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Author Topic: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left  (Read 97980 times)

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Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:42:51 PM »

This thread is a merge of two topic (What's Wrong With old forumand Why I Left) and (State of old forum- Why We Have Lost Trust).

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The following is a conversation between me and another old forummember. 

Here is my initial message expressing my thoughts about the state of old forumas it's currently being run.

"All the stuff with Dr Sarin and Dr Sringari made me realize that old forumno longer provide accurate and honest information about LL for future patients.   How many patients have suffered in India due to being mislead by old forumwebsite that they were in the hands of a good doctor?   And now the trend is likely to continues with the new doctor.

Regardless of what happens from here, I will not be participating in old forumanymore, due to loss of confidence in the site.   The mistakes from trusting Dr Sarin were repeated right away with Dr Sringari, raising serious doubts about the ability and intentions of Sysop. 

I completely disagree with Sysop vision that old forumis "to promote LL" and "to push LL forward".  I want truthful and accurate information about LL as the main focus, not trying to get involve in the commercial side of things at the expense of patient's well being..  "


And here's the response from the other old forummember, which is exactly spot on.

" I thought from the beginning that it was stupid to put Dr. Sarin on the recommended doctors list simply due to word of mouth from patients undergoing the procedure. Dr. Sarin was said by Crazy+6 to be a "perfect 10/10" and everyone talked about how great he was. Then, without waiting for patients to get their frames removed and report full recovery, Sysop goes ahead and adds Sarin to the list.

This in turn dupes people into thinking Dr. Sarin is some amazing doc and then they go there and have their lives wrecked. I've been communicating with a patient there who tells me that Dr. Sarin has been threatening patients to keep silent about conditions there and hint that he might retaliate on the operating table.

He's accepted a patient with a blood diseases and kept his condition secret while putting him in a room with others unaware of it - a patient found out his condition somehow and called Sarin out on it, which made him flip out. None of the patients there can walk properly.

Crazy+6 supposedly has problems so bad that he may never walk again, Dryani still uses a cane, even Captain America who is Sarin's biggest advocate wants to go to an orthopedic doctor when he returns to the states. Someone had to have an entire knee replacement, Sarin shrugs off everything, etc etc.

Basically, not a single patient comes back thinking they're okay and having 100% ease of mind. Meanwhile Dr. Sarin has been buying himself a new luxury car regularly due to his new wealth for being advertised on old forum .  Looks like that's stopped but now watch the Sringari bandwagon start.

old forumwas better years ago. old forumAdmin was very headstrong and would ban people at the drop of a hat, but at least he kept things reasonable. old forumAdmin used to require a few patients to report a full recovery before being put on the recommended doctors list, but Sysop responded to that with something along the lines of "I don't think I should have to wait 2 years when the doctor has completed all the requirements. old forumhad his rules I have mine."

Now, I'm not sure that Sysop has any malicious intent, but he probably does get money from promoting docs, and like you I think that old forumshouldn't be about "pushing LL forward". After all, if LL were to become widespread (which it won't) that would just put the short guys getting it back at square one once the average guys get it to become tall. Just a hypothetical.  I think cosmetic LL should remain as a service limited to people who go out and actively search for it and are able to find ways to get the money to do what they need to do.

Anyway, when it comes down to it, Sysop is not doing an adequate job.

All this promotion is doing is killing the site. You get a bunch of dopes that come in and don't research anything and say they're going to lengthen 12 centimeters in one go or what not and rather than that being discouraged, you now have people writing diaries that basically tell others to disregard the 5cm rule for their tibia and lengthen as much as possible because it's been done before. Yea well, Crazy+6 went from 5'4 to 5'11 and I'm told he's going to have lifelong problems.

old forumhas become a site where accurate information and advocacy of a cautious approach has turned into finding the cheapest surgeon available and crossing your fingers. I don't really care if a patient decides to go out and reveal that he has done leg lengthening, like Apotheosis did, but the site itself should be run as objectively as possible, not the way it has been running since the whole Sarin craze started. "
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 01:05:16 PM by Admin »


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 09:18:15 PM »

Note: This was originally posted on old forum , only to be deleted right away with my account being banned.  Seems like Sysop/Apothesis is too afraid to discuss all of this openly, validating that he has too many things to hide from everyone.


Hello everyone

This is my final post here on old forum , it's has definitely been an interesting 6 months since I joined, I have made over 50 posts and received a credibility rating of 28.  I've mentioned this not to brag, only to hopefully show that I have made posts that people have find worthy and useful to others.  I hope this post will be the same, keeping it real.   

