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Author Topic: What starting height plus 3 inches changes peoples perspective of the LLER most?  (Read 2767 times)

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I didn’t know how to coherently title this but.... What starting height plus the maximum internal lengthening of 3 inches makes other people change how the look at the LLer most? For example does going from 5’3 to 5’6 or going from 5’6 to 5’9 change how people perceive your stature more? Also I was thinking about this from the male perspective but female is welcome as well.


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Probably 5' 7" to 5' 10", as you jump from below average to slightly above average. The difference in treatment is huge.

Of course from 5' 3" to 5' 6" is still big, but you're still below average which probably wouldn't trigger too strong of a response.


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I think I agree because I think the biggest differences in one inch changes is around 5’7 going to 5’8 because one is considered short and then suddenly you are are just barely average and then two more inches brings you to a “respectable height”.


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I think I agree because I think the biggest differences in one inch changes is around 5’7 going to 5’8 because one is considered short and then suddenly you are are just barely average and then two more inches brings you to a “respectable height”.
In reality the difference between 5' 8" and 5' 9" isn't even that noticeable, to be fair.


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Well I plan on going from 5'7.5 to 5'9.5 and I believe those 2 inches will make a big difference

Yes it's only 2 inches but now I'll go from being short to being perfectly average in the US, to the point where my height won't even be a topic.

That being said my height currently doesn't hold me back from anything either because I'm not that far below average. I believe going from 5'5 to 5'8 would have a big impact because you go from solidly short to barely below average and there will probably be a big difference in how people see you.

On the flip side, if you're already tall then height increase likely doesn't matter. For example if you're 6' then going up to 6'3 will probably not make much of a difference in how people perceive you.

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Personally, I thing 5'5" to 5'8" would be huge, ideally I would get there because 5'8" is usually considered "not short" in most places.
Height dysphoria since 2008. (age 5)
Hoping to undergo STRYDE 8cm femurs when I can afford it.
164 cm with a wingspan of 166cm
Goal: 5'7.5 (172+) or taller, but hopefully 5'8 (173)


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In my opinion: the shorter your starting height, the higher your benefits.
Clearly I assume that your starting height is more than 150; if you are shorter you'll be too short even at the end.
Probably the best gain you can see is when your starting height is between 5'3 and 5'5. That range is a mark that makes people think about your height as first thing when they see you, your friends make jokes and stuff like that. In addition a large numbers of girls are taller than you. When you go over that height range you're just a normal short or slightly short dude.
For sure is great going to short to average, but not great in the same way.


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As someone stated above I consider the biggest jump would be going from solid 5.5 to 5.8
I have come to realize that the vast majority of people overestimate their height either because they are lying or because they havent measured properly. I myself used to believe I was a solid 5.5 as it was even stated in my Id card, a few years later I realized I am exactly 5.4

Been so obsessive with heights somehow trains you to estimate others people height much more accurately and I now realize that the amount of men in the true 5'9 or 5'10 range is much lower in reality.

At solid 5.8 your height simply wont add or substract to your "attractivness", of course being above 6 feet is a plus, but not a must.
Meanwhile being short is really a turn-off for many women, and you will be out of that zone after reaching the 5.8


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I see what you are saying, I think in my  area of the US the population is mostly very rich white people, so the average height may actually be 5’10 to 5’11 for males. So I am more biased to the poster who said 5’7 to 5’10 would make the biggest difference. I can see in other areas where the average height isn’t so high that 5,5 to 5’8 would be huge. In my area unfortunately people would still say you are short  :-\

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For me it is 5.6 to 5.9 but 3 inches added to everything from 5.5 to 5.7 will make a huge difference, more than any other heights.


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I see what you are saying, I think in my  area of the US the population is mostly very rich white people, so the average height may actually be 5’10 to 5’11 for males. So I am more biased to the poster who said 5’7 to 5’10 would make the biggest difference. I can see in other areas where the average height isn’t so high that 5,5 to 5’8 would be huge. In my area unfortunately people would still say you are short  :-\
The main problem is not being below average but being freakishly short. It’s a mark, a curse, you can’t hide it and it’s the first thing people perceive meeting you. I don’t blame people who are 5’7 or 5’9 and want to be taller but it’s a different situation because you’re “just” gaining a desirable trait, while in the first situation you’re removing an awful defect.


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I actually have a different opinion. If you started out average 5'9 and did three inches straight to 6 foot you would be above average in terms of the bell curve theory. You've literally leapfrogged the majority of the world's population. Leadership, social, women etc, it's the starting point of benefits.

After 6'3 you don't make that many gains in terms of bell curve, but from being average to 6 foot...


