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Author Topic: Bigfaker - External Tibs - Dr. Sringari/Dr. __ - "We're Off To Slap the Wizard!"  (Read 19443 times)

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NOTE: posting on both forums for obvious reasons...and in case I ever get banned. Also, if you want to read the beginning chapters of my story, I'm suuure you know where to find it.

So unfortunately, I was not able to keep up the diary that I had originally planned. However, I did take a fair amount of notes over this time and never really stopped journaling in my head. Also, I'll be relying on a lot of WhatsApp chats I've had to better recall things from last year and the year before. In that respect, I'll try to emulate Medium Drink's awesome diary. Also I don't think there's yet been a Sringari diary that has gone very far past frame removal.

I'll try to recount, to the best of my ability (and the extent of my notes/memories): the time in India; and then also detail my long, slow and difficult recovery here in the US; the headaches and blessings of life under Obamacare...AND, as a special bonus -- for readers of my diary only, an exclusive Bigfaker special, all major credit cards accepted, operators are standing by, act NOW -- I'll try to give you my "product reviews" of the various rehab/disability/strength products I've tried, like Exogen; Orthovisc and Cortisone; Botswelia, Mobilegs, iWalk, shower stability bars, balance trainers, weight machines (e.g. Cybex Multi-Hip and standing calf raise), and the incredibly awesome AlterG treadmill.

Before you ask: yes, I do have a crapload of walking videos for y'all. Not just of me, but an assortment of my fellow patients (from the original Sringari House), most of whom are fully actually a couple of these would technically be running videos

Though I've been meaning to reboot my diary for years -- pretty much ever since I disappeared -- but my limited time and attention span would just not allow for it. However, as I'm having yet another surgery next month, I'm approaching a crossroads...and the therapeutic act of writing might help me retain what little sanity I have left.

So through this next phase, I just miiiiight be introducing a couple of new LL docs...right here in California (and I don't mean at Mahboubian's LLIA). I'm talking about board-certified orthopedic surgeons, trained at prestigious institutions here, with the senior doc a current board member of LLRS (formerly ASAMI).  But I won't ever be promoting them...or even recommending them. Contrary to what all the conspiracy nerds think, I have never shilled for any doc, nor have I explicitly discouraged anyone from seeing another. The amount of paranoid sh!t-talking that went on because I wanted to tell a story chronologically was just f*cking absurd. As I originally said waaaaay back in 2013: do your own research, meet all your prospectives, make your own.damn.decision. Just because I might recount a good or bad result, it does not amount to my promoting for or advisng ANY way, shape or form! Even though there'e no actual liability, I sure as Hell don't want anyone blaming me or even the guilt on my conscience if something goes wrong.

As far as my experience in India, a WHOLE lot of crap did eventually go wrong for me, but none of it really had to do with Sringari. My Diary title does NOT refer to him.

Anyway, this is just me re-emerging. 

I know I'm being rather vague right now. As usual, it's intentional. Details to follow...when I get around to it. I still need to focus a lot of time on recovery and my upcoming surgery, while the other aspects of my life are unbelievably hectic right now. Sooooo, as per usual with me, you'll just have to check in to see what happens.

Quote Of the Week
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
- Thomas Carlyle
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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I have been eagerly awaiting your return, hoping for an "Arabian Nights" experience :)
2016 5.3 cm RFem. Fitbone, 2019 8cm LFem. Precice 2.2, 2022 2.9 cm Rfem Precice 2.2


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Thanks, Aim.

I have 2+ years of writing rattling around in my head and my notes (not quiiiite "One Thousand and One", though). I hope I can let it all out somewhat intelligibly, rather than puking out big buckets of WordVomit.

Cheers ;)
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Hey [various people], thanks for the concern, y'all. Hand Sanitizer was only partially right. I was getting tired of all the ill-informed, speculating feckless fkholes making sh!t up, but that in itself was not enough to make me go dark. In all honesty, the main issue was time. Unlike almost every external patient about whom I have read, I brought much of my work life with me to India. And I have not just a regular "day job", but I run a business as well....a business that had a major event I was working on (remotely) from Gurgaon...on my laptop...while in frames (and after removal, too). You should have seen the reactions from the staff and other patients when they saw the amount of luggage I had, stuffed with equipment (and tubs of protein, Exogens I got on ebay for a couple guys, and various phasers and tricorders). [When I arrived at the Delhi airport-- not knowing each other yet, no local cell phone, and teeny-tiny bandwidth free airport Wifi for Skype -- it was a prolonged debacle, as Sunny kept ignoring the guy with 4 suitcases...because he thought it couldn't possibly have been a patient LOL.] So those career demands on my time/attention, plus the daily PT, keeping in touch with friends/fam/fiancé via Skype, and just needing a modicum of time to chill/decompress/watchTV-movies-porn to get away from the miserable existence of living in a crappy guest house halfway around the world from home while trapped in medieval torture devices.

I guess I should have said something about checking out before I did...only I hadn't really intended to just disappear. You may have gleaned from reading me that I'm pretty much an all-or-nothing type of person. So I kept telling myself I would go back, but my intense OCD was telling me that if I didn't have time to do it right (meaning FakerStyleTM), that I shouldn't do it  at all. Damn, I talked myself into a circle again.

Anyway, sorry I worried y'all. It's nice to have been missed (plus take this as an explanation/justification for if/when it happens next time)   ;D
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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[I know you may not be here anymore, either...but if you're lurking] MAN! I'm SOOOOOO sorry I left you hanging. But I DID PM you before I went dark...and you didn't reply, so it's on YOU haha.

My heart seriously broke a little when I read (too late) that you were coming to CA and needed a ride. I totally could have driven up from SD and picked you up...Hell, you could have stayed with me (or my LA fam) and I could have taken you around SoCal.