For anyone interested to find out more about the uncensored thoughts from a patient who did surgery in India, check out this post here

Please spread the word out about this new forum, the new forum has been created for a purpose.  The word going around recently is some members are afraid to leave old forum  or get banned here because they depend entirely on the old forum.

However once you read the post below, you'll realize that everything on there can be taken with a pinch of salt.  My post is going to upset a few people because it's not what they want to hear, because they are desperate to get taller. However this is reality check and facts that are worth considering. 
Ultimately this is the internet and you have to make the decision for yourself as a independent adult.

For this post, I will include certain quotes from others members, so I certainly do not take credit for everything written, but I will fully endorse them.  This includes ex patients and people who were simply questioning the credibility of the old forum recently. 

If you don't see any replies to PM or replies anymore, then you know that a person likely been silently banned from the old forum even if there are no such wording in their profile.

We are all adults here, so let's discuss all the recent things that have happened on this forum recently openly and logically, hopefully without censorship.

First off, I believe the purpose and priority of the old forum is no longer for the patient's well being.  It's no longer able to provide accurate information for people considering Limb Lengthening.   Here are the reasons why.

1) Censorship

The old forum is no longer a open 'community' for discussion. We have Apotheosis aka Sysop the forum admin who decide to delete posts and ban members as he likes.  I use the word 'community' loosely because it's not really one when one person dictate what you can read and cannot read, what you can discuss and cannot discuss. 

Example:  Patients from Sarin guesthouse have been banned and have their posts removed, that's why they are no longer active here. From Captain America, Zero, Dem, 7cmwithSarin, Calic.  That's alot of patients that has been banned suddenly without any explanations.   

Posts by other members questioning  Sysop/Apotheosis impartiality and Dr Sringari legitimacy have also lead to ban and deletion of posts.   So we have one person here running over anything he doesn't want to be read and decide who is saying the right things.   How is this a "community" in anyway shape or form?

So if you want to keep using this site, you best not say anything that will cause him not to make money. It is not safe to talk against SysOp/Apotheosis or Dr. Sringari on old forum  site.

Btw, be careful with the PM on old forum  as they are not private. SysOp/Apotheosis has been known to read people's private messages.

2)  Sysop/Apotheosis and his Buddies Financial Interest

The old forum is simply an advertising board for Apotheosis/Sysop and his 'buddies' to gain financial returns by promoting limb lengthening with doctors they are working with.  It's a shame that a site that was suppose to provide honest information has turn into a place for shady marketing by a small group of people.

Alot of people are disgusted at the level of shady dealings and basically using people around the world as pawns so they can make a quick buck.  This is why leaving old forum  is the right direction to go, so they can no longer carry on this unethical business.

Beforehand, SysOp/Apotheosis mentioned that he was planning to bring Dr. Betz's Rods to India to give to Dr. Sarin. You see, SysOp/Apotheosis invested in the rod and makes money from its sale. The more doctors that use the Betz Nail, the more money he can make. 

See the conflict of interest here?

This maybe a bitter pill for many people here to swallow, but when Apotheosis/SySop took over old forum  website in 2011, he first think about his business and how he could gain money instead of worrying about the medical aspects and the safety of potential patients.

2.1 - The Phantom

SysOp is advocating unethical use of the old forum  to meet his, and his business partner's needs. Right now, he is actively promoting a fake patient and the machinations going with Dr. Sringari's practice.  Dr. Sringari is a nice doctor, but he is NOT experienced in complex Cosmetic LL and has no professional training that proper LL doctors do.

SysOp is in on this deal too, he is financing and investing and promoting Dr. Sringari because he owns a certain percentage of the Betzbone Nail. EVERYTIME someone uses it, he gets money from patent royalty and investment gains.

The Phantom is NOT a real LL patient. He is Crazy+6.  SysOp/Apotheosis Knows this full well, but he is allowing this to happen because SysOp, Sunny, Harry, Crazy+6 (and possibly some former patients who have a vendetta against Dr. Sarin) want to make money.

The Phantom diary and character is simply a figment of the imagination. This is very disturbing how SysOp allows this to go on without concern for potential patient's safety who blindly goes to this new doctor because of a false diary.

Notice even how the photos of ThePhantom's frames which he posted are completely different from the frames of the other Dr. Sringari patients (the real patients).

