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Author Topic: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan  (Read 7503 times)

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I did 2 surgeries in Yerevan - Armenia.External Femurs and External Tibias, so anyone who is thinking to do LL in Armenia should read what I have to say.
Also guys who want to know a lot of REAL information about limb lengthening should read this first.

My name is Nenad 26 years old and I am from Croatia.I was 178cm which is short in Croatia believe it or not.
Our younger guys are about 184 cm tall and I felt little bit short in my country and i was obsessed with height so I was searching for some good Doctor but not so expensive who will do limb lengthening on my short legs.
I found out for Doctor Mirzoyan and I send him some short email.
He answered me really fast like in 6h or so, after that in some 2-3 days of short emails we went on skype.We talked a little about height and procedures and everything so I decided to go in Armenia and to do LL.

In Armenia one doctor who Is working for Mirzoyan was waiting for me on the airport and then we went to big Armenian hospital where I spent my first night ( room was great by the way).
Tomorrow I met with Mirzoyan and his team. In his team are 3 doctors who are younger then Mirzoyan 2 nurses, 1 manager girl and one older women.People are really nice and I had no problem communicating with all of them.
Most of them don't speak english really good but I am not perfect also as you can see.Doctor Mirzoyan and manager girl speak english really good.
We did ct scan and test my blood and everything else so I was ready to do my external femur surgery.
Double femurs are really hard to do but at the end after 4 and a half mounts I removed ilizarov frames from my legs and my femurs wore perfect.I lengthen 4 cm femurs.The only thing i had ugly was big scars on my femurs but one year later i went to plastic surgery and removed my big scars.So
now they look much better and no one can detect that i did something weird with my legs.

Few mounts after i finished femur procedure i did double tibias and it was like 10 times easier then femurs.In 4 mounts i removed ilizarov frames from my tibias and they were also perfect.I have had curved tibias so we made them straight and they look a lot nicer now.I did 4.2 cm on tibias.

Final result was that i am now 185cm tall and i look really good.My arms are little shorter but you can not be perfect proportion after LL.Or its really hard.I have long spine so my legs-body proportion
is now perfect like i am born whit this legs.Arms are the only problem.They look shorter.But as i sad its hard to look perfect after LL but now i look much much better and i am really tall which was the main goal.

You notice that i did 8.2 cm but i am 7cm taller and not 8.2.Thats because of compression.I had a 0.7cm compression on femurs and about 0.5cm compression on tibias.Compression is real guys if you walk with ilizarov and after you take off ilizarov.So when you want to do 4cm lengthen a little bit more because you will lose few mm when you walk with ilizarov later and when you take of ilizarov.
Doctors sad here that you will lose about 2-3mm when you take off ilizarov but i lost more than double.Maybe because i was able to walk without crutches and without walker.

They wore amazed that i could walk like a normal guy with double ilizarov frames on my femurs and that my bones are growing that fast.So i guess if you walk a lot and if you are active like i was you will compress a little bit more.But i dont recommend you to lay down in your bad or not to be active.
Few patients who were just laying down in their bad stayed here 9 mounts for 5 cm.Because if you workout or walk blood will heal your bones much faster.Dont be LAZY.You have to learn to walk with frames and then when they take them off you will feel like normal human bean.You can lose double time if your not active and its not healthy overall to be inactive in long period of time.

By the way i dont recommend anyone to do external double femurs.I lost about 50 pounds when i did double femurs and i had serious complications.Doctor Mirzoyan told me that no one should do
external double femurs if it's not really necessary but i did not listen.So he was right about that, but my femurs were so short that i had to do them first.He suggested cross lateral surgery (one tibia one femur) but i knew i can
survive anything because my dream was to be taller.My main goal was to lengthen my femurs first.

Now i want to talk about Doctor Mirzoyan and his limb lengthening team witch will interest you the most.Is he professional ? Is he good doctor ? Did he made mistakes etc ?

First of all if you think that you will come here or in some other limb lengthening center and everything will be perfect you are wrong.There will be a lot of complications.
80% of limb lengthening patients have some sort of complications so if you want to do this know that its not gonna be easy.And one more important thing is that no mater who is doing your operation you will have some complications.The important thing is the end result.

