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Author Topic: Stand Taller diary - The first day of the rest of my life (Betz Bone 14.01.2022)  (Read 27652 times)

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I actually believe dating is the nber 1 reason for most if not all male llers.. I dont inderstand why people are ashamed to admit that they believe (correctly or not) that their height hinders their dating life.

About post op dating life, from the legit diaries I have read, there was a massive improvent with people going from like around your height to 173+ while those going from 175 to 180+ reported modest are even no improvement

Yeah, I also believe that many short men have a goal and dream of reaching a better height so they can be more successful with women. It's a pity that there aren't more people here who want to share their pre and post LLS experience regarding women, dating and attraction.

Makes sense what you are writing. There has been done a lot of research when it comes to height and dating. Once you hit around 177-178cm there is much no to little gain in attraction from height. I think 15/100 will reject men at 177-178cm because at height. At 183-187cm the number is 5/100. At 165cm that rejection number is a massive 85/100 !

Here is a video of me walking today. Not completely warmed up here, but still much better that at my PT. I have a slight limp in my left leg because of tight IT-band, and a little hop sway. But I think with clothes my walk really isn't noticeable unless somebody is looking for an off gait. I will try to film one outdoors with shoes and properly warmed up later this week or next.

Video is still taken at lower angle, but not with a wide angles lens this time. With clothes I think proportions look normal.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
My diary:

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Seems like your right leg you have restrictions when bending you knee?

Have you tried to do more knee bending exercises?

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Day 490 (Day 332 Post clicking)

Five out of five... but more on that later...

Walking is getting better everyday, and I haven't worn the compression stockings for a few weeks now. Yesterday I walked 8km, which is by far a new record. Less stiffness and almost no duck ass once I stretch and walk for a bit. I'll try to film a new walking video next week. Next month will be my one year post clicking anniversary, so this has been a long ass process, but still worth every mm (as I will get to below).

I've been out twice since my last update, now for a total of five times post surgery. Go read about my last three times, for better context. But long story short, I got approached by at least one women each of those three times out. I have never experienced this three times in a row having gone out for almost two decades. So my fourth time, would challenge this new status quo. Not only would being approached four times in a row while going out be more than the past four years combined pre surgery, I was going out with my very attractive friend who is over 2 meters tall! We've probably been out hundreds of times with each other in the past, so I have a lot of experience being in his shadow. Imagine two friends, one is 165cm tall and the other one more than 2 meters tall going out. It would often go down like this, he got 99-100% of attention of women while walking through clubs and bars, or standing close to the bar - while I got basically 0-1%... but this time was different.

He probably got a little more attention due to his height, but I also got almost the same amount of attention from women - and we both got approached by this group of 5-6 girls. We talked to them some, then continued through the club (a big three floor venue) and got approached by another group of three women. We spent some time talking to them before I saw this smashing hottie, who I decided to approach. She was very open to talking and was giving me all the right signals like leaning in, laughing at my bad jokes and constantly running her hands though her hair. We talked for a while and exchanged snap-chat. On our way out I got approached by one of the girls from the first group and she was like "hey you" and wanted to dance, but because I'm still quite stiff in my hip motion I just kindly rejected and left after talking for a few minutes. Honestly my mind was more on the hottie I exchanged snap-chat with. At this point I'm starting to think that these 11,5cm of gained height really is making a huge difference. Especially the last girl on the dance floor was around 160cm tall, and I have never ever felt so tall around a girl out before - and it was kind of awesome. I was basically a head taller than her, so I'm guessing for that girl as long as she perceives you ass tall it's all good. She's not gonna notice if you are 177cm tall or 185cm tall. All in all another successful night out.