The Phantom main purpose was to introduce the old forum  community to Dr. Sringari until a real patient showed up and wrote a real diary. After The Phantom's purpose was achieve, he would disappear into the shadows and "go home."  The Phantom is really Crazy+6's fake persona used to market Dr. Sringari to the world.    How can a person do surgery in July and leave in September because his visa 'expired' ?   

2.2 - Sysop Visit To India

On topic, "SysOp visiting India" is where SysOp/Apotheosis slips and writes that his motivation for going to India was not to see/help the patients at Dr. Sarin guesthouse make positive improvements, it was to "promote LL and invest in as many Doctors in as many operating theaters as possibly in India."

As you can see, impartiality, integrity and transparency is not something we have with Apotheosis/Sysop.  As the moderator of this forum, he should be impartial and neutral, so he has failed completely and cannot be trusted anymore. 

Did anyone notice that right after Sarin was delisted from the recommended list,  six new diaries for Sringari and Donghonn got started right away? 

No surprise because Apotheosis is financially invested,  thus he state that the purpose of old forum  is to "pushing LL forward" and "promote LL"
That is precisely the reason why other people with shady intentions are running havoc on this forum, because the rot starts at the top with a crook running the place who is actively encouraging it.

What all this promotion is doing is killing the site, leading to members leaving.  This has become a site where accurate information and advocacy of a cautious approach has turned into finding the cheapest surgeon available and crossing your fingers hoping for luck. 

A forum should be run as objectively as possible, not the way it has been running since the whole Sarin craze started shortly after Apotheosis took over and commercialize the website into an advertising portal.

2.3 Dr Sarin and His Staff

Meanwhile Dr. Sarin has been buying himself a new luxury car regularly due to his new wealth for being advertised on old forum .

Now originally Crazy6 had approached Dr. Sarin in 2011 about partnering up and marketing Dr. Sarin to make him famous on old forum . Things did not go the way Crazy+6 intended, he ended up with really serious lifelong complications and may never walk normally again. Also he was not doing his job properly, so he was let go earlier in 2013 from their 'partnership'.  By the end of the relationship, even Crazy6 had grew fearful of the doctor's unprofessional treatment but was too scared to speak openly.

Dr. Sarin was said by Crazy+6 to be a "perfect 10/10" and talked about how great he was. Then, without waiting for patients to get their frames removed and report full recovery, Sysop goes ahead and adds Sarin to the recommended list. This in turn dupes people into thinking Dr. Sarin is some amazing doc and then they go there and have their lives wrecked.

A lot of the patients were very surprised at the large disparity that they see / experience here in reality, and what they THOUGHT it would have been like from reading some of the older diaries from last year.

Dr. Sarin has been threatening patients to keep silent about conditions there and hint that he might retaliate on the operating table. There are numerous cases where the doctor's unprofessional attitude and negligence created unnecessary complications for his patients.  The doctor should have been listed on the not recommended list, but Sysop was probably too embarrassed at his decision to endorse the doctor in the first place.

Sunny was Dr Sarin's assistant, he was fired for embezzling (stealing) money from Dr. Sarin and his patients. He was also planning to backstab and move on to promote other doctors and was actively seeking Doctor's for a variety of procedures, and asking current patients to help too. 

There is also a possibility that Sysop/Apotheosis had a falling out with Dr Sarin because the doctor did not want to use the IM nail he had invested in.  Remember how Sarin wanted to manufactured his own internal nails?  Turn out that was a complete disaster and the results of his first internal patients has been filled with complications.   Dr. Sarin was going to use his own Hydraulic Nail so SysOp was cut out of the deal with Dr. Sarin.  Go figure.

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Conclusion:  I wish everyone all the best in making a proper decision.  Staying at old forum  would means supporting a small group of crooks who are interested in making money first over your well being. 

Please feel free to join us at  and register an account to join in a real community where members genuinely look to share honest and accurate information, with no censorship and shady intentions behind it. 

P.S  If Sysop/Apotheosis has the interests of the general community at heart, then he should allow this thread to stay open and allow uncensored discussions if he has done nothing wrong.

Goodbye old forum .   
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 01:41:41 AM by Admin »


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2013, 09:51:08 PM »

Your post was very quickly removed from old forum . Sad. I think honesty would be better off in the long run.
Greed is a filthy thing   :(

Lets see how long it takes before I get banned from old forum .
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 09:52:43 PM »

Picture doesn't work.


173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 10:04:00 PM »

Your post was very quickly removed from old forum . Sad. I think honesty would be better off in the long run.
Greed is a filthy thing   :(

Lets see how long it takes before I get banned from old forum .

