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Author Topic: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?  (Read 37905 times)

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #155 on: February 14, 2018, 02:45:18 AM »

Also on body mattering, lol I would say that’s very untrue at least not in my generation. I know maybe 3-4 guys who are real gym freak steroid heads and they get just as many matches as regular skinny guys on Tinder, even with photos of them shirtless. I think you are projecting male idealism of height and body into female eyes.

I agree. You're projecting onto female mind your manly gym ideals. Girls don't care that much about muscles, and about height... Most girls are shorter than 5'4. As long as the guy is taller than them in heels it's ok for them. Appeareance matters but most girls don't like gym freaks. Nice guys, average or above average height, with average or above average facial aesthetics are usually preferred over narcissistic shirtless gym freaks.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #156 on: February 14, 2018, 05:29:33 AM »

Girls don't care that much about muscles, and about height... Most girls are shorter than 5'4. As long as the guy is taller than them in heels it's ok for them.

5'4" guy here, my last ex was the shortest at 5'2" and was the least accepting of my height. Tallest at 5'7" cared the least. Funny how that works!

About shirtless photos, even though women love to hate it, it's a myth that it doesn't work in online dating. Women's tastes in men change as they age, and shirtlessness is less desired over time, but it still has an advantage over not having a shirtless photo if you have the six pack. As much as we want to believe that men are the ones hung up on looks, women too like to window shop.
5'4" and 1/4" (163.2 cm) | United States | early 30s | Cross-lengthening with Dr. Solomin & Dr. Kulesh


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #157 on: February 14, 2018, 06:46:13 AM »

The only "assertions" I've made are pointing out the criteria that psychiatrists use to diagnose "BDD" in patients. I'm not making value judgments or giving ultimatums, unlike you:

Yeah, and you were completely wrong. Psychosis/literally seeing yourself as something you aren't is *not* required for a diagnosis in BDD.

You're not a psychiatrist, and aren't qualified to make this assertion. Neither do you have the right to be judge and jury as to what constitutes being "sick" or not. Hypocrite.

It's common sense. Mental illness is subjective & depends on societal norms. If you fail to adapt to the society you're born into to the point that you cannot function properly, you're mentally ill until you either change your behavior or move to a new environment where your behavior/beliefs are considered normal (if such a place exists). Even if I'm not qualified it's an opinion that's shared by plenty of experts in the field.

My "psychiatry" wasn't "subsidized by society", you presumptuous imbecile. When I did visit a therapist, I paid out of pocket. "Society" didn't have anything to do with it.

Good, so you're not a complete bum. Well done.

LMFAO at trying to portray me as a dangerous villain and "society" (i.e. you) as innocent victims. You're trash.

I would rather die than contribute anything to scum like you.

I'm just pointing out how it works. And although I'm not saying you're a villain, you're clearly unhinged, at least for now.

But when society discriminates and oppresses short people to the point that they end up in psychiatrist's offices, or on forums like this one, or even committing suicide, and then get shamed for demanding solutions, they're expected to "suck it up" and "contribute to society" - the same society that caused their problem in the first place, and that deal totally works, right?

If society causes people to develop height dysphoria by way of its bigoted and discriminatory standards, then it should pay the price to the people it victimizes. Oppressors do not have the right to demand "something out of the deal".

I see successful short men every day. Literally all my bosses, all the way up to the Senator are shorter than me. There are so many short men that are so much more successful than me in every possible way. If you're average to low average & you're not happy with your life, it's more than likely you. Not your height. You're going to be devastated when you become a bit taller & realize everything is exactly how it was before, other than you're now scarred, a lot poorer, & a lot less mobile. Btw if your idea of success boils down to just matching with a few more sluts on tinder like a lot of others on here seem to think, you're a fking loser.

LOL. You moralizing piece of garbage. Who do you think you are to lecture other people on "conscience" when you callously demand that the oppressed pay their oppressors for the privilege of being oppressed by them?

Why the inverted commas? If your conscience doesn't compel you to look after those that have looked after you, you are morally deficient. In my opinion. Also lol @ calling me a commie before & now using Marxist distinctions like "oppressed" and "oppressors".

