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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #558 on: February 12, 2017, 06:24:27 PM »

How is your dating life post LL endgame?

I don't want to hijack DIFM diary, but I'll make this one post, being taller helping me a lot. Seeing a girl who I can sense when she looks up at me likes I'm much taller than her. Slept with an ex recently who was like wow you must have been working out, you look thinner, you seem taller, you look so good. I feel like a lot of women used to not give me a chance because of my height and that's changed, but I didn't magically become a player overnight either.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #559 on: February 12, 2017, 07:26:58 PM »

How tall were you when you started LL, and how tall were you when you finished, endgame?


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #560 on: February 14, 2017, 08:24:43 AM »

Here's update on my dating life, since it seems like some of you are interested in it. Warning: Before I start, I should mention that a lot of this will sound like bragging, but I am only telling you it so you have an idea of what dating life is like after LL and what you can do to improve your own dating game. I'm not a dating guru, though. I just have a decade and a half of dating experience with a lot of trial and error. So I'm just telling you what worked for me. It might not work for you in your culture/country. If this wasn't an anonymous diary, I wouldn't even tell this story, because I hate bragging - especially when it comes to bragging about women for personal gain. This is all a true story, and I gain nothing by lying.

Today I took the prettiest/hottest girl I've ever met back to my bedroom and we made out like crazy. And this was only a day after meeting her for the first time. She says that it feels like she has known me forever. She's a mixed race and has the most gorgeous blue eyes. I met her online.

A day before that, I was on a date with another girl, who was a 5'10" model who won one of those international beauty contests. Yes, she was taller than me by at least an inch. I didn't plan on meeting her this week, but she messaged me that morning to ask me out on a date and I said, sure why not. She was really into me, not because of my looks or height, but because she liked how intelligent I was. And tomorrow I had to cancel my second date with a hot 5'9" college girl, because I am seeing that mixed, blue-eyed girl for Valentine's Day and don't want to date anyone else at this point.

Yesterday, I wasn't so sure if that hottest girl was into me or not. She is way way out of my league. I'm like a 7 in terms of looks for my face, and like a 5 or 6 for my body right now. And she was absolutely perfect. On both dates I've gone out with her, random girls like waitresses or just girls on the street would comment on how pretty she looked. She dresses like a fashion model - which is important to girls, so dress well!!! Seriously, you guys want to dress better, because dressing well makes you look more attractive without having to go to the gym more or getting surgery. It's very effective.

So today was a great day because she couldn't keep her hands off me after I took her back to the bedroom. I honestly would never have thought in my lifetime that I'd be dating someone like her. You know how you have these fantasies about dating really hot celebrities, but in the back of your mind, you know it will never happen because they're out of your league? Well, she was hotter than a lot of the celebs who appear on Maxim magazine, and I absolutely thought someone like her was just a fantasy and that only 6'0" male models would be able to date her. If you saw us two standing next to each other, you'd never think that I was dating her. In fact, people on the street kept walking between us, because they thought that I wasn't dating her. A woman on the bus even gave me this look as though I was a stalker, because I kept following her around closely. Every guy AND girl was checking her out. It was funny to watch almost every guy look up and down her as she walked by. But on top of this, she's very humble, and caring, and intelligent! So as you can imagine, I've fallen for this girl. BUT, I still don't treat her like she's all that, because I never want to her to realize that she could do so much better than me haha. And that's just part of the dating game, because you never want to look insecure to the girl. That's unattractive. You have to appear like you're doing her a favor by dating her, even though you sure as hell know that she could do better.

And this makes me a bit more conflicted with not recommending this surgery, because she's... 5'7". She probably wouldn't have dated me at my previous height. So... sigh. I hate to say it, but I actually do recommend this surgery for your dating life if it means going above the 5'7" height. It's not necessary. But it helps. For example, it's not necessary to be rich to get a date, but it helps. I'm sorry for flip-flopping again. But now you should understand why. Without the LL surgery, my gf wouldn't have left me, and I wouldn't have dated this girl - who is, so far, much better than my ex. But I only recommend it if you are already successful with women. It will not turn you from a loser to a Casanova. If you want to know how I get girls so effortlessly, read more below.

You mentioned the gap in bone is still barely progressing. In the past when you mentioned that issue you seemed to be concerned that a bone graft would be needed. Did Paley tell you it won't be needed after your last x-ray? Hope so.

You always seem very insightful and wise in a way to me in your diary. I'd love to get any thoughts on this stuff you wouldn't mind sharing.
Paley said I don't need a bone graft, because there's still growth, but just very very slow growth. He suggested that I remove the lower screws on the rods so that I would put pressure on the gap, and hopefully that would stimulate growth. I said that I'd just wait it out. I don't want to risk breaking my legs again - especially after hearing about what happened to ProgramDude.