Get banned from old forum ?   Wait, that seem to be a question alot of people will want to answer.  ;)

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 10:27:13 PM by Admin »


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2013, 10:04:12 PM »

I was surprised at how fast it got taken down. It's pretty sad what Sysop/Apotheosis has been doing. There are many who advertise products for others and make a profit from it when they refer someone. It's affiliate marketing. But I'm completely against it when it comes to promoting a surgery with very high risks, in addition to being completely deceptive about it. With affiliates you know they're getting paid for advertising certain people. Sysop flat out lied and kept things hidden. Doctors should be recommended purely on qualifications, quality of patient care, and a good track record. Sysop recommended doctors he got a profit from.

Regarding Crazy+6, it's a shame to learn that he's really ThePhantom. Some from Sarin's guesthouse speculated that it was really Harry the physio. I understand that Crazy became fearful of Dr. Sarin and perhaps had reasons for trying to sway people to going to somewhere else, but I didn't think he'd be the type to make a fake identity. It's dangerous, especially since Dr. Sringari, while having good bedside manner, isn't qualified in this type of surgery. I was told that he was once performing a Total Knee Replacement for a woman and accidentally cut her Peroneal Nerve which caused paralysis to her lower leg, then was at a loss as to what to do.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 10:22:43 PM »

I was surprised at how fast it got taken down. It's pretty sad what Sysop/Apotheosis has been doing. There are many who advertise products for others and make a profit from it when they refer someone. It's affiliate marketing. But I'm completely against it when it comes to promoting a surgery with very high risks, in addition to being completely deceptive about it. With affiliates you know they're getting paid for advertising certain people. Sysop flat out lied and kept things hidden. Doctors should be recommended purely on qualifications, quality of patient care, and a good track record. Sysop recommended doctors he got a profit from.

Regarding Crazy+6, it's a shame to learn that he's really ThePhantom. Some from Sarin's guesthouse speculated that it was really Harry the physio. I understand that Crazy became fearful of Dr. Sarin and perhaps had reasons for trying to sway people to going to somewhere else, but I didn't think he'd be the type to make a fake identity. It's dangerous, especially since Dr. Sringari, while having good bedside manner, isn't qualified in this type of surgery. I was told that he was once performing a Total Knee Replacement for a woman and accidentally cut her Peroneal Nerve which caused paralysis to her lower leg, then was at a loss as to what to do.

Sysop/Apotheosis has completely no business or qualifications to recommend a list of doctor for such a high risk surgery.  That's why I am against the concept of recommended/not recommended list, it's an easy tool for abuse and that's what it has became under Sysop/Apotheosis.  It also encourage people to be lazy and not do proper research for the process.

Everyone is unique in what they require from LL process, and how do you accurately evaluate dozen of doctors around the world? 

Answer: You can't. 

Thats why the idea that Apothesis/Sysop can recommend a list of doctors for Everyone by his own set of unknown criteria is absurd. It's very likely the list of doctors is used to leverage with doctors for financial reasons. 

I am sure Dr Sringari is well aware of everything going on with Phantom and that has already discredited the doctor for me.  More about this doctor in coming days.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 10:26:22 PM by Admin »


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2013, 10:33:16 PM »

Your post was very quickly removed from old forum . Sad. I think honesty would be better off in the long run.
Greed is a filthy thing   :(

Lets see how long it takes before I get banned from old forum .

Why were you banned from old forum ?   Wait, that seem to be a question alot of people will want to answer.  ;)

I am not banned from old forum .

I don't take sides on this but I always try to promote the truth.

I don't see anything wrong with investing in the Betznail if anyone wants to do just that but it is wrong to not taking the discussion when one needs to and just ban people who doesn't agree with one.
That's where it get wrong.

Dr Sarin messed up some patients legs, no question about it. There is a lot of responsibility on the patient too and some patient didn't get that.

Everyone knows I have very bad ballerina - even though Harry told me I didn't - and many wants to blame Dr Sarin but he can't see the patients every day as the physio guys can. A patient who doesn't know about ballerina is doomed at Dr Sarins place since the physios doesn't explain about it and see to it that it doesn't get that extreme.

I know how to work it now but I really had to pay the price!

/Sweden - not banned yet.
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2013, 10:40:43 PM »

I hope I will not get BANNED for writing in this forum ???


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2013, 10:43:00 PM »


I appreciate you opening a  new forum and trying to give truth to people. Glad to know.