Then for my fifth time out, and honestly I was feeling good now - but at the same time I had a feeling that my streak was gonna come to an end. And things would revert to my normal experience out pre surgery. I mean, how much can height matter right? Well, I a lot and I was not prepared for this night out. Things stated off quite quickly at this popular rooftop bar where I was approached by one of the girls at the table next to us, talked to her for a bit (she seamed really into me, but wasn't the best looking imo) and roamed the bar which was packed and people where dancing all over the place. I am not kidding, I could not walk through the crowd with out some random girls trying to dance with me of wanting to cheers as I walked through with my drink held above the crowd. Seriously it kind of felt surreal and like a vivid dream how women where now looking at me, smiling at me and treating me. And then... I bumped into the two girls from my third night out, but this time the brunette was super into me, dragging me onto the dance floor and holding around me like there was no tomorrow. The blond however, less enthusiastic (probably because she asked me to come over to her place at like 03:00 in the morning last time and I kindly rejected her). So while dancing with them I locked eyes with probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She smiled and I smiled back at her. She then came closer and I was now holding around her and the two other dancing (yeah... never happened before in my life, so I am as baffled as you). Then a friend of the beautiful girl dragged her away (I found her later though and got to talk more in private and we exchanged snap chat). At this point I needed a break and walked inside and was immediately approached by this girl who works at this clothing store I bought some new pants at a few weeks earlier, and she was like "hey you bough those pants from me, I walk at so and so" and I'm like yeah. She introduced me to her friends and we talked for bit as well.

Before leaving this bar/club I was getting some fresh air in a corner when I started talking to these two girls standing next to me. After while one of them was hit by an ice-cube, we looked over and it was the two girls from earlier I was dancing with trowing ice-cubes at these girls I was talking to. Yeah, absurd that grown women (early 20's trowing ice-cubes at other grown women). After this I left to find some other friends at another bar. Honestly, I was overwhelmed by the attention and just positive response from women. I have NEVER EVER experienced this before in my lifetime, and I am also leaving out tons of other smaller interactions from this bar where I spent four hours, and the last hour alone because my friends left for a another venue.

A little later while waiting for my Uber next to this bus stop this cute girl walks by, we locked eyes and smile at each other. As she gets closer she says "hi there handsome, walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek". I don't even have time to react and now I am just smiling and laughing at this wild evening because the whole night has just been absurd. While I am standing there and laughing this other cute girl walks past with her boy friend (him on his phone) and because I'm still reacting to the situation that just happed I have a huge smile as I lock eyes with this girl walking with her boyfriend and she blushes as she smiles back at me. She gives me another look and smile as they walk past and a last spin, look and smile after she walked away.

The night lasted a few more hours, I talked to a few more girls and got more positive responses, but these above where the best ones worth sharing.

The night that I though was going to set the balance back, reset the order in the universe turned out to be the best night out ever regarding responses and interaction from women in my life to this date. Sure I didn't actually hook up or take anybody home with me, but pretty sure I could have done that several times that night if I wanted to. The whole night and all of these encounters is just absurd and is far cry from what I am used to, yeah... not sure what more to say about that. I am surprised, shocked, amazed, glad, overwhelmed and really don't know how to react or what to expect next. Because I sure as hell wasn't expecting this. Almost every girl I talked to, looked at or smiled at gave me a positive response and that is not something I am at all used to.

After my first time out I was careful to jump to any conclusions and even after my fourth time out I was like "yeah, probably just an anomaly and not going to last", but after my fifth time out (and five times is not a big sample size, I will admit that) I feel I have enough datapoints and interactions to confidently says that women find me not just find me a little more attractive now at 177cm vs earlier at 165cm, but a lot more attractive. I honestly feel like I have gone from a 5/10 to a 7,5-8/10, it doesn't make any sense - but at this point the proof is in the pudding. There is a night and day difference pre- to post surgery. I still can't believe it is true, because it really doesn't compute in my head - but my experience doesn't lie either.