Anyway, In the off-chance you ever come back on here, hope you're doing well. What I saw of your recovery (I love TRX bands!) looks truly awesome!
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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The Faint Stench of Death...and Onions

February 27, 2014 (Thursday)

One of our LL brothers was leaving the next day, and he hadn't really gotten to see anything in India besides the airport, the guest house, and two hospitals, so we planned a night of sightseeing in Delhi. Staring at the same walls for months on end, we were all pretty psyched to just get the f*ck OUT. That afternoon, I had finally found a way to deal with the boredom of doing the stationary bike -- by grabbing a pair of Vic Firths and playing super-hyped air drums to my fave playlists while pedaling -- so I had 90 minutes of the best workout the guest house could possibly provide me. And riding that surge of endorphins, I was feeling better that evening than I had since getting the frames put on December 17th. Isn't it ironic...dontcha think? [in hindsight, anyway]

One guy was feeling crappy, another didn't want to venture out in frames, so the remaining four patients, two caretakers, two PTs, and the assistant guest house manager piled into a couple cars and headed off to Delhi, bringing a wheelchair and two wheeled office chairs in the trunks. We drove by Embassy Row, then took a circle of Connaught Place:

Then we stopped at The India Gate. After that night I can definitively tell you this: one LL patient in public is a curiosity. Two are a rather bizarre sideshow. Four guys with bilateral fractures (2 of them in frames), a wheelchair, a couple of office chairs, a pair of crutches and five assorted attendants is the whole three-ring f.ucking circus.

We wheeled around the Gate for a while, with all the "WTF" stares and people pointing and quizzical looks one would expect. While we mostly kept to our group, our resident social butterfly kept getting into conversations with random groups of people. Mr. Butterfly bought some of the street food and offered me a bite. Curious, it tried it [Ruh Roh?] It wasn't very cold out or anything, and we were not outside for more than an hour probably. But on the way home, one of us patients got seriously nauseated. It wasn't me, but [Warning Sign?]

As had become the routine for our farewell sendoffs, we had ordered a couple cakes from a bakery for the pitiful little party at the house. [Bad idea?] So those were awaiting us at "home". We also stopped on the way back to order some dinner from Schwarma House. [Fatal Mistake?] Hey, it's good enough for The Avengers, right?

Finally getting back to the Guest House, my legs felt like they had doubled in size...and not in the intended way. All that sitting in the car just gave me the feeling that I had a couple boulders attached at the knees. Getting inside, we had another one of our Pitiful Parties, sans booze this time. Schwarma Schwarma, Cake Cake, Pictures Pictures, etc etc. Nothing really tasted weird or felt "off", but [F*ck, This Is not Going To End Well, Is It?]

The next morning, I was half-delirious when my buddy stopped in to say goodbye before leaving for the airport [for his flight back, let's say..."Namibia". Or you pick a country. It's Mad Libs Diary Day]. I was coherent enough to say goodbye, but all I really remember about the rest of that day was feeling f*cking FREEZING COLD. Then BURNING UP...then freezing again...then burning...lather, rinse, repeat. I remember Harry giving me a thermometer that day (Friday) and it read like 99-something, so I didn't think it was gonna be a major thing. That night was mostly delirium, but I do distinctly remember looking out the window and seeing Martin Luther King juggling some chainsaws while riding a unicorn across our backyard.

On Saturday morning, I took my temp again and it was 104.3. One Hundred F.ucking Four Point F.ucking Three. In my life experience, that's not a body temperature, that's the goddamn frequency for an Oldies radio station! Harry got me into a car and we went to Paras Hospital to see an internist. He asked a few questions, took temp and BP, and wrote a few scrips. About the same as one would get at a busy county hospital in a low-income area of the US. The humongous difference though? I paid in cash. The amount? Six hundred rupees (about NINE BUCKS! YOU CAN SUCK IT OBAMACARE! And the prescriptions were only SIX BUCKS! YOU CAN SUCK IT TOO, BIG PHARMA!). We ran into Dr. Sringari in the hallway and he ribbed me in his usual affable, jovial way: "Not feeling good? Too much party? Heheh" Not the biggest show of concern, but he would kinda redeem himself later on.

The next 36 hours of that weekend I would not wish on anyone. Interspersed amongst the constant cycle of freezing-to-death and burning-up came (it seemed) hourly trips to our (already disgusting) bathroom [I told y'all how my roommate and I had to share it with the 5 live-in and 3 daytime staff guys, right? Not to mention the upstairs patients who came down to workout/hang out] Anyway, I was in that f*cking hole so much I should have just brought my pillow and blanket. QUESTION: if it's called "The Runs" when you have two functional legs, whaddaya call it when you have to scoot yourself around on a rolly-chair? "The Wheels"? "The Scoots"? "The LL Intestinal Hell Shuffle"? Sunday morning, I took a chance that I could stomach food for the first time since that night of the party, so I took a bite of breakfast. For some reason, our chef Kishoor had decided to pack his normally decent egg salad sandwiches with enough incredibly-pungent Indian onions to brings tears to the eye...the eye of a f.ucking hurricane. I spit that sh!t up so fast, it made vapor trails coming out of my mouth. One small grace was that week stayed pretty much vomit-free.

I thought the fever "broke" (that's what Moms say, right?) on Monday, but the normalcy I briefly felt, cycled back into alternating burning-up and freezing-cold yet again that night. I had taken all of the fever meds they had given me Saturday (OK, so maybe I just got what I paid for with that six bucks), so I made do with Tylenol (and whiny calls to fam and fiancé back home). By Wednesday, I still was not much better, so I got schlepped to the hospital again. This time, a different internist came down to Doc Sringari's secondary office for my exam and checked me out there. Dr. Sringari sat in on this one, asking InternistGuy some questions, seeming involved -- pretty much making up for our previous meeting -- and maintaining the impression I already had: that he's ostensibly a caring doctor. But he was also concurrently working on a PowerPoint presentation about OSHA stuff for his new that went right along with the impression we had been developing that he's an impossibly BUSY doctor.

Had blood and piss tests taken, plus sent home with a container for the TestThatShallNotBeNamed. Had to pay around INR5000 for everything, plus the taxi. Harry had paid for the car the first time and said I was to foot the bill this second time, but I just gave him the money for both. Whether it had been paid for by him personally or the Guest House budget, Faker don't like owin' nobody for nuthin'. That third goddamn lab test was just a horror. First attempt was accidentally thrown away by (caretaker) Deepu when he was cleaning. Couldn't f.ucking BELIEVE I had to do it again. Sunny, probably going way beyond the call of an Assistant House Manager's duty, took that doodoo sample -- that I put inside a Ziplock in another Ziplock in another bag in another bag in a cardboard box -- off to Paras...on his motorcycle LOL. That's some sh!tty f*cking work, right there (try THAT, Mike Rowe!). He picked up some meds to replace a pack I lost, too. Say what you will about Sunny -- there have been so many accusations and things surrounding him that we have heard about. Personally, he always got me anything I asked for -- this laptop, ATM withdrawals, leg covers, internet service -- in a prompt manner. I know some of our guys had mad issues with him while there -- and I kept those in at the back of my mind -- but it's hard to accept things so contrary to one's personal experience, joono?