I don't "owe" anyone anything. This post by myloginacct perfectly sums up my thoughts on this matter:

No, and I can't prove that you do either. It's a feeling you either have or don't. If you don't think you do, whatever, just don't cry when you're judged for it. Not a boomer btw, I'm 29.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 07:09:38 AM by Thatdude950 »


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #158 on: February 14, 2018, 06:53:34 AM »

I think you generally make reasonable posts in other threads, Thatdude, but I think you're off the mark here. I'm guessing it's the effect of being a good height (175cm+) and having lived a mostly normal life with normal parents? Excuse me for assuming if I'm wrong.

What subsidized psychiatry? Most of us outside of Europe had to struggle a lot of years trying to find help and then had to pay out of our pocket for it. Do you mean how government funds research for science?

In my country it's subsidized, so that was a misfire by me.

Parents owe a responsibility to their kids for making a conscious decision to put them in this world. Again, I'm guessing you were lucky enough to have had a mostly normal life with caring parents. That's great. That being the case, you'll definitely feel indebted and grateful to them. That's not how anyone who grew up in an abusive household feels.

You're right- if I had been abused/mistreated, I probably would not feel the same way, at least toward my parents. I'm sure there would be someone else in my life that had helped me a lot though that may one day rely on me. But that's a separate issue.

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #159 on: February 14, 2018, 12:25:16 PM »

Captain America,stop lying to yourself
If height wasn't that important,none of us wouldn't here willing to do LL,including you
It is well known that women prefer tall mens,taller mens get better jobs and are better paid,are more respected and usually better looking(cloths fit better on longer legs).Tall guys have too many advantages compared to medium guys,figure out shortish one and it is unfair since noone can work on his height
Unlike you claimed,from 5.10 to 6.1 is indeed a big difference
If the 5.10 guy has nice body,carisma and good social skills,achieving also the height benefit would allow him to have the game at 120%
As I said before,I believe that at 5.11 height stops to being a drawback.From 6 ft to 6.2/6.3 height is a benefit.Anything above no more
So we can continue to loose time debating if the earth is round or we can try to change our drawbacks and to live at maximum potential,going on with our lives
I agree with Bodybuilder at 100% on this topic and anyone denying this is living in his own world or in denial
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #160 on: February 14, 2018, 12:37:56 PM »

Lmfao believe whatever you want mate. By the reasoning you give I can tell you're legitimately retarded and there's
no point in wasting my time arguing with you. Go ahead and get LL and enjoy that big "bonus" you think you will get in going from 5'10 to 6'1. I will be waiting here for when you are too sheepish to make a thread on how your life has literally not changed at all. There is a difference for legitimate short males but not for anyone else, sorry, and even that difference is pretty minuscule honestly.

It is well known that women prefer tall mens,taller mens get better jobs and are better paid,are more respected and usually better looking(cloths fit better on longer legs).Tall guys have too many advantages compared to medium guys,figure out shortish one and it is unfair since noone can work on his height

Spoken like a true genius.

If the 5.10 guy has nice body,carisma and good social skills,achieving also the height benefit would allow him to have the game at 120%

So you're saying Brad Pitt is not living life at 120% because he is 5'10? His life would literally not even be 1% different if he was 6'1. Also no one cares about body FFS, quit being retarded. You are all just ugly and or awkward guys who think that being 6'1 and working out will turn you into chick magnets and give you respect from other males, and that just won't happen. You won't be playing the game at 120%, you will be playing the same exact damn game and deluding yourself into thinking that anything has changed. I mean just look at Apo lmao, you think he's really winning at life now at 6'1 with his ugly wife and kids? He probably could've done the exact same at 5'6.

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #161 on: February 14, 2018, 01:02:40 PM »

I always have been polite so try to don't make free insults
Maybe retard are you since you are not even able to read what I have wrote:I said that LL is useful for those that are already good with womens and have nice social skills,good body ecc
If you were a loser before LL,you will be also after
And seriously are you taking Apotheosis as an example ?
A guy that has done the ridiculous ammount of 20 cms (and other surgeries like hair transplant) looking now like a freak
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #162 on: February 14, 2018, 03:04:49 PM »

It is well known that women prefer tall mens,taller mens get better jobs and are better paid,are more respected and usually better looking(cloths fit better on longer legs).