I hope you guys are liking me sharing my experience with women post surgery and I feel there are very little stories here or online talking about pre- and post surgery experience when it comes to that. I am extremely humbled that I am lucky to experience this now, and I am in no way trying to brag, but rather just tell it as it is. Share my experiences as I experience them. So I do apologize if I come off as trying to brag in any way, because that is truly not my intention. Lastly I would love to hear other peoples experience post surgery with women and dating.

Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Congrats! You must also be very attractive facially because just not being short or tall is not enough to gain this attention. Your story is pretty logical imo. You went from a "bad height" (165cm is short everywhere besides asia maybe which means that your looks werent even taken into consideration because you werent even on the radar) to a normal height where you are now on the radar and thus women actually pay attention to your looks. Would it be the same if you ended up 176 or 175? Imo yes but who knows :)

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Congrats! You must also be very attractive facially because just not being short or tall is not enough to gain this attention. Your story is pretty logical imo. You went from a "bad height" (165cm is short everywhere besides asia maybe which means that your looks werent even taken into consideration because you werent even on the radar) to a normal height where you are now on the radar and thus women actually pay attention to your looks. Would it be the same if you ended up 176 or 175? Imo yes but who knows :)

Yeah, when you put it that way it kind of makes sense! I also think that (studies also show this) my old height was just really bad, and around the average height for women in my country, but just being half a head to a head taller than most women drastically changes the whole dynamic. I was hoping and expecting a significant change pre- to post surgery, but this is just ridiculous. I was telling my brother about my fifth night out, and he was like "yeah, that's pretty much my experience when out". He is a very handsome dude (or I have been told my whole life from women) and is 184cm tall, and gets tons of attention from women. Both my parents are very good looking, and so are my sisters. So kind of makes sense that I may have inherited some of those looks...

But as I've written several times earlier, my looks have always been hard to judge. On one hand I have been told multiple times earlier that I do look good, and all my girlfriends have been 7-8/10. On the other hand, I have felt invisible to most women and been rejected a lot and always had to work hard to attract hot women.

Yeah, I don't think there would have been much difference if I stopped at 175cm or 176cm, but at the same time with thicker shoes soles I am basically the same height as my friends who are 180cm - and that feels very nice.

Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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But as I've written several times earlier, my looks have always been hard to judge. On one hand I have been told multiple times earlier that I do look good, and all my girlfriends have been 7-8/10. On the other hand, I have felt invisible to most women and been rejected a lot and always had to work hard to attract hot women.

Again, this is because apperantly you are good looking, but because of your previous height you didn't pass the height threshold. This is because height is not a charateristic that works like "the more the better" but more like "need to be atleast x tall". This also means imo that if you were to grow magically another 8 cm, the impact wouldnt be nearly as big as now as you already are over the threshold for the majority of women ( which according to studies is around 175cms which is like 70%.. before your height was ok for like 10-15%)


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Yeah, when you put it that way it kind of makes sense! I also think that (studies also show this) my old height was just really bad, and around the average height for women in my country, but just being half a head to a head taller than most women drastically changes the whole dynamic. I was hoping and expecting a significant change pre- to post surgery, but this is just ridiculous. I was telling my brother about my fifth night out, and he was like "yeah, that's pretty much my experience when out". He is a very handsome dude (or I have been told my whole life from women) and is 184cm tall, and gets tons of attention from women. Both my parents are very good looking, and so are my sisters. So kind of makes sense that I may have inherited some of those looks...

But as I've written several times earlier, my looks have always been hard to judge. On one hand I have been told multiple times earlier that I do look good, and all my girlfriends have been 7-8/10. On the other hand, I have felt invisible to most women and been rejected a lot and always had to work hard to attract hot women.

Yeah, I don't think there would have been much difference if I stopped at 175cm or 176cm, but at the same time with thicker shoes soles I am basically the same height as my friends who are 180cm - and that feels very nice.

