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BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:28:52 AM »

5.65 -> 5.85 isn't that big of a change honestly. I mean yes now he's dating a 5'5 girl which probably would've had 0 chance of happening before.

The ideal, very best, and I think most life changing procedure overall would be 5'5 -> 5'10. Just two completely different leagues.

But I think this is all very relative and anecdotal lol. Imagine you get LL and then fall into depression afterwards for unrelated reasons like family death. Or imagine you get LL and then meet a girl who was taller than your starting height. Some people will say this surgery changed their lives, others will say it barely had any effect.
Tibike, it's not a sad update. Is the reality vs expectations for a man who from 1.68 became 1.75 and still have problems with height on dating.
And trust me, if I have these problems then the majority of men at these heights have also becauso, without been egocentrical or superficial, I don"t have any other physical drawback compared to the great majority of men.
So, if I face trouble on dating due to height, them the vast majority of men at these heights does also. And shorter than 5.8-5.7 men are, sorry about that but it is the harsh truth, almost doomed on dating.

Captain america, I gained about 7.5cm which is a good gain especially for tibia LL.
Being 1.75 from 1.68 IS a major difference but my point is that still my height is an issue on dating, something I never thought before LL when I truly believed that this difference is more than enough to never have any problems on dating due to height.
But it isn't.

Also, the 5.5 very sxxy girl was my ex.
My now gf is more average looking and a little less than 5.7.
And before LL I have a 4 year relationship with a 5.7 very sxxy and nice girl and 2 years with a very beautiful 5.6 girl too, but I was just lucky because they didn't care about height.
But the thing is that more than 80% of girls care about height a lot and most of the time, 5.9-5.8 is just not tall enough to be considered an ideal man.
That is something that I have seen again and again and can't be ignored so the only way to play with our rules is to get close to 5.11 as much as our initial height let us, even with doing two LLs.
And thats what I'm planning to do.

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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 10:34:28 AM »

Tibike, it's not a sad update. Is the reality vs expectations for a man who from 1.68 became 1.75 and still have problems with height on dating.
And trust me, if I have these problems then the majority of men at these heights have also becauso, without been egocentrical or superficial, I don"t have any other physical drawback compared to the great majority of men.
So, if I face trouble on dating due to height, them the vast majority of men at these heights does also. And shorter than 5.8-5.7 men are, sorry about that but it is the harsh truth, almost doomed on dating.

Captain america, I gained about 7.5cm which is a good gain especially for tibia LL.
Being 1.75 from 1.68 IS a major difference but my point is that still my height is an issue on dating, something I never thought before LL when I truly believed that this difference is more than enough to never have any problems on dating due to height.
But it isn't.

Also, the 5.5 very sxxy girl was my ex.
My now gf is more average looking and a little less than 5.7.
And before LL I have a 4 year relationship with a 5.7 very sxxy and nice girl and 2 years with a very beautiful 5.6 girl too, but I was just lucky because they didn't care about height.
But the thing is that more than 80% of girls care about height a lot and most of the time, 5.9-5.8 is just not tall enough to be considered an ideal man.
That is something that I have seen again and again and can't be ignored so the only way to play with our rules is to get close to 5.11 as much as our initial height let us, even with doing two LLs.
And thats what I'm planning to do.

Naaah, Girls don't give a fk about height. Its funny how you want to do this risky surgery because of that. Personality and your budget will bring you anyone.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 10:39:23 AM »

Naaah, Girls don't give a fk about height. Its funny how you want to do this risky surgery because of that. Personality and your budget will bring you anyone.

Girls care. They are pretty shallow. It sucks but it's reality


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 10:58:24 AM »

Consolidating here, so can't answer most of your questions about post-LL athleticism.

- Do you avoid looking in mirrors while nked (or clothed) because you're unhappy with your proportions?
Not at all. I have long femurs now, but it's nothing more than mildly amusing to me. When clothed and looking at a full length mirror, I can only notice that my knee is a little below its ideal place. The good thing about doing femurs is wearing shoes helps your leg's proportions too.