Should I disclose my original username if I get guarantee that I will not get banned. Hopefully not because forum has been created for the same purpose.



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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2013, 11:03:56 PM »


I appreciate you opening a  new forum and trying to give truth to people. Glad to know.

Should I disclose my original username if I get guarantee that I will not get banned. Hopefully not because forum has been created for the same purpose.

This forum is meant to be an honest, open alternative to old forum  that encourages discussion and the medical aspects of LL, completely ignoring the commercial aspect and trying to promote it. I don't think Dameon will care, and I certainly don't if you reveal your old forum  username. The only thing you'd have to worry about is Sysop seeing it on this forum and banning your account on old forum  in response, that is if you care about keeping your old forum  account.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 11:09:05 PM »

So, Its not only Dameon who is running forum. You are also in it ?


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 11:13:26 PM »

So, Its not only Dameon who is running forum. You are also in it ?

No I'm not running the forum, sorry it came out that way. Dameon did message me before the forum was started though and told me of his intentions to create it and we've been communicating since this, a lot about the way Sysop has been running the website. What I said in the last post is basically what Dameon said he intended this site to be.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 11:19:21 PM »

Crazy+6 just posted on Sweden's dairy. I wonder if witnessed that farewell message on the old forum.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2013, 11:24:48 PM »

I think it got deleted before he had a chance to see it.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2013, 11:41:22 PM »

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2013, 12:01:19 AM »

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?

I can't really see who it might be either. There were several who tried to "make a deal" with the Dr. I never got what ever that could mean. (Free nail removal?)

I know STsacrifice4LTgain wanted to do his femurs too and got back to Dr Sarin this summer. He wrote about getting there to do a check up but come on - who travels to India for a "check up"?
So he could be doing his femurs right now, I don't know.

173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2013, 12:05:03 AM »

Sysop has created a topic that is clearly addressing Dameon's post.

Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2013, 12:15:22 AM »

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?

He should be named.

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?

I can't really see who it might be either. There were several who tried to "make a deal" with the Dr. I never got what ever that could mean. (Free nail removal?)

I know STsacrifice4LTgain wanted to do his femurs too and got back to Dr Sarin this summer. He wrote about getting there to do a check up but come on - who travels to India for a "check up"?
So he could be doing his femurs right now, I don't know.

Open & honest forum should be really open Sweden. I know that you were also part of deal.

There was a post long back in old forum  by Colin that you offered to write very good diary if you get "Femur deal". I was actually in PM with Colin after that post and he said that it is true. I have copy of that PM

Would you like to clarify ?

STsacrifice is also in my PM and I have copy of message from him also. He was suffering from "Hernia" and walking unaided now. He never did femur.

Captain America could be that patient with special deal.

Deamon, Please disclose.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2013, 12:17:01 AM »

Special mention also must be given to a certain patient who has now left the guesthouse,  I won't disclose his identity here, but I'll write more about him at the new forum.  This patient had a special deal with the doctor and was basically screwing over everyone here with all the bs in his diary.

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?

I can't really see who it might be either. There were several who tried to "make a deal" with the Dr. I never got what ever that could mean. (Free nail removal?)

I know STsacrifice4LTgain wanted to do his femurs too and got back to Dr Sarin this summer. He wrote about getting there to do a check up but come on - who travels to India for a "check up"?
So he could be doing his femurs right now, I don't know.

Will you be doing your femurs with Dr. Sarin now after all this? Also, do you suspect Sunny and Harry tried to embezzle at any point during your stay in India?

I was talking to STsacrifice4LTgain back in June and he mentioned he was having a "check-up" with Dr. Sarin. Didn't hear from him since, though.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2013, 12:30:21 AM »

There were never any deal.
I only offered myself to be his first femur patient. It could be beneficial for him since my diary attracted patients. By that I never meant to be a sellout but hopefully getting the surgery with a discount.
I wished for $20.000, the price of the nails, but I never got it. That's why I'm saving right now to do it next year.
So I wasn't part of any deal so it's nothing you know just bc someone at the guesthouse got that impression.

I will still be doing my femurs with Dr Sarin. He treated me good and I enjoyed my stay in India. He is not a bad doctor in my opinion.
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2013, 12:35:37 AM »

Truthndare: I don't think there was any bull  in Captain Americas diary that screwed anyone over.
Since his father came to India and met Dr Sarin maybe they tried to make some kind of deal, I don't know.
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2013, 04:47:22 AM »

Hi guys Need2BTaller from old forum .  I guess it shouldn't matter if I use the same user name since I've been banned.  Hope this new forum grow in the near future.  Cheers guys.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2013, 11:44:44 AM »

Who is this certain patient you're referring to here?