Thanks for keeping us updated and reporting about your experiences with clubbing and girls. Have you met any girls who knew your former height by any chance yet? How were the reactions? Did anybody not notice?
Unilateral Quadrilateral Lengthening 2021/22 w/ Koehne
Pre-Surgery: 1.67 m
Post-Surgery: 1.76 m
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Today is the first day of the rest of my life. After first finding out about this procedure back in 2016, I knew this was something I wanted to do. But like other things "life just happened" and time passed by. And then there is the whole saving up the funds that takes some time. Here we are though, six years later and I am about to change my life forever.

I currently stand at 165cm tall, and my X-rays look very good. If possible we will 11-12cm. If everything works out fine, and my body copes with lengthening well I may stand at as much as 176-177cm tall in four to five months. Wish me luck!

I'm now just sitting here waiting for Dr Betz to bring me into the surgery room.

If you have recent imaging data please put it at this thread.
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At risk of repeating myself a bit – Very nice to read these kinds of updates with lots of interesting details, thanks again for sharing.  Makes your diary unique and more informative holistically speaking than many others that often fade out, leaving readers wondering if something bad happened or if the whole endeavor didn't really change their lives that much after all – a bit like how people's happiness levels tend to reset back to baseline eventually even after winning a lot of money.  Keep these reports coming!

You described and compared pre- and post-lengthening nights out, and also included a related anecdote from your taller brother about how it usually is for him.  From reading your diary you seem to me like a quite social and outgoing guy that knows a lot of people, so then I was wondering, what is your impression of "regular short" guys in your circle when it comes to dating and nightlife success, if you know some?  I'm thinking of someone around 5'7" and 5'8".  Do you think their challenges are similar to the ones you experienced at 5'5", if they're not considered tall enough by most women? 

Would also be interested to know what those guys reactions have been to seeing your new height if they already knew you and your height before the lengthening (I think there's no way they wouldn't notice someone that used to be shorter than them, which is more or less rare, no longer being so)!


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Any update?

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Day 524 (Day 366 Post clicking)

Yesterday was one year since I stopped clicking and reached my new length of 177cm. I say length and not height because of my severe duck ass I wasn't actually standing straight until recently. In the last year I have come a long way. One year ago I had really bad duckass, and now I barely have any at all. When I wear clothes it is virtually invisible. I still stretch every day and go to my physiotherapist three times a week for stretching. Every day I get a little bit better, walk a little more normal and soften up just a little bit. Long story short, I am still not 100% and to be honest that may take another year. But I am at a place where I can function 95% normal after I have stretched and walked for a bit so my muscles soften up. I have been out drinking basically twice a week since mid-May, and these nights I walk somewhere between 3-7 km. I also started running about three weeks ago, and I can now run 500m in uneven terrain at a decent pace without having to stop for breaks. A week ago I started timing my runs and I am improving my time every day now. Some people notice my slight limp (most people don't), which is much more apparent after sitting for a while. Sitting in a normal chair or car is the worst, because this is the scenario where my muscles stiffen up the most. This is basically the last frontier I have to overcome before I am 100%. It may take 3 months or it may take a year. But at this point I am functioning so well it really doesn't matter much. I am still able to do basically whatever I want now.

This journey has taken much longer than I thought, but I also lengthened a lot more than most here. Can't remember reading a diary where somebody lengthened more than me to be honest. Even if it takes another year for me to be 100% back to normal it will still be worth it imo. I am improving every day, so there really isn't much to look back at that I regret. As I have said earlier, my height dysphoria is 100% cured and have stopped comparing myself to others, and my brain seems to have almost adapted to my new height 100%. I still struggle sometimes and think people are taller than me, when they are actually shorter. But this seems to when I am sitting down. Around a year ago, I struggled gauging peoples height when standing, but not anymore. It is funny how our brains adapt.

