Limb Lengthening Surgery > Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences

Uploading Images


Because of the file size limits on LL Forum, a lot of people are having problems uploading here. In order to get around this, it's best to upload to an image hosting site and then just paste the link in your message body. I like to use turboimagehost for uploading pics to my diary, but you can also use things as well. I'll post how to upload with Imgur and Turboimagehost, but you can also do the same sort of thing for sites like photobucket and imageshack.

External Images
If you want to paste an image already on the web, like something from google images, just wrap img tags around the image link. The img tag would be like so: 
[ img ]imagelink[ /img ]

Just make sure the square brackets are touching the img and /img for it to work.

You can upload images directly to imgur without creating an account, but it's best to create one so you can make your own albums and remember the links for what you've posted. Anything posted to imgur can be seen on your post by simply copying the BBCode link for your individual image and pasting it in your message body:

I like using turboimagehost because it turns images into clickable thumbnails that take you to the larger image on the site. This keeps the photos on the post small so it doesn't take up a lot of space, minimizing scrolling. After creating an account you simply upload your images from your computer, choose which album to put them in, and then select the 'clickable thumbnails for forums' option and paste the link here:

Here are the instructions to embed a video, in a post.



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