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But in practice being 6' doesn't really have that much of an advantage over being 5'9

Yes you'll do slightly better with women, maybe make a bit more money but overall there are a bunch of 6' losers out there so it's not like 6' automatically gets you to a higher existence.

If anything going from short to average gives you the biggest gain because now you are no longer judged negatively for your height. In terms of dating most women just want a man that's taller than them, not necessarily 6'+. And in terms of career, not being short means you won't have negative perceptions on your ability based on your height.


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I actually think the 6ft to 6’3 is ideal (not changing from 6 foot to 6’3, just those heights in general) the and results may start to decline after that. And honestly this was my first take, but it’s hard to say. I am stuck between negative to neutral or neutral to negative. I generally think as a psychology major that negative emotions tend to be more powerful than positive ones when it comes to occupying headspace so I’m still favoring going from a negatively perceived height to a neutral one. But there is a good argument to be had for 5’9 to 6’0 or similar.


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Ya I honestly think the 6ft thing is half meme and half “ideal” but unless a girl is already tall, just being a little taller is good.


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you can't think to really improve magically your life condition becoming a tall man, it's all up to you, if you are a loser you still remain that.
If girls don't like you at 5'9 in all probability they don't care about you 8cm taller lol


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Unfortunately this is not true, and just way too reductionist. People aren’t born “losers”, the combination of environment with genes are what would make someone perceived that way.
So the unfortunate reality is that, all things given equal, a person born with societally unacceptable stature will be more swayed into the so called “loser” direction. I somewhat agree with your last point. “If girls don't like you at 5'9 in all probability they don't care about you 8cm taller lol.” But many girls top requirements for guys include height. So if you are good with girls at 5’9, then you may still not be tall enough, but with 3 inches you could be. I just hate people who are so weird about what is ok for a good reason to LL.


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I understand what you mean but it's a different situation. Being tall is definitely a positive trait, one of the most important.
But the real problem begin when your defect is so bad that you can't compensate to your lack of something. You can be "a bit" short, you can be not so smart, you can be not beautiful. You can compensate with others qualities. If you are very short, stupid or very ugly, in that situation you'll be always noticed for that and it will compromise your life, expecially for the dating life. That's the difference, if you become average-tall you're improving yourself for sure, you'll be more attractive and appreciated for your look, but not as much as a person who has always had the curse of the real short stature.
I don't talk about the working life because if you work hard you can go everywhere anyway even as a very short person, that's a mental limit due to the fact taller people are generally more self confident, so not strictly due to the short stature.


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I don't judge anybody, even if you are 6' and you want to do LL why not, the only thing I strongly think is that the benefits you can achieve are lower, nothing else.


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Okay I appreciate you elaborating, I think we actually agree almost 100%. I think I just didn’t like your initial posts’ wording because it felt dismissive. If you are curious, I am exactly average in the US,5’9.5, and I’m getting LL for what I think is a unique reason for my very acceptable height. Have a good day!


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Okay I appreciate you elaborating, I think we actually agree almost 100%. I think I just didn’t like your initial posts’ wording because it felt dismissive. If you are curious, I am exactly average in the US,5’9.5, and I’m getting LL for what I think is a unique reason for my very acceptable height. Have a good day!
You'll be happy for sure, good luck
I wrote hard words just because I don't agree with the thought about the "success-line height", you can be a very successful man even being average or short


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I think the best way to look at this is at what height does your stature not hold you back in life?

I believe once you are 5'7-5'8+, your height doesn't really hold you back too much in life, any extra height is just a positive. I'm a bit over 5'7 and I've never felt like my height has held me back much. Obviously being taller would be nice but I don't think shortcomings in life (no pun intended) are due to my height.

However if you're something like 5'4 and in the US, yeah I believe that height does hold you back. You are visibly significantly shorter than average and that can be a dealbreaker for many women, and also it might be harder for you to gain respect amongst your male peers and in your professional life. So basically 5'6 and under your height begins to hold you back.

So in my opinion going from under 5'6 to over 5'7 would be the biggest game changer. The higher you go the more the returns are diminished. A 6'5 guy going to 6'8 probably won't even notice a difference at all, except maybe he'll be scouted to play basketball (until they learn he had LL lol)


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I don't judge anybody, even if you are 6' and you want to do LL why not, the only thing I strongly think is that the benefits you can achieve are lower, nothing else.
Hi bro ,
I hope you are doing well , your comment seems to me sensitive , but I want why do you perceive that the benefits will be lower in terms of what comparing two guys 6'1 and the other 6'5 , I think that the 6'5 guy has more pros than the 6'1 , in terms of aesthetic and attractivity?