As I wrote I have been out twice every weekend since the middle of May, and much of my experience with women has continued more of less in the same fashion. Some days are of course better than other days, but over all my new positive experiences have continued. I have on two more occasions been called handsome by random women without me asking or that even being a topic. I have also been approached by women at least once every night when I go out. And women are still very open to talk or dance when I approach them. I get a lot more looks from women and even got checked out by some famous influencer two weeks ago. Yesterday I locked eyes with a pop star at my local Sushi place, and when she looked away she smiled. So yeah, pretty much an insane improvement from what attention or response I got from women when I was short. As I've said earlier, I did pretty decent with women earlier - but how I am treated and how women respond now is on a totally different level. Since the middle of May I have probably approached 50-60 women, and all but three gave me a negative or neutral response. And I found out the one of them actually had a boyfriend. I estimate that most women weren't interested in talking to me when I was short, and most responses where neutral and maybe 10-15% where positive. So I am experiencing a huge improvement, I am looking forward to every weekend now so I can talk to and meet more girls so I can practice talking with girls to push new boundaries. I have noticed that I was so used to having to work for their attention that this low level of resistance from women is totally setting me of.

I was at concert last Friday and this group of hot girls where standing close to us. So I go over and cheers with all of them. And then go back to my group of friends. Then all of sudden this group of girls are now right next to us and the one I like is shoulder to should with me, they obviously moved closer to us. In my mind I am like, it shouldn't be this easy and has never been this easy so I honestly choke and don't know what to do. They hang around for a while, but then leave and I realize I missed my window. The rest of the evening I am kind of mad because she was really hot and I just didn't do anything. I think I am still in shock from all of this, and with time I will get more confident just go with the flow more. All of this is just so strange, new, exciting, fun and scary all at the same time.

The day after on Saturday me and a friend go out and these two girls come over, one in a tight dress (not the prettiest, but okay) asks if she can share my chair. I let her sit almost on top of me, and immediately she starts touching my and caressing my chin. She is very flirtatious and very into me and since she was like a 5-6/10 I am able to play it 100% cool and not like an idiot the day before. But at the same time I keep looking over to my friend laughing because I have never experienced anything like this before. I used to think women didn't ever or very seldom approached men. After having around 13-14 nights out under my belt as a normal height male, I can safely say women do absolutely approach men. And some of them make it so easy. Yeah, this is a completely new reality for me.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Its mind blowing that you managed to recover as well as you did after doing 11.5 cm. Thats just beastly, major props to you.


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Hey man, I really appreciate your honesty on the matter, and I relate to a lot of what you wrote.

It's a really long and hard process, and you motivate me to not give up! Hopefully, I will get the similar results!


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Hey man !
I have a consultation with Becker in a month. You did 11,5 cm only in the femurs ? After a year or more, is everything alright ? (since there is this idea that 8cm is a max treshhold). I am 164 so almost your initial height, getting around 175 is a big dream for me.


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Hey man ! So I just finished reading all of your Diary, sorry for my last post which asked questions about things that are clearly explained.

I wanted to tell you that you Diary has convinced me that I want this surgery, now without a doubt. I am in a fairly similar situation : 164cm, actually good looking /have been told and I do feel it when I see myself in the mirror), but not very succesfull with women (less than you, cause I'm probably not that good looking but also cause my height dysphoria makes me shy around people).
I'll have my first consultation with Becker on August and hoping to do the surgery on January 2024, which would make it exactly two years after you.
I also have a kind of interesting fact to share with everyone : I have two nationalities and have been living between two countries all my life. On of them is a rich European Country, the one other a fairly powerfull latino-american one. I am much more, much more succesfull with women in the latino-american one, where I am short but still on the extreme lower end of what is kind of normal ; in the European one I am clearly on the very short side. So in latin america, I've been with women taller than me that are less exigent thant same height girls in Europe ; I think being average in a country makes your body acceptable even if you're short.

So, two years after your surgery, do you have any advise ? Any complications ? Any regrets ? I am looking forward for 10-11 cm, so I get 174-175cm.
Thank you again for your story, it made all the difference for me and now I know I will do this for sure.



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Any updates?  Have you considered getting your ITB released to improve your gait and recovery?