My complications on femurs procedure were :
1. severe pain in my lower spine (because of laying down in same position with dual femurs) To fix this problem i both air mattrace.Its good that we found the solution for that problem because i could not survive 2-3 more with that pain.It was weird because on the first days you should have pain in the legs because you have frames in your legs but i had spine pain.And
it was horrible.I did not sleep first 9 days because of that pain.After that i slept about 3-4h per night 2 mounts straight which is not good but i could not make my body to sleep with dual femurs.As soon as i stoped lengthening my sleeping was perfect.8h per night.Without sleeping you can not
recuperate your body remember that.So try to sleep before midnight and try to sleep as much as your body need.Dont stay awake late at night.

2.Right leg frame was not tight and i could not put weight on my right leg.20 days after surgery doctor inserted one more wire in my right leg and he fixed the problem.
He sad that that happens from time to time.My legs were tick and we had to put little larger frame.Larger frame equals less stability.But i am glad that doctor knew what was causing pain and he fixed the problem.He inserted wire while i was awake.He asked me do you want that we put you to sleep or you want that we do it with local anesthesia. I have chosen faster and more ''healthy'' option but with more pain.I was watching how Doctor is making hole in my leg with a special drilling machine and it was painful and scary i must say.But it was not that bad.Now when i think about that it was crazy experience.2-3 days after inserting that wire my leg was more stable and it was much less painful.

3.Nerve damage in my right leg.
After 3cm of lengthening i felt the biggest pain in my life.Sometimes i must say i was crying from that pain.For real.
Because of nerve pain i could not eat, i could not sleep and my head started to shake whit out
me moving it.It was crazy so if you are that unlucky and if you have nerve pain then may god help you.20 days after lengthening my pain went away.Is nerve pain Doctor mistake i think it was a little bit because they could not find the wire that was causing problem and i had to suffer all day and all night.But ok as i sad no one is perfect.
Once again if you have that kind of pain may god help you.

My complications on tibia procedure were :
1.Veins inflammation.
1 day after tibia surgery i was walking with walker and all was perfect I thought that i will not have any complication this time but 5 days after tibia surgery i could not put my legs on the ground.I had incredible pain in my muscles around tibia.And my lower legs wore 2 times the normal size.
I was walking first 4 days and everyone was amazed by that but then on my 5 day i could not put my legs on the ground they wore swollen.
20 days i waited for that swelling to go away.In that time i did not walk..I took some anti inflammation injections  and as i sad
after 20 days i was okay and i started to walk again.When i did tibias i was sleeping like a baby.So almost everything was easy.I sleep 8h per night from the first till the last day.Somethimes during my lengtening i wake up in the middle of the night but then i just take one analgin or paracetamol for my pain and then i go back to sleep.

2.Itching from metal alergy.Now you can see this and say ooh its only itching but trust me that was the worst thing that happened to my in my second procedure.I was itching my whole body every day for about 3 mounts.More legs then my upper body but still i was itchi in my upper body as well.
I lengthen about 50 days and in that period and more than one mount after i was itching all day every day.Sometimes i was really angry and stressed because i could not scratch myself anymore.I was taking some natural medicine for my head also because i was really nervous from that itchines.
Finaly after 3 mounts one of the doctors that works for doctor Mirzoyan found some medicine that was working.Everything else that i was taking for itching was not working but that doctor by luck or by his
knowledge found that medicine and i still thank him for that.Pain while lengthening tibias was not so strong for me.So i took painkillers not for pain but for my itching.I hope you dont have
metal allergy because without it i think my tibia lengthening and process would not be easy it would be very very easy.
While i was lengthening tibias and after lengthening i was like a normal guy i could move around i could eat normal i could sit i could sleep and everything else.I had some pain while i was walking in my calf muscle but Mirzoyans physiotherapist streched my calf muscle every day and with his help my pain went away.By the was Mirzoyan physiotherapist is a great guy and which is more important great physiotherapist.
So if you just want height i suggest you to do tibias only.It may not be so easy for you but it would be much easyer then any other surgery (cros lateral or double femurs).