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Hi bro ,
I hope you are doing well , your comment seems to me sensitive , but I want why do you perceive that the benefits will be lower in terms of what comparing two guys 6'1 and the other 6'5 , I think that the 6'5 guy has more pros than the 6'1 , in terms of aesthetic and attractivity?

I think 6'5 is preferable to 6'1.  But to be honest, comparing a 6'1 man and a 6'5 man in attractiveness, most women will focus more on face, body proportions, athleticism, etc., rather than height, because the average height of women, even in tall countries, is about  5'7-5'8 (maybe 5'9, I'm not sure) that is, a 6'1 man will already be perceived as tall by most women


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I think 6'5 is preferable to 6'1.  But to be honest, comparing a 6'1 man and a 6'5 man in attractiveness, most women will focus more on face, body proportions, athleticism, etc., rather than height, because the average height of women, even in tall countries, is about  5'7-5'8 (maybe 5'9, I'm not sure) that is, a 6'1 man will already be perceived as tall by most women
Thank you men , I reckon that's judicious what you say , but what about doing it just to get rid of this hantive idea of height and comparing yourself to others?


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Hi bro ,
I hope you are doing well , your comment seems to me sensitive , but I want why do you perceive that the benefits will be lower in terms of what comparing two guys 6'1 and the other 6'5 , I think that the 6'5 guy has more pros than the 6'1 , in terms of aesthetic and attractivity?
Hi bro
In the example you did I think that none of them has any issue with his height, even the 6'1 is everywhere tall so despite being 6'5 is better there's not a big difference, expecially because I don't think that going over 6'3-6'4 can give real benefits.
But let's talk about a 5'10 guy and a 6'1 guy. The second one has a better height in term of attractiveness for sure, but the 5'10 has no things precluded by his height. He can hang out with almost every girl because he has a decent height, he can be a policeman, he can go out without being noticed for a short stature and he's not judged for it.

Can you say the same for a 5'3, 5'4 or even 5'5 guy? He will be always marked as "the short guy", he will be able to hang out with shorter girls only (because girls don't want a dude shorter than them, I think this is a fact) and among them, even if much shorter than him, let's say a 5' girl, many of them would reject anyway because that's not a decent height for a man, it's way too short than the average. In many countries he'll not be able to work as policeman due to his height and, at first glance, he is going to be underrated by many people in social life and he'll have to be nice and charismatic to be appreciated and reverse the first thought on him.
That's the reason why, even if they are just few inches, the jump to an height like 5'7 is so great, because you can leave behind all this shet. This is my thought but I'm think many people can agree with my speech.


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1.70 is an average size in most countries. Many famous businessmen, singers, movie actors, politicians etc.

+ 7-8 cm is a huge difference for anyone less than 1.70 in height. It will have an average height and won't be very unobtrusive in society because there are a lot of people like it.

Lots of people here want to have average height, not tall.


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Thank you men , I reckon that's judicious what you say , but what about doing it just to get rid of this hantive idea of height and comparing yourself to others?

I think this is not a problem if you have a strong desire, a lot of money and time and you are not going to engage in professional sports


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I think this is not a problem if you have a strong desire, a lot of money and time and you are not going to engage in professional sports
A lot of money nooo hahaha thank you for the advices


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Even 1inch can make a big difference let alone 3 inches...
Height 156cm / Goal 168cm / femurs and tibia with Dr Parihar or Dr Giotikas


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In this thread:
2 sides of opinions

side A: Short men becoming not short and nearer to the mean ( 5'4 to 5'7 or 5'5 to 5'8 or 5'6 to 5'9)

side B: already average men becoming tall ( 5'8 to 5'11 or 5'9 to 6'0 etc)

My thoughts:
Both are obviously very strong quality of life improvements.

Side A is mainly escaping heightism from an objectively short/mistreated state and huge self-esteem/self-confidence boost.

Side B is becoming more attractive from a fine/average state and huge self-esteem boost as you enter the upper echelons of height.

One can argue, Side A started with immense personal dysphoria and poor societal treatment
Side B started with a personal neurosis

If we were to quantify the starting line and the finish line, Side A probably has more gain, as they start from a state of a massive dysphoria (think, a big negative number),
while Side B probably gained a good confidence boost but started from a state of more "neuroticism" (no one would call a 5'9 person 'short' in a country that averages 5'9) instead of active societal and culture inflicted dysphoria.

But in the end, BOTH have benefits to gain and improves each of their own lives. Curing the height neurosis. So it's mostly PERSONAL. A 5'9 dude on this forum probably has worse dysphoria than a 5'3 confident guy who holds himself well.
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