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 on: Today at 09:38:00 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Ted68
Meaning I can walk, however when standing still, e.g brushing teeth, standing in mirror, standing in one place, I have a slight-moderate feeling of falling backwards. I have to compensate for this by bending my knees or bending my back down which is terrible for posture and for future back problems.

This is why I say Yuksel has crippled me. No I am not in a wheelchair but every time I have to stand up and balance myself I curse the butcher Yuksel Yurttas for doing this.

The only way to fix any type of deformity in bone properly is by TSF frame. Aka Ilizarov 3D frame.

I don’t want to scare you.
Your deformity is not as bad as mine for sure, but it’s there. It’s your choice to fix it or not, and it may or not lead to arthritis. I will HAVE to fix mine because I want to live a life where I can atleast stand and brush my teeth for 2 minutes.

Now, just from what you experienced, and the problems you have, I don’t think that Dr Gokhan should be doing LL and shouldn’t be recommended to other patients. Good luck and peace.

Understand you and I am with you !
You didn't tell me what will happen after nail removal. Wouldn't be better ?

Let me tell you something interesting.... 2 weeks before arriving in Istanbul, another guy left Istanbul. Same doctor, same Quad Precice procedure, same hotel.
After 3 months of living there, I got a movie with that guy, who is happy and was dancing salsa !. ... And, believe me, in salsa is all about balance and leg coordination.
Also, that guy is really rich, not like me, so he could do it in America with no stress... not to do it in Turkey !
But maybe, like me, he trusted in Gokhan and succeeded...

What do you think about that ?

 on: Today at 09:31:48 AM 
Started by AnotherLLer - Last post by Beemer m3
is there a reason why u dont want the nail ? u can recover much quicker. its such a pain being in frames too. if theres complication like nerve damage the frame will hurt alot. if u call it quits u can remove the frames n the nerve damage will lessen. being in frames u risk having nerve damage and being on precice u rarely get nerve damage. because there are pins through the bones that can damage if u over lengthen. is ur living space big enough for u to walk in frames? i had an apartment and i didnt do anywalking with frames . kinda embarrassing to go out wiht it.

 on: Today at 09:23:47 AM 
Started by Chocolatechunk - Last post by Beemer m3
there are LL places for 25k overseas with bulky frames.
check with vietnam. russia. india. i did mines in vietnam. i heard monorails cost 30k with afa in turkey though.

 on: Today at 09:19:42 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by shortisnotfun
I got it.
So, tell me, man... after removing the nails, the procurvatum effect will disappear ?
What is your main concern now regarding your situation ?... is fixable, or stays forever ?
Can you walk with no help now ?
You said "he crippled you". Is that for real what you think ?

I don't try to combat you, because I am in same boat... I only want to understand your concerns and your drama...

Thank you

Meaning I can walk, however when standing still, e.g brushing teeth, standing in mirror, standing in one place, I have a slight-moderate feeling of falling backwards. I have to compensate for this by bending my knees or bending my back down which is terrible for posture and for future back problems.

This is why I say Yuksel has crippled me. No I am not in a wheelchair but every time I have to stand up and balance myself I curse the butcher Yuksel Yurttas for doing this.

The only way to fix any type of deformity in bone properly is by TSF frame. Aka Ilizarov 3D frame. They will take the nail out and put the frame on. They will correct the deformity with the frame and you will have to keep it on for 6 months until the bone completely heals.

I don’t want to scare you.
Your deformity is not as bad as mine for sure, but it’s there. It’s your choice to fix it or not, and it may or not lead to arthritis. I will HAVE to fix mine because I want to live a life where I can atleast stand and brush my teeth for 2 minutes.

Now, just from what you experienced, and the problems you have, I don’t think that Dr Gokhan should be doing LL and shouldn’t be recommended to other patients. Good luck and peace.

 on: Today at 09:16:28 AM 
Started by quika34 - Last post by Beemer m3
u are really in a bad situation. u need to work. find a job. let your memory free from being short. invest on what you can. spend your time reading up bitcoing and crypto currency. after saving up and investing for 4 years because bitcoin can take like 5 years for gains. invest in the bear market. start looking for overseas doctor that can take care of you. some doctors will take you in while being cheap but the forum guys on here will talk bad about you because u went with a cheap doctor but dont worry they got no money for the surgery too.
doing some tibia ilizarov frames is really cheap and easy but the recovery can take a long time.

 on: Today at 09:13:12 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Ted68

Brother, I literally explained to you, you have the exact same issue that I have which is procurvatum. In fact you have it both in the femur and the tibia.

If I had picked Gokhan instead of Yuksel, I would still have the same issue, because Gokhan gave you procurvatum as did Yuksel gave me procurvatum. This is due to the Turkish doctors not inserting the nail in the correct entry point in the tibia. That was the only issue I had with Yuksel.

In any case, hope you do well and get your issues fixed. With procurvatum, it’ll be difficult to stand straight and balance yourself without feeling like you are falling. How difficult it is depends on the severity of procurvatum. I recommend getting checked by Dr Gdalevitch or someone in North America. Peace.