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Sorry for being absent for such a long time, but been super busy with work, with enjoying the summer and I've also been sick the past few weeks. So this won't be a very detailed update, hopefully I'll write one up soon.

As I said I've been busy with work and enjoying the summer. I've been out a lot at bars and night clubs on the weekend and the benefits of my now normal stature hasn't slowed down. As I've written in several posts here since May, I've gotten much more positive attention and positive responses from women after reaching my new height. I went from basically never being approached by women, to being approached once every weekend when I go out.

After a little stretching and getting some heat into my body my gait is pretty much normal these days. I'm still a little stiff after sitting for a while or driving a car. But once I get going I have no problem walking pretty much unlimited.

My height neurosis is basically 100% gone, and I seldom think about my height any more on a day to day basis. I guess that is what happens when you go from being well below average to basically average height. When I went to parties in the past I would always be the shortest male, and also shorter than most women. Now I am usually smack in the middle when it comes to men, and more than not I am actually a little above average. Seems like those studies about height with data from self reporting isn't that accurate. Either way, I am never the shortest male anymore at social gatherings - not even close. And I rarely meet women who are taller than me. And very few are even my height. So yeah, I just feel like a normal adult - which is great.

Here is a photo of me and a friend this summer out drinking. I am the one on the left, and he is 180cm tall.

Hopefully I'll write up a bigger update with video of me walking sooner than later.

//Stand Taller
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Sorry for being absent for such a long time, but been super busy with work, with enjoying the summer and I've also been sick the past few weeks. So this won't be a very detailed update, hopefully I'll write one up soon.

As I said I've been busy with work and enjoying the summer. I've been out a lot at bars and night clubs on the weekend and the benefits of my now normal stature hasn't slowed down. As I've written in several posts here since May, I've gotten much more positive attention and positive responses from women after reaching my new height. I went from basically never being approached by women, to being approached once every weekend when I go out.

After a little stretching and getting some heat into my body my gait is pretty much normal these days. I'm still a little stiff after sitting for a while or driving a car. But once I get going I have no problem walking pretty much unlimited.

My height neurosis is basically 100% gone, and I seldom think about my height any more on a day to day basis. I guess that is what happens when you go from being well below average to basically average height. When I went to parties in the past I would always be the shortest male, and also shorter than most women. Now I am usually smack in the middle when it comes to men, and more than not I am actually a little above average. Seems like those studies about height with data from self reporting isn't that accurate. Either way, I am never the shortest male anymore at social gatherings - not even close. And I rarely meet women who are taller than me. And very few are even my height. So yeah, I just feel like a normal adult - which is great.

Here is a photo of me and a friend this summer out drinking. I am the one on the left, and he is 180cm tall.

Hopefully I'll write up a bigger update with video of me walking sooner than later.

//Stand Taller

Good to hear.  How is your gait now?


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In what country do you live? If you prefer not to say, could you atleast say the region? (Central eu, nord eu etc...)

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Good to hear.  How is your gait now?

My gait is good after stretching and warming up.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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In what country do you live? If you prefer not to say, could you atleast say the region? (Central eu, nord eu etc...)

I live in northern Europe. I don't want to be more specific than that.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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I live in northern Europe. I don't want to be more specific than that.

Then is is pretty nice to know that being 177cms tall you are a little above average even in Northern EU


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Good to hear you're feeling better.  When you get approached when going out, has it so far led to something more, like dates or one night stands, that you'd assume you would not have gotten at your natural height?  Sorry if that's a bit of a direct question but we all know this stuff is the reason many consider this whole thing.

And flirting and having some casual fun is one thing but are you worried at all about any potential long-term partners finding out about your old height by let's say seeing old photos, getting to know your friends and family, and getting to know about this procedure, and then getting second thoughts or somehow seeing it as a dealbreaker?  You could say if they did they're not the right one for you anyway, but the same kind of goes for someone rejecting a guy for his height.  I guess mathematically speaking you're "in the green" as long as the percentage of women who are not fine with a partner doing LL doesn't outnumber the ones who would have rejected a guy for being your natural height before.

