Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences => Topic started by: dream_catcher on June 16, 2016, 09:31:38 PM

Title: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 16, 2016, 09:31:38 PM
Hi all, I am an Asian Canadian. My height started to bother me since my later twenties. And a few years ago, I thought that I've managed to get over with this problem mentally. But I was wrong... unfortunately I read a news about a success story of leg lengthening.  And that is the begining of my story.

The first time I visited this forum was last September and since then I've become obessed with leg lengthening. I spent hours and hours reading other patients' experience and checking different doctors' information on this forum and other websites. As you know, I read news about people really got handicapped after leg lengthening and I was scared and hesitated. But then I read the experience of shyshy and yellowspike, who had their surgery operated by Dr. Guichet and I finally decided to at least pay a visit to Dr. Guichet.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 16, 2016, 09:57:28 PM
Unfortunately I was quite busy with my work for the fall of 2015 and I could only arrange to see Dr.Guichet in February 2016. That was indeed a long wait for me. How I wished that I could get all this leg lengthening process done as soon as possible!

So at last I had my first consultation with Dr. Guichet at Milan. He was nice and knowledgeable, just like his other patients said. He answered all my questions and cleared my doubts. However, he asked one requirement from me, increasing my leg strength by 30%. Luckily he agreed to let me do the training at my home, but must with a qualified personal trainer.

After more than three months of hard working with a good personal trainer, I arranged my second visit with Dr. Guichet and prebooked my surgery in June. While I was at home, I contacted Dr. Guichet several times via email and he always responded by himself. Most times he responded my email within 3 days, unless he was busy doing surgeries.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Peaceout on June 17, 2016, 04:50:04 PM
good luck what is your starting height and goal?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 18, 2016, 07:18:10 PM
I'm 165cm tall and hope to gain 7cm in a bit over two months. As my age is towards the high end of the patients that Dr. Guichet had, I guess he is a bit conservative on how much I can gain. He said he will see how my body reacts during the lengthening process, which will start on June 20. Yes, next Monday!

Last week I met the group of Dr. Guichet 's patients and I had the chance to talk a bit with Mr.D, who is also from Canada, and Mr.T, who is from Australia and had his surgery two months ago. They are all cool guys. Mr. D likeed to making jokes when he and I were talking with Francisca, our personal trainer. He is so relaxed and he is so lucky to have all his family staying here with him. Mr. T was so calm when he was talking about his pain caused by one of his nails touching a nerve. Wow, I can't imagine how hurtful that feels.

As for me, I'm in Milan all by myself because my wife needs to work in Canada. But I used to travel around from time to time by myself, mostly for my work, and I studied a little bit of Italian just before I came to Milan. So hopefully I can manage my life decently after the lengthening starts.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 18, 2016, 07:33:28 PM
I was very busy this past week especially yesterday and today. There were so many shoppings to do. I bought an exercise bike, which Dr. Guichet said is necessary to use each time before clicking. A few other patients who came earlier managed to have the bike delivered by the store. But it takes a week to ship it so I picked it up directly from the store. I also bought a foldable walker and a pair of crutches, which I'll start to use soon ;) Not to mention there is a prescribed list of all kinds of medicine to buy.

Last but not least, I bought a lot of sporting shirts and socks, enough amount for at leadt two weeks without the need for washing, which I'd like to avoid in the toughest beginning of the lengthening. And I'm still working on the list of food that can supply my wellbeing and growth for two weeks and I need to buy all the food tomorrow. What a load of work!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 18, 2016, 07:54:49 PM
Today I took a photo of myself to record my flexibility before the surgery. I think that my flexibility is decent, except my hamstrings still feel tight. I'll concentrate on stretching them in these last two days before my surgery  :P


Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 19, 2016, 09:59:46 PM
One day before my surgery and two days after Mr. D's surgery. His surgery went well and he was so kind to send me his best wishes and some important tips, while he was still at the hospital! Based on his tips, I rushed to buy a few more shorts, t-shirts and socks. And I bought the last batch of food for my first two weeks of lengthening. What else? I also did my last strength training before surgery at the gym. Are all these preparations enough? I hope so, unless some unexpected situation occurs, and I believe that I've done as much as I could :o
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Alu on June 19, 2016, 10:06:43 PM
Thanks for the new dairy. Good luck on your procedure. Wish you the best!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 19, 2016, 10:16:44 PM
Thank you, Alu  ;D
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: TIBIKE200 on June 19, 2016, 10:26:07 PM
good luck and stay safe.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: axelf on June 19, 2016, 10:49:46 PM
how long (seconds/minutes) can you hold that stretch in your picture?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 20, 2016, 11:39:54 AM
Axelf: I never attempted to see how long I can hold that position, but I can hold it easily for at least one minute.

I'm in my hospital room now... before my surgery, which will be the very first surgery in my life. A strong fear filled my body after a nurse injected an injector/extractor into my vein. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I'm a patient who is indeed going to undertake a heavy surgery! Wow, I never had that fear before...but I managed to get rid of the fear after a minute  8) I decided to start all this, so I must commit to finish this.

I came to the hospital at 11am, but Dr. Guichet had another surgery in the morning, so I don't know how long I need to  wait. Anyway I first arranged my stuff like medicines, water bottle, phone, and tablet at my room so that I could easily access them after the surgery. Then to kill the time, I turned on the TV. There are just a few channels, of course all in Italian. But one channel is showing American detective drama series, one after another, which I think was shot in the 80s. Well, I can't understand most of the talk of the characters , as the program is translated into Italian, but that doesn't prevent me to understand the main plot ;)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 20, 2016, 11:45:16 AM
Thank you too, tbike200.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Cheez on June 20, 2016, 12:01:32 PM
Good luck... :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on June 20, 2016, 04:51:37 PM
looking forward to reading your journey
as an asian-canadian myself and being older.
you must have a very understanding wife/family to support you.

out of curiosity, approximately how old are you? mid 30's? early 40's?

best of luck!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 20, 2016, 10:42:22 PM
Thank all you guys for the best wishes  :)

My surgery was finished one and half an hour ago and I just managed to finish my first and only meal for the last 24hours :P I think the surgery lasted around 6 hours because I remembered being taken to the operation room about 4pm. Yeah, I still remember things  8)

The first half an hour right after the doctors woke me up was serously insane. My whole body even my teeth were so so shaky and I had no control over it. The nurse told me that's  because of the pressure (of the instrumented nails?) And I was literally out of mind: weird thoughts were re-occurring in my mind, I don't even know if I'm still me and I felt like a robot who was being programs as my thoughts definitely  weren't coming from my consciousness! I guess that's the after-effect of anethesia   :-*

I felt most pain in my right leg, which I guess was at the exact location where the nail was inserted. I couldn't look at it as it was coverred by a band. And both my legs felt very stuffy...Yes, stuffy with the nails and perhaps also swollen, which I'll left to check tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 20, 2016, 11:02:26 PM
ortholengthing, I'm in my early 40s and I consider myself to be old for this kind surgery, but Dr. Guichet told me he had one patient in early 50s.

Dr. Guichet came by my room an hour or so after the surgery. He got the feet side of the bed elevated so my feet stayed higher than my upper body. But I lost that elevation after I tried to lower the entire bed. So I asked the nurse to help that he didn't know how to do it and I ended  up with two pillows stacked under my feet. Dr. Guichet tried to rotate my right leg and he could easily bend my right knee, but my right leg couldn't rotate inwards as my knee and my thigh muscle was contacting out of my control. I hope the muscle will loosen up tomorrow, otherwise I don't know if I can click.

I'm going to try to get some sleep now, though I don't feel very sleepy after the meal. I guess tomorrow will be a very tough day as the effect of painkillers will be gone...
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 21, 2016, 09:59:25 AM
Very happy that all is ok for you Dream catcher. In 3 weeks it will be my turn...Start to stress already.

Good recovery mate!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YellowSpike on June 21, 2016, 01:34:33 PM
Dream catcher, just wanted to wish you the best of luck. But with Dr. G, you won't need it. You just need to be strong, work hard in PT, and stretch as much as you can. And for the love of God, take as many calcium supplements as you can.

Listen to your body. 7cm is a good goal (you are a similar starting height to mine, I was 166). If your consolidation isn't great, you may need to stop. Just listen to Dr. G - honestly, he's the man. Everything he has told me came/has come true. He really does have your best interests at heart (both in achieving your height dreams as well as not crippling yourself).
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ram2206 on June 21, 2016, 03:21:25 PM
Congrats on completing surgery. Thanks for sharing your live experience.
Keep continuous slow breathing and do Yoga while you have relaxing time and your body will have less pain and cooperate to your thoughts.
Good Luck !
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 21, 2016, 07:24:59 PM
Yellowspike, it's my honour to have you here! Your successful experience played an important role when I made my decision. Yes, I just realized that 7cm is not easy to achieve the first day after my surgery, and I'll have to listen to my body and followc Dr. Guichet's advices.Thank you.

Takanori and ram2206, thank you too and I'll try my best to update my diary everyday.

I had a relatively easy start today, though I didn't really sleep but only rested last night. My pain was moderate and I had a good apitite...I finished all my breakfast :)

Later, while I was still wondering what should I do for today,  Francesca and Mattisa, a physiotherapist works for Dr. Guichet,  came by to start my exercise, which was rather scary than painful for me to do. Mattisa asked me to lift my legs up from my bed, but it took me 5 minutes to lift each of my legs up for just a couple of cms. But both of them were very patient and understanding :D

Then Mattisa and a nurse carefully helped me to stand up with my walker and move to a wheelchair, with which another nurse took me to do ultrasound and x-ray. Somehow I felt dizzy when sitting on the wheelchair. The ultrasound exam was easy as the specialist did it when I was sitting on the wheelchair, but the xray was a different story. The specialist asked me to stand up by myself and move to the exam bed. Both the specialist and nurse were women and weren't strong enough to assist me. So I asked the nurse to fetch my walker and put it in front of my wheelchair, But I still hesitated. With the two ladies staring at me and I staring at the walker for a couple of minutes, eventually I gave up. Better safe than sorry. I didn't want to have this difficult movement as my first independent standup ;p
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 22, 2016, 06:31:58 AM
Yesterday was awful. Pain started to appear everywhere in my body: legs, buttocks, back. My legs were either stiffy or painful. One of the worst things is that I can't pee. Yes, I had to use the painful catheter for three times so far and I tried to drink as little fluid as I could to avoid that. Dr. Guichet told me it's normal to lose that ability to pee for a day or so after spine anethesia, but it's alresdy been two days for me :(

In the afternoon Francesca helped me finish my first sets of clickings, which scared me a bit by the thought on what exactly it does to my leg. I need to not thinking about this or I may not be able to do it.She asked me to do a set of clickings myself last night, but I wasn't able to do it by myself.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: TIBIKE200 on June 22, 2016, 06:43:45 AM
You should get over your fear. If you will not lengthen your leg, it will consolidate...
  You sort of knew what you are getting yourself into. So listen and do what the staff tells you to do
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 22, 2016, 10:35:12 AM
Hi dream catcher,

i think it will be your hardest week, but keep your mind strong. Is it your last day in the hospital? Will you ask for an helper after this?