As usual, this story started its life as a leaflet (in my head) and has evolved into my typical tome. Soooooooo, by the eighth day of the ordeal, I FINALLY started to turn the corner and was back to life that next weekend (March 8/9). I had stopped lengthening the first few days I was sick, the only days (besides the day before frame removal) that I didn't turn since my first mm on Christmas. Pretty ironic that whatever did cause that f*cked-up experience in India, it's probably only there in India that I would have been able to have a staff of caretakers around 24/7 to help me out while I was sick. Being laid up like that here at home, I would have been by myself most of the day. The moral of this excessively long tale?'s see...OK, I got it!: Don't hang out with guys from [Namibia]. They'll always try to f.ucking poison you before they skip town.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 10:53:32 PM by Bigfaker »
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Umm are you serious?
You didn't answer anyone's question.
What % are you of recovery? 1-100%?

These are the important questions man.

Yo, I'll cut you a break, since you probably didn't read the intro of my diary back when I started....or when I came back, for that matter.

I remember an Em Em Tee member months (or years) ago griping that somebody's diary was littered with too much non-relevant BS. And I also recall the many times diary-writers (diary-ers? no? too gross?) would have to stomp their foot with "I didn't write this for you, I wrote it for ME!". Well, I think they're both right. I do write as an outlet sometimes, just to depressurize the intense swelling of my little brain. So I have to warn you guys that this diary might be filled with a bunch of useless cra* that don't nobody care about. Conversely, it is a community, one from which I have learned 90% of what I know about LL, so I want to pay it forward and provide as much info and insight (from my possibly unique perspective) as I can.
So that's why I made the markers...that, and the fact that I was doing anything I humanly could to avoid going back to work one afternoon. In addition to the Travel and the LL, I'll try to touch a bit on Aftercare, Financial, Medical issues, India Itself, Motivation/Inspiration, and General Bull (in which case the aforementioned griper can look for this icon and skip to the next section):

...So it's quite possible I keep an amazingly thoughtful, profound, hilarious, inspiring, informative journal...for like a week -- while I am up every night worried as hell and running on the nervous adrenaline. And after that: "F*CK y'all, I'm in PAIN!"

Though I've been meaning to reboot my diary for years -- pretty much ever since I disappeared -- but my limited time and attention span would just not allow for it. However, as I'm having yet another surgery next month, I'm approaching a crossroads...and the therapeutic act of writing might help me retain what little sanity I have left.
...I know I'm being rather vague right now. As usual, it's intentional. Details to follow...when I get around to it. I still need to focus a lot of time on recovery and my upcoming surgery, while the other aspects of my life are unbelievably hectic right now. Sooooo, as per usual with me, you'll just have to check in to see what happens

I should clarify, at no point did I ever say I was coming back to write for nextinline34, when he demands it, how he wants it, and detailing what he wants in it. Or anyone else, for that matter.

Also, I originally wrote that chapter back in India, the night before my frame removal.

If you think my particular case could have anything to do with what yours might be, you probably have a rude awakening coming for you. Unless you share my age range (late 30s-early 40s), my genetic make-up, my anatomy/musculature; my injury, dietary and medical history; my work ethic (or lack of it), my good luck/misfortune (or my spot in the universe of random permutations, if you're rational/empirical) -- with a significant overlap of these things -- there's incredibly little chance the results of my LL would even remotely parallel yours. Also, you know that ONE is not a significant sample size, right? And have you ever heard the idiom "Correlation is not Causation"?

If all you want is relevant data, and (how it might affect your decision), there are quite a few Sringari diaries, many more India diaries, a sh!t-ton of External LON diaries available to you. I'm sure those vets will all be happy to serve your every want and need.

So there's your f.ucking data. Happy?
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Holy   thats rough.   :o

You have had it hardddd man. That would be a nightmare outcome, although not as bad as crimson. Atleast it's still fixable but still ...pretty bad considering how long it has been since initial surgury. 

I really hope you get well soon man. I think ocean(I think it was ocean) also had a bonegraft done. He made a post about it and his malunion was fixed in no time.

Do you think if you took plenty of vitamin d supplements it may have been avoided. I am not expert but I think your body can't absorb as much calcium without vitamin d either


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Thanks, Spartan

I've had it harder than some, not as hard as others. :-I

I was taking D3 with my calcium, stuff like this:

I just had no idea that 800IU was insufficient. My new ortho said I need to be on 5000!

It's confusing, with the 4,986,475,312 doctors or "doctors" on the web now. Someone had told me that Calcium needs Magnesium for absorption. So, I was flying a little blind for a while. And the (non-LL) ortho I was going to for a while did not offer up any real solutions.
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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The Tiny Giant Among Men

First I have to preface this post by reminding anyone reading that this is a different type of LL blog. There are a plethora of great diaries out there and -- if you want griping, and complaining; debating about ballerina, X-legs and proportions; and all the stupid sh!t people say about this doctor and that doctor -- there are about seven million other places I could point you to for that. What I try to do when I write is an alternate, dare-I-say holistic type of discourse, from my perspective as a guy with 4 broken bones in his legs.

So I'm rather devastated this week. It was already rough enough dealing with visiting family, SEVERAL work deadlines, my regular PT and gym workouts, and fending off occasional trolls...or trollish-type people. And then hearing the news of Prince's passing Thursday...well, it took something extraordinary for me to climb out of my hole and post again this week.

(yes, I realize the speaker and her heels make it even more drastic)

Here was an itty-bitty little man, just 5'2" feet tall and maybe 130 pounds...and yet a legend, an icon who ruled (pun intended) his industry. Someone who had garnered the admiration and adulation of tens of millions around the world.

And, I wasn't going to get into this particular aspect until much later on, but I see so many posts and topics and discussions about needing height for attracting women. I really don't think getting taller should just be about getting women. I mean, I can understand it being perhaps a partial motivation, but it shouldn't be your main overall reason. God, I truly hope no one is doing that.

Prince showed us how a small, slightly-built guy could make the hottest women on Earth just drool. Maybe you don't have incredible talents, wealth, charisma and magnetism of His Purpleness...OK, so you'd probably never have shot at a young Carmen Electra or Apollonia or Vanity (RIP as well) in their prime. But if you exude even one one-thousandth of that confidence, some of the "I-don't-give-a-f.uck"-ness (TMBigfaker) -- that was so obvious in his music, his style, his demeanor -- maybe you can get the cutie at the coffee shop down the street to give you her number.