On my second procedure (tibia procedure) i was in hospital only 3 days.After 3 days i moved in to their apartment where the food is a lot better and internet is a lot faster.I played games,watched movies and talked on skype most of the time.You can also talk with other patients in the apartment and then its a lot easyer.I meet a lot of great patients from all around the world while i was doing LL in Yerevan.From China,Japan,America,Poland.Most of the time there were 3 patients in the same apartment.So if you like to talk about height you will probably meet people who are similar like you, and it may be interesting for you to talk with them about all height problems that you had and all better things that are waiting for you when you finish your procedure.
In apartment there is one women who is working for Doctor Mirzoyan.She makes food for patients and her food is
10 times better then food in hospital.So your first goal should be to move from hospital to apartment as soon as you can.When i did femurs i was in hospital first 2 mounts because i had a lot of complications and it was dangerous to leave me in apartment without possibility to call nurse in the middle of the night.But if i did not have that much complications i would be less bored and it would be a lot easier in apartment.They will take you to apartment
if you can alone walk to the toilet and if your safe to live alone.

My end results wore perfect and as doctor Mirzoyan sad at the end ''in 2 years if someone look at your legs on ct scan he will not know that you did limb lengthening".

Now when i look back and when i think about my LL i am really satisfied with Mirzoyan and his team and i would suggest everyone to do limb lengthening in Armenia.
Doctor is not perfect he will maybe make some mistakes but trust me end result is what is important and nothing else.
By the way non of us is perfect so if you think you will do everything right think again.

I have finished both surgery's in 9 mounts total so if you want to be that fast and to get great results please listen to doctors,sleep good,dont eat sugar and junk food and be optimally active.
What i mean by optimally active is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.When you feel strong do some exercises and when you feel weak lay down in your bad and rest.But after you finish lengthening then you wont have any pain and that is the time when you should start to be more active every day.
After lengthening on both of my procedures i did every other evening about 30min bodybuilding exercises with 45lbs dumbell.Push ups,pull ups, dips...So if you like to lift weights you can do that also.You can do exercises during lengthening period also but dont do them to often because your body will be weak during that period.
Your gonna be more hungry,blood circulation will be better and you will create more growth hormone if you workout.If your more hungry and if you eat more you will heal faster.

And i also did 5-6 times a week 30 minutes exercises after breakfast.I called them exercises for old people.
If you dont know what i am talking about you can maybe search on google what old japanese people are doing in the morning.
You should move every joint in your body from head,shoulders, hip can lift your legs on the side ,you can do ''good-morning'' exercise and if you did tibias you should try to do squats at the end of your workout by holding yourself and supporting yourself with walker.Those squats can bring your growth hormone levels tremendously up.
Those exercises helped me a lot.At first they wore really hard but then after 10 days of doing them almost every day you will start to love them...when you master those exercises you will gain balance because now your muscles will be strong and you should try to walk without walker.That should be your next goal.To walk without walker with frames on your legs.After that everything will be easy for you because you will feel like a normal guy just taller and with frames in your legs.
I was walking with ilizarof frames on my legs 3 mounts after my surgery's so please do those exercises and you will stay less time in Yerevan or anywhere else where you do LL.

Once again i am really satisfied with Mirzoyan and his team and i would suggest everyone to do limb lengthening in Armenia.
And one more thing.Your end result depends on you.Doctor is about 30 % but you are about 70%.Thats my opinion and trust me i know a lot about limb
lengthening.Those who had problems are always the laziest people who are just waiting for someone to fix their problem.But they are the problem.

I am sorry that i can not write more information about LL.I dont think about height anymore because i am tall and its boring to think about things in the past.Now its your turn.If you want to grow taller like i wanted to grow taller then you will have same results like i had.

good luck and listen to your body.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2017, 10:48:26 AM »

Can you post some photos?


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2017, 10:59:28 AM »

what photos are you interested in ? My legs or what ?


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2017, 11:27:28 AM »

what photos are you interested in ? My legs or what ?

Your before and after if you have. Total body would be nice
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2017, 11:36:30 AM »

oh man i would never put my pictures here.Because of my privacy.But i was working out since i was 20 and now i am 26 so i look great.My legs are straight and pretty.Because i did only 4 cm on each part i think if you do too much it will look ugly but i did only 4 cm on each part so they are proportional and really good.How tall are you and do are you thinking about coming to Armenia or what ?