You've got all my support my friend.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YellowSpike on June 22, 2016, 01:51:15 PM
You're still in very early days my friend. It will get better. At about 2 or so weeks post-op, the pain will go down significantly. Sleep will suck throughout the entire process, but you'll be in less pain.

Then, once you get to about 5cm...that's what the pain comes back. And at 6cm...ugh.

Take it one day at a time. For me, clicking wasn't painful at all. Once I did it a few times, it was a piece of cake. Find the exact positions and motions you need to click, and you will be fine!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 23, 2016, 12:00:57 AM
Today I made significant improvements.First, I managed to walk to the gym in the hospital with Mattisa's help! It took me at least 15 minutes to walk the 15m distance, but that's a milestone for me: it's the first time that I can walk to  a place other than my hospital room ;) Second,  while in the gym, I eventually peed by myself, though it hurted badly maybe as a result of using catheter. I once worried if my nerve that controls peeing was damaged. Third, I rode an exercise bike in the gym for the first time and I pedalled for 15 minutes :D Sitting onto the seat and starting the first cycle of pedaling were difficult, but with the momentum of the first cycle, continuing pedaling was relatively easy.

After biking, Mattisa helped me clicking and a new problem occurred. We easily did the clicking for my left leg for 3 times and we made the first half of the first clicking of my right leg. However, we couldn't make the second half of that clicking. We tried a couple of times without success :p Mattisa cautiously suggested that we stop the clicking for my right leg. My mind was hanging in the air. Could the nail have a problem and need to be replaced? Another surgery to replace a nail...that's the last thing in the world I want :O

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 23, 2016, 12:31:25 AM
I anxiously contactef Dr. Guichet and Francisca for their help.Dr. Guichet told me that both Francisca and him would come by in the afternoon. Francesca came by first and she asked me several times whether I heard any clicking sound after we stopped clicking in the morning. I told her that I didn't. So she started to position my right leg for clicking and suddenly we heard a click...the missed second half of the clicking! And this time we had no problem finishing all the  clickings for my right leg.

Dr. Guichet came by in the evening and his first question to me was "How many inflex exercises did I do today?" I told him that Matissa helped me do about 10 times for each leg. Obviously he wasn't satisfied with my answer and he questionsed me "Do you hve two months or one year for the procedure?" The he started rightaway to DO the exercise for me. Unlike Mattissa's letting-me-decide-when-to-stop or Francesca's lettng-me-do-it methods, Dr. Guichet asked me no to resist and pushed my legs directly to my maximum limits! Ouch, it was rather painful. However, his method made it very easy to click. He clicked 3 times nd asked me to click 3 times by myself on each leg. So we made up my missed clickings yesterday.

Before he left, he gave me a daunting task: do the inflex exercises the way he did it for 100 times for each leg tonight :O
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: goldenegg on June 23, 2016, 03:33:07 AM
reading your diary brought back some awful memories right after my surgery.  stay strong!  like yellowspike said I promise life will get a lot better after the first 2 weeks.     

I know dr. G is asking a lot but try to do as much as possible.  his recommendations are in your best interest and will make your life and recovery better later on
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - June 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 23, 2016, 09:32:25 PM
Tibike200: You are right. I have to do the clicking as scheduled by Dr. myself. And this evening I did all 5+5 clickings myself  ;D

Takanori: I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow. People told me that the first few days after leaving the hospital are the toughest: we no longer use morphine as at the hospital so the level of pain increases sharply and the quality of the caretaking provided by a home helper, except a strong and caring family member, is much worse than that of the hospital nurses.

Yellowspike: I have lowered my expectations of the outcome of the lengthening significantly. Now I just want a reasonable growth like 5cm, free of complexions, tolerable pains, and decent recovery time. Probably I'm not as brave as you, I have realized that I am not an iron man and any of those kinds of unexpected situations might happen during the entire lengthening procedure and results in a failed lengthening.

Goldenegg: Thanks for your encouragement!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 23, 2016, 09:56:28 PM
Last night I did finish the 100 reps of exercises but it took me an entire 3 hours and I only took 1 minute break between each 10 sets! Each rep was so difficult and painful.

I "walked" four times today: two were for exercises and helped by Mattia, two were for bathrooms and helped by nurses.I wanted to avoid going to the bathroom, but I haven't pooed for three days and my apitite decreased significantly today as a result. Every trip to the bathroom was like an intense battle: it was not only painful but exhausting. With a lot of prayings and hard working, I succedded in my last trip, although with unimaginable difficulties.Thank God, what a great relief!

And I finished 200 reps of the exercises today, as requested by Dr. Guichet. He told me that "We can't win the battle after two weeks." The first two weeks are the most critical step in the lengthening procedure, though they are the toughest. I know I might not be able to achieve the requirements of the exercises when I go back home, so I have to do as many as I can when I'm still at the hospital.

I have to say that all people who succeeded in lengthening are very fortunate. There are so many risks of failures, which only those undertakers can really understand. And the choice of an experienced, skiLL Forumul, and caring doctor like Dr. Guichet and his/her team is the cornerstone of the success!

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: LLuser1 on June 23, 2016, 10:13:31 PM
Stay like this dream catcher
You're in good hands and Gnail is probably the best nail in the market
I would advise America. If Europe go to Guichet
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Alu on June 23, 2016, 10:39:06 PM
Don't feel to bad if you're lowering your goal to 5 CM. From your Starting point, that's a great increase, no doubt. Also, 5 CM provides great, and I really mean great, recoveries.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YellowSpike on June 24, 2016, 12:39:36 PM
Hang in there man. Things will get better. See how you're feeling once you're close to your 5cm goal. You may want to do more. I would recommend going for as close to 7cm as possible, given all the money, time and pain you're investing for this. But listen to your body. Safety first.

I sometimes wish I could have done 8cm or more...but then again, given the safety factors, recovery time and proportions...I'm mostly happy with 7cm. But you do what's best for you, and above all, if Dr. G tells you to stop clicking, stop clicking!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 24, 2016, 07:37:51 PM
170 is a world away from 165 man, it's a good gain and a good end height, so don't despair.

Personal question: what was your wife's reaction to LL?

I'm married as well, and I'm pretty sure my wife would freak out, so that's why I ask.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 25, 2016, 02:14:28 AM
LLUser1, Alu, YellowSpike, CCMidwest, thank you all for your kind words. I really need them  :)

CCMidwest: I managed to get her consent, though it took me a load of work ;)

I was discharged from the hospital today. Dr. Guichet visited me and then Francesca and Mattia showed a couple of hospital nurses how I walked and biked, and they agreed to let me go home. Mr.S, a young American who had the surgery two days after me, with the accompanying of both his parents, also walked to the hospital gym to bike. He was doing well.

An Italian friend of mine kindly arranged to have his friend to pick me up from the hospital and drive me home. His friend is an elegant, interesting, beautiful, and considerate lady who not only came up my hospital room to help pack up my stuff and also got a home helper for me. As I once imagined, getting on or off a regular car was tough. When getting on the car, I probably tried too hard and did the actual walking for a couple of steps, though with the support of the walker or the car seat, which I can't remember exactly. This kind of actual walking is forbidden by Dr. Guichet in at least the early phase of lengthening for the risk of damaging nerves. But it was too late for me to realize what I did. I will ask Dr. Guichet if this had caused me issues, but what happened had happened 8I

When we came back to my apartment, the Italian lady suggested me to have the home helper stay for the whole night as this was my first night at home after the surgery. I thought that I just needed the helper at some hours that can be pre-planned, but I still agreed to have him stay at my place for the night as he looked like an honest and responsible guy. This decision turned out to be a very correct one!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: paddy10tellys on June 25, 2016, 10:20:21 AM
dream_catcher hang in there. However, your account is making me uneasy, which might be a good thing.

Re; the question CCMidwest asked about your/his wife's reaction? What was it like persuading her? My wife is incredibly hostile to my plan to undergo CLL. She will not help me in any way, in fact, she is threatening divorce (Married 30yrs! Makes me wonder... what was all that about?)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: TIBIKE200 on June 25, 2016, 10:39:22 AM
It seems like you are not really listening to your doc's raccomendations...
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 25, 2016, 12:14:18 PM
dream_catcher hang in there. However, your account is making me uneasy, which might be a good thing.

Re; the question CCMidwest asked about your/his wife's reaction? What was it like persuading her? My wife is incredibly hostile to my plan to undergo CLL. She will not help me in any way, in fact, she is threatening divorce (Married 30yrs! Makes me wonder... what was all that about?)

Mine threatened me too.

I just said, "luckily for me there are three and a half BILLION other vaginas on the let me know what you decide"

That made her cry and leave the room. I enjoyed the quiet for some time, then she came back, apologized, and said she would support me through LL if that's what I wanted. But I have my doubts.

Dream catcher, apologies for the thread jack. Praying for you man, hang in there. And listen to Guichet!