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Good to hear you're feeling better.  When you get approached when going out, has it so far led to something more, like dates or one night stands, that you'd assume you would not have gotten at your natural height?  Sorry if that's a bit of a direct question but we all know this stuff is the reason many consider this whole thing.

And flirting and having some casual fun is one thing but are you worried at all about any potential long-term partners finding out about your old height by let's say seeing old photos, getting to know your friends and family, and getting to know about this procedure, and then getting second thoughts or somehow seeing it as a dealbreaker?  You could say if they did they're not the right one for you anyway, but the same kind of goes for someone rejecting a guy for his height.  I guess mathematically speaking you're "in the green" as long as the percentage of women who are not fine with a partner doing LL doesn't outnumber the ones who would have rejected a guy for being your natural height before.

Sorry for replying late, but just been busy with life and like many others after getting this surgery you slowly get back into life - you really do forget about you "old" life. It strange, but at the same time very true. I will try to be more active here, writing more posts, sharing more pics and videos.

I still have a tight IT-band on my left leg, but it is getting a little better every day. It's tight, bit nothing that bothers me or hinders me on the daily. It is worse after after driving, but even this has gotten better lately. Since my last post I had a week holiday where I walked 50km in seven days, so walking after my muscles get warm isn't an issue any more. I've stopped doing daily stretching, but I still do physiotherapy three times a week.

I think most men do this surgery because they feel, or are small. Which in return has made dating and meeting women hard. To be honest, this was one of the reasons I did it, but not the main reason. But if I knew how much more attention and respect from women I would get, I would have done this A LOT EARLIER in life. I have gotten more numbers, more snapchats, more IGs, more hookups, more invites and more dates in the past four months - than the past ten years combined. Not kidding, I honestly feel like I've joined the "chad" club after reaching normal height. I've gotten more compliments from women the past four months than my entire life. Compliments like "you're handsome", "you're good looking", "you're hot", "do you do onlyfans?", some of these compliments I've never ever gotten before in my life. I can now accept that I am good looking, after hearing it many times from women the past four months. I don't say this to brag, because before surgery I was actually in better shape and more defined than now, so better looking before. But that didn't mean sh** to most women, because if you are not above the height threshold, you're basically invisible.

To me all of this is still new and very absurd. I am just not, or may ever get used to being able to walk up to any girl, starting a conversation and not once being rejected, most times getting her Snap or number. All of this is such a big contrast to how things where before. Last weekend three women approached me, I would be lucky if that happened in a period of three years at my old height. In the past weeks one girl stored her number in my phone as Wifey and the other one as Bby - not kidding, and these where solid 8-9/10.

So if you are remotely good looking, or just average. I truly believe you will dramatically improve your dating and love life going from short to around average. If you already are around average, I don't believe becoming very tall will dramatically improve you success with women.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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It seems like your life is going pretty well after 10 inches on your femurs. As for your experiences with girls, I'm happy for you man, it's true that being at a "normal" height you get more attention and respect from girls. Even if you're 5'10 and handsome you can tower over a 6'6 guy. Congratulations man, I am happy and at the same time excited to read these types of publications.
A handsome boy who just wants to be tall

Aiming for Betzbone at Becker/Betz Institute.


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Glad to see you are doing good. Can you send a link to the yt interview with Cyborg? I dont find it or at least your name


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I have gotten more numbers, more snapchats, more IGs, more hookups, more invites and more dates in the past four months - than the past ten years combined.

Thanks for the update!  Very interesting again.  By hookups I assume you mean one night stands?  I've always wondered if a girl would notice or comment on leg length when seeing someone having had LL nked especially if lengthened over a certain limit where it would be harder to deny.  Post-LL proportions can be normalized with clothing, but at that point it's all in the open.  Not saying you necessarily are in that category despite lengthening more than average.