It's not just with da ladies that your attitude will get you places. Yes, this is the f.ucking internet, but still, so many people go around with just the worst energy...whether it's the the paranoia, the negativity, the need to race-bait. Have you ever looked at any comments on YouTube? It's a goddamn freak show. Anyway, my belabored point is -- no matter your height -- if you carry yourself with class and confidence; an egalitarian heart and a magnanimous spirit; you'll be amazed how many more doors open for you than if you walk around pissed off at God and The World.

Like I said, this was already a tough week....and now one of my heroes, one of my inspirations, is gone. But after this brief mourning, there'll be little wallowing in sorrow. When we lose people that influence us -- whether family, role models, or idols -- I think it's the best tribute we can make just to live our lives, incorporating their messages, their lessons, or their love...and feeling fortunate for having been touched by them.

(my old Blackberry camera doing the best it could in the rain during the epic Super Bowl XLI halftime show)

Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Thanks for sharing your story. There must have been so much that happened during your time there. I know you were only able to share a few things. It seems like you have so much stuff that went south even though you appeared to be a healthy, fit guy. This is a low blow for me, especially for my own confidence. However, you are right in saying that no two person will have the same experience.

Your very welcome, Nerdz.
And Hell, I haven't even started to touch on the FUBAR crapfest that occurred after the "Wizard" (manager) shut down the guest house!

But you get it: I wouldn't take my story as any indication of what may happen on your journey. Especially since you're currently...23? Remember, I was 39 when I had my frames installed. I don't know if your Dad or uncles or older friends have ever told you, but a LOT happens physiologically when you get into your late 30s. Look at the guys in pro sports, how the older vets are always on the DL or the IR. Maybe they can still perform at a very high level, but the recovery from injury, or even fatigue/exertion/soreness is usually more difficult.

Looking back, I'm sure I underestimated the recovery time when I was considering LL. Also, I really downplayed the ankle injury I had/have. None of the 3 docs seemed to think it would matter -- I recall Parihar and Sringari testing my flexibility (Sarin and I only spoke at the guest house) -- probably because I didn't walk with any limp or noticeable sign of the issue. And I have been to 3 different foot and ankle surgeons and they all said something a little different.

Another thing (which we may or not share) is that I had huge muscular legs...especially in the calves.

I have to ask my new ortho about this, but the small, skinny guys in our guest house seemed to heal up much faster...well, they were also 9-18 years younger than I was...and some about half of my weight.

So don't worry too much. Just work on your flexibility and your core strength (need to talk about this too), get your Vitamin D levels tested, and BE PREPARED for things (possibly) taking longer than you expect.

Good luck!
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Bigfaker, did you have none union problems? And can you clarify about the ankle issues?

Hey ub,

25 months after frame removal, I still have non-union...well, my new ortho is calling it "partial non-union" of the anterior tibias. Because I got impatient with still using a crutch a year after frame removal, I was probably walking unaided too soon. My doc thinks it's possible one or more of the screws in the L nail is slightly dislodged. The rod itself seems OK. So the docs in India (in particular Sarin) were correct that the weakest link to worry about were not the nails, but the screws.

I can fully weight-bear on either leg. The tib/fib are pretty strong on the R side, but I have the ankle issue hampering it (more below). The L leg was muuuuuuuch slower to heal and is still weaker to this day. I used to have pain in the locking screw, but now the pain is just focused in the knee. I can fake a normal gait if I really concentrate, but usually it looks more like I'm limping. After a couple hard hours in the gym or doing martial arts, I can barely stand and resort back to the crutch when I get home.

Anyway, I was presented with 2 options to promote bone growth in my L leg: Masquelet graft or revision nailing. Because ortho thought the chances of success were about equal, I chose the latter because it's only one procedure instead of two. I just had my pre-anesthesia consult yesterday and my surgery is this Thursday the 12th.

The ankle issues were not really related to LL originally. They go WAAAAY back to a kickboxing injury in 2006. After that, I would supinate my R ankle (roll inward) about once a month, causing a mild to moderate sprain. I didn't have health insurance back then, so I never got around to having it checked out thoroughly until mid-2013, when I knew I would be starting my LL journey soon. The podiatrist/foot surgeon I saw that year said I had probably fractured something in there years ago, and I had bone fragments floating in there. I did some PT on it that year, but it didn't really improve much. I think I convinced myself everything was going to be OK. It was not really affecting me too badly: I could run and jump, I could kickbox, I could play basketball. None of the 3 docs in India seemed to think it would matter -- I recall Parihar and Sringari testing my flexibility (Sarin and I only spoke at the guest house) -- probably because I didn't walk with any limp (back then) or noticeable sign of the issue. 

Fast-forward to 2015 and the ankle was still KILLING me post-lengthening. I was usually on one crutch at this time (to support the weak L leg), but too much exertion would put me back on two. By then, three different podiatrist/foot surgeons had given three different diagnoses. The first (in 2013) had said I "probably had fractured it long ago". A second (in 2014) said I had an"obviously fractured talus". A third, later that year, got a CT and MRI and said there was only soft tissue damage. He gave me a Cortisone injection in (I think) January of 2015. I had surgery with this third doc a couple months ago, on February 22nd. He said he could only debride dead scar tissue and cartilage and there were no bone fragments in that area (below the malleolus) he could remove.

Two months later, it feels a bit better, but not really noticeable. I went for a post-op check on Monday and he gave me a second cortisone injection. So the saga continues...
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Stepping Back, Moving Forward

Well, despite all my best intentions, I can’t keep this going chronologically. Since I have a surgery tomorrow; henceforth, I’ll probably have to jump back and forth in time á la “Pulp Fiction” or “Lost” or even “Flash Forward” (for the 3 people who actually watched that show). My next surgery is in about 5 hours, with a 2-hour drive to get up to the hospital. I figure I’m gonna sleep off the anesthesia all day anyway, so I might as well stay and write…rather than try and get up at 5AM…aw Hell, there’s no way I would have gotten to sleep, anyhow.