Edit: paddyton, I'm not recommending you talk to your wife the way I spoke to mine. I'm sort of a d*ck.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 25, 2016, 11:10:59 PM
paddy10tellys: I think that a wife's first natural reaction to her husband doing LL is insecurity: is he getting bored of me (I guess at least from time to time every husband is) and going to pursue some other girls? CCMidwest's answer was indeed a good one because it actually cleared his wife's doubt. If you try to give her other reasons, it's hard for her to believe you and she will be more refusive.

TIBIKE200: It was an incident that kind of out of control at the time, but you're right: I should strictly keep the foribbden things in my mind.

Thanks for your guys' caring. I don't really feel any unusual pain or further loss of motion functionality, and the clickings seem to contiually work properly. So I guess I'm fine.

Last night I was still fighting with my indigestion system, which caused me super uneasiness, pain, and most importantly the gradual losing of my apitite. If I can't indiigest the food well, how can my body grow? With this worry, I was inpatientent and in total spent three hours in the bathroom in two trips, each of which caused me more frustration, exhausting, and more pain. The LL procedure is indeed a comprehensive test of your body. Any weakest link will definitely results in issues. It was probably only the feeling of security that there was someone who could help me at any time in my apartment allowed me to have a bit of sleep.

Today with lots of prayings and generous intake of honey, the issue with my indigestion system was gone for the moment. I made two tries to ride my exercise bike at home.In the first try my legs were too stiff to bend and move onto the pedals though my helper pulled me onto the seat sideways. Thus I did a bit inflex exercises to warm up my legs before the second try and managed to ride 36 minutes in a row. However, the outside of my hips and the top of my thighs hurt a lot after biking.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 25, 2016, 11:18:05 PM
Seems like the pain is a little bit more bearable right?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: TIBIKE200 on June 25, 2016, 11:19:17 PM
are you in Milan? Maybe I could come see you in a weekend if you dont mind as I live a 1 hour train from there
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 26, 2016, 12:36:49 AM
paddy10tellys: I think that a wife's first natural reaction to her husband doing LL is insecurity: is he getting bored of me (I guess at least from time to time every husband is) and going to pursue some other girls? CCMidwest's answer was indeed a good one because it actually cleared his wife's doubt. If you try to give her other reasons, it's hard for her to believe you and she will be more refusive.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Today with lots of prayings and generous intake of honey, the issue with my indigestion system was gone for the moment.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: paddy10tellys on June 26, 2016, 08:52:32 AM
dream_catcher, CCMidWest, thx for two good answers. My wife is a Queenbee. It's usually her-way-or-the-highway. Highway, most probable at this time. We will see. Anyway, no more thread-hijacking from me. Chin-up, head-high dream_catcher.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 26, 2016, 10:29:54 AM
Seems like the pain is a little bit more bearable right?
Not really. I think this is probably not a linear process. This morning my left knee started to hurt sharply and I couldn't move it, which didn't happen before.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 26, 2016, 10:50:06 AM
I see. How can you describe your first week after operation? More difficult that your imagined or you was prepare to that?

How was your first day at your appartment? your helper stay for the night?

If i am right, you will start to train at the Iso center anf gym in couple days.

ps: Thanks for posting your daily journey, it helps me to prepare my D-Day in couple weeks and gives me courage.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 26, 2016, 12:24:13 PM
are you in Milan? Maybe I could come see you in a weekend if you dont mind as I live a 1 hour train from there
  Yes, I'm in Milan. You're welcome to visit me. Maybe after next weekend when hopefully I'm in a bit more sane state ;)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 04:51:03 AM
Thanks for your detailed explanation, CCMidwest. As you said, I think the combination of reduced bloodflow to indegistion system, using painkillers, intaking a large amount of calcium pills and much more than regular daily food causes me constipation. By having honey in milk as breakfast, I haven't had it for two days  8)  And I agree that probiotic products are the best choices for me now.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: goodlucktomylegs on June 27, 2016, 09:15:38 AM
hey dream catcher i sent you an in box.please reply
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 10:03:14 AM
I see. How can you describe your first week after operation? More difficult that your imagined or you was prepare to that?

How was your first day at your appartment? your helper stay for the night?

If i am right, you will start to train at the Iso center anf gym in couple days.

ps: Thanks for posting your daily journey, it helps me to prepare my D-Day in couple weeks and gives me courage.

The first week after surgery is way beyond my imagination and preparation. To be honest, I am considered to be quite tolerant to pains by a lot people since I was a child. But the first week is like hell not only because of the pain as the direct result of the surgery and the pain caused by the required intense exercises and daily activities, but also the serous issues with my indigestion system as a by-product of the surgery, medcines, and food. I don't know how anyone can really prepare for this better.

For days after you come back home from the surgery, my advice is to get a good home helper for 24 hours for at least the first two to three days. I was very lucky to find a nice, experienced, and responsible home helper almost at the last moment before I left the hospital. He stayed two nights at my home. Trust me. You will need it. Losing the mobility gives very very serious issues for merely the minimum basic daily life, not to mention the pains and various unexpected situations like accidentally spilling water on your bed or having healthy issues. For example, my back started to get very itchy after sweating crazily every a couple of hours at the hospital. Without the home helper regularly cleaned my body and changed my shirts, my life could have been way more terrible.

I was supposed to start my physiotherapy today but I'll see if I'm fit enough to go there. I've not become experienced at standing up and sitting down with the walker. And I get exhausted after a very short walk.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 10:04:45 AM
hey dream catcher i sent you an in box.please reply

I don't see your message.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 27, 2016, 10:13:53 AM
wow...your comment scaried me a little bit...thank for your honesty.

As i mentioned, i will be operate in about 10 days. I don't have an helper as i come alone just like you. How do you get yours?

Maybe i can ask to Dr Guichet?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 11:26:39 AM
wow...your comment scaried me a little bit...thank for your honesty.

As i mentioned, i will be operate in about 10 days. I don't have an helper as i come alone just like you. How do you get yours?

Maybe i can ask to Dr Guichet?

You can ask Francesca, Dr. Guichet's personal trainer, the contract info of some home helpers.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 27, 2016, 11:53:50 AM
Thanks for your detailed explanation, CCMidwest. As you said, I think the combination of reduced bloodflow to indegistion system, using painkillers, intaking a large amount of calcium pills and much more than regular daily food causes me constipation. By having honey in milk as breakfast, I haven't had it for two days  8)  And I agree that probiotic products are the best choices for me now.

Excellent. Glad to hear it.

Regarding the first few days of hell, that makes me think that a helper who is not also your lover (wife, girlfriend whatever) is a wise choice.

There's been a couple of instances where it was their girl that helped and it ended badly for them (difm comes to mind)

No way I'd want my wife to see that, I'm too proud.

Good info, good diary.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 01:28:39 PM
Yesterday my morning started with a sharp pain on my left knee, which didn't hurt before. I couldn't move my left leg to do any stretch or exercises. Just at the time, Mr. D messaged me. So I told him about the pain and he said that both his legs couldn't be moved yesterday but eventually he were able to stand after 3 hours non-stopping massage, icing, and trying. In total, he took 7 codines the day! Learning from his experience, I also managed to relieve the pain on my knee. But my scheduled morning clickings were delayed by 3 hours.

In the afternoon I was by myself the first time after the surgery as my helper took time off to be with his family as he usually does. Suddenly the pains of my legs began to increase very quickly and my legs felt like they were on fire. I put the ice bag that my helper left with me to try to soothe the pain. Unfortunately the ice were melting like they were put on fire and it didn't take long for the melted ice to leak from the ice bag and onto my bed. I managed to move my legs out of the wet area but I didn't want to risk getting more bed wet by using the leaky ice bag. I remembered that Dr. Guichet once said that biking  can reduce the pain by increase the bloodflow in legs. I have an exercise bike in my apartment but it is difficult to get on it even with the assistance of my helper. A quick thought crossed my mind: why can't bike on the bed.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 01:34:37 PM
Excellent. Glad to hear it.

Regarding the first few days of hell, that makes me think that a helper who is not also your lover (wife, girlfriend whatever) is a wise choice.

There's been a couple of instances where it was their girl that helped and it ended badly for them (difm comes to mind)

No way I'd want my wife to see that, I'm too proud.

Good info, good diary.

I totally agree. This is one of the last situations that I want anyone that I love or who loves me to see. And indeed a strong male helper is much more useful for this situation.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 27, 2016, 01:40:01 PM
There are several diaries where they mention doing the motion of biking, without the actual bike, while lying on their bed. One guy on the old forum said he did this several times per hour to keep the stiffness and pain from catching up with him from not moving around.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 02:04:51 PM
There are several diaries where they mention doing the motion of biking, without the actual bike, while lying on their bed. One guy on the old forum said he did this several times per hour to keep the stiffness and pain from catching up with him from not moving around.
That's exactly what I did! I guess I just missed those posts. It seems that buying an exercise bike myeelf is not really a good idea. I probably won't be able to get on it by myself during the entire LL procedure.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 27, 2016, 02:13:15 PM
That's exactly what I did! I guess I just missed those posts. It seems that buying an exercise bike myeelf is not really a good idea. I probably won't be able to get on it by myself during the entire LL procedure.

I wouldn't assume that. Stay optimistic bro. Plus, I think Dr. Guichet will insist on the bike.

He seems like kind of a hardass. Which is good, in my estimation.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Jessie Believer on June 27, 2016, 02:26:06 PM
Hi dream catcher! Thanks for your nice diary and you sharing. Does dr. G. tell his patients any stretching methods (brochure or sth)?

If yes, does he have any special advise for it-band and hip flexors?

And another question: how much calcium and Vit d do you take daily?

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Jessie Believer on June 27, 2016, 02:29:23 PM
Ah and another thing: you should really try to use your bike. It saves my life during lengthening! I remember me sitting on it 2-3 times per night in the beginning when my knees where very stiff. Released them in minutes. And more important: the bike helped me not loosing too much muscles. Otherwise I think I couldn't be able to walk that good without it.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 03:33:58 PM
Hi dream catcher! Thanks for your nice diary and you sharing. Does dr. G. tell his patients any stretching methods (brochure or sth)?

If yes, does he have any special advise for it-band and hip flexors?

And another question: how much calcium and Vit d do you take daily?