Given all the newfound attention from and involvement with women you're describing I would love if you could shed some light on this part of my previous post:

Are you worried at all about any potential long-term partners finding out about your old height by let's say seeing old photos (on social media for instance), by getting to know your friends and family, and getting to know about you having this procedure, and then getting second thoughts or somehow thinking a new partner having LL surgery as some kind of a dealbreaker? Or are you totally open about your old and new height with your dates?

Stand taller

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Thanks for the update!  Very interesting again.  By hookups I assume you mean one night stands?  I've always wondered if a girl would notice or comment on leg length when seeing someone having had LL nked especially if lengthened over a certain limit where it would be harder to deny.  Post-LL proportions can be normalized with clothing, but at that point it's all in the open.  Not saying you necessarily are in that category despite lengthening more than average.

Given all the newfound attention from and involvement with women you're describing I would love if you could shed some light on this part of my previous post:

Are you worried at all about any potential long-term partners finding out about your old height by let's say seeing old photos (on social media for instance), by getting to know your friends and family, and getting to know about you having this procedure, and then getting second thoughts or somehow thinking a new partner having LL surgery as some kind of a dealbreaker? Or are you totally open about your old and new height with your dates?

Yes by hookups i mean one night stands, or just women in general being more keen to hook up. I've been invited home with women I met out where I have said no. One girl I met out we got separated, I then texted here and she replied "went home, wanna come over"? Another girl approached me when out and asked "can I sit here, pointed a my lap and sat down on my lap". She was super keen and had that "f*** me" look on her face. So theese where guaranteed hookups, but where I didn't follow through so didn't end up in one night stands.

As for proportions, people are too busy thinking about them selves to really care about anybody else. Seriously, most people are blind about the "flaws" of others. I have friends and acquaintance who walk funny and have strange proportions, and people have never noticed or ever commented on it. For us who are in this surgery and leg length space, we are super aware of it - but for everybody else, they don't have the slightest clue.

No I am not worried about a potential partner finding out, depending on the person I might or may not tell them. Don't think it will actually matter too a woman after you've established a proper relationship. I mean most women don't actually consciously care about height, most women just aren't attracted to short men sub-consciously. For us men, we can easily rate women on a 1-10 scale, with great accuracy. Women on the other hand put men into three categories, "not attractive", "attractive" and "very attractive" - and height plays a HUGE role here. Hence my experience.

At my old height most women put me in the category "not attractive", explaining my experience with women for 20-25 years. And now, because I am tall enough, most women find me either "attractive" or "very attractive". I've literally had women tell me "I am hot" or "I am very handsome" more times the last four months than the previous 25 years combined. It's crazy, but is also clearly shows how women rate and find me attractive.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Yes by hookups i mean one night stands, or just women in general being more keen to hook up. I've been invited home with women I met out where I have said no. One girl I met out we got separated, I then texted here and she replied "went home, wanna come over"? Another girl approached me when out and asked "can I sit here, pointed a my lap and sat down on my lap". She was super keen and had that "f*** me" look on her face. So theese where guaranteed hookups, but where I didn't follow through so didn't end up in one night stands.

Which country do you live in, if I may ask?
Unilateral Quadrilateral Lengthening 2021/22 w/ Koehne
Pre-Surgery: 1.67 m
Post-Surgery: 1.76 m
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Yes, with respect, what country are you from that women are so slutty?
A handsome boy who just wants to be tall

Aiming for Betzbone at Becker/Betz Institute.


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At my old height most women put me in the category "not attractive", explaining my experience with women for 20-25 years. And now, because I am tall enough, most women find me either "attractive" or "very attractive".

if you are not above the height threshold, you're basically invisible.

Curious, around what male height do you suspect this threshold is, in your part of the world?  For instance based on your own recent experience with getting taller, or what you have observed among peers.
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