So here's my take on displaying success on dating profiles. You need to be humble about it and not like flat out say how much you make. Just hint at it with your pictures or your job description. And don't over do it! You only need to hint at it once. If you talk about it too much then it looks like all you can offer is your money. Instead, show that you're more than just money.

I have two dating profiles. One with no mention of wealth and one with. The difference between the two is just one sentence at the beginning that strongly hints that I'm very wealthy. The quality of girls vary a lot between the two profiles. It's much better to show success in dating profiles, because success really does attract women. People who aren't successful often tell me to not mention it in the profile because it attracts the "wrong type" of girls. And yes, there's a lot of "ghetto" girls who will message you when you display your wealth. And yes, I have been on at least one date with a gold digger. There were warning signs for it, but since she was really hot, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I ended up losing like $200 because of the massive amount of steaks and alcoholic drinks she kept ordering. But most aren't. Some even try to pay for the meals to subtly prove that they're not gold diggers, either to me or themselves.

So the way I view it is that displaying your wealth is like a girl displaying her cleavage in the profile pic. Yes, it makes a lot of horny creepy guys want to date her, but it'll also attract more guys in general. And among those guys will be at least someone worth going out with. It's all a numbers game, in my opinion. The wider the net you cast, the more bad fish you will catch. But you also will catch more good fish, too!

You just have to be able to tell the bad fish from the good ones. For example, to avoid gold diggers, I only date girls who are financially independent, meaning that they have jobs and their own place or have rich parents. If they're lazy, you can tell, and those will most likely become gold diggers. If you give them a list of restaurants to go to and they always pick the most expensive one even after you suggest a cheaper one, then they're most likely gold diggers. If they don't pay for anything or even attempt to pay for anything, then they're gold diggers. If they ask about your money and your wealth often, then they're most likely gold diggers. If they start taking a lot of selfies with your Buggati, then they're most likely Instagram/Snapchat picture whores. Those are most likely narcissists. Run away. You get the picture. Just filter out the bad ones, and then just go out with the good ones. I only date the top 1% of the girls who message me. There's a higher ratio for girls who I message first, because I chose them first, and it wasn't like a gold digger chose me first. If you do the choosing first, then it's less likely to be a gold digger because most girls aren't gold diggers. But if the girl messages you first, then most likely you shouldn't really date them. Also if they message you first, then they are either below your league, at your league, or above your league but have self-esteem issues. Either way is bad, because you want to date girls who are above your league. You only live once! Don't settle for less!

I think I'm more attractive during dates, because I know there are other attractive girls who want to date me, so I'm not like putting any of these girls on a pedestal. Instead, it seems like I'm not even that interested in them. But that doesn't mean that I'm boring on dates. I take girls to do all sorts of fun things that usually ends with taking them back to my place. Every hour or two hours, I take them to somewhere new and fun to explore. Preferably somewhere they haven't been before. Even though it's the environment that makes it fun, and not you, it makes them think of fun when they think of you. And you want girls to associate "fun" when they think of you. In almost every first date I've been on, the girl ends up in my bedroom by the end of the date. And no, I'm not sleeping with them on the first date. I'm very selective on who I sleep with. I might even question the quality of the girl if she would sleep with me on a first date.

So, showing some interest but not a lot of interest makes them want me even more. I think hot girls are just used to guys drooling over them. And it makes sense to me because I've been on the other side of this before. Once a hot girl is showing too much interest in me, it does make them seem less attractive to me, because it makes me wonder if I could do better. Think of it like buying a used car or house. If you show too much interest in it, then the seller would raise the prices because he will think that his car/house is worth more than he asked for because you've shown a lot of interest as though it's a bargain. But if you don't show that much interest in it, the seller might even lower his sale price to try to get you to buy the car/house. So if you play hard to get, the girl will chase you back - given that she had some interest in you in the first place. Playing hard to get also weeds out girls who are only iffy about you. They will stop responding to your texts, and it wouldn't matter to you, because you have other girls to date. So don't get hung over any girl, especially if they don't show interest. It's so much better for a girl to chase you than for you to chase her, even though in your mind, she's way above your league.

So I think being successful is attractive not because you have a lot of money. There are stories about girls who dump rich guys because they aren't self-made, but only inherited a lot of money. Girls are attracted to success because of the man it takes to become successful. I'm talking about being intelligent, hard working, ambitious, not lazy, and dedicated. All those traits are very attractive. Girls really dislike guys who are lazy. Being intelligent also turns on intelligent girls. But I'm not even books smart, since I don't read that much. I'm more like clever and logical. There's a difference, and it's more attractive be the latter. Anyone can be a nerd and be books smart. But you kind of have to be born with a high IQ to be clever and logical.