It is well known that women prefer tall mens,taller mens get better jobs

known that women prefer tall mens,taller mens

tall mens,taller mens


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #163 on: February 14, 2018, 06:27:14 PM »

Cheap shot. Not everyone is fluent, unnecessary scrutiny.
5'4" and 1/4" (163.2 cm) | United States | early 30s | Cross-lengthening with Dr. Solomin & Dr. Kulesh

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2018, 06:33:00 PM »


Not everyone here is a native english speaker.
So stay on point and don't insult someone for that reasons unless you want anyone to speak here on his native language like some Chinese did before some months.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #165 on: February 14, 2018, 07:06:01 PM »

I am 3-4 cm less than my country's average .
There is no country out there with 1.84-5 average height for men so as to be 10cm less than average.
But your point is valid.

I meant your original height. If I recall correctly, you were 10cm shorter than your country's average. That's a bigger difference than Jexus' was, since he is from Turkey, where the average height is shorter.

Quote from: Whatever
As long as the guy is taller than them in heels it's ok for them.

This is such a bs requirement, and it doesn't help at all. This is why I advocate using elevator shoes if you're going to be in any kind of environment where most women are on heels. It should be a game for two.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #166 on: February 14, 2018, 07:22:15 PM »

In my country it's subsidized, so that was a misfire by me.

You're right- if I had been abused/mistreated, I probably would not feel the same way, at least toward my parents. I'm sure there would be someone else in my life that had helped me a lot though that may one day rely on me. But that's a separate issue.

Maybe friends would be the better example in this instance, rather than society or parents.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #167 on: February 15, 2018, 01:33:37 PM »

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #168 on: February 18, 2018, 05:21:56 PM »

Well, so I measured me tonight and I'm 170, so exactly 5-7 (I don't know how I could have measured myself 171,5 earlier why it's what I'm at morning) and I can say that 5-7 is not a common height for girls. I have been in some european countries, always have been taller than at least 90 % of girls, in France it's very uncommon to see a girl taller (let say I'm taller than 95 % of them) than me. I have sneakers, so giving me 3 cm so I'm about 173 in streets. Guys putting me one head (so about 6-5) are about 1 %, even in tall average countries I visited.
At least I'm sure that I'm that at my lowest, I will take it as my starting height before LL.
At the same time, it make me think that at least 80 % (or maybe more because I remember a guy pretending to be 170 while he had his eyes at my chin, and it's common) of people IRL lie about their height if I'm 5-7 (and I am that at my lowest). I start to think that real french average is about 5-7, or even less because sometimes I can even feel taller than most people. That's strange, so many lie about height. So now I can say I never saw a girl taller than 185 cm, 185 cm is very uncommon, I doubt that dutch average is 184 cm even more. But why all these lie, that's what I don't understand. When I see that someone like Rob Paul (from celebheights) is 173,5 cm at night while he looks like a midget, it's hard. I never feld as short as him while I'm 3 cm shorter than him.
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #169 on: February 18, 2018, 05:32:57 PM »

^Sounds right. I can say at 181cm I'm taller than 75-80% of men in the office and nearly all (95%) of women. The average is probably 175cm or so. I can't tell  much of a difference from 173 - 177. 173cm in shoes is not a bad height at all. There's a small percentage of women that will feel a lot bigger than you, but they're the outliers-- not you.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #170 on: February 18, 2018, 05:41:08 PM »

^Sounds right. I can say at 181cm I'm taller than 75-80% of men in the office and nearly all (95%) of women. The average is probably 175cm or so. I can't tell  much of a difference from 173 - 177. 173cm in shoes is not a bad height at all. There's a small percentage of women that will feel a lot bigger than you, but they're the outliers-- not you.