Thank you :)

Hi Jessie, each of Dr. Guichet's patients gets a nicely organized brochure with lots of detailed information and photos, which is supposed to be returned after LL.  It shows specific exercises for lt-band and hip flextors.

I eat two 1000mg calcium pills and 10 drops of vitamin D each day. How much did you eat during your LL?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Jessie Believer on June 27, 2016, 04:29:51 PM
Wow! That's a huge amount. Betz advices to take the normal amount which would be just 800 mg and 400 I.E. Vit D. But I take double the amount (2 tablets).
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 27, 2016, 04:38:09 PM
Wow! That's a huge amount. Betz advices to take the normal amount which would be just 800 mg and 400 I.E. Vit D. But I take double the amount (2 tablets).

Viamin D council recommended 5000 IU per day. DIFM and I discussed this in his diary, see those posts.

I take 50,000 IU per WEEK. The safe limit is 70,000 IU per WEEK.

Highly suggest y'all take more than that 400 IU USDA recommendation of D3.

Take it with fatty foods or omega 3 supplements at the same time.

This study suggests but does not prove that D3 helps with bone fracture healing:
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 06:42:39 PM
I was supposed to come to the Isokinetic this afternoon so I asked my helper to prepare dinner early. After dinner, he kindly cleaned all over my body particularly those most dirty areas. I was a little surprised that I didn't feel embrassing like I did when hospital nurses cleaned me. Surviving! Yes, surviving is the only goal for me now.

After changing my shirt, the helper got a shorts with the widest and loosest waist that I have and then we realized a problem. My thighs are still swollen like elephant legs at the end with large black-and-blue marks. We can't put on even my largest shorts. I asked him to took out the elastic band in the waist of the shorts, but still it can't fit. As a result,  we had to reschedule my appointment at Isokinetic. Suddenly I felt really tired of all this :(
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 08:59:58 PM
For a few minutes I didn't want to do anything: no exercise,  no food, no drink, no music, no video...I just wanted to end all this as quickly as i can. However after calming down, I started to feel being filled with energy. "Yes, I have to finish my LL successfully so I have to do as much daily exercises as I can!". Thank God giving me this energy. I managed to finish 200 vertical scissors and 200 inflex as daily required  ;D
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on June 27, 2016, 09:05:54 PM
clap clap!!!

That's the way you have to react. Give you all the positive energy

You will success to this LL!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 27, 2016, 09:10:54 PM
Thank you, Takanori!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 28, 2016, 06:35:02 AM
Like Yellospike, I slept at most 2 hours a day since the surgery, but I slept 3-4 hours last night, though I woke up a couple of times in the middle of my sleep. I don't know how have survived so far with such liitle sleep and heavy workout.

Waking up in the morning, the inner side of my left knee hurts sharply like hell with the slightest muscle contraction. So basicly I couldn't move it at all. It has been two hours since then and doesn't improve much even with 4 pills painkillers. I also put an ice bag on the spot that hurts most and massage my left thigh with another ice bag. I guess I'll just have to wait patiently for the pain to reduce to a tolerable level before I can stretch and click.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Whereintheworld? on June 28, 2016, 07:35:39 AM
I was a little surprised that I didn't feel embrassing like I did when hospital nurses cleaned me.

One of the nurses who cleaned me was pretty cute, unfortunately I appeared quite small due to the coldness of the room. Additionally, I nearly passed out the first time I tried to walk(she was there with my doctor).

 What a man she must think I am.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 28, 2016, 07:45:55 AM
One of the nurses who cleaned me was pretty cute, unfortunately I appeared quite small due to the coldness of the room. Additionally, I nearly passed out the first time I tried to walk(she was there with my doctor).

 What a man she must think I am.
Whereintheworld, which doctor did you do LL with? It's scary that you passed out trying to walk. You didn't fall to ground, did you?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Whereintheworld? on June 28, 2016, 07:55:40 AM

Before getting out of bed, Dr. Pili told me that about 1/4 of patients feel dizzy/faint when trying to walk for the first time.

I had surgery Thursday morning, lay in bed for over 24 hours until Friday afternoon when Doctor Pili came in and tried to get me to walk with crutches. I didn't fall to the ground, no, Dr. Pili and several nurses were there with me in the room.

 I managed to walk out into the hallway and back later that afternoon with the physical therapist and have been walking around my apartment since I got back on Saturday.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Iamready on June 29, 2016, 04:44:57 PM
I actually passed out the first time I tried to take a dump. They set up the portable toilet by my bed and left the room once I was sitting on it. Shortly after I fell on my face. Luckily my head broke the fall and I didn't land on my knees. This is when I did my Tibias. They basically blamed me for it. :(
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on June 29, 2016, 05:24:59 PM
I actually passed out the first time I tried to take a dump. They set up the portable toilet by my bed and left the room once I was sitting on it. Shortly after I fell on my face. Luckily my head broke the fall and I didn't land on my knees. This is when I did my Tibias. They basically blamed me for it. :(

From pain or the shock/stress of the operation?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YellowSpike on June 29, 2016, 07:46:34 PM
Like Yellospike, I slept at most 2 hours a day since the surgery, but I slept 3-4 hours last night, though I woke up a couple of times in the middle of my sleep. I don't know how have survived so far with such liitle sleep and heavy workout.

Waking up in the morning, the inner side of my left knee hurts sharply like hell with the slightest muscle contraction. So basicly I couldn't move it at all. It has been two hours since then and doesn't improve much even with 4 pills painkillers. I also put an ice bag on the spot that hurts most and massage my left thigh with another ice bag. I guess I'll just have to wait patiently for the pain to reduce to a tolerable level before I can stretch and click.

Yeah...sleep was next to impossible during lengthening, but got better very soon after I stopped clicking. So at least take solace in knowing sleep will come back very soon after you stop lengthening (like within a few days).

You are waking up in the middle of the night primarily due to muscle tightness. If you have a bike, even though it BLOWS to do so while half asleep, biking for like 10 minutes will loosen you up enough so you can get back to sleep at least for a bit. That, or what I would do when I was really lazy was just lift my legs and do the cycling motion while in bed. That helped me too.

Hang in there bud.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 29, 2016, 09:12:58 PM
My left knee had the same pain this morning and again I had to take 4 painkillers and waited 3 hours before I could start stretching my left leg. I called Dr.Guichet in the afternoon on this, but one of his nurses texted me that he was operating a patient and will call me back when the operating is done.

A few hours later Dr. Guichet called me back and, after knowing that I rarely rode the bike, but mainly imitated the biking movement on bed, he said that the pain might be caused by my lying on the bed all the time, so I must ride the real bike for an hour and half today and let him know how is my knee pain tomorrow.

Ok, I guess all my arrangements to try to make my need to get up as little as possible for the first few days after the surgery actually have a negative impact on the progress of my recovery :(
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on June 29, 2016, 09:18:24 PM
Yeah...sleep was next to impossible during lengthening, but got better very soon after I stopped clicking. So at least take solace in knowing sleep will come back very soon after you stop lengthening (like within a few days).

You are waking up in the middle of the night primarily due to muscle tightness. If you have a bike, even though it BLOWS to do so while half asleep, biking for like 10 minutes will loosen you up enough so you can get back to sleep at least for a bit. That, or what I would do when I was really lazy was just lift my legs and do the cycling motion while in bed. That helped me too.

Hang in there bud.

Yes, I agree that the unconscious contractions of my thigh muscles is probably the cause of my bad sleeping. The contractions also made clickings difficult even when my legs were warmed up with exercises.

I've rode my bike for 35 minutes tonight and I'll ride another 35 minutes before sleep.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on July 01, 2016, 07:19:00 PM
How goes it?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 01, 2016, 10:02:20 PM
Riding bike for 90 minutes indeed did the trick to relieve my pain at knee! Overall things seemed to get better, except one major challenge, clicking and sleeping.

From the very beginning, I was quite stressful doing the clicks. I didn't bother to understand the key points of the technique, as illustrated in our brochure, I just tried my best to immitate how Dr. Guichet and Francisca did it. To be honest, I hated it, the weird and painful posture required to initiate it, the unrest stress that the nail or my leg might broken (which is partly true), and the aftermath pain. No wonder doing the clicking laregly became a game of luck for me.

Everytime I tried to recall how last time someone else or myself successfully did it and if one attempt failed I just made another try. Initialy it could take 5-6 attempts for me to do one click. But I just kept trying after each failed attempts, by changing my posture here or there, almost randomly. This kind of blindly trial-and error behavior had a serious impact on my daily life. As some of you know, we divide the total number of clicks for day into three sets, so we do a small number of clicks in each set to avoid too much brokage each time, and set apart the time to do each set to 8 hours to let our legs heal properky. Dr. Guichet also suggested a fixed schedule to do clickings every day. For me, the schedule never worked. I always hesitated to start each set on time, even when it's possible, and everytime it took me a varied time between 10 minutes to 60 minutes to finish a set. Most of the days I could only manage to finish the last set of clickings of a day around 2am to 3am. This left me little time to sleep and my schedule of clickings was anything but regular.

As time went by, my rate of successful clickings seemed to increase. While I was hoping that my schedule of clickings could be regularized soon and my sleeping could be put under co control, a crisis occurred.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on July 01, 2016, 10:10:22 PM
What crisis?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 01, 2016, 10:35:28 PM
Last night, I started to do my last set of clickings, at close to 2am, for a series of inevitable delay. What also happened that day was that I had my first two accidental clickings on my left leg, so painful both when I tried too hard to get off a uber taxi.

Every time when I did ckicking, I started with my right leg, as it is more difficult. Howeever, unlike the previous set of clickings that day, I suddenly found that I couldn't do any clickings? There was usually a sense of tense before a clicking was about to happen. But I tried a dozen of times and I never had that sense at all! I lost my immitated skills of clicking? In the last two attempts, I even "felt" a sense of slippage. Oh my! Was the clicking mechanism broken due to my acccidental clicks?!

I didn't dare to click my right leg anymore. Instead I tried to do clicks on my left leg, which was usually much easier to click, as I mentioned before. And I also found that it took me more attempts to succeed one click. What's going on? My slowly built up confidence in doing the clickings started to lose. I turned to the pages in my brochure that explains clicking. This was the first time I read it! And surprisingly I found out that the way that I clicked had a key difference with that illustrated in the brochure. All the time I was using the wrong technique!