And then you have to do more than just be successful. So some of models I've dated have dated other rich guys before. And luckily, a lot of rich guys absolutely suck at dating - or at least the ones who are still single do. Here's where some of them suck at dating:

1) They feel entitled to sex if they pay for dinner and expensive gifts. Don't do that. Don't treat girls like prostitutes!
2) They are controlling because they aren't used to people saying no to them. Don't do that, girls need their space.
3) They treat wait staff poorly, because they think they're better than them because they have money. Don't do that. Treat everyone equally no matter how much they make.
4) They aren't generous, because some rich people are rich because they are greedy and horde money. Don't do that. Nobody wants to date a cheapo.

I could go on, but you have the idea.

Here's what you SHOULD do:
Do volunteer work. Travel. Be kind to people. Dress well. Learn to be funny - watch a lot of stand-up comedy, but don't attempt humor if you aren't that great at it because it will backfire if it looks like you're trying too hard. These are the things that attract girls, and it's why I stand out and attract the highest quality of girls. Most of these traits have nothing to do with being rich. You can appear that way even if you were poor. There are girls who are attracted to people who are at least trying to be successful. So you don't even need to be successful yet. Some girls even only date the ones who are trying to be successful instead of the ones who already are successful. They feel that the already successful ones wouldn't be loyal to them since they have so many options - which is true, like I said, I had commitment issues in the past.

Anyway. Good luck to all those who are still single. A decade ago, you'd probably have thought that I'd never get a girlfriend, not because I was short, but because how little I knew about how to attract girls. So there's hope for everyone. You just got to learn to be more attractive. And that doesn't mean that you have be physically attractive, as I mentioned in the paragraphs above.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #561 on: February 14, 2017, 11:04:05 PM »

You know DIFM, you experience is your experience. It is not a rule. If you read Iamready's diary, you would see that he now has more success with all women of all height (even getting hit on by women rather than chasing them). The added height does give you a boost (in self confidence but also without doubt a physical one) and this should not be neglected. Also, most people aren't super rich like you so they would have different experience regarding attraction. But I know many not rich guys who do very good with women and most of them are in the 174-180cm range
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #562 on: February 14, 2017, 11:45:14 PM »

I think you missed what I wrote, but I said that being taller helped. I wouldn't be with this 5'7" girl if I wasn't 5'9". I have LL to thank for this. I'd say it improved my dating life by double, because it doubled the number of girls who want to date me. But the quality of the girls have gone up as well.

I want to add that girls chased me prior to LL as well. For example, the prettiest girl I know who has been facebook stalking me for 3 years liked me even before I did LL. But she didn't know my height. And yes, I think financial success is the major key here in terms of attraction - not because I have a lot of money, but because I display positive traits that a successful person has like hard working, determined, intelligent and ambitious, but I also display other traits in my dating profile that other successful people don't have like volunteer work, caring, and generosity. I think height is the major key in terms of rejection. That's the difference I was trying to make. And I want people to improve on their dating game first before they jump to LL, since there are major things you can do first to improve your dating life without LL. But once you've improved everything else and ran out of things, then LL would indeed improve your dating life. I don't have any doubts about it. But I also believe that it will only improve it significantly if it's the difference between being short and being average. I think the difference between being average and being tall is not as significant, because so far not one girl has rejected me based on height while I'm 5'9" - even though I went on dates with a 5'10" asian beauty pageant winner who still talks to me, and am talking with a 5'11" blonde blue-eyed Russian model who wrote on her profile that she only dates 6'+ guys.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 12:32:11 AM by DoingItForMe »
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #563 on: February 15, 2017, 03:40:45 PM »

I have to say, I think DIFM has the right attitude about this. While I'm not filthy rich the way he is, I am of above average success in my own right. I'm actually in the best shape of my life right now (5'8", 180lbs, lean, ripped, etc.). And I have always had 9/10 facial aesthetics (have been compared to the likes of Tom Cruise, Nick Bateman, John Stamos, etc.). So even at 5'5", I got attractive girls, but definitely got rejected because of my height a fair amount. And generally felt like I "didn't belong" in groups of guys because I was so short.

Honest to God...I really don't think men who are at least 5'7" need this surgery. If you are at least 5'7", as long as you're not butt ugly, you had a decent job and you stay in can definitely get girls. Yeah, 5'8" is better (but still borderline), you really need to be 5'9" and up to be 100% safe from the vast majority of women and their requirements...but 5'7" isn't bad at all. I think if I were 5'7" naturally, I wouldn't have gotten this surgery.