I’ve mentioned here and there that my L tibia has a partial non-union. I got that diagnosis officially in early February, when I saw my new ortho. That was before my R ankle surgery, so I had a few weeks to decide between:
  • Revision Nailing – the reaming out of the bone to place the new nail would hopefully stimulate bone growth. Plus, the doc could replace the old nail (whether or not it was damaged, but also lessening the chance of future damage) and screws (some may be bent/damaged as of now, as I probably walked without crutches before I should have)
  • Masquelet Bone Graft – a pretty innovative technique in which they fill the cavity with antobiotic-infused cement. A biomembrane forms around the cement spacer. About 6 weeks later, ortho goes back in, removes the spacer, irrigates the biomembrane capsule, then fills it with bone autografted from my femur.
According to my surgeon, the chance of improvement through either option was about the same. Despite health insurance covering 80% of the cost, I was still pretty scared of how much these things could run me. I’m still paying off the copays of some of the MRIs, CT scans, and PT from the past couple years. But my doc said he didn’t think the full bill on either procedure would be more than $15000 or so…ironically, pretty close to what I paid for my original LL in India (the first 3 months, at least). So, with all medical factors being pretty equal, I asked him which one would be the most cost and time-effective, with the best chance for a quick recovery…not just from the surger(ies), but in getting back to walking again.  He thought the revision nailing would work well, and I liked the idea of having just one procedure instead of two, six weeks apart.

As some of you may have seen on various posts, I had decided on the revision nailing a while ago. I went to a pre-surg anesthesia consultation last Thursday, something they call “PACE”. It’s really crazy and drastic, the difference between having surgery here in the US, as opposed to India. I remember guys arriving in Gurgaon and having their legs broken (within one day). Myself, it took a week for me to fully come to grips with my decision, but -– had I chosen to do so -- I actually could have followed suit. So anyway, I went over to the PACE office (it’s in a medical plaza…really kinduva mini-mall) in the neighborhood surrounding the hospitals. A nurse took all the common vitals, then an anesthesiologist (fairly young guy, likely a resident) met with me for about 30 minutes. He went over all the meds I’m currently taking, the procedure I’ll be having, then gave me all my pre-op warnings and instructions.

I guess I just revealed where I’m doing this, huh? You know, I never really understood why some diaries would not list the docs, but now I do. I told my new ortho about the forums and am ever-so-slightly self-conscious about him possibly reading what I write about him. But he’s crazy busy, so I think it’s pretty unlikely…and I already told him I couldn’t promote him (or any doctor) anyway.

Anyway, where was I? So I had a bunch of blood drawn after the consultation, they even put on an ID anklet I've had to wear all week (I feel like a newborn infant). All this procedure, plus the written and explicit info really relieved me as I had not heard from my doc or the ortho department since my last consult…well, I thought I hadn’t. Turns out, they had sent me a packet in the mail. Either somebody in my house had not given it to me or it just got swallowed in the deluge of bills and junk I currently call Mail Mountain. Also, I had emailed my ortho my decision -- along with some of my old pics and x-rays – but I didn’t hear back from that, either. I guess he never saw that email, because he left me a voice mail Tuesday wondering which procedure I had chosen. I re-sent the email when I got home, left a voicemail with his surgery scheduler, then we finally connected yesterday afternoon when he called me.

So I guess there was a third option besides the two aforementioned: revision nailing with a regular (non-Masquelet) bone graft. I don’t really recall this being one of the options we discussed back in the consultations, but he had discussed my case with his partner (the LLRS board member) and some of his old colleagues at USC and this was the concensus. That was enough for me. Even though NewOrtho may not be an old hand at CLL, he’s done a lot of reconstructive work and he said non-union is one of his specialties.

Looking at the clock. 2:20 until I get my ride comes. 4:20 until surgery check-in….GULP

Hey BigFaker,

I really like how you write and you seem to see the lighter side of life.   
But are you really like how you write in real life?
I can't imagine how someone with a sense of humour as you could get bothered about your height enough get LL.
I've always felt people who consider LL are shy short serious people.

Yes, I pride myself on being a pretty positive and very resilient person, but I was in a very cold and dark place in 2015. I was on crutches most of the year. My fiancée and I had split up the previous August. My (then)-ortho (not an LL specialist) really had no idea of how to help me. Even the Orthovisc lubricating injection I requesting (for my L knee) was getting denied by the f.ucking a$$holes at my sh!tty insurance company. Alone, crippled, depressed…with no clear path to a meaningful recovery. I had thoughts. Some BAD goddamn thoughts.

But the clouds have long-since parted. Though it may have been a little soon, I felt strong enough in the L leg to put away the crutches in November. I’ve been limping/hobbling (I call it “lobbling”) all over the place since…but I can look pretty normal when I concentrate…and if I’m not too tired. Had my ankle surgery in February and was in a cast for 2 weeks, then a walking boot for another 2. Though it did not improve it much, I’ve fully recovered from that surgery, at least. I spend a crazy amount of time in the gym. Not just doing my core/stability/balance exercises, but rebuilding the muscle that atrophied, and trying to cut the weight I gained after I got home and during the depression. And tomorrow…actually today…really, a couple hours from now…comes a brand new day. A little nervous, but just excited to start making significant progress again…to get that much closer to walking normally again.

Even though I don’t have NEARLY the same concerns, worries, fears as I did the first time an orthopedic surgeon was about to ream out my tibia, then hammer and screw a titanium rod into the medullary cavity, I still hear an old song I wrote (back in Gurgaon) ringing in my head:

Quote Of The Week
The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.
― J.P. Morgan
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 12:22:07 PM by Bigfaker »
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Hey big,

Thanks for the update. How is the new nail feeling like compared to the old? And by when do you think you will be able to see evident regeneration.



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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Hey big,

Thanks for the update. How is the new nail feeling like compared to the old? And by when do you think you will be able to see evident regeneration.

Yeah, I’m doing really well, Spartan. Thanks. The new nail feels really good! The only pain I have right now is skin/soft tissue irritation mid-tibia where the locking screw was removed.

I already started walking (with partial weight, in the Alter-G treadmill) on Monday and have done so three times this week. Been to the gym a bunch of times as well, but only doing upper body stuff...well...some single leg rowing, too. I have veeeery lightly and gingerly stepped around the house without crutches, but I don't go very far, just moving between furniture and counters.

Not sure when I will see growth. Between the graft, the reaming for the new nail, and the crapload of Vitamin D I'm taking, I'm hope SOME-thing kicks it in gear! I had asked the doc in my consultation when I could have the nails removed and he thinks a year is definitely possible.

More details later...
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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How many CM did you do?


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Rise Of The Phoenix…er, um…The Faker

Soooo…where were we?