I got it.
So, tell me, man... after removing the nails, the procurvatum effect will disappear ?
What is your main concern now regarding your situation ?... is fixable, or stays forever ?
Can you walk with no help now ?
You said "he crippled you". Is that for real what you think ?

I don't try to combat you, because I am in same boat... I only want to understand your concerns and your drama...

Thank you

 on: Today at 09:03:07 AM 
Started by _dearStranger - Last post by Beemer m3
if u were doing femur u would recover much faster . depends on what your doing. monorail lon femur im assuming. i would aim for 7 cm and if u cant go on with the pain and being lonely at the time then u can shorten the lengthening but 7 cm is great and life changing. u wouldnt need any more in the future since thats what u plan.
if ur growing why not take the 7 cm since growing is addicting. no regrets after finishing what u came to do.

 on: Today at 08:57:10 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by shortisnotfun
Honestly, yes, I always thought about paying double and get perfection... but ONLY God really helps you, because american surgeons have their rate of failure, as well.
So, I prayed to God to not let happen to me bad things... every day !

Man, dr Gokhan never had failure or bad results. He only had a bad result because one of his anesthetist who did a bad spinal anesthesia. He is a good technician and always knows how to fix a bad situation which appear.

I appreciate your effort to explain me that all turkish surgeons are butchers... BUT I AM 100% SURE  that if you were under his hands, now you could be much better or even having zero problems !
I don't know why you chose Yurktas instead, but that is not my business...

Thank you

Brother, I literally explained to you, you have the exact same issue that I have which is procurvatum. In fact you have it both in the femur and the tibia.

If I had picked Gokhan instead of Yuksel, I would still have the same issue, because Gokhan gave you procurvatum as did Yuksel gave me procurvatum. This is due to the Turkish doctors not inserting the nail in the correct entry point in the tibia. That was the only issue I had with Yuksel.

Don’t be flattered by how nice everyone is, they were nice to me as well. This is amateur work by your surgeon.

In any case, hope you do well and get your issues fixed. With procurvatum, it’ll be difficult to stand straight and balance yourself without feeling like you are falling. How difficult it is depends on the severity of procurvatum. Additionally, procurvatum can cause bone to not grow properly as well.

I recommend getting checked by Dr Gdalevitch or someone in North America. Peace.

 on: Today at 08:51:51 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Ted68
I understand it cost double, but the price of doing it in America is that you get it done with PERFECTION. Since you had the money to buy houses, teslas, businesses, etc, I’m assuming you also had the money to do it in the US? Saving money is what I wanted to do as well, and I ended up crippled by butcher Yuksel Yurttas.

Alas, I only do this to help you, as I didn’t have any help myself and didn’t trust any foreign surgeon until I went back to the United States and spoke with Assayag/Paley. Good luck.

And yes, hopefully it doesn’t have a bad impact on your health, but I would only ask a qualified limb lengthening surgeon in the United States that question, not Dr Gokhan or any of the other “doctors” in Turkey.

Honestly, yes, I always thought about paying double and get perfection... but ONLY God really helps you, because american surgeons have their rate of failure, as well.
So, I prayed to God to not let happen to me bad things... every day !

Man, dr Gokhan never had failure or bad results. He only had a bad result because one of his anesthetist who did a bad spinal anesthesia. He is a good technician and always knows how to fix a bad situation which appear.

I appreciate your effort to explain me that all turkish surgeons are butchers... BUT I AM 100% SURE  that if you were under his hands, now you could be much better or even having zero problems !
I don't know why you chose Yurktas instead, but that is not my business...

Thank you

 on: Today at 08:34:42 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by shortisnotfun
Man, I am pretty sure you didn't read my first posting, but I explained why I chose dr Gokhan.
I could do it in north-America, but there it cost DOUBLE and you don't have the commodities and all convenient in one package as I got.
Second, the Turkish people are nice and helpful.
Third, is only 1 hour flight from my country.
Fourth, I chose carefully the best Turkish doctor I could and I trusted him from the first moment till now. Every few weeks he message me asking how I am doing and I keep him updated.
This is the first time when I revealed details about my doctor.

I hope all that you complained, are only different ways to do the procedures and will not have a bad impact for long time on my health...

Thank you

I understand it cost double, but the price of doing it in America is that you get it done with PERFECTION. Since you had the money to buy houses, teslas, businesses, etc, I’m assuming you also had the money to do it in the US? Saving money is what I wanted to do as well, and I ended up crippled by butcher Yuksel Yurttas.

Alas, I only do this to help you, as I didn’t have any help myself and didn’t trust any foreign surgeon until I went back to the United States and spoke with Assayag/Paley. Good luck.

And yes, hopefully it doesn’t have a bad impact on your health, but I would only ask a qualified limb lengthening surgeon in the United States that question, not Dr Gokhan or any of the other “doctors” in Turkey.

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