with 181 in France you would be taller than 85-90 % of men. And the funny facts it that some studies try to make us believe that average is about 180 cm ... it's even more hard for me to believe models and sportsmen official height. I never saw a 6-7 guy now, I'm sure of it
I guess that the really height of someone like Karlie Kloss is 5-11, Barack Obama about 5-11 too -far from 6-1 for sure- 
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #171 on: February 18, 2018, 08:14:20 PM »

Well, so I measured me tonight and I'm 170, so exactly 5-7 (I don't know how I could have measured myself 171,5 earlier why it's what I'm at morning) and I can say that 5-7 is not a common height for girls. I have been in some european countries, always have been taller than at least 90 % of girls, in France it's very uncommon to see a girl taller (let say I'm taller than 95 % of them) than me. I have sneakers, so giving me 3 cm so I'm about 173 in streets. Guys putting me one head (so about 6-5) are about 1 %, even in tall average countries I visited.
At least I'm sure that I'm that at my lowest, I will take it as my starting height before LL.
At the same time, it make me think that at least 80 % (or maybe more because I remember a guy pretending to be 170 while he had his eyes at my chin, and it's common) of people IRL lie about their height if I'm 5-7 (and I am that at my lowest). I start to think that real french average is about 5-7, or even less because sometimes I can even feel taller than most people. That's strange, so many lie about height. So now I can say I never saw a girl taller than 185 cm, 185 cm is very uncommon, I doubt that dutch average is 184 cm even more. But why all these lie, that's what I don't understand. When I see that someone like Rob Paul (from celebheights) is 173,5 cm at night while he looks like a midget, it's hard. I never feld as short as him while I'm 3 cm shorter than him.
You measured yourself in the evening or what? There is difference between morning and evening height.  You better measure yourself in the morning
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #172 on: February 18, 2018, 08:17:40 PM »

You measured yourself in the evening or what? There is difference between morning and evening height.  You better measure yourself in the morning

I'm 1,5 cm taller in the morning, so it's my evening height. I looked tonight -it's night in Europe- and I'm the same or even slighty above it. Morning height is a cheat, as you loose fastly those centimeters. Better considerating the minimal height.

Also I just went to the short people d from reddit, and finally noticed that most people there were (pretending at least) very tall. I mean a 6-5 tall girl (something I never seen in my life) as moderator, most active users are 189, 177 and 195. Lol, I feel that I live in another world. And it's not the tall people d, it's for the short guys. Same for the website Celebheights : most active users are Canson (6-5, pretending that his friends are both 6-6 and 6-7), SJH (6-5'5) and another guy pretending to be more that 6-7. So it's me or tall people are more insecure ? because that's not common height
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #173 on: February 18, 2018, 09:15:49 PM »

Well, so I measured me tonight and I'm 170, so exactly 5-7 (I don't know how I could have measured myself 171,5 earlier why it's what I'm at morning) and I can say that 5-7 is not a common height for girls. I have been in some european countries, always have been taller than at least 90 % of girls, in France it's very uncommon to see a girl taller (let say I'm taller than 95 % of them) than me. I have sneakers, so giving me 3 cm so I'm about 173 in streets. Guys putting me one head (so about 6-5) are about 1 %, even in tall average countries I visited.
At least I'm sure that I'm that at my lowest, I will take it as my starting height before LL.
At the same time, it make me think that at least 80 % (or maybe more because I remember a guy pretending to be 170 while he had his eyes at my chin, and it's common) of people IRL lie about their height if I'm 5-7 (and I am that at my lowest). I start to think that real french average is about 5-7, or even less because sometimes I can even feel taller than most people. That's strange, so many lie about height. So now I can say I never saw a girl taller than 185 cm, 185 cm is very uncommon, I doubt that dutch average is 184 cm even more. But why all these lie, that's what I don't understand. When I see that someone like Rob Paul (from celebheights) is 173,5 cm at night while he looks like a midget, it's hard. I never feld as short as him while I'm 3 cm shorter than him.
In my country (south Europe) there are many women (maybe the majority) at 1.70 (+- 3cm).
At 1.70 I would have felt that I am about average for a woman, maybe a slight taller.
At 1.74 I am now (evening height as you talked about that) I am taller than thw vast majority of women but not enough so most of them would have been about my height with heels on so at night places (clubs, bars) I feel about the same height with many women (more than 60-70%).
Only my mighty elevator shoes than (with some small lifts on) give me a full 6cm added height can make me erase that disadvantage but still I don't feel like you say.
Maybe at your country people are shorter than mines' I don't know.