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2017, 11:50:35 AM »

oh man i would never put my pictures here.Because of my privacy.But i was working out since i was 20 and now i am 26 so i look great.My legs are straight and pretty.Because i did only 4 cm on each part i think if you do too much it will look ugly but i did only 4 cm on each part so they are proportional and really good.How tall are you and do are you thinking about coming to Armenia or what ?

 you can put with your face blurred... Anyone can write an essay like yours. It happened on old forum and in ended up in disaster for many
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2017, 12:07:07 PM »

well as i sad in my story if you are weak and insecure it will be a lot harder for you.God can do surgery on your legs and still it will be hard for you.But if your normal active guy who works out and eats healthy it will be a lot easier for you.I had nerve damage and it was harder then anything but somehow i succeed at the end.If you want to do this procedure its more about you than your doctor.Everyone can put ilizarov frame in your legs and brake your bones but what will happen after it will depend on you more than on your doctor.I wrote this story so people can know what to expect in Armenia or anywhere else.There was one patient who did not listen to me when i sad you have to stand up man your not lengthening your bones anymore.Stand up do exercises with me or you will be invalid for the rest of your life are you crazy....but he did not listen and he did not walk 7 mounts after surgery and one of his legs is still bend.He can not make it straight because he is stupid and he is like a little girl.If your like that better dont do it.If you want t do only tibias then its gonna be okay i think.But if you do cross lateral or femurs its gonna be a lot harder.You decide.No one on this forum is gonna explain what is the feeling of having metal in your legs 4 mounts straight. And that is 4 mounts if your like me.But if your like a little girl it can go up to 8 mounts.Imagine having metal in your legs 8 mounts.Can you ? I think you can not.I want to help you but if you want to grow taller just do it dont think about it.Before i went to my LL surgery i did not read forums that much because i did not care about anything i just knew that there is a way to grow taller.

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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2017, 12:17:08 PM »

Ilizarov on femurs is a really bad decision.
Most people want to lengthen much more that 4cm and ilizarovs in femurs will cause terrible problems in knee rom and even tearings in quadriceps muscle.
No respectable doctor do ilizarovs in femurs (most not even monorails) and that means a lot for me for Mirzoyan and all these doctors in third world eastern countries.

Also, Mirzoyan ruined a few patients in the old forum and I couldn't trust him. You are lucky that you did 4cm in each segment and with so minor lengthenings problems are rare but if you lengthened more (about 7cm) things could have become much harder and I don't know if Mirzoyan would be capable to solve the problems.

Furthermore, how you achieved 4cm in 4 months till frame removal? You have lon or something? Because for each cm you need at least 40 days and you wanted just 30, something I never ever heard about. So either you have a nail inside your bones or something is really wrong.

Anyway, congratulations about your results but still I would not recommend Mirzoyan. For femurs the only way is internal and for external tibias there are much more capable doctors who charge not much more.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2017, 02:46:21 PM »

i can squat 5x130kg on my femurs now 1 year after my femurs surgery.Before surgery i could squat 5x150.So i dont think that you are right.You are right that i can not touch my butt with my heal if you understand me.But i am like 15cm close to my butt with my heal.As soon as i achieved that i stopped to stretch my quad muscles.Really you dont need to touch your butt with your heal.If i need more i can just stretch more.But really wont need it.

First you have to do it then to tell your story.Thats is what i dont like on these forums.Guys talk about it but they dint do any surgery.Or they did did surgery but they are lazy boys.If your lazy boy going to a dentist is gonna be hard.My leg is normal like before.The only thing that i lost is my sprint speed.I can run but my top speed is not as before. Strength is the same.Which is more important for me.

If you do a lot of cm of course you will have problems.There is no question about it.And doing femurs was best decision because i dont want to end up like other LL patients whit weird long tibia.It looks really ugly.No one can tell that i did anything that was my goal.But if your really short around 170 or less and you want to do femurs more then 5 cm then you should maybe think about doing nails.By the way there was a guy here.Japanese guy who did 12 cm cros lateral and at the end he did not have any problems.He finished in 1 year.He was the only guy in Armenia that was active almost as me.I Thoth him exercises and he was walking 3h per day.But he did not have any complications.He was lucky also.He did not walk without walker in the end mounts of surgery but he was pretty damn good.He was 170 before surgery and he finished with about 182.He did 183 but he compressed total 1cm from both surgery.