- How long did you lengthen, and in which segment?
3", femurs.

- If you do feel pain, how much, and would you say that it has even slightly reduced your quality of life & "outgoing'ness" ?
Didn't have much pain during lengthening, no pain right now as I consolidate so I assume I won't have pain after.

- Has anyone commented on your proportions? Sitting height? Anything? Did it bother you at all? Or do you just brush off matters like this because overall, as a net, being taller is worth the trade off?
No. I've met someone who saw me before surgery and then right after. All they noticed was the entire legs were longer- that too because they knew what they were looking for. I even waved my leg in the air while bending the knee to show them I was doing ok. Secretly, I was testing to see if they noticed my femur:tibia proportions and they didn't. I was wearing shorts at the time. I don't think anyone will notice my sitting height is a little off. If someone commented on my proportions, I'd brush it off. I wouldn't do any more LL though, even if I could magically add some inches to my tibias because staying in the realm of normalcy takes priority over height at some point.

- Did LL change the way people treat you? Family, friends?
No. Family & close friends agree that I look much better now, but that's all.
EDIT: I should expand on this. Well with girls, it definitely will. I went from the shortest guy you'd see to a normal height range for where I live and there's no doubt it'll help, since I have other qualities girls like. I don't know how strangers will feel or whether they'll care, but I'll sure as hell feel great not looking up at everyone I talk to. It's not that they will notice anything, it's that they won't notice and I won't stand out in a way I don't fancy. Lifetime investment.

- How do you feel when you wake up in the morning (emotionally and physically)?
Normal! Worth it. :)
..expanding on this too; I always felt normal by myself, shortness is only defined by comparison so when outside, I'll feel normal.



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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 11:01:42 AM »

Don't worry. There is some justice in nature. Women when they hit 30 are becoming drastically uglier with every year due to aging and they dating pool drops to close to zero. Men their age are still chasing young girls and they will get interested in them only as a very last resort. They know it and they get a taste of their own medicine then when they hear from most men that they are too old for them.

But seriously, when you get done with LL, I guarantee you that you will pumped with hatred towards girls who care about height knowing what you went through. Your thinking will change from "am tall enough for you" to "f*** you c**t" and you'll move on to the next one.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2017, 11:10:46 AM »

"omg I'm 5'9, have a pretty face, good muscles, charming personality and a good job but I have problems getting girls"

Yeah, sure.

This forum is becoming more stupid than /r/short.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2017, 11:49:23 AM »

Girls care. They are pretty shallow. It sucks but it's reality

So true!
I'm very short and open about doing LL.
Every girl who is taller than me said that they could understand my wish to be taller (I never mentioned dating as one of the reasons).
The ones who "like" me expressed their support and the ones I'm sure that they "really like" me even told me how brave I am for doing this.
I think they projected their own thoughts onto me: "I like him, but I wish he was taller".

When I was on campus last week, one of the girls came to me asking how I'm doing.
She's one of those who "really like" me. She knew I was doing LL and she is about 4-5cm taller than my original height.
I slowly stood up from my wheelchair so I could greet her appropriately.
She was flattered because I stood up for her and for the first time she told me how good I look.
But I had only gained 8mm by then.
She clearly projected her own expectations onto me.
Girls care about height. Some more, some less. But they are also very emotional and this can deceive their perception of men. If you push the right buttons, you can make them think you are taller/more handsome to a certain degree. That's also why some ladies start making comments or jokes about their boyfriend's height or looks after some time, when the love and emotions fade.