And yes, tall men are stupidly insecure about their heights.
And I say stupidly because they have no reason. It does not matter if you are 6ft or 6.2 unless you are so stupid to think that being like a tree and make all people asking you if you play basketball is some kind of comliment. It is not.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #174 on: February 18, 2018, 09:36:20 PM »

In my country (south Europe) there are many women (maybe the majority) at 1.70 (+- 3cm).
At 1.70 I would have felt that I am about average for a woman, maybe a slight taller.
At 1.74 I am now (evening height as you talked about that) I am taller than thw vast majority of women but not enough so most of them would have been about my height with heels on so at night places (clubs, bars) I feel about the same height with many women (more than 60-70%).
Only my mighty elevator shoes than (with some small lifts on) give me a full 6cm added height can make me erase that disadvantage but still I don't feel like you say.
Maybe at your country people are shorter than mines' I don't know.

And yes, tall men are stupidly insecure about their heights.
And I say stupidly because they have no reason. It does not matter if you are 6ft or 6.2 unless you are so stupid to think that being like a tree and make all people asking you if you play basketball is some kind of comliment. It is not.

I exactly found something like 170,5 and 173,5 in shoes
I won't talk about countries average again. I just say it like that, every countries I visited I was at least 5cm taller than female average, mostly something like 8-10 cm. Official female average in my country is 163 cm, I guess it's a bit less like 160. I know that people in my country are a bit shorter than their neighbors (Belgian and German) but I don't think they are about 10 cm shorter than them.
At 5'9 I would have feel much better, I admit it. But it's rather psychological. I read and hear everywhere, anywhere IRL or IVL that 5-7 is a dwarf height and under it you are not even existant. Sometimes by guys who are clearly shorter than me by some good centimeters. And I've been described as a "tall" guy sometimes. I admit it's problably because my morphology : long arms, small head, thin. But I have been and it's funny. How many times I've seen girls pretending that she couldn't date a guy under 5'11.
In my family people lies a lot too. I'm at one level I'm not even able to guess people height, because if I use my height as reference people are all 5cm shorter (at least) than their claim.

And about tall people, yes I don't understand it. I guess it's rather people that overestimate their height. But especially in the USA, there is a culture around height that people call heightism here (especially into journalism, sport, cinema). American people are not tall, but they think they are. In internet I feel that there is only tall guys. I go on /short/ on reddit and I see more tall people than short. Even here, we recently had a 6-2 guy wanting to do LL. I don't even understand how you can know the existence of LL at that height.
USA is clearly the only country where being (very) tall will make you rich and famous (especially in NBA). Shawn Bradley wouldn't have been rich in Germany.

I will do LL and enjoy my life. Just asking myself how I will be able to pay. I guess it's the problem for many people here. 20k is ok, a lot but ok, but for internals it's another question

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #175 on: February 18, 2018, 10:20:44 PM »

I exactly found something like 170,5 and 173,5 in shoes
I won't talk about countries average again. I just say it like that, every countries I visited I was at least 5cm taller than female average, mostly something like 8-10 cm. Official female average in my country is 163 cm, I guess it's a bit less like 160. I know that people in my country are a bit shorter than their neighbors (Belgian and German) but I don't think they are about 10 cm shorter than them.
At 5'9 I would have feel much better, I admit it. But it's rather psychological. I read and hear everywhere, anywhere IRL or IVL that 5-7 is a dwarf height and under it you are not even existant. Sometimes by guys who are clearly shorter than me by some good centimeters. And I've been described as a "tall" guy sometimes. I admit it's problably because my morphology : long arms, small head, thin. But I have been and it's funny. How many times I've seen girls pretending that she couldn't date a guy under 5'11.
In my family people lies a lot too. I'm at one level I'm not even able to guess people height, because if I use my height as reference people are all 5cm shorter (at least) than their claim.