The stark contrast between this surgery and the first time [an ortho drove titanium into me] was tremendous. Instead of waiting overnight (13 hours) -- in a private room (in India) by myself -- with occasional visits from gruff “sisters” and orderlies who really didn’t speak much English, this time I was in a big group recovery ward...with rather friendly visits from anesthesologists and nurses and a quick talk with my surgeon, who came by for a bit.

I felt I had to make some of my own directions – mostly as a joke – but also because of the horror stories/urban myths we’ve all heard.

The nerve block was a little painful. More extensive (front and back) than the one I had in February for my ankle surgery, but nothing compared to a lumbar epidural. It is optional, but I do definitely recommend biting the bullet and opting for a nerve block, when possible. It lasts at least a day, so it makes the first post-op recovery day much more tolerable.

I remember getting wheeled into the OR (mostly because it’s on video) and transferring onto the table, but not much after that. As usual, the night-night drip worked like a charm and I woke up in the recovery room, feeling not great, but without the overwhelming ”got hit by a truck” feeling I usually have whenever I would come out of general anesthesia.

Another difference from Paras in Gurgaon: the post-op care. In India, the recovery from the initial (install) surgery was OK -- I had a private room for the entire 3 days –- but after frame removal, they put me in some dank semi-lit little room that had maybe 2 beds…well, actually…cots in it and I don’t think anybody checked on me the rest of the day I spent there waiting…covered in urine. Similar to what I read in Xia diaries, our frames were installed and removed under epidural nerve block (and light sedation, maybe?). They inserted a foley catheter in the OR and left it in until we were discharged. I actually don’t remember if we got a cath for the removal surgery, but I do remember there wasn’t one in post-op…and my crotch was wet and my skin was irritated and no one was really even checking on my overall condition, let alone the sweats I was wearing.

Anyway: flash forward back to this past surgery at Loma Linda. I awoke in the post-op recovery room of the East Campus Hospital.

I was pretty groggy, but I remember my surgeon coming by and telling me everything went well, falling back asleep, and waking up later seeing one of the anesthesiologists on duty…the one who had done my nerve block that morning. There was a big nurses station in the room and plenty of friendly, helpful people milling around. And this surgery experience was 1000% better just by the simple fact that I did not have to wait all day, then go home soaking in my own piss. They asked me if I wanted a bottle, but I opted for wheeling to the bathroom on the way out. I did stumble a bit getting back in the wheelchair…one of the nurses heard and came in to help. If I haven’t said it before, almost all of the pre-op and post-op nurses I’ve had in this country have just been angels…vastly overworked and underpaid angels.

The whole process that day was pretty quick. Not sure if this will surprise a lot of people who’ve had nails put it, but I did it as an outpatient. I was in the OR around 10:30 AM and back in the car going home by 3:30 PM. NOT that I was forced out, mind you. A little thought of $2000/day hospital stay (of which I’d pay 20%) was in the back of my head...but mostly I felt bad that my friend had waited all day to drive me home and I didn’t want him to have to come back Friday or get a motel room (which I would have paid for, but still).

Got home around 5:00, with lots of Percocet to get me through the next couple days, which I basically slept through.

I’ve been really trying to get rid of the weight I put on the past couple years, and I had started working out much more intensely in March. After recovering from the ankle surgery, this was turning into my first 3 consecutive days of inactivity in months. I know I was supposed to take it easy right after surgery, but I couldn't stand the thought of gaining any weight back, so I resorted to chair laps around the house:

Started to get stir-crazy being cooped up for days, so I went to the gym Sunday (3rd day P-O)...just did upper body weights and some heavy ropes for a bit.

I NEVER take selfies, but I thought this one might be worthy:

I got a new PT scrip, just in case the insurance company was gonna hassle me for still using the one I got from my foot surgeon in February.

Like he had said during the last consultation, immediate full weight-bearing on the new nail is OK by my surgeon (BTW, it’s made by Smith & Nephew, which Exogen users might recognize). I'm still using a crutch, maybe 80% weight so far. The only restrictions he gave me is "no open chain exercises". Achilles and calf are pretty tight right now. Knee is OK at this point. I started (stationary) biking this past Monday and using the rowing machine with both legs on Wednesday (as opposed to using just my R leg last week). The mid-tibia screw site was really sore for a while, but that has settled for the most part.
Another long-awaited benefit of this surgery is the extermination of this creature that had been living below my L knee:

I guess I should talk about the tendon release, but that’ll have to wait til next time.

Quote Of The Week

Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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What was your starting height and how much did you lengthen?


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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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hey Bigfaker,

those look like some nasty scars. :/

any theories surrounding why your bones didn't consolidate?


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Blinded Me With Science

Obviously, I haven't been back here very much lately. It's nothing directly related to the surgery. Just the crazy hecticness that is my daily life, as I've been totally overloaded with spending tons of time in the gym and at PT.

How many CM did you do?

What was your starting height and how much did you lengthen?

Apologies guys, for my delayed response. I have been really trying to find old my x-rays and final CT from before frame removal. It might sound ludicrous, but I don't know exactly how much I lengthened. Here's the rundown of what I do know:
- My afternoon/evening height was roughly 5'5-1/4" (165.7cm) in 2013 before LL
- I turned over 101mm:

Yeah yeah, don't freak out guys. I wasn't actually stupid enough to lengthen 10cm. As I've written here and there, I had a TON of turn loss, due to pin bending. To ease my mind (and intense data lust) of what was going on, I kept measurements of the distance between pins in my top and bottom rings:

- The latest X-ray I had, 8 days before frame removal, showed gains of 7.8R and 7.6L
- IIRC, the CT I had the week of frame removal showed 7.3cm (can't remember a R-L difference)
- Dr. Sringari said he measured 7.6cm gap in the FR surgery (04/17/14)
- X-Rays in May 2014, about 2 weeks after FR, showed 7.9cm in the AP, and 7.9cm on the R and 7.8cm on the L in the Lateral view.

Remember though, as I mentioned WAAAY back when I got those first few x-rays in 2K14, the radiology guys at Privat Hospital were overestimating our gains, due to the magnification. The comparison to the wrenches we taped to our legs proved that.

I also had a huge scare with a bump developing on my R tibia in the middle of lengthening. That led me to (partially) back-turn for a while. I'll have to discuss that, as well as the measurements/comparisons of my eventual height when I got home, in later episodes. (I know, I know, yet another teaser).

Wow, I can't believe I FINALLY gave away my stats. And here I always thought I would leave THIS as my final answer to that line of questioning:
Ooh, a unique diary, love it!