I still have that annoying (although it's been happening less) recurring pain in my right leg (which has healed completely), and my left leg is still slowly consolidating. I still have to get the rods removed, deal with more scarring, etc. And while I'm fine with my proportions for the most part (and not even women who have seen me nked have commented on them, except one girl who said "you have nice long muscular legs" lol), sometimes I get down when I sit next to a guy who is my new height naturally, and my sitting height is a bit shorter than his. I've learned to accept it because, well, I can't go back and be short again. I still think going from a bit over 5'5" to a solid 5'8" is worth the meh proportions I have to deal with (but that's MY issue).

Like DIFM said, none of us can ever be perfect, and I'm working towards accepting myself fully. I'll always wish I was given HGH as a kid, but there's no time machine, and I can't go back and change the past. So being 5'8" with less than perfect proportions will have to do (and again, no one has EVER commented on my post-LL proportions, this is all me and my inner insecurities about it).

I am with DIFM - if you are at least 5'7", you really don't need this surgery. Some of you guys who are already 5'10" and up who want this are crazy. But to each his own. We all deserve to be happy, right?


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #564 on: February 15, 2017, 03:51:04 PM »

I am with DIFM - if you are at least 5'7", you really don't need this surgery. Some of you guys who are already 5'10" and up who want this are crazy. But to each his own. We all deserve to be happy, right?

A 5'7 guy in New Delhi vs a 5'7 guy in Amsterdam will likely have differing views on "needing" the surgery. It can be very subjective. As you'll know from my story, as a 5'9 model from LA in NYC, my circle of friends is quite a bit taller than average (5'10 female, 6'1 male).. so I certainly have a different perspective, but your point is understood.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #565 on: February 15, 2017, 06:42:17 PM »

There is no starting height in which you "need" it. Yeah, a guy who is 5'5 sure "suffers" more than a 5'7 guy in terms of physical attraction. But that's where it starts and ends. When guys here will start to admit that they are doing this in order to improve their physical image and also their "manliness", it will all be much more simple and have much more sense..

 Yellow did it for the exact same reason 6feet want to do it which is to improve physical apppereance... And there is nothing wrong with that.
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #566 on: February 15, 2017, 07:02:49 PM »

Yes suffering is relative, it depends on your siblings, that country you live in, you co-workers, etc. I'm just saying that, at least in America (can't speak for other countries), if you're at least 5'7", you should be able to get by. Looking back, I think I were 5'7", I wouldn't have done this. If you build a good body at 5'7" and you're not hideously ugly, you can do just fine.

Totally understand that we all have our own reasons to do this. I'm just saying it's really men below 5'7/5'8" who actually "need" to do it. Because if you're shorter than 5'7", that's when you start running into a lot of females (even without heels) who are your height or taller.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #567 on: February 15, 2017, 09:59:23 PM »

If it makes you feel better, 6feetsoon, the perfect girl who I am dating now is 5'7" and from NYC. While yes, I do see a lot of tall guys in NYC, I also think you are ignoring the short ones. I am easily taller than 90% of the people taking public transportation in NYC.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #568 on: February 15, 2017, 11:57:09 PM »

If it makes you feel better, 6feetsoon, the perfect girl who I am dating now is 5'7" and from NYC. While yes, I do see a lot of tall guys in NYC, I also think you are ignoring the short ones. I am easily taller than 90% of the people taking public transportation in NYC.

Haha you weren't paying attention when i said that my coworkers and social network are all also in the modeling industry. It's a different playing field altogether.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #569 on: February 16, 2017, 07:17:56 AM »

If it makes you feel better, 6feetsoon, the perfect girl who I am dating now is 5'7" and from NYC. While yes, I do see a lot of tall guys in NYC, I also think you are ignoring the short ones. I am easily taller than 90% of the people taking public transportation in NYC.
You are rich af man.Why do you use public transportation? :D(ive mever been in ny,assuming its because of traffic?)


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #570 on: February 16, 2017, 07:51:21 AM »

You are rich af man.Why do you use public transportation? :D(ive mever been in ny,assuming its because of traffic?)
The subway is sometimes faster than car because NYC traffic during rush hour is the worst. Sometimes it would take you 15 minutes just to make a left turn because the left turn isn't allowed so you have to make three right turns and it takes that long just to make those turns. Even Google co-founder and Keanu Reeves uses the subway.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #571 on: February 16, 2017, 08:21:52 AM »

Haha you weren't paying attention when i said that my coworkers and social network are all also in the modeling industry. It's a different playing field altogether.
But I'm saying that you can compare yourself to the shorter people all around NYC, and then you won't feel as short anymore. I can't even say "short" because you're my height and I don't feel short at all. When the 5'10" beauty pageant winner stood next to me and even wore two inch heels, I didn't feel short next to her. She was looming over me and I was definitely shorter than her but I didn't feel short. Even when I asked her if it bothered her, she said, "No, does it bother you?" And it honestly didn't. She was really into me and I felt like my personality overpowered her view