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
I'm no longer participating in this community.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2017, 12:07:02 PM »

Girls care. They are pretty shallow. It sucks but it's reality

No girls will rejects you if you are 5'9 5'10
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2017, 12:25:21 PM »

No girls will rejects you if you are 5'9 5'10

This isn't quite true... as shallow as it sounds, there are some girls who wont date a guy under 6 feet. It's the reason memes like this are a thing



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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2017, 01:01:55 PM »

And trust me, if I have these problems then the majority of men at these heights have also becauso,

Disagree there, all men are not you and your experiences can be different from that of other men. If you say you have experienced a barrier because of your height, that experience is valid, but the experiences of other men who say that height is not that big of an issue are also valid.
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2017, 03:58:29 PM »

Hm, I mean yeah height matters, and I mean it's kind of a crapty truth that a lot of women will disqualify you for being too short. (I think what BodyBuilder saying about 5'11 and up being the no problems range is probably roughly true). Like I'd say at 5'8 it's been my single biggest issue for being rejected, I mean at least of what I've been told by women. But I'm tall enough for a lot of women too (maybe not perfect but I can get over that lol), and a lot of women just don't care.

But I think if you don't have options before LL, I think you have to seriously consider what you can do to improve your personality or your looks otherwise. Many women actually don't care about height, and furthermore if there's a short guy who's attractive in a lot of other ways women can be flexible even about rigid height standards. But also, more importantly, a 5'6 guy who can't get laid/get a girlfriend will probably only shoot up to a 5'10 guy who also can do neither of those things.

I don't want to be too presumptuous or anything, BodyBuilder, but it seems to me that if many women are always bringing this up you are attracting a lot of shallow women for some reason.

You don't need 90% of women to find your height attractive in order to get a girlfriend... And likewise it isn't true for many women at all that height is the one attractive thing. This forum inevitable zones in on that way too much.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2017, 04:22:08 PM »

Honestly the guys with the hottest girls i have ever seen were always between 5'8-5'11.

And btw using memes from twitter as an example.... like cmooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2017, 04:31:47 PM »

The thing is that even me at 5'7 is attracting women and also won women over taller men. height is indeed important but it is only part of the package... Face comes first by far. Height is not a positive quality but rather a negative one. I mean that it's not the taller the better but once you pass a certain threshold, height is no longer a problem. You can get disqualified for height but not qualified for it if you get what I mean. Just like when you disqualify a woman if she is too fat. It's not that an ugly women who is not fat will appear pretty but more than a pretty women will be disqualified if she is fat.
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2017, 05:01:23 PM »

Yeah I agree with TIBIKE. It's really just a threshold. It often has an upper limit too. And short but handsome guys can frequently make women second-guess their threshold. Good personality (if you want to attract women with a good personality) and high social intelligence is the most important thing regardless.

Body Builder

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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2017, 05:30:19 PM »

@ Kaizer: you should live in a completely denial if you think that height doesn't matter for women. It is the first and most important thing they look in the appearance of someone and if you have a not ugly face and some muscles, then almost no women will reject you for your appearance. And then comes personality which is very important but it comes after the first impression. Guess what, if a woman doesn't like your appearance then she wouldn't bother to see your character.
And the same goes for us with women. If I am not attracted to a girl, then nothing else matters.

@Ozymandias: the most stupid thing is to judge someone you don't know and has done LL and writes his experiences before and after. If you think that I'm exaggerating with my appearance, then it's your problem. I'm very strict with myself and when I say that 5.8-5.9 is not enough for a real alpha male, I know what I'm talking about. If I just wanted a beautiful girl to marry and have children, I would have done that even before my first LL. But this isn't what I want. I want to play with my rules and never get rejected for something that it wasn't my fault like height. My self esteem doesn't let me to admit that many women see me as inferior to many other men because I'm not tall enough, although I tried my best to have a built body, good style and a relatively good income.
I tried my best and the only thing missing to have the complete package is 2-3 inches more. That's ridiculous but it is the hars truth. And that's why me and every other man in my situation has the right to change it. And the only way is LL.