And how did i achieved frame removal in 4 mounts.To be specific ( i removed femur frames in 4 mounts and 2 weeks) Mainly because of complication.I would do it sooner.But i finished both tibias in 4 mounts and 5 days.My first tibia frame was removed in 3 mounts and 25 days and second 10 days after.I think i am like a record holder right :D How did i do it you ask ?? Well your name is the answer :) body building :) I workout every day 30 minutes in the morning easy exercises and every other day i did push ups pull ups dips and i lifted 20 kg weight.Sometimes i did shoulders and biceps.Sometimes back and biceps etc.Because of that i was always hungry.I eat 5 times per day like when you bodybuild. I eat protein shake and banana between 3 main meals and i did not eat any sugar. Patients here are like regular people so they just eat and stay in bad and then they walk with walker like old guys.Thats why they stay a lot longer.One chinese guy stayed 10 mounts for 5 cm.He eat junk food and smoke cigarettes. Body building is the answer my friend :) And Mirzoyan did good job for me, for someone else i dont know.I saw 6 guys in Armenia all of us finished successfully sooner or later.Only one guy had problems with leg that he could not bend and if he see this forum he will say that they did something wrong on him but it was his fault he eat sneakers and stayed in the bad all the time.And then i come in his room and i say MAN STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRING and he is answering NOPE i need to rest.LOL.Before i came to Armenia i read bad things about Mirzoyan also and i was sceptical a little bit but i still did it because i dont trust to anything that people say on internet.Did you do some limb lengthening bro or your thinking about it ? I am here to help you if you have any questions ask.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2017, 03:05:59 PM »

I've been to Yerevan. Very hot and uncomfortable in the summer. I don't know about Dr. Mirzoyan but while Armenia is a nice place to go on holiday, I wouldn't want to do LL there.

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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2017, 03:54:20 PM »

i can squat 5x130kg on my femurs now 1 year after my femurs surgery.Before surgery i could squat 5x150.So i dont think that you are right.You are right that i can not touch my butt with my heal if you understand me.But i am like 15cm close to my butt with my heal.As soon as i achieved that i stopped to stretch my quad muscles.Really you dont need to touch your butt with your heal.If i need more i can just stretch more.But really wont need it.

First you have to do it then to tell your story.Thats is what i dont like on these forums.Guys talk about it but they dint do any surgery.Or they did did surgery but they are lazy boys.If your lazy boy going to a dentist is gonna be hard.My leg is normal like before.The only thing that i lost is my sprint speed.I can run but my top speed is not as before. Strength is the same.Which is more important for me.

If you do a lot of cm of course you will have problems.There is no question about it.And doing femurs was best decision because i dont want to end up like other LL patients whit weird long tibia.It looks really ugly.No one can tell that i did anything that was my goal.But if your really short around 170 or less and you want to do femurs more then 5 cm then you should maybe think about doing nails.By the way there was a guy here.Japanese guy who did 12 cm cros lateral and at the end he did not have any problems.He finished in 1 year.He was the only guy in Armenia that was active almost as me.I Thoth him exercises and he was walking 3h per day.But he did not have any complications.He was lucky also.He did not walk without walker in the end mounts of surgery but he was pretty damn good.He was 170 before surgery and he finished with about 182.He did 183 but he compressed total 1cm from both surgery.

And how did i achieved frame removal in 4 mounts.To be specific ( i removed femur frames in 4 mounts and 2 weeks) Mainly because of complication.I would do it sooner.But i finished both tibias in 4 mounts and 5 days.My first tibia frame was removed in 3 mounts and 25 days and second 10 days after.I think i am like a record holder right :D How did i do it you ask ?? Well your name is the answer :) body building :) I workout every day 30 minutes in the morning easy exercises and every other day i did push ups pull ups dips and i lifted 20 kg weight.Sometimes i did shoulders and biceps.Sometimes back and biceps etc.Because of that i was always hungry.I eat 5 times per day like when you bodybuild. I eat protein shake and banana between 3 main meals and i did not eat any sugar. Patients here are like regular people so they just eat and stay in bad and then they walk with walker like old guys.Thats why they stay a lot longer.One chinese guy stayed 10 mounts for 5 cm.He eat junk food and smoke cigarettes. Body building is the answer my friend :) And Mirzoyan did good job for me, for someone else i dont know.I saw 6 guys in Armenia all of us finished successfully sooner or later.Only one guy had problems with leg that he could not bend and if he see this forum he will say that they did something wrong on him but it was his fault he eat sneakers and stayed in the bad all the time.And then i come in his room and i say MAN STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRING and he is answering NOPE i need to rest.LOL.Before i came to Armenia i read bad things about Mirzoyan also and i was sceptical a little bit but i still did it because i dont trust to anything that people say on internet.Did you do some limb lengthening bro or your thinking about it ? I am here to help you if you have any questions ask.
I did LL 4 years before you.
And I was and still am an amateur bber.
So when I say that it is almost impossible to lengthen 4cm and remove the frames in 4 months, I know what I am talking about.
Your bones weren't fully consolidated that's why you had subsided so much. I lengthened 7.5 cm and I didn't have even 1mm subside but I had my frames 11 months on to be sure.