What's your height and general stats if you don't mind me asking?


I knew I'd hafta give up some personal details eventually. There's a post swirling around my head in which I'm figuring just how much I can divulge and still remain fully incognito. So...stats to come. In the meantime, maybe this will give you a rough idea:

hey Bigfaker,

those look like some nasty scars. :/
Yeah SAD, I can see why you and a lot of people think that. Personally, scars have never bothered me. I have tons all over my body from various injuries over the years. These ones from LL are just adding to the pile. Though on the other foot (haha), I do sometimes envy the hirsute guys, whose LL evidence is better hidden in the hairy moss. Whenever I go out in shorts (pretty much every day in CA), it's inevitable for people to wonder WTF happened to me.

And staples always look bad at first. I think the general concensus of why docs use them instead of sutures is because the scars will eventually be less noticeable with stapling. It's also faster, but I doubt any self-respecting surgeon would sacrifice a patient's well-being just for speed's sake. Though yeah, it seemed pretty ghastly at first.

My ex's kids were calling me "Frankenstein", and I certainly got a lot of attention at the if hobbling around on crutches to workout didn't garner me enough already.

any theories surrounding why your bones didn't consolidate?
In case you missed it earlier, I had asked my NewOrtho if he thought it was my age and he said no, he didn't think that was it. He suggested that my Vitamin D levels might be a factor and ordered a blood test. I then thought that was maybe because I don't get outside and absorb much sunlight, but he told me that studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is just as prevalent here in California as it is in bad climates where the sun is not omnipresent.

So after that first consult (02/09/16), Doc had me start taking an additional 5000IU of Vitamin daily -- and I was already taking that daily Calcium tab that included 800IU, twice a day -- for a new daily total of 6600IU

The Vitamin D25 test I got back in February had shown a level of 21 ng/mL. This is the one that was run on May 17th:

So, I'm within normal sufficiency now, although still on the bottom end of the 30-100 scale. At my second consult with him, NewOrtho had actually said one of my options to address the non-union -- short of surgery -- would have been just to see if the increased Vitamin D would get the callus going. But I was WAY too impatient for that. Two-plus years of crappy "lobbling" was more than enough for this lifetime!

I've reading as much as I can about hormones and bone growth*. I had no idea that Vitamin D is not a vitamin, but actually a hormone:
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D is an active hormone which is produced by the kidney, under the control of PTH, from precursors of dietary vitamin D intake and UV skin-production of vitamin D. It is not really a vitamin, but the name was given many years ago, before anybody knew the function of this molecule. Vitamin D receptors are present in bone, kidney, intestines, and other cells. The chemical name is 1,25-dihydroxy-cholecalciferol, and it:

- promotes gastrointestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
- is necessary for bone mineralization.
- stimulates bone resorption when given in high doses.

This stuff is VERY complex -- and it seems the research is still evolving -- but there is indeed a connection between some hormones and bone growth, specifically the process of (bone-resorbing) osteoclasts and (bone-building) osteoblasts. *

Lastly, my sleep patterns have always been VERY bad. I've read/listened to some endocrinologists' blogs and podcasts lately and it's pretty distressing to learn how much I've been messing with my body's natural HGH production by: 1) not getting enough sleep and 2) going to sleep so late every night. Remember how your parents used to say you have to get your sleep or you won't grow up big and tall? It's actually true. Last year, I remember Patient 6 suggesting that I get myself some HGH. I asked my FormerOrtho about it and he didn't know if it would help. I even considered getting some myself of the Dark Web, but now that I've read a bit more about it, I'm VERY glad I didn't. It seems taking synthetic HGH can inhibit the body's own production of it...on top of the other well-known side effects. *

* BIGFAKER'S STANDING DISCLAIMER: I am not now, nor have I ever been a doctor or legitimate medical researcher, nor have I ever played one on the Interwebs...and I did not, as best as I can recall, stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

TO MY DAD (though there's an infinitesimal chance he would ever read this): For better or for worse, I wouldn't be who I am today if not for you. I inherited your short stature, but so many other traits that I couldn't imagine myself without.
Happy Father's Day, Pops.

Quote Of The Week
The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
- Bill Phillips
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 01:23:00 PM by Bigfaker »
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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man i must say your diary is awesome!
very informative and you got me really cracking up a couple of times.  :D

but i think due to the suspense it got really confusing till the end.
all i would like to know is that its been 2 and a half years since your operation and are you in perfect health after so much time?

also what were the complications that occurred (at what time exactly) during the journey and what was the total costs that you have spent till now?

and have you been able to determine the "exact" height you gained, is there any discrepancy in the end?

i know its a lot  :P but would really appreciate your feedback! :) these facts are important!

Hey, fightforit.
Thanks for reading and for the questions.

but i think due to the suspense it got really confusing till the end.
Yeah, sorry. Though I try to do a somewhat intelligible translation between the chaotic torrent of thoughts in my skull and the collection of words that eventually appear online, it's not easy. First, I am not always able to describe things in a chronological...or even linear fashion. To compound the issue, I still feel like I should fill in the huge gap of time from the middle of my lengthening up to this year...if not to recount the successes and difficulties, then just for posterity's sake.

all i would like to know is that its been 2 and a half years since your operation and are you in perfect health after so much time?
I think you missed my post on April 20th of this year. Since the bone graft/revision nailing (May 12), things have gotten better progressively and rapidly. I have videos, but I haven't figured how I'm gonna unleash this flood of multimedia. I think I'll do it chronologically, to ease the confusion I mentioned above. I'll probably start posting links tonight or tomorrow...but to your (and everyone's) probable frustration, I won't get to posting this year's videos until the end of the week.

also what were the complications that occurred (at what time exactly) during the journey and what was the total costs that you have spent till now?
There was one issue (a bump, I thought) during lengthening, which I was REALLY worried about, that turned out to be nothing. So it's not so important right now...I'm thinking about describing it later.

The R ankle complication and partial non-union in the L tibia, I've written about at length.

and have you been able to determine the "exact" height you gained, is there any discrepancy in the end?

i know its a lot  :P but would really appreciate your feedback! :) these facts are important!
Still a little gray in this area...what most would call the most important area, but whatever. I remember my measurement of 5'51/4" (stadiometer) was in the afternoon and the time my friend measured me at 5'5" (box method) was in the evening. I lengthened between 7.3 and 7.8cm, depending on which measurement. When I got home (June 2014), I was pretty disheartened, as I initially thought I had only gained about 2.5", but when I went to a doctor's appointment this year, they measured me at 173cm (~5'81/4")!!! And yes, before you ask, I did keep a consistency by always measuring without shoes, similar thickness socks, standing up upright as possible, etc.

