no ballerina so far, but my right leg ankle was paining from past, I started to observe it was curving to right(outward)(observed around day 28), it use to pain pretty much most of the time if i pull it with thera band i get relief for sometime

My PT got this belt fixed to my sandals(right from the start) so to avoid ballerina, but I noticed the belt slides back and forth allowing right leg to curve, I kept two safety pins each side, so not to make it slide, for starting 4 to 5 days with pins it use to pain because am forcing my foot to stay in position, this faded off now my foot is starting to straighten out, thought of using night splint as prevention to avoid ballerina, but it might not be good option to fit with frames on, what did you guys do for ballerina and to avoid ballerina, please let me know it could be of help for me and for others
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2019, 05:50:51 PM »

Day 40: Lengthened 3.1cm so far, started standing from yesterday, was for sure bit painful, felt clicks(I guess from pins) as I lower my weight down to touch ankles to ground, and feels clicks as I take my weight off the ground, as I take weight off I feel some intense pain on right leg for like some 5 to 10 seconds and it goes away, I marked the pain region in picture, as per PT its because nail is still not screwed in bottom and its free to move and might be putting pressure on bone, started feeling this pain like from 10 days i feel it when I do thera band pull exercises apart from this I don't feel any pains but discomfort of having some metal cages on both legs.

Pain region
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2019, 06:49:54 AM »

Day 42: I did xray in the afternoon by when I lengthened 3.25cm as per me by turning(which be 3.3 by end of day) but xray showed some complete off figures may be its due to inaccuracy of software, will go to next xray in first week of december lets see, hope to have these frames off before 10th of december

Day 44: From past 3 or 4 days right leg feels bit heavy with pain i guess its after 3cm, trying to do leg lift exercises and pull with thera band hope it goes down, from yesterday(day 43) reduced the lengthening to 0.75 per day
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2019, 10:10:27 AM »

Congratulations nomad 13
Your X-ray looks good. Focus on your diet and nutrition for good callus.
.75 is good idea after 3 cm for your muscles and callus.


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2019, 01:11:54 PM »

Congratulations nomad 13
Your X-ray looks good. Focus on your diet and nutrition for good callus.
.75 is good idea after 3 cm for your muscles and callus.

Thanks Adios, how are you doing and how is your recovery
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2019, 11:36:54 PM »

Day 48: Doesn't have much of pain except of some time as it pops up sleeping, is still hard in nights I have to lay around for an hour or two before I fall asleep, no ballerina as of now, my ankles completely touch the ground without effort as I stand.
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma


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Re: External tibia (LON) with Dr. Pradip Sharma in Gurgaon(Delhi NCR)
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2019, 11:46:53 AM »

posting this comment on behalf of Dr. Sharma and Dr. Harry, they are reviewing the price from January, it will $16,000
LON tibias(Oct 2019) in consolidation phase 160cm --> 165cm by Dr. Pradip Sharma
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