So before you write you should know better to whom you answer before jumping to conclusions.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2017, 05:28:59 PM »

frame on 11 mounts ? you were really amateur then :) hahah You did lose.Do ct scan and compare it with first ct scan you will see minimum 3 mm difference.By compressing bones are healing.I bet you did bone traininng before they took your frames off right ? Bone training is when you return 2-3 mm back so your body can put full weight on your bone.Everyone who did LL compresses a little bit.Someone more someone less.I knew that before i did first surgery because i was talking with one guy who did it and he lost about 0.6mm also.You lose on femurs more because its only one bone.When you do bone training in the end of surgery you lose about 2 mm and then after 4-5 mounts you will lose a little bit more.But it's just a little bit not much.
If you had frame for 11 mounts dont give advice to people here about LL.11 mounts for 7 cm.It should be maximum 7 mounts.Because every normal healty persons bone heal in max 5 mounts and then we can add 2 mounts because there was lengthening. So please dont give advice to people here.

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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2017, 06:00:59 PM »

frame on 11 mounts ? you were really amateur then :) hahah You did lose.Do ct scan and compare it with first ct scan you will see minimum 3 mm difference.By compressing bones are healing.I bet you did bone traininng before they took your frames off right ? Bone training is when you return 2-3 mm back so your body can put full weight on your bone.Everyone who did LL compresses a little bit.Someone more someone less.I knew that before i did first surgery because i was talking with one guy who did it and he lost about 0.6mm also.You lose on femurs more because its only one bone.When you do bone training in the end of surgery you lose about 2 mm and then after 4-5 mounts you will lose a little bit more.But it's just a little bit not much.
If you had frame for 11 mounts dont give advice to people here about LL.11 mounts for 7 cm.It should be maximum 7 mounts.Because every normal healty persons bone heal in max 5 mounts and then we can add 2 mounts because there was lengthening. So please dont give advice to people here.
You must be really stupid to write all these. And no, I haven't subsided at all. Maybe 1-2 mm? But nothing that even a ct scan could count. And for sure not half a cm like you for only 4 cm lengthening.

7 months frames on for 7cm? No one have done it ever.
All LL'ers on this forum who had external tibias, and I mean it when I say all, needed at least 40 days for each cm they lengthened.
So don't tell me to whom I could give advice or not, after all if you were a real "professional" you wouldn't have gone to Mirzoyan who screwed at least 2 persons in the old forum.
Also, anyone who does ilizarov on femurs (patiend and doctor) are a case of stupidity.
So you are not the one to give advices, not me.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2017, 10:18:06 AM »

Man are you crazy i was with Japanese patient who did 6.5 cm in 7 mounts and you did 7.5 in 11 mounts i would do it in 7 maximum.Read about bone healing.If you did it in 11 mounts that means that you did something wrong.You did not exercise enough or you eat crap food like sugar.I did exercises every day and i did not eat sugar at all.I made growth hormone a lot and i finish 4.2 cm in 4 mounts.If i did 7.5 like you i would finish in 7 max.I did 2 surgery's and 8.2 cm in 10 mounts total.So man you did something wrong.I am not comparing myself to normal patients because most of them are not active as much but man dont give advice to potential patients here if you were so slow.

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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2017, 11:33:27 AM »

Only a stupid man could say that I should not give advice because my bones healed in a normal amount of time and not in 1 month per cm like you claim, something that simply is very rare or impossible.
With this logic, people who have non alignments should not give advices at all.
After all, the moat important thing in LL is not to have very fast consolidation (which leads to premature alignment) but to avoid misalignments, muscle stiffness and all these. So if you really consolidate so fast you could never reach 6-7 cm as most of us did or want, because you would have premature consolidation. And this is a drawback, not a benefit.

Anyway, I'm out from this topic, after all I don't believe that any sane person would go to a butcher in a third world country to do external femurs with Ilizarov like you, so you prove who is the real crazy one.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2017, 08:10:58 PM » I smell fish in here? Not sure right now, but what has been served definitely needs some salt ;)

And it belongs to "Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences" btw.