@ Theophilo: most women won't reject you for your height, especially when you are 5.10. But they still think that your height is not perfect. They don't think the same for someone who is 6 ft compared to someone 6.1 ft because you are tall enough to not matter if you were taller or not. Also, after about 6.2 or 6.3 at max height becomes a drawback.
But yes, when you are 5.9 and good looking, most of the women will prefer a more average looking man (not ugly of course) who is 6 ft. That's the truth even if we want to admit it or not.

@ I wanna be taller: that doesn't have to do with my personal experiences. When a woman tells me that 5.9 is not enough for an ideal man, then that has to do with that height, not me personally. And trust me, I have many many good experiences with women that most of the guys that judge me above wouldn't even dream of. But I know that If I were 5.11, these experiences would have been more and easier, not only because I'd have felt much better with myself but because no women (or a very slight minority of crazy height obseased girls but who cares) would think that I'm good but if I were taller I would have been better. If you reach a certain height then being taller simply doesn't matter. And I truly believe that this height is 5.11 or at least 5.10,5. From that and beyond height is becoming a drawback and from 5.8-5.7 and beyond a very significant one.

@ Tibike: I truly believe that height is much more important than a great face for a woman. Being tall with moderate face makes dating much easier than being short with a great face. Having a great face and an average height is enough most of the times but again, being tall is the first that a woman wants in a man and then everything else.
And I completely agree that after a certain threshold height doesn't matter. But this threshold is 5.11 from my experience which is a little above the majority in most west countries, so if you don't reach it then you still will have a drawback in your appearance for most of the women that increases dramatically the shorter your height becomes.

Height is the most important thing in a mans appearance and the only that you can't change at all in a psysical way. It is completely insane to have less chances in our lives because we aren't above the average height or at least very close to it. But this is the harsh and only truth.
So you have 2 options. Try harder to succeed and many times keep failing (especially in dating) for somethimg that it isn't your fault, or take the risks and change it with LL and become whatever you want with nothing holding you down.
Everyone can make the choice he wants. I chose the second one before 5 years and I'll do it again in about 2 years to finish once and for all the height issue for myself.
I want to play with my rules, whatever it takes.



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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2017, 05:51:17 PM »

being tall is the first that a woman wants in a man and then everything else.



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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2017, 06:03:20 PM »

I only met one woman who *only* likes tall guys, but I've met women who prefer shorter guys (compatibility, less arrogance). I've never met a woman who likes an ugly face, although I guess some women might feasibly (I mean, maybe an ugly face sometimes gives better conversation).

BodyBuilder, do you wonder if some women who mention your height but are interested in you anyway can tell you're insecure about it in some way and are testing you? It's just a thought.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2017, 06:04:59 PM »

@ I wanna be taller: that doesn't have to do with my personal experiences. When a woman tells me that 5.9 is not enough for an ideal man, then that has to do with that height, not me personally. And trust me, I have many many good experiences with women that most of the guys that judge me above wouldn't even dream of. But I know that If I were 5.11, these experiences would have been more and easier, not only because I'd have felt much better with myself but because no women (or a very slight minority of crazy height obseased girls but who cares) would think that I'm good but if I were taller I would have been better. If you reach a certain height then being taller simply doesn't matter. And I truly believe that this height is 5.11 or at least 5.10,5. From that and beyond height is becoming a drawback and from 5.8-5.7 and beyond a very significant one.

Well, it has to do with you personally in the sense that it was women who told YOU what height is ideal, it was YOUR girlfriend who made jokes about your height, so in that sense it's an individual, unique experience you made. And I'm the first to agree that there's a lot of women, and I mean really a big percentage, who are very attracted to height and will not find a short man's apperance attractive.