And about tall people, yes I don't understand it. I guess it's rather people that overestimate their height. But especially in the USA, there is a culture around height that people call heightism here (especially into journalism, sport, cinema). American people are not tall, but they think they are. In internet I feel that there is only tall guys. I go on /short/ on reddit and I see more tall people than short. Even here, we recently had a 6-2 guy wanting to do LL. I don't even understand how you can know the existence of LL at that height.
USA is clearly the only country where being (very) tall will make you rich and famous (especially in NBA). Shawn Bradley wouldn't have been rich in Germany.

I will do LL and enjoy my life. Just asking myself how I will be able to pay. I guess it's the problem for many people here. 20k is ok, a lot but ok, but for internals it's another question
Nowhere in EU the girls average is not 1.60 as you mention.
In my country the official statistics are 1.66 for women and 1.78 for men (of all ages).
For new generations it is easily 1-2 cm more, especially for women.
Also I've never been described as tall at 1.75, most of the times people see me as normal height but generally big (due to my muscles) but many women find me shorter than they'd like.
I can't understand how someone could see an 1.70 man like you as tall.
I am not saying you are lying, I just can't think of it.

FinallybI agree about tall men and LL. They are simply lunatics but who cares.
What matters is for short and close to average people like us to become taller and stop having height drawbacks.
For lunatics of any kind psychiatrist is the only solution.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #176 on: February 18, 2018, 10:32:01 PM »

Nowhere in EU the girls average is not 1.60 as you mention.
In my country the official statistics are 1.66 for women and 1.78 for men (of all ages).
For new generations it is easily 1-2 cm more, especially for women.
Also I've never been described as tall at 1.75, most of the times people see me as normal height but generally big (due to my muscles) but many women find me shorter than they'd like.
I can't understand how someone could see an 1.70 man like you as tall.
I am not saying you are lying, I just can't think of it.

FinallybI agree about tall men and LL. They are simply lunatics but who cares.
What matters is for short and close to average people like us to become taller and stop having height drawbacks.
For lunatics of any kind psychiatrist is the only solution.

I told it, it's mostly my morphology. And it's because they were shorter than me. 
So 168 cm for girls in Europe ? I really doubt about it. Even 166 is very doubtful (for my country). It's not studies or stats, it's just what I feel. I never visited your country, I don't have opinion about it.
I know a 176 cm girl (from another country where the average is taller / Slovakia) and she is much taller than every girl even there and in Czech Republic. I have seen some taller girls, like 5'11 and 6ft for the tallest but it's really uncommon.
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #177 on: February 18, 2018, 10:41:32 PM »

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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #178 on: February 19, 2018, 01:34:56 AM »

Spain and the fight against the odds.

But I know it's not like that chart, anyway. Iberians tend to come either 170cm ish or taller than 180cm, for some reason. It seems like there's way less of in-between heights.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #179 on: February 19, 2018, 03:52:55 AM »

Well, so I measured me tonight and I'm 170, so exactly 5-7 (I don't know how I could have measured myself 171,5 earlier why it's what I'm at morning) and I can say that 5-7 is not a common height for girls. I have been in some european countries, always have been taller than at least 90 % of girls, in France it's very uncommon to see a girl taller (let say I'm taller than 95 % of them) than me. I have sneakers, so giving me 3 cm so I'm about 173 in streets. Guys putting me one head (so about 6-5) are about 1 %, even in tall average countries I visited.
At least I'm sure that I'm that at my lowest, I will take it as my starting height before LL.
At the same time, it make me think that at least 80 % (or maybe more because I remember a guy pretending to be 170 while he had his eyes at my chin, and it's common) of people IRL lie about their height if I'm 5-7 (and I am that at my lowest). I start to think that real french average is about 5-7, or even less because sometimes I can even feel taller than most people. That's strange, so many lie about height. So now I can say I never saw a girl taller than 185 cm, 185 cm is very uncommon, I doubt that dutch average is 184 cm even more. But why all these lie, that's what I don't understand. When I see that someone like Rob Paul (from celebheights) is 173,5 cm at night while he looks like a midget, it's hard. I never feld as short as him while I'm 3 cm shorter than him.