I will do a proper post on this next week, with full details. 

Our forum is about open discussions, the person is still welcome to stay here and give his side of the story.   I will let members make up their own mind about which version is closer to the truth. 

Sysop has created a topic that is clearly addressing Dameon's post.

Apotheosis is just pissing away the groundwork that was actually done in the previous years by the original admin old forum A.   

Conveniently he refuse to discuss the part where he is financially gaining from partnerships with doctors and manufacturers, that's his real intention for all his time and money.   

We all have a general knowledge of what are the good and bad doctors already.  It's very straightforward nowadays to choose a doctor as long as you have the money and time. 

Ironically the uncertain doctors are those recently recommended by Crazy6 and Apotheosis as they turn out to be sloppy or unqualified.

I can also confirm that Apotheosis is now logging into member accounts, and even replying to their PM inbox if he choose to.

Folks, be careful of what you write in PM  as Apotheosis may even reply on your behalf and then delete the message so you never knew it was there.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 12:09:52 PM by Admin »


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2013, 12:43:49 PM »

I can also confirm that Apotheosis is now logging into member accounts, and even replying to their PM inbox if he choose to.

Folks, be careful of what you write in PM  as Apotheosis may even reply on your behalf and then delete the message so you never knew it was there.

We should check our emails because it will show us our original PM in case he does edit or delete them.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2013, 04:16:34 PM »

I believe the exposure/interview of Cosmetic Limb Lengthening on 20/20 given by Apotheosis/SysOp and his purchase of old forum  was a ploy to reel in future patients.  He utilizes his "Admin" powers to recommend certain doctors that he knows he will make a profit from.  In normal cases, that would be fine and not be a big deal.  But the fact that he "recommends" these doctors who hasn't even proven their worthiness of full appraisal is down right scary and ultimately it will affect us future LL'ers and not SysOp.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2013, 05:29:26 PM »

I wonder if Dr. Sringari will be put on the Recommend List, or is it a matter of when will he be put on it. As long as they're using the Betz bone, I doubt Apotheosis would care who the doctor is.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2013, 06:13:08 PM »


I am using my same username as on old forum  "krin0610" and was banned just because I was curious to know why some posts were amended/re-edited and why Sysop was deleting some comments ... I also questioned Dr Sringari's legitimacy ... etc.

All my posts (e.g. attached) were ultimately removed and I was silently banned.



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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2013, 08:00:06 PM »


I am using my same username as on old forum  "krin0610" and was banned just because I was curious to know why some posts were amended/re-edited and why Sysop was deleting some comments ... I also questioned Dr Sringari's legitimacy ... etc.

All my posts (e.g. attached) were ultimately removed and I was silently banned.


Not surprising after learning about Sysop/Apotheosis's unethical practices.  I hope karma bites him in the ass and he loses all his money on his "investments".
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2013, 11:09:04 PM »


I am using my same username as on old forum  "krin0610" and was banned just because I was curious to know why some posts were amended/re-edited and why Sysop was deleting some comments ... I also questioned Dr Sringari's legitimacy ... etc.

All my posts (e.g. attached) were ultimately removed and I was silently banned.


Not surprising after learning about Sysop/Apotheosis's unethical practices.  I hope karma bites him in the ass and he loses all his money on his "investments".

I'd like to see him do prison-time for using people's legs as guinea-pigs, along with crazy+6. Oh and any money they made would be used to compensate their victims.


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Re: Make Me Taller - Why We Lost Trust and Left
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2013, 10:24:01 AM »


I am using my same username as on old forum  "krin0610" and was banned just because I was curious to know why some posts were amended/re-edited and why Sysop was deleting some comments ... I also questioned Dr Sringari's legitimacy ... etc.

All my posts (e.g. attached) were ultimately removed and I was silently banned.


Not surprising after learning about Sysop/Apotheosis's unethical practices.  I hope karma bites him in the ass and he loses all his money on his "investments".

I'd like to see him do prison-time for using people's legs as guinea-pigs, along with crazy+6. Oh and any money they made would be used to compensate their victims.

Legally speaking (and no pun intended) we don't have a leg to stand on as far as I am aware.  This to me is the biggest risk.  Different country, different rules.  Ultimately we chose to do this to ourselves.  I cannot see any court in a foreign country prosecuting a native surgeon because some guy wanted their legs longer.
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