However, that is just one part of the picture. I believe there's really a great variety of women and the simplified "biologistic" bro-science theories such as the red pill, regarding women's behaviour, are so greatly exaggerating that they are not valid. Since you're apparently a bodybuilder, I can assume you fit in the "big, pumped up, brutish man" crowd, just like the guy in your profile picture. But not all women will be attracted to that profile pic guy. The "cute" angle absolutely works as a man, for different women, but it works. Think Justin Bieber or Bruno Mars.

You said several times here that you look better at 30 than most men in their twenties, and that the women you've been with were women that most guys "wouldn't even dream of". This to me, seems a little arrogant. How do you measure good looking? How can you judge about which women other guys dream of? Which woman is objectively "greater" than others? So in that regard, it's fully possible that you are also more likely to be around with women who are themselves a little arrogant and perhaps shallow. Not saying that's how it is, just that's it's possible.
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2017, 06:17:32 PM »

It's not tall they prefer. They prefer TALLER than them (and many put also taller than them in heels)
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2017, 06:36:02 PM »

Some women do just prefer objectively tall men. But mostly yes I think taller than them and taller than them in heels is more important.

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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2017, 07:10:24 PM »

Women don't like guys with bulging bodybuilder muscles or gimpy legs. When you combine the two it's a death sentence for attracting women. Being a 5'9 roided gimp vs a 5'11 roided gimp makes no difference, they're equally unattractive to most women.
5'11 visitor from r/subredditdrama. Not interested in leg lengthening. Come at me!


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2017, 07:45:11 PM »

All the women I spoke to asked me my height. So yes, it's very important for them. But it seems that never was a problem for me
So no need to be 6'5
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2017, 07:48:46 PM »

It's not tall they prefer. They prefer TALLER than them (and many put also taller than them in heels)

And that's why I still have hope even only going from 5' 3.5" to 5' 7". You just have to reach average girl height and the rest is personality and knowing how to trigger their interest.
There will always be someone, as long as you are taller than some  ;)

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2017, 07:50:19 PM »

You should recognize that 5 ft9 means 175 before go to bed not 175 in the morning  and further it suppose to drop something
Height 5 ft 10 ( 178)
Goal 6 ft 2
wingspan 6 ft 2 (188)


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2017, 08:46:39 PM »

@ Kaizer: you should live in a completely denial if you think that height doesn't matter for women. It is the first and most important thing they look in the appearance of someone and if you have a not ugly face and some muscles, then almost no women will reject you for your appearance. And then comes personality which is very important but it comes after the first impression. Guess what, if a woman doesn't like your appearance then she wouldn't bother to see your character.
And the same goes for us with women. If I am not attracted to a girl, then nothing else matters.

@Ozymandias: the most stupid thing is to judge someone you don't know and has done LL and writes his experiences before and after. If you think that I'm exaggerating with my appearance, then it's your problem. I'm very strict with myself and when I say that 5.8-5.9 is not enough for a real alpha male, I know what I'm talking about. If I just wanted a beautiful girl to marry and have children, I would have done that even before my first LL. But this isn't what I want. I want to play with my rules and never get rejected for something that it wasn't my fault like height. My self esteem doesn't let me to admit that many women see me as inferior to many other men because I'm not tall enough, although I tried my best to have a built body, good style and a relatively good income.
I tried my best and the only thing missing to have the complete package is 2-3 inches more. That's ridiculous but it is the hars truth. And that's why me and every other man in my situation has the right to change it. And the only way is LL.

@ Theophilo: most women won't reject you for your height, especially when you are 5.10. But they still think that your height is not perfect. They don't think the same for someone who is 6 ft compared to someone 6.1 ft because you are tall enough to not matter if you were taller or not. Also, after about 6.2 or 6.3 at max height becomes a drawback.
But yes, when you are 5.9 and good looking, most of the women will prefer a more average looking man (not ugly of course) who is 6 ft. That's the truth even if we want to admit it or not.