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
I'm no longer participating in this community.

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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2017, 05:12:52 AM » I smell fish in here? Not sure right now, but what has been served definitely needs some salt ;)

And it belongs to "Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences" btw.
Yeah,I definitely agree with you👌.He didn't even post any kind of pictures,no X-rays neither videos.And talks about Ilizarov method on femurs😑
I think the moderation should set more restricting rules about writing a diary:it should be an obligation to prove your experience .If it doesn't happen,"the diary" should be erased.
Actually any perfect stranger could write an "experience"
●Do LL but do not let it obsess you


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2017, 01:04:47 AM »

Who the fk goes there now?
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2017, 08:26:23 AM »

average in Croatia is about 6'5"
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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2017, 12:02:06 AM »

Hi Folks
this Is my first post
Ilizarov on femurs is a really bad decision but my femurs looks short for me I want start from femurs  I no like internal think in the bon I start to look a lot of diary ,I don't care about pain I already broken something.
what guys know about monorails?good and bad think about monorails?

Somebody have a plan to do LL in 2018 2019?
cheers Luther


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2018, 05:45:25 PM »

send me private email if you like to talk with me


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2018, 06:18:19 PM »

Hi Folks
this Is my first post
Ilizarov on femurs is a really bad decision but my femurs looks short for me I want start from femurs  I no like internal think in the bon I start to look a lot of diary ,I don't care about pain I already broken something.
what guys know about monorails?good and bad think about monorails?

Somebody have a plan to do LL in 2018 2019?
cheers Luther

this is hilarious, "i don't care about pain i broke something already "
limb lengthening is more than the initial pain of breaking bones. I am currently doing external tibias and I can tell you that the pain is significant and more than just a simple bone break. Just thought you should know that. Going to your original question, a friend of mine here in russia did monorail on his femurs in china, external tibias twice in russia, and is now doing tibia shortening in russia again, He told me that the monorail femurs were the worst of all his surgeries. Just sharing the knowledge. He said if I ever want femurs, i should do internal femurs or not do LL again.
5'6.5'' lengthened 6.5cm in Volgograd with Dr. Barinov OP: October 25th 2017. 5'9" currently with IM nail. Personally don't recommend doing LL at this clinic.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2018, 09:11:26 PM »

this is hilarious, "i don't care about pain i broke something already "
limb lengthening is more than the initial pain of breaking bones. I am currently doing external tibias and I can tell you that the pain is significant and more than just a simple bone break. Just thought you should know that. Going to your original question, a friend of mine here in russia did monorail on his femurs in china, external tibias twice in russia, and is now doing tibia shortening in russia again, He told me that the monorail femurs were the worst of all his surgeries. Just sharing the knowledge. He said if I ever want femurs, i should do internal femurs or not do LL again.
That's why, some doctors say if you prefer external femur  then do each leg separately. It also reduces embolism risk I think,
Starting height: 162,5-163 cm (5 feet 4 inches)
Goal: 6,5 cm femur lengthening


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2018, 03:16:59 PM »

this is hilarious, "i don't care about pain i broke something already "
limb lengthening is more than the initial pain of breaking bones. I am currently doing external tibias and I can tell you that the pain is significant and more than just a simple bone break. Just thought you should know that. Going to your original question, a friend of mine here in russia did monorail on his femurs in china, external tibias twice in russia, and is now doing tibia shortening in russia again, He told me that the monorail femurs were the worst of all his surgeries. Just sharing the knowledge. He said if I ever want femurs, i should do internal femurs or not do LL again.

What's the worst pain you have experienced so far?


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2020, 06:26:17 PM »

I can assure this guy is telling true even though he made up his name and country of origin. I was doing LL in Armenia around same time he did even though we never met in person just talked over skype. I met same guys he did. I did external Tibias back in 2016-2017 and one month ago I came back for external femurs. When I was doing 5 cm on tibias I had my frames removed after 5 and half month. I had my diary on the old forum. Have to say tibias were much easier in terms of mobility. With external femurs its much more difficult but they will help you anyways, just not very pleasent when someone have to carrry you to the toilet chair every day/second day.


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Re: Doctor Arshak Mirzoyan Armenia - Read this before going to Yerevan
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2020, 09:32:03 PM »

This doctor fuçked alot of japanese people over. Do not go
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