Limb Lengthening Surgery > Height & Proportions

Proportions after +10cm to femur?


Hello, everyone. After contacting multiple surgeons, I believe my best bet is Dr. Giotikas. He is currently utilizing the G-Nail method which can lengthen up to 10 cm in the femur. It was a small detail that I had overlooked earlier, but I am now trying to see whether that amount of lengthening would appear disproportionate when compared to the shorter tibia? Would that also put a lot of upper body weight upon the tibias? I'm not an expert in this field so I apologize if this is a seemingly stupid question. Thank you.

slowed & reverb:
download tik tok and type "le tremba" in the search bar, he had done 10,5cms, some say he looks fine, but me personaly, it is too much


--- Quote from: slowed & reverb on November 25, 2023, 10:44:55 PM ---download tik tok and type "le tremba" in the search bar, he had done 10,5cms, some say he looks fine, but me personaly, it is too much

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the suggestion. I checked him out, and it doesn't look too bad to me. I can see why it could look odd, only because he shows off the length of his leg a lot in his videos. But I think that if he didn't do that, nobody would really notice anything.

Robert Adam:
10 cm lengthening on the femur? That's bad idea. Too much for 1 segment. A 4cm tibia and 6cm femur is a better idea.

No matter one's starting height and proportions, he will look freakish with 12 cm femurs with the original tibia length afterwards. Even disregarding tibia to femur ratios, 12 cm femurs will look ridiculous in general for any starting torso length.


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