I really don't mind you or anyone asking "a lot". I remember I was just as bewildered as anyone when I first considered LL back in 2012. When people help you, pay it forward. Even if you feel self-made in life (definitely not myself), help somebody who hasn't been as fortunate as you. Altruism is the very simple answer to saving this world...but too few have considered it, and even fewer ever try to practice it.

And with that, I'm off to jack these fools and then go smack up mah b!tches.  ;D

Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Not realistic at all. 7.5 cm would require 5 months post surgery to even start walking with crutches.

I started very gingerly "stepping" around on crutches on my 35th day after frame removal. Sringari wanted me to wait a very conservative (extra) amount of time because of my weight. Over the next two weeks, PTs and I worked on my walking with crutches twice/day, almost every day. It was maybe 5-10 minutes at a time...that was about the limits of what my legs could take. I went home just over seven weeks after FR and was pretty much forced to walk with crutches anytime I left the house.

There are a few videos in my archive documenting this. I've been trying to figure out when to post them, but I finally realized I might as well do it now -- as I keep making more -- so they'll be up this week.
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Nailing Down A Few Things

The real difficulty in transferring what I want to say -- what I mean to say -- to this diary is the sheer volume. I think what I may lack is a filter.

Something I meant to bring up last month was this:

This was the nail I had removed on May 12th of this year. It took a while for me to get it back from the hospital, as it had to go through Pathology...along with my biopsy, which came back with no issues, no infection. And all that worry I had about damaging it and/or the screws by walking on it too soon (with no callus in the front) was for nothing.

I had always thought that the nails in my tibias were Synthes, but Dr. Sringari told me recently that though he usually uses them, he opted for this brand ("SSEPL" is what's engraved on it) on me because of my weight. Over WhatsApp, he told me:
It's a very good make gets imported also
In fact I have seen problems with the synthes nail sometimes...But not with this one

Anyway, as you can see, everything is perfectly intact and good-as-new...hey, anybody wanna buy a used titanium nail? No? I'll just put it on eBay, then.

Something else from the last chapter: not that anybody cares, but for accuracy's sake, I messed up my final x-ray and CT dates a bit. I figured that out when I found this Progress Ruler from right after frame removal:

I guess next, I'll need to add my final height gained....whenever I figure out exactly what that is. LOL

Walking Down To The Video Store

man i must say your diary is awesome!
very informative and you got me really cracking up a couple of times.  :D

but i think due to the suspense it got really confusing till the end.
all i would like to know is that its been 2 and a half years since your operation and are you in perfect health after so much time?

So this last question, along with my urge to post my new/current walking videos has brought my constant conundrum -- my real pesky writing problem -- back to the surface. It seems like some people are not able to follow what's happened to me because of the gaps in time. Seriously y'all, just look at the post dates. If I list some date in the chapter, that supersedes the post date.
But to help you guys out a little, when I jump way back, you'll see this:

ANY-way, [*cue drumroll*] as I promised, my first walking videos, from just after frame removal in 2014. Well actually, I don't really call this walking. This stage, I deemed "hobbling".

AGAIN, because so many people get confused -- seriously, I still get PMs asking if I'm still in INDIA(!) -- this is from over TWO YEARS AGO! "Flashback" means we're getting in the Doc Brown's DeLorean and gunning it up to 88; we're taking the Enterprise on a slingshot course around the sun; Superman is flying around the Earth to save his (strangely unattractive) lady love Lois Lane from the earthquake.

As if I haven't belabored it enough, since I only tagged the month and day on these first few vids, let me just denote as explicitly as I can:

05/21/2014 (2nd day with walker):

05/29/2014 (3rd or 4th day on crutches):

Quote of The Week
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
(though I'm SURE I learned this from Prince Akeem)
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Those last three walking videos were shot in India. This next one is the first after I got home...also the first showing the utter ooey-gooey awesomeness that is the Alter-G treadmill.

Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18


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Hey man,

Im watching those videos and Im getting this feeling that someone f.ucked up. I mean  there is plenty of other videos where people walk during distraction and they walk much better on crutches. Im not sure whether its the fault of those 10 cm you did or the nailing method but this is definitely  a  quite bad state from the vids. Anyone im glad youre doing better,keep it up. 

Hey Joe, [what happened to Slawek?]

Not sure if you have your facts straight.

- First of all, I don't know where you got the idea I "did" 10cm. Yes, I turned over 10cm, but that was so I could end up with [between] 7.2 and 7.6 of lengthening, after compression and pin bending. There was one guy with us who lengthened over 10cm (his diary is here) and he has had all the problems one would expect and more.

- The "nailing method" I had (LON) has been used thousands, if not tens of thousands of times...especially if you consider all the times it has been used for non-CLL (trauma/deformity).

-  As far as someone "f.uck[ing] up", that's a pretty common stance to take. If you have a preconceived opinion of a doctor, of a lengthening range, of a country, of a nailing method, of tibs vs. femurs, of LL itself, you will probably seek out info that fulfills your confirmation bias. So if you want to point your finger, go ahead and choose Sringari, myself, my doing over 7cm, India, LON, external tibias, or the entire process of LL...or any combination therein.

- Haven't seen videos of other people on crutches or during distraction in a while, so I can't compare.  Despite the light-hearted tone of the music, I don't post these to show how everything is all happy-happy joy-joy. I'm sharing my story to tell you how it least from my perspective.

- I can't tell if you're a former/current patient, so I don't know if you're truly familiar with what walking on broken legs feels like...let alone broken legs, atrophied calf/thigh/core muscles, empty callus/non-union, and bone fragments in your ankle (from previous injury). If/when you do experience it, you will get an idea of how difficult LL can be on your body...but I hope your journey goes better than mine has.
Prev. Height: 5'-5.25"/165.7cm (Morn)
Ext.LON with Dr. Raj Sringari-Install: 12/17/13 * Lengthend: ~3"/7.6cm * Frm Rmvl 04/17/14
Diagnosd w/ Partial Non-Union: 02/09/16
Ankle Debridement Surg: 02/22/16...Rev. Nail/Bone Graft/Tenotomy-Loma Linda Med. Ctr: 05/12/16
Taylor Spatial Correction: 02/01/18
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