@ I wanna be taller: that doesn't have to do with my personal experiences. When a woman tells me that 5.9 is not enough for an ideal man, then that has to do with that height, not me personally. And trust me, I have many many good experiences with women that most of the guys that judge me above wouldn't even dream of. But I know that If I were 5.11, these experiences would have been more and easier, not only because I'd have felt much better with myself but because no women (or a very slight minority of crazy height obseased girls but who cares) would think that I'm good but if I were taller I would have been better. If you reach a certain height then being taller simply doesn't matter. And I truly believe that this height is 5.11 or at least 5.10,5. From that and beyond height is becoming a drawback and from 5.8-5.7 and beyond a very significant one.

@ Tibike: I truly believe that height is much more important than a great face for a woman. Being tall with moderate face makes dating much easier than being short with a great face. Having a great face and an average height is enough most of the times but again, being tall is the first that a woman wants in a man and then everything else.
And I completely agree that after a certain threshold height doesn't matter. But this threshold is 5.11 from my experience which is a little above the majority in most west countries, so if you don't reach it then you still will have a drawback in your appearance for most of the women that increases dramatically the shorter your height becomes.

Height is the most important thing in a mans appearance and the only that you can't change at all in a psysical way. It is completely insane to have less chances in our lives because we aren't above the average height or at least very close to it. But this is the harsh and only truth.
So you have 2 options. Try harder to succeed and many times keep failing (especially in dating) for somethimg that it isn't your fault, or take the risks and change it with LL and become whatever you want with nothing holding you down.
Everyone can make the choice he wants. I chose the second one before 5 years and I'll do it again in about 2 years to finish once and for all the height issue for myself.
I want to play with my rules, whatever it takes.

Cringiest post ever.

IMO height is the least of your problems.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2017, 09:05:15 PM »

lol why u lads got to derail my thread I had a nice format organized questionnaire and everything I don't care about all this hypothetical nonsense


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2017, 09:07:13 PM »

we gota establish how to achieve the correct cm of height to be a real alpha male. My height dysphoria means that the alpha male on the inside isn't expressed properly by my omega male body.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2017, 09:09:02 PM »

Why are you guys arguing with this troll

I highly doubt he even did LL



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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2017, 09:15:11 PM »

What do you mean, the guy in the pic looks extremely alpha.


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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2017, 09:51:29 PM »

Bodybuilder, where will yo go for the second lengthening?
Budget will determine my future.

Body Builder

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Re: BodyBuilder. Reality vs. Expectation
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2017, 11:40:23 PM »

@Tibike: no my friend, the ideal men for women is not taller than them but tall.
A 5.3 girl will want a lets say 6ft tall man as much as a 5.7 girl.
Of course shorter girl could deal with taller than them men but not generally tall but still their preference would be a tall man.
What women want don't have to do with what they are. It is completely the same between a fat man compared to an athletic man. They both want a sexy slim woman.

@ yunggud: I agree but I don't think that 5.9 compared to 5.85 plays a big role to how people see you.

@ozymandias: I've done LL and talk about my experiences before and after it and also I say my opinion about ehat is the real border where height stops to matter. I don't know anything about you, your height, if you had LL etc so your opinion doesn't really matter at all for me. So keep calm and face your own problems.  ;)

@captain america: By showing disrespect to a veteran LLer who has a diary with pics on the old forum you just show how moron you are. I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm sure that most of the people here can understand what I did and what I'm talking about because they have faced it again and again and that's why they consider LL.
And my profile pic is from Scott Steiner, a phenomenon in wrestling and a real macho man, at least in appearance (because his character is funny and cartoonish). But it doesn't matter, keep believing what you want about me, Steiner or anyone else. If you ever do LL then we can discuss for real. But for now, you are just an unexperienced brat who tries to gain value by insulting people that you don't even know, like me. That's the best you can do. Really pathetic.

@ onemorefoot: I'm not sure. The only thing I take for granted is that I'll do internal femurs but for sure I can't afford anything more than 50.000 euros. So in about a year from now I think that I'll have my final decision.
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