Also, I think you may be measuring yourself wrongly, because 1.70 seems like it'd feel short for modern Europe outside of Portugal and regions of Spain. It's still a normal and perfectly livable height, though. Ideally, schedule something with an orthopedist (so you can be professionally measured you with a stadiometer) and settle the matter.

I do agree on the fact that a true 173cm at night is already almost a good height, if you know how to work with it. Those 3cms make a big difference. I think life is easier for men taller than 175cm, but it's nothing that can't be equally compensated by building a better physique and other traits about yourself after you're already out of "short" territory.

Europe also does seem to have this weird thing where the men are much taller than the women. I don't understand how men in all these European countries can average over 175cm (at least) while their women average under 170cm (at the most). There are countries like Norway where the men supposedly average 180cm, and the women, 165cm. A 15cm difference. The biological genders seem to be closer in height elsewhere. In other countries, the difference seems to be more around 8cm.



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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #180 on: February 19, 2018, 09:25:42 AM »

Also, I think you may be measuring yourself wrongly, because 1.70 seems like it'd feel short for modern Europe outside of Portugal and regions of Spain. It's still a normal and perfectly livable height, though. Ideally, schedule something with an orthopedist (so you can be professionally measured you with a stadiometer) and settle the matter.

I do agree on the fact that a true 173cm at night is already almost a good height, if you know how to work with it. Those 3cms make a big difference. I think life is easier for men taller than 175cm, but it's nothing that can't be equally compensated by building a better physique and other traits about yourself after you're already out of "short" territory.

Europe also does seem to have this weird thing where the men are much taller than the women. I don't understand how men in all these European countries can average over 175cm (at least) while their women average under 170cm (at the most). There are countries like Norway where the men supposedly average 180cm, and the women, 165cm. A 15cm difference. The biological genders seem to be closer in height elsewhere. In other countries, the difference seems to be more around 8cm.

Are you spanish ?
and no, I measured me well. I'm 5-7. 100 %
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #181 on: February 19, 2018, 10:48:07 AM »

Europe also does seem to have this weird thing where the men are much taller than the women. I don't understand how men in all these European countries can average over 175cm (at least) while their women average under 170cm (at the most). There are countries like Norway where the men supposedly average 180cm, and the women, 165cm. A 15cm difference. The biological genders seem to be closer in height elsewhere. In other countries, the difference seems to be more around 8cm.

Can you share some personal observations of places where men and women are closer together in height? I'm curious.
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #182 on: February 19, 2018, 12:42:58 PM »
watching it like that I could look 171, but whatever. Sorry for the quality, I put the 5-7 mark in red
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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #183 on: February 19, 2018, 01:28:23 PM »
watching it like that I could look 171, but whatever. Sorry for the quality, I put the 5-7 mark in red

That looks like a terrible way to measure it. I'd probably lose 3cms like that.

Try marking 170, 171, 172 and 173cm on a wall after you're 100% sure the tape is measuring correctly from the ground and up, then compare yourself (with proper posture).

Can you share some personal observations of places where men and women are closer together in height? I'm curious.

I'll PM you later.


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #184 on: April 26, 2018, 12:36:07 PM »

For me, the reason is that I want to stand taller than the mediocre majoritity as much as possible.  I want to force even more people to have to look up at me than already do.  And I want to be able to look down at more people than I already do.

I'm not concerned about doing better with women or other areas of life since I already do great in all those areas.  At best I expect only a marginal improvement in those areas, but that's fine. 


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Re: 5'7 and more who want ll do you know the reason of your complex?
« Reply #185 on: April 26, 2018, 06:27:55 PM »

For me, the reason is that I want to stand taller than the mediocre majoritity as much as possible.  I want to force even more people to have to look up at me than already do.  And I want to be able to look down at more people than I already do.

I'm not concerned about doing better with women or other areas of life since I already do great in all those areas.  At best I expect only a marginal improvement in those areas, but that's fine.

I suggest investing in these, rather than CLL, so you can overcome that mediocre "majoritity".

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