I was almost panicked. How could this happened? And I worried more that the clicking mechanism might be broken by my incorrect way of using it. I anxiously contacted Dr. Guichet on this, but he didn't reply for the night.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Jessie Believer on July 02, 2016, 02:58:27 AM
Hey dream catcher! Sorry to read you're in some kind of trouble. But just keep in mind that only the first weeks will be the worst. Clicking is a pain in the ass also because of the still healing wounds after your just recent operation it will definitely get better soon.

Although I'm a Betz patient I wanted you to ask how you click? He showed us a completely different way that was so damn painful all the time. Holding your leg in the air and touring your lower leg to the side to click. That was so bad!

I figured a very easy method out for me (I know others used this too), so maybe I can ease that one for you?!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Alu on July 02, 2016, 03:40:09 AM
Not gonna lie that Nail of his needs upgrading. Part of the reason I consider the percice to be the more superior of all the internal nails.

Keep going dream_catcher. Like Jesse said, the first weeks are the worst. After that everything becomes much better!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 03, 2016, 05:09:52 PM
Hey dream catcher! Sorry to read you're in some kind of trouble. But just keep in mind that only the first weeks will be the worst. Clicking is a pain in the ass also because of the still healing wounds after your just recent operation it will definitely get better soon.

Although I'm a Betz patient I wanted you to ask how you click? He showed us a completely different way that was so damn painful all the time. Holding your leg in the air and touring your lower leg to the side to click. That was so bad!

I figured a very easy method out for me (I know others used this too), so maybe I can ease that one for you?!
I open up my legs wide and put one foot on a place higher than my body, and then use one hand to turn the elevated knee. When my legs are relaxed, this more or less works for me. The problem arises when my leg somehow contracts unconsciously when I try to click.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Jessie Believer on July 03, 2016, 05:18:12 PM
Well, you might wanna try this (hope my description works):

Example clicking the left leg:

Sit on the edge of a normal height couch with your left butt side hanging over (not sitting on he couch). So the left side will "fall" down a little bit. With the betz nail this position is already rotating the nail to some point.

Now if you want to click you still need to turn your left leg inwards, keeping your left foot stable on the floor.

The click came so easy with that one.

Other method was to sit on a chair. now lean your upper body very far to the left pressing your butt into the chair. then turn your left leg inwards.

Hope this helps somehow


Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on July 03, 2016, 05:20:24 PM
Not gonna lie that Nail of his needs upgrading. Part of the reason I consider the percice to be the more superior of all the internal nails.

Keep going dream_catcher. Like Jesse said, the first weeks are the worst. After that everything becomes much better!

I like the full weight bearing compared to precice, but otherwise yeah, it needs updated. Clicking honestly look like hell on earth to do.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 03, 2016, 05:26:27 PM
The next morning Dr. Guichet tried to call me, but I missed it. So he left a message asking me to come to his office in an hour. I rushed to his office and without even asking how I couldn't click he let me lie down on a sofa, and then brought a small table and some cusions besides the sofa. Having prepared this, he instructed me to open up my legs wide and put one foot on the small table, and then turn my knee to click. Wow, it was so easy to click by myself in this way! I just need to find the right position to click.His confidence in the nail really impressed me and since then I always look into what I might have done wrong in clicking rather than worry about the nail, if I can't click.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on July 03, 2016, 05:58:02 PM
The next morning Dr. Guichet tried to call me, but I missed it. So he left a message asking me to come to his office in an hour. I rushed to his office and without even asking how I couldn't click he let me lie down on a sofa, and then brought a small table and some cusions besides the sofa. Having prepared this, he instructed me to open up my legs wide and put one foot on the small table, and then turn my knee to click. Wow, it was so easy to click by myself in this way! I just need to find the right position to click.His confidence in the nail really impressed me and since then I always look into what I might have done wrong in clicking rather than worry about the nail, if I can't click.

Every time you get worried about something, it's been turning out alright in the end. That seems like a good place to be!   :D

Keep moving forward bro.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 03, 2016, 06:06:43 PM
I like the full weight bearing compared to precice, but otherwise yeah, it needs updated. Clicking honestly look like hell on earth to do.
Same here. I think full weight bearing is way more important, thouh I wish the nails to have radio-controlled automatic ratcheting. You still click, but click a button instead and let the machinery do the real work.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on July 07, 2016, 05:46:11 AM
Dr G stated before that with hyper fast track some of his patients are able to reach 44 mm in 1 month. 
Now that you are half a month post surgery,
Where would you say you are at? Is it possible to hit 44 mm in 1 month?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: paddy10tellys on July 09, 2016, 08:59:24 AM
Hey Dream_catcher, hope things are good. How are you?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 09, 2016, 11:23:57 AM
Well, you might wanna try this (hope my description works):

Example clicking the left leg:

Sit on the edge of a normal height couch with your left butt side hanging over (not sitting on he couch). So the left side will "fall" down a little bit. With the betz nail this position is already rotating the nail to some point.

Now if you want to click you still need to turn your left leg inwards, keeping your left foot stable on the floor.

The click came so easy with that one.

Other method was to sit on a chair. now lean your upper body very far to the left pressing your butt into the chair. then turn your left leg inwards.

Hope this helps somehow

Thank you, Jessie. Clicking is now the toughest task for me. Sometimes it was so frustrating and I got confused on what I should do. The more different methods I tried, the more frustrating and confusing I felt. So I'll keep your method as my last resort for now.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 09, 2016, 11:47:03 AM
Dr G stated before that with hyper fast track some of his patients are able to reach 44 mm in 1 month. 
Now that you are half a month post surgery,
Where would you say you are at? Is it possible to hit 44 mm in 1 month?
I don't know whether I'm in the hyper fast track, but I'm supposed to gain 40mm in 1 month if I click according to Dr. Guichet's schedule.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 09, 2016, 11:49:33 AM
Hey Dream_catcher, hope things are good. How are you?

I'm just trying my best to survive ;p
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 09, 2016, 12:13:44 PM
As YellowSpike and others had experienced, I indeed felt a lot better after two weeks. However, a lot better on top of where we came from is nowhere near comfortable. My mood fluctuated a lot. Most of the time I was suffering from pains, stiffness, frustration s, worries, etc. Occasionally I did feel like a king when all the bad feelings suddenly vanished for a short period of time.

Clicking on my left leg started to become very difficult and painful a couple of days ago. For an entire day, I tried and tried and tried...without any success. Painkillers didn't seem to have any helpful effect. Trying different methods only added more frustrations.

Only at very late in the night, between 1am to 2am, maybe when my nerves became sleepy and less sensitive, I was able to do clicks for my left leg. Making every click took about 6 minutes because the pain of it was barely tolerable. And I had to make up all the missed clicks in the day, 14 clicks, in a row. Yes, I spent about one and half hour in the midnight clicking my left leg for each of the last two days.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on July 09, 2016, 02:32:32 PM
hang in there
there are many cheering you on
focus on the end goal!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: goldenegg on July 09, 2016, 04:55:46 PM
Hang in there dreamcatcher!  It's great that you're sharing your experience here. clicking can be really difficult for some patients, which I think dr. G downplays a little and doesn't get mentioned as often in diaries as I saw firsthand.   

have you tried taking a painkiller before clicking? that helped some of the other patients I saw who also had trouble clicking to relax their muscles, which like you said can be the cause. another cause can be fast consolidation, which is a good problem to have in the long run though it may not seem like it now. those same patients who had clicking problems returned to walking unaided much faster than me and seem very satisfied today with with their results
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Moubgf on July 10, 2016, 03:45:54 AM
I'm just trying my best to survive ;p

whats that suppost to mean?. is ll really that bad?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Alu on July 10, 2016, 03:53:22 AM
whats that suppost to mean?. is ll really that bad?

You sure sound a lot different from the guy who was here for a long time...

Just my one observation...
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 14, 2016, 09:42:40 AM
Hang in there dreamcatcher!  It's great that you're sharing your experience here. clicking can be really difficult for some patients, which I think dr. G downplays a little and doesn't get mentioned as often in diaries as I saw firsthand.   

have you tried taking a painkiller before clicking? that helped some of the other patients I saw who also had trouble clicking to relax their muscles, which like you said can be the cause. another cause can be fast consolidation, which is a good problem to have in the long run though it may not seem like it now. those same patients who had clicking problems returned to walking unaided much faster than me and seem very satisfied today with with their results

Yes, I tried paracetamol and paracetamol + codeine, but they don't seem to have any effect. I'll try Tramadol once Dr.G renewed my prescription for painkillers. As instructed by Dr.G, I increased my rate of clicks for the last few days and the pain had reduced a bit.

BTW, how much did you gain and how long did it take before you can walk unaided after stopping the clicks. goldenegg?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 14, 2016, 10:10:15 AM
For the last several days, I had a few new (bad) developments:

1. My calves especially left one started to have a feeling of tickling or chilling and sometimes burning. According to another patient Mr.M who had similar experience and talked with Dr.G a couple of days ago, this is an early warning of possible nerve damage :( I'll ask Dr.G what to do when I see him this afternoon.
2. The pain of starting the initial click for my left leg reduced a lot, but my left leg became so painful right after the initial click and I had to be very careful and move my left leg very slowly to do the return click. In the past, I had no problem doing return clicks either for my left leg or right leg.
3. A 0.5cmx0.5cm dark red or brown spot appeared on the outside of the rightmost toe of my right foot. I sent a picture of it to Dr.G, but he said he will have to take a look directly to figure out what it is.
4. The lymph at the back of the left side of my neck had a small swelling, which probably indicates some infections.
5. My lower back became tense. I had chronic back pain occasionally and I hope this won't get worse as a result of LL.
6. My appetite dropped sharply. I have my helper to prepare hot breakfast and lunch for me, but I can't finish the usual portion of them as before. And I have to force myself to eat some food for dinner as I don't really feel hungry at night.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Whereintheworld? on July 15, 2016, 02:44:38 PM

I love reading your diary. You're constantly evaluating the situation and potential problems. This is good in that future ll patients do not get the impression that they will simply lie down in bed for a few months and walk out the door 4 inches taller.

