Limb Lengthening Forum

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 on: Today at 12:55:48 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Dr. Johnny Sins
Speak English and be respectful or I will do bad things to that Spanish family of yours. These trolls need to be banned.
Un idiota de 55 años que hace esto se lo merece todo. Cállate idiota asiático. No, hablaré mi idioma nativo. idiota racista !
ok ahora lo diré en inglés = Fck Youuuuuu ! Fckk ted ! fck this forum ajajajaja

 on: Today at 12:49:48 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Sigma
Hola viejo. Estúpido. ¿Por qué alguien de tu edad haría esto? Sería mejor gastar su dinero en niños con cáncer o en alimentar a los pobres. Hijo de puta... ;D
Speak English and be respectful or I will do bad things to that Spanish family of yours. These trolls need to be banned.

 on: Today at 12:47:32 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Dr. Johnny Sins
Do you have x-rays of your tibias that shows the whole length of the bone? So we can see the ends screws that join tibia and fibula.
Im not sure by the pictures you put, if tibias and fibula were screwed together on both ends, it is required to prevent fibula migration during tibia lengthening.
About your tibia healing, yes we can see the gap but there's also callus formation visible. The tibia takes long time to heal, 2 or maybe 3-4 times the time it takes for femur, and considering your age, and the fact you did quadrilateral (it means a lot of bone tissue formation required in the same time....) it maybe expected to take a long time for tibia to consolidate. So I think you're going to have to be very patient. Also not bearing weight (because precice is not weight bearing) reduces the stimulation for bone formation...
I would advise to get a second opinion of an expert about the angle of your knee.

Keep working out those muscles to increase blood flow, get some sun, good food and supplement and stay optimistic
I will pray for your speedy recovery
Ora por tu madre. Estúpido hijo de puta ajajajaja

 on: Today at 12:22:21 AM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by limby101
Do you have x-rays of your tibias that shows the whole length of the bone? So we can see the ends screws that join tibia and fibula.
Im not sure by the pictures you put, if tibias and fibula were screwed together on both ends, it is required to prevent fibula migration during tibia lengthening.
About your tibia healing, yes we can see the gap but there's also callus formation visible. The tibia takes long time to heal, 2 or maybe 3-4 times the time it takes for femur, and considering your age, and the fact you did quadrilateral (it means a lot of bone tissue formation required in the same time....) it maybe expected to take a long time for tibia to consolidate. So I think you're going to have to be very patient. Also not bearing weight (because precice is not weight bearing) reduces the stimulation for bone formation...
I would advise to get a second opinion of an expert about the angle of your knee.

Keep working out those muscles to increase blood flow, get some sun, good food and supplement and stay optimistic
I will pray for your speedy recovery

 on: May 31, 2024, 11:32:28 PM 
Started by Ted68 - Last post by Dr. Johnny Sins
Hola viejo. Estúpido. ¿Por qué alguien de tu edad haría esto? Sería mejor gastar su dinero en niños con cáncer o en alimentar a los pobres. Hijo de puta... ;D

 on: May 31, 2024, 11:28:59 PM 
Started by _dearStranger - Last post by _dearStranger
I am 168 cm at night. But Most of Height comes from Leg. I have somehow smaller torso and longer leg.
My wingspan is only 165 cm. So I am kinda hesitant to lengthen more than 5-6 cm.

My Tibia is some how quite long. Its almost as long as femur. Maybe femur is long by 2-3 cm but it looks of similar length. And I tried to measure with tape i get the difference of only 1 inch. I have been staring at legs of so many people walking by and I notice I do have quite a long tibia for my height.

So I am thinking of getting only 5 to 6 cm in Femur. It would not alter the ideal 0.8 ratio of tibia/femur. My current Tibia is like 16 inches and Femur is 17 inches. Measured using tape by myself lol. I did watch lots of youtube videos to get it as right as possible.

My wingspan is already smaller than my height so I don't wanna go overboard. I don't wanna touch tibia.

I saw somewhere that 10 cm difference between wingspan and Height is fine. So i think 5 to 6 cm in femur is ideal.

But then I came across a youtube video of LiveLifetaller and the guy had gone Femur lengthening of like 5 cm i think and he said that he Regret doing only 5 cm. 
I mean going through all the hardship, throwing so much money away and losing 1 year of your life and then having the regret that 5 cm was not fulfilling would be soul crushing.

I also don't wanna change my height that much as I come from country with shorter average height. I don't wanna be like totally unrecognizable guy like mr. brokenzbone going from  5'6 to 6 feet. I am only looking for slight boost to be around my peers height. My friends are mostly around 175 cm.

But i am having second thought now as if i go through all that pain and i don't notice the difference. Damn that would be hard to digest in my already frustrating life. 

I also have Anterior pelvic tilt. I am hoping to get alteast 1 cm after correcting the APT. Not too sure if the height gain is possible though.

after 5 -6 cm it would put me in 5'8-9 territory. Which is closer towards average. I am from Asia but planning to move to Australia in near future.

Thanks for the long read. Please provide any suggestion.

 on: May 31, 2024, 10:24:54 PM 
Started by shi - Last post by shi
If you have any question about this please
to this X account

 on: May 31, 2024, 10:13:45 PM 
Started by Mrworldguy - Last post by Wahnsinn
Would you know the cost of frames removal?

 on: May 31, 2024, 09:10:26 PM 
Started by quika34 - Last post by AnotherLLer
You have to be realistic of how much can you lengthen safely. Beware of tibia LL, don't go with unknown docs incapable of doing corrections on that segment. Basically, tibia is really challenging to lengthen as there are 2 bones and misalignment risks are higher. Just do 5 cm and don't bother going higher cause the recovery time increases exponentially after that amount. Disregarding recovery time, complications such as ballerina foot becomes very problematic so 5 cm is good for tibia, it's very noticeable for that segment because it's shorter than femurs. After 5 cm on tibia which will take about 7-10 months depending on your healing rate, you can go with femurs and do up to 8 cm relatively easily. At least up to 6.5 cm on femurs is achievable without much troubles. IMO, 11.5 cm total is not a joke and anyone will be satisfied with that amount from 2 LL, no matter what their starting height is.

 on: May 31, 2024, 08:47:01 PM 
Started by quika34 - Last post by quika34
That would be incredible, I can't even imagine such a difference.....

All I need now is to make some money

It would be incredible, I can't even imagine such a difference..... it would change my life in so many ways, not least my self-confidence. Confidence...

All I need now is to make some money
Thanks You

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