I hope everything turns out well, good luck

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: goldenegg on July 16, 2016, 04:52:04 AM

BTW, how much did you gain and how long did it take before you can walk unaided after stopping the clicks. goldenegg?

I did 8cms and it was about 2 months after lengthening until I was ok to walk unaided, but my consolidation was very slow compared to other patients. if dr. G told you to increase clicks you prob won't have the same issue and be walking much sooner than I did

sorry to hear about your other troubles. the pain and exhaustion of LL killed my appetite too. keep eating and stay strong!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on July 16, 2016, 02:45:49 PM

Yes, I tried paracetamol and paracetamol + codeine, but they don't seem to have any effect. I'll try Tramadol once Dr.G renewed my prescription for painkillers. As instructed by Dr.G, I increased my rate of clicks for the last few days and the pain had reduced a bit.

BTW, how much did you gain and how long did it take before you can walk unaided after stopping the clicks. goldenegg?

I'm confused.

You increased the clicking amount, and pain was reduced?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on July 22, 2016, 04:06:44 AM
any updates?
hope you're doing well
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 23, 2016, 11:48:09 PM
I'm confused.

You increased the clicking amount, and pain was reduced?

Yes, I guess my pain was caused by fast healing which makes clickings difficult and thus increases the pain. Once the rate of clickings increases, the rate of healing slows down. As a consequence, clickings become easier and thus the pain reduces. 
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 23, 2016, 11:57:00 PM

I love reading your diary. You're constantly evaluating the situation and potential problems. This is good in that future ll patients do not get the impression that they will simply lie down in bed for a few months and walk out the door 4 inches taller.

I hope everything turns out well, good luck

Thank you, Whereintheworld. I made exactly the same mistake what you said that future patients can make. I was too eager to gain height before the surgery and as a result only listen to what I want to hear and treat potential problems as if they don't exist or won't happen to me.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on July 24, 2016, 12:20:12 AM
As usual, Dr.G gave me two kinds of advice: 1) for pain in clickings, increasing the rate of clickings; 2) for other issues, doing more exercises, after he checked the x-rays and the flexibility of my legs. Well, I followed his advice and my problems either were gone or alleviated, if he considered they were related to LL, or remained the same, if he considered they were irrelevant, which luckily didn't get worse.

The last two weeks were at least unpleasant for me. There was almost always a new challenge or problem everyday, like some other current patients in Milan also had. Yesterday the difficulty of clicking my left leg came back again :( The 1st set of just three clicks took me 30 minutes. The 2nd set of three clicks took me 40 minutes. And the last set of four clicks took me over an hour to finish at 3am! I guess you might be able to imagine how stressful, frustrating, helpless, and last but not least painful I had...

Thankfully Dr.G noticed the problem from my online form and instructed me to take some unusual medicines and also increase the rate of clickings today, before I had the chance to consult him.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 02, 2016, 09:33:20 PM
Today is a remarkable day: I have gained 5cm, which is my minimum goal for LL. From now on, I won't regret if I have to stop clicking due to any reasons. I'm satisfied with what I have already achieved. As always, I believe that people should not be too greedy in anything he or she pursues. "No matter what it is, say food or money, don't take more than you can handle." And actually I am planning stop clicking somewhat before 6cm, which is the gain that Dr.G has planned for me, as I want to be able to walk back home before or around the beginning of September, which is less than a month away. I think reducing my goal will have the two-fold effects of not only giving me more time to recovery but also reducing the recovery time.

The lengthening procedure has too many unpredictable risks from its beginning to its end. And today it was also the third time that I had intolerable difficulty clicking my left leg. In the morning, I attempted six times to click my left leg, but it didn't click even after I bent my leg to unusual large angles, which took more than ten minutes for each attempt and caused so much pain during my attempts and after my attempts. Frustrated, I recalled Dr.G's prescription for the last time when I had similar difficulty, which I finished just two days ago. So I took one pill of the prescribed medicine and retried to click my painful left leg. To my surprise, this time the pill didn't work and my leg still didn't click. After another three unsuccessful and painful attempts, I decided to ride 15 more minutes of bike before trying again. And you know what, my first pedaling with left leg resulted in a loud click! What a big relief for me! The only explanation is that I had already made the initial click after taking the pill, but somehow I didn't hear the click ;(

As you can see, not taking the pill for only one day started to give me this repeating problem. And the worse thing is unfortunately the pill has a severe side effect of stopping bone formation, as Dr.G told me. He said that some patient didn't know that and unexpectedly took the pill for a month due to misunderstanding of the prescription and without letting Dr.G knew. As the consequence, this increased the recovery time for him to walk unaided after stop clicking by at least a couple of months. Given that, I've decided that I'll not hesitate to stop clicking if it ever happens again. As the prescription of the pill requires to take it for 10 days, I think I have at most 10 days before stop clicking then.

Well, height is important but there are way many other things in life that are more or equally important than it, such as family, career, fun, etc. Yes, this anything but fun. I already start to miss so many good things that I had in my life and to expect many other good things that are coming my way. I'm ready to stop clicking and start recovering any time from now on.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on August 02, 2016, 09:47:19 PM

Good job man, happy for you!

Stay strong, the end is near.

Well, height is important but there are way many other things in life that are more or equally important than it, such as family, career, fun, etc.

Wise words my friend.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Alu on August 03, 2016, 02:37:00 AM
Congrats on the gain!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on August 03, 2016, 03:36:51 AM
Today is a remarkable day: I have gained 5cm, which is my minimum goal for LL.

what is that just short of 45 days post surgery and you are already 5 cm?

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 03, 2016, 05:26:35 PM
what is that just short of 45 days post surgery and you are already 5 cm?


Yes, I think that my progress is normal among Dr.G's patients. Some patients click much faster than me. One patient who had the surgery one or two days after me has already gained 5.7cm. I call him "the clicking champion" as he was almost always clicking whenever I saw him at the gym. I was told that his bone consolidates fast and as his goal is 7.5cm, Dr.G instructed him to click a lot more than usual.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 03, 2016, 05:32:46 PM
Thank you all, CCMidwest, Alu, and ortholengthening!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YellowSpike on August 03, 2016, 06:05:43 PM
Congrats Dreamcatcher! I wasn't worried because you're with Dr. G, but LL is really hard. I remember I was really happy when I got to 5cm (that's about when I started to actually feel taller). It should be mostly downhill for you now, since you achieved your bare minimal goal. Congrats again and keep fighting. You're almost there!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 04, 2016, 07:10:35 PM
Thank you, Yellowspike.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 04, 2016, 07:31:55 PM
Guys, the final day has come, much sooner than I expected. I was hoping to keep fighting until the end of next week, but today is the last day of my lengthening.

To be honest, this week is my best performing week since the surgery: I came to the gym everyday and did a lot more exercises at the gym and at home than ever. I wanted to end it strongly, like I usually did for other tough tasks. But this afternoon I started to have great difficulty clicking my left leg again, after coming home from the gym. I tried again once after an hour and once after two hours, without success. So I think it's probably the sign for me to stop.

I consulted Dr.G and he said I could either unlock the clicks by taking another medicine, which is a blood thinner, or stop lengthening. I checked the possible side-effect of the medicine, and they all look terrible, though I know Dr.G would always has a solution if any problem occurs. As a consequence, I choose the latter without a doubt.

Yes, that's it. I achieved a little bit over my minimum goal, though I hoped to achieve more, without any complications. And I'm happy to start recovering now because it's more likely that I can walk back home by the end of the month as my recovery started earlier :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on August 04, 2016, 07:43:20 PM
Hey, at least you met your goal!

Welcome to 5'7 man!

Hope you will stick around and periodically update us on your recovery and athletic ability.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on August 04, 2016, 07:52:01 PM
Glad that you are happy, that's the most important thing.

I hope your recovery will go smoothly.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Auron on August 04, 2016, 07:53:18 PM
Congratulations on your new height DC!

You've reached your minimum goal and so you won't be damaging your proportions too much.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us so far  ;) Hope you'll stick with us a bit longer.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on August 04, 2016, 08:11:39 PM
Hey Dream catcher!
it was nice to see you at the gym and the isokinetic these last days. now be careful with your crutches ok?!  ;)

It's the good decision I think that the process was a little bit harder for you than for some other patients, I could fell your pain everytime I was next to you. You made it bro. Congrats!

For me it will be 1 month after surgery on monday, so i still got a month of pain and sadness....Hopefully in the second month, there are less less clicks and i will fell better.

See you tomorrow héhé  ;)


Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 04, 2016, 08:33:01 PM
Thank you all, guys! This is such a friendly forum that I won't just leave. I'll stay around and keep you posted on the progress of my recovery.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 04, 2016, 08:37:31 PM
Hey Dream catcher!
it was nice to see you at the gym and the isokinetic these last days. now be careful with your crutches ok?!  ;)

It's the good decision I think that the process was a little bit harder for you than for some other patients, I could fell your pain everytime I was next to you. You made it bro. Congrats!

For me it will be 1 month after surgery on monday, so i still got a month of pain and sadness....Hopefully in the second month, there are less less clicks and i will fell better.

See you tomorrow héhé  ;)


Taka, it was nice to see you around too. Unlike before, we will meet more for the rest of the month, as I'll come to the gym everyday. And I hope you achieve your goal with less pain. See you tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 04, 2016, 08:56:11 PM
Hey, at least you met your goal!

Welcome to 5'7 man!

Hope you will stick around and periodically update us on your recovery and athletic ability.

CCMidwest,  I guess we're of similar age, right? I'd suggest that you do LL asap, if you really really want to gain some height, or just accept your current height and forget about LL at all. I believe that age plays a very important role in LL. The younger you do it, the less risk and the more gain you will have. As I once said, LL poses maybe the toughest challenges to your overall body and mind, not just your flexibility and strength. Any weakest link in you body or mind will definitely be stressed with the heaviest load under LL. As we're getting older, for sure our body gets weaker and there's nothing you can do about it. So make up your mind.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: CCMidwest on August 04, 2016, 09:01:12 PM
CCMidwest,  I guess we're of similar age, right? I'd suggest that you do LL asap, if you really really want to gain some height, or just accept your current height and forget about LL at all. I believe that age plays a very important role in LL. The younger you do it, the less risk and the more gain you will have. As I once said, LL poses maybe the toughest challenges to your overall body and mind, not just your flexibility and strength. Any weakest link in you body or mind will definitely be stressed with the heaviest load under LL. As we're getting older, for sure our body gets weaker and there's nothing you can do about it. So make up your mind.

I'm 32, about to be 33.

I hear ya though bro.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ggg112 on August 06, 2016, 09:35:58 PM
Dreamcatcher, although your not there yet, and obviously anything can happen, but in your opinion, do you think the average person would be able to function, (relatively normal Ambulation without assistive device), after two months of going through Dr. G's program trying to achieve 6cm - 8cm?

I ask as I would like to keep my current jobs if at all possible, which require "relatively normal walking" without an assistive device, but I'm trying to plan; if not possible , maybe another doctor, country, back to school for a different career, different financial costs, etc.

Also, have you ever witnessed anyone doing "well"so to speak at Dr. G's training center with sub par hamstring flexibility ?   I have a chronic back issue causing extra tight jammies and calves , which I know I can improve upon but I'm a little worried as getting past "normal" will be an extreme challenge due to the neuro tone

Thanks, and good luck with remainder of your journey.

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 06, 2016, 10:44:49 PM
Dreamcatcher, although your not there yet, and obviously anything can happen, but in your opinion, do you think the average person would be able to function, (relatively normal Ambulation without assistive device), after two months of going through Dr. G's program trying to achieve 6cm - 8cm?

I ask as I would like to keep my current jobs if at all possible, which require "relatively normal walking" without an assistive device, but I'm trying to plan; if not possible , maybe another doctor, country, back to school for a different career, different financial costs, etc.

Also, have you ever witnessed anyone doing "well"so to speak at Dr. G's training center with sub par hamstring flexibility ?   I have a chronic back issue causing extra tight jammies and calves , which I know I can improve upon but I'm a little worried as getting past "normal" will be an extreme challenge due to the neuro tone

Thanks, and good luck with remainder of your journey.

ggg112, normally Dr.G's patients can walk unaided within two months after stop clicking, and I think that's the fastest recovery time for LL, a major reason why I chose Dr.G. But LL even under Dr.G is risky, unless you are conservative, i.e. you adjust your goal according to your body's reactions and follow exactly or even conservatively your doctor's instructions. I know that because I saw both good recovery and bad recovery here. So in my opinion two months is enough under Dr.G only if you are conservative.

Having your hamstring flexibility and your back in their pre-surgery state are very important for walking unaided. Both of them will be hampered during the LL. And you will need to fix them before you can walk "realtively normally". In your case, I'm afraid that you will probably face extra challenges as you will have the two problems combined together.

That's my two cents. And you'd confirm with Dr.G before making your decisions.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Unicorn888 by Elaine Foo on August 07, 2016, 03:34:27 PM
Guys, the final day has come, much sooner than I expected. I was hoping to keep fighting until the end of next week, but today is the last day of my lengthening.

Hey Dream_Catcher,
Congrats!  Am so happy for you!  You've made it!  A living testimony, through all that mental, emotional, physical hardship!  Keep us posted, ok?  I've gone through your blog so many times to better understand what to expect in the journey for me.  I'm on Day 13, so still a greenie.  The last 10 days was a dark hell for me, emotionally speaking.  Every part of my body was so uncomfortable, sore, achy... nothing I could do.  And the paranoia of things going wrong... oh boy!

Anyway, am so happy to see you at the end of your tunnel, embracing the light, and so much taller!

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 07, 2016, 07:43:05 PM
Hey Dream_Catcher,
Congrats!  Am so happy for you!  You've made it!  A living testimony, through all that mental, emotional, physical hardship!  Keep us posted, ok?  I've gone through your blog so many times to better understand what to expect in the journey for me.  I'm on Day 13, so still a greenie.  The last 10 days was a dark hell for me, emotionally speaking.  Every part of my body was so uncomfortable, sore, achy... nothing I could do.  And the paranoia of things going wrong... oh boy!

Anyway, am so happy to see you at the end of your tunnel, embracing the light, and so much taller!


Thank you, Unicorn888. I hope my blog helped you :) The first two weeks are the hardest for everyone, so hang in there! You will get better gradually.

I read your first post after the surgery, and found that your detailed descriptions of the first ... was a little bit too graphic and sexy for me ;P Hey, you made me miss one of my favorite entertainment before the surgery. How soon can I have it again?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on August 08, 2016, 07:09:26 PM
guys I can tell you that DC looks better everyday...To stop clicking is something you cannot imagine, I count the days (still got 26). Now mate you got to use your crutches and I will be there to see you walking bro  :)

To Unicorn, thanks for your daily, you used better words than mine to describe how "difficult" "horrible" almost "unbearable" the days in hospital and the beginning of LL is.

I did my 1st month today and the pain is still here, different but still here, now it's more my knees and nerves pain, also since the debut, my intestins and stomach made me troubles, to be in a different country in a hot hot summer not help...Also 2 of my scares "reopened" and i took antibiotics which give diarrhea :(

And the worst of all in that process, I JUST CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!! It is impossible, just impossible cause when your legs don't move, all the pain is coming and wake you up in atrocious conditions. You supposed to sleep legs raised but who can??? Unfortunately I never used to sleep on my back but on my belly or on the side so it is so hard for me...3 hours per night with a semblance of rest, it is too hard, really...And I start my 5th week now  :'( :'( :'(   pills don't really help and I don't want to be an addict.

All that story to say that this weekend I was broken mentally but I keep my faith and today when i saw all my LL team I was better, so as I read on your diary Unicorn, somebody told you to socialize and that is a really good advice. don't stay alone too much or you're gonna depress.

Sorry DC but I just post my journey on your Diary lol  ;)

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 08, 2016, 07:53:13 PM
guys I can tell you that DC looks better everyday...To stop clicking is something you cannot imagine, I count the days (still got 26). Now mate you got to use your crutches and I will be there to see you walking bro  :)

To Unicorn, thanks for your daily, you used better words than mine to describe how "difficult" "horrible" almost "unbearable" the days in hospital and the beginning of LL is.

I did my 1st month today and the pain is still here, different but still here, now it's more my knees and nerves pain, also since the debut, my intestins and stomach made me troubles, to be in a different country in a hot hot summer not help...Also 2 of my scares "reopened" and i took antibiotics which give diarrhea :(

And the worst of all in that process, I JUST CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!! It is impossible, just impossible cause when your legs don't move, all the pain is coming and wake you up in atrocious conditions. You supposed to sleep legs raised but who can??? Unfortunately I never used to sleep on my back but on my belly or on the side so it is so hard for me...3 hours per night with a semblance of rest, it is too hard, really...And I start my 5th week now  :'( :'( :'(   pills don't really help and I don't want to be an addict.

All that story to say that this weekend I was broken mentally but I keep my faith and today when i saw all my LL team I was better, so as I read on your diary Unicorn, somebody told you to socialize and that is a really good advice. don't stay alone too much or you're gonna depress.

Sorry DC but I just post my journey on your Diary lol  ;)

Taka. I'm sorry to hear that you had troubles here and there over the weekend. But that's what LL is like. To achieve your goal, you have to go through this. And you won't magically get rid of all the troubles even after stop clicking. I've stopped clicking for more than three days, but new pains and discomforts keep bothering me, though overall I'm getting better. At least I no longer have the stress, anxiety, and pain of clickings, which sent me to hell three times everyday ;)

And sleeping was the biggest problem for me too. Uncomfortable sleeping position, pain, and the side-effect of our daily medicine kill our sleepings. During LL, most nights I slept for only two hours at most. My sleeping only gets better gradually after stop clicking. I slept for four hours, though not continually, the night after I did my last set of clickings in the morning, but I couldn't sleep at all the next night. And last night I slept for about five hours continually.

Some medicine like calcium pill is really bad for my sleeping. Everytime after taking calcium, my stomach doesn't feel very well. It doesn't cause pain or any serious problem but it's enough to prevent me from getting into sleep.

You've already made more than half the way to your goal, just keep fighting.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on August 08, 2016, 10:35:37 PM
thanks DC for your advices. See U tomorrow
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: petit_petit on August 09, 2016, 01:01:57 PM
Hello Dream_catcher, I just start reading your diary about lengthening with Dr. Guichet. I would like to know more about the post op period. How many consultations you had with Dr. Guichet after surgery? What do you do every day ?
I head not very good opinions about his behaviour with patients,how was with you?


and good luck!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Unicorn888 by Elaine Foo on August 10, 2016, 07:37:08 AM
And sleeping was the biggest problem for me too. Uncomfortable sleeping position, pain, and the side-effect of our daily medicine kill our sleepings. During LL, most nights I slept for only two hours at most. My sleeping only gets better gradually after stop clicking. I slept for four hours, though not continually, the night after I did my last set of clickings in the morning, but I couldn't sleep at all the next night. And last night I slept for about five hours continually.

Hey Dream_Catcher and Taka,

I discovered this by accident, I was trying to learn how to day trade.  So I bought a bunch of books on Kindle like Day Trading for Dummies etc.  I have to say, it's the most effective sleep aid ever!  Every time I try to wrap my head around indecipherable terms like candlesticks, matchsticks, pogo sticks, VWAP, ATR, MA, SMA, EMA and the plethora of animals :o... bulls, bears, black sheep, or was it scholes?! ::)

In any case, 3 pages in and I'm comatose, sure thing!  ;D
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 11, 2016, 07:53:38 PM
Hello Dream_catcher, I just start reading your diary about lengthening with Dr. Guichet. I would like to know more about the post op period. How many consultations you had with Dr. Guichet after surgery? What do you do every day ?
I head not very good opinions about his behaviour with patients,how was with you?


and good luck!

Thank you petit_petit. I think Dr.Guichet is an excellent surgeon and he is very responsible to his patients. In general, each of the post-surgery patient has one regular consultation with him every week. Besides that, he responds to patients' calls or messages in a professional manner. Several times I sent him messages at night and he responded within one or two hours. Once I sent him a message at night, he didn't reply in the same night but he called me the next morning. From my own experience and what I saw and heard from other patients, he treats his patients professionally, though he is a bit strict with his rules and he is extremely busy.

After surgery, the daily life of every patient constitutes mainly clickings, which can occupy a lot of time for some patients, and exercises, which usually are done at each of the three different places: isokinetics centre, the gym, and home and occupy almost a whole day if the patient does them according to Dr.Guichet's requirements.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 11, 2016, 07:55:22 PM
Hey Dream_Catcher and Taka,

I discovered this by accident, I was trying to learn how to day trade.  So I bought a bunch of books on Kindle like Day Trading for Dummies etc.  I have to say, it's the most effective sleep aid ever!  Every time I try to wrap my head around indecipherable terms like candlesticks, matchsticks, pogo sticks, VWAP, ATR, MA, SMA, EMA and the plethora of animals :o... bulls, bears, black sheep, or was it scholes?! ::)

In any case, 3 pages in and I'm comatose, sure thing!  ;D

Thanks for your advice Unicorn888. I'll see if I can get this book, but I guess every boring book can do the trick, right :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Takanori on August 11, 2016, 10:58:58 PM
Hey Unicorn,

if these books can avoid the horrible wake-up at 2 in the morning with the legs and knees on fire, I will buy all the collection asap... ;)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Unicorn888 by Elaine Foo on August 12, 2016, 07:06:28 AM
Hey Unicorn,

if these books can avoid the horrible wake-up at 2 in the morning with the legs and knees on fire, I will buy all the collection asap... ;)

It's a win-win.  Either you sleep effectively or get rich quick! ;)  And if all else fails, sell it on to the next Guichet victim!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 14, 2016, 10:52:50 PM
It's been 9 days after I stopped clicking. The progress of my recovery is much slower than I expected. Below is a summary of my progress on walking.

Day 5 - first time walking step-wise with crutches (WSWC) under close supervision of my trainer at the gym for 30 minutes; it was more like sliding my feet on the ground rather than real walking and each of my step was very small and very slow
Day 6 - first time WSWC under supervision of my trainer outdoor for 60 minutes; it became noticable faster
Day 7 - didn't do WSWC because of pain on right leg; first time walking on treadmill: my trainer wanted me to walk for two minutes, but we stopped after 40 seconds due to the same pain on my right leg
Day 8 - first time WSWC without supervision at home and outdoor for 45 minutes; it was faster than on day 6, though it was still even slower than our usual "walking with crutches" during LL, the double-leg hopping with crutches (HWC)
Day 9 - WSWC for 30 minutes at home, slower than on day 8 due to pain on right leg
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 25, 2016, 06:33:56 PM
My walking has improved very well lately. Now I can walk normally almost like before the surgery! Last night I stopped using crutches completely at my apartment and today I left my apartment without crutches, went to the gym, and walked in a park for an hour. I'll leave Milan in this weekend as planned and I'm so glad that I can go back home the way like I wished - walking normally! Thank God for everything :D

Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Moubgf on August 25, 2016, 07:15:10 PM
My walking has improved very well lately. Now I can walk normally almost like before the surgery! Last night I stopped using crutches completely at my apartment and today I left my apartment without crutches, went to the gym, and walked in a park for an hour. I'll leave Milan in this weekend as planned and I'm so glad that I can go back home the way like I wished - walking normally! Thank God for everything :D

Dream_catcher. Could you tell me the complete price for this procedure. It says on Dr.Guichet page that it costs 65.000 Euro. More or less and to have that budget avaliable. I am getting a loan from my bank tomorow. And i need to know the amount i need to take out. Also do the price include staying at his residence. Or do i have to pay for my stay there. Thank you
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 25, 2016, 07:35:07 PM
Slim_tim, check your private message.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Peaceout on August 25, 2016, 08:14:17 PM
Great update,thanks!
Your proportions look great,can i ask your wingspan?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on August 25, 2016, 09:18:08 PM
Great update,thanks!
Your proportions look great,can i ask your wingspan?

Thanks. I never measured it. I'll get someone to measure it after I return home.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: alps on August 26, 2016, 04:04:14 AM

video? :)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on August 26, 2016, 11:30:06 AM
Proportion wise you look fantastic nothing "suspicious" at all.

Good luck with your recovery now it will go only downhill.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: LLuser1 on August 26, 2016, 08:35:08 PM
Looks good. Guichet nail seems a great deal
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: aagood11 on August 27, 2016, 08:42:40 AM
Dear DM, I am also having the plan to have LL in summer 2017, may I know the completed price for LL with Guichet since I am still a student and cost is really one of my consideration. 
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on August 28, 2016, 04:45:55 AM
It's amazing that 2 months post surgery you are walking "almost" normally - 5 cm taller. Mind blowing
Enjoy your new life back home in Canada eh!
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Helios91 on August 28, 2016, 07:47:25 AM
Man I want to do leg lengthening! I'm 5'7 and most of ya'll know what I'm going through with that my goal is 5'10. I even tried doing a GoFundMe but no one's donating and I have no where near the funds needed to do this I put my GoFundMe to $67k and I'll do it overseas any doctor recommendations? Also once I'm able to get the money for it I'll make a diary and possibly a video diary on my YouTube channel and post it here to help you guys make the decision. I'm already mentally and physically prepared I've done countless hours of research I'm ready for all the risks everything the only thing I majorly lack is the money to do it.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: TIBIKE200 on August 28, 2016, 09:48:29 AM
Man I want to do leg lengthening! I'm 5'7 and most of ya'll know what I'm going through with that my goal is 5'10. I even tried doing a GoFundMe but no one's donating and I have no where near the funds needed to do this I put my GoFundMe to $67k and I'll do it overseas any doctor recommendations? Also once I'm able to get the money for it I'll make a diary and possibly a video diary on my YouTube channel and post it here to help you guys make the decision. I'm already mentally and physically prepared I've done countless hours of research I'm ready for all the risks everything the only thing I majorly lack is the money to do it.

Why would anyone donate you money? Work
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: EndGame on August 28, 2016, 04:24:49 PM

Why would anyone donate you money? Work

I agree. Take your destiny into your own hands. Maybe a second part time job for evenings and/or weekends? Few people likely donate to an elective procedure handout...
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: ortholengthening on August 28, 2016, 04:33:10 PM
Not just elective. But cosmetic.  One thing to donate $ for a burn victim to have cosmetic reconstructive surgery. But limb lengthening for a short guy thats not even a dwarf? Sounds rediculous.  Go earn yourself the surgery
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: assa13ssin on September 09, 2016, 07:51:59 AM
hi Dream_catcher, thanks for sharing that much!! it really helps future patients like me... could you tell me the complete price for this procedure?

and how are you doing now? walking normally?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: gokharol on September 26, 2016, 04:35:18 AM
How are you doing now dream_catcher and on what percentage base do you feel healed?
Btw have you experienced any kind of hostile treatment towards you for doing cosmetic surgery?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on December 14, 2016, 05:53:32 AM
As many of you asked my current status, I'm posting a brief update here. Overall I think that my recovery is fine. I have been able to walk normally for over a month.
And I can jog slowly. But there are still aches and discomfort at the upper end of the outer side of my thighs and around my knees. Despite of that, my life and work excluding sports are quite normal now.
Comparing to my sport capability such as agility, flexibility, and strength before the surgery, I feel that I have recovered about 65%.

So far none of my friends or colleagues asked about my new height, and I don't feel any hostility as a result of the change of my height. To be honest, I told no one except my wife about the surgery.
And I won't tell anyone about the surgery even if some one asks how I gained some height. I'll simply tell them that I grew naturally like a miracle ;)
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Helios91 on December 14, 2016, 05:57:03 AM
That's amazing! I actually started my own business and got the money for it. I'm going to hii her after doing loads of research. And only my girl knows about me doing this. I'm debating wether or not to post the entire process on YouTube to give you guys a better visual of the bprocess. But if I don't do the YouTube thing I'm gonna be on the same boat like yeah I grew naturally or not say anything either in the end no one really cares anyways
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Whereintheworld? on December 14, 2016, 11:45:51 AM
That's amazing! I actually started my own business and got the money for it.
You're a heck of a business man, in a matter of 3 months you started a business and were able to earn a profit of 50k+. Congratulations.
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Whereintheworld? on December 14, 2016, 11:53:27 AM

I didn't suspect otherwise, but I'm glad all the same to hear you're doing well.
65% recovery in athleticism is fantastic given that you're surgery was not even 6 months ago.
Take care bud
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Helios91 on December 14, 2016, 03:02:43 PM
Trust me when your dedicated anything is possible. Besides dropshipping is the easiest thing to  I'm almost at 50k but by the time the actually surgery date is set I'll have more then enough money. I'm gonna write a course on how to do what I did .
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on November 04, 2022, 05:30:51 AM
It's been six years since I did my leg lengthening with Dr. Guichet and finally I decide to remove the nails. Over the years I thought about getting the nails removed several times, but I always got scared and the pandemic helped me. What a perfect reason for me to not do it! And thanks to God and Dr. Guichet. I can walk, jog, and play soccer. I almost forget that I still have the nails in my legs. Do I have to have the nails removed?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: Unknown on November 05, 2022, 04:51:27 PM
This is nice to hear! What does he recommend? Dont most patients remove after lengthening?
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: RealLostSoul on November 05, 2022, 05:43:19 PM
It's been six years since I did my leg lengthening with Dr. Guichet and finally I decide to remove the nails. Over the years I thought about getting the nails removed several times, but I always got scared and the pandemic helped me. What a perfect reason for me to not do it! And thanks to God and Dr. Guichet. I can walk, jog, and play soccer. I almost forget that I still have the nails in my legs. Do I have to have the nails removed?

If you are on the older side you can leave it in. As a young patient I would definitely get it out. 
Title: Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
Post by: dream_catcher on November 11, 2022, 07:24:59 PM
If you are on the older side you can leave it in. As a young patient I would definitely get it out.

What are the impact of leaving it in? Why would you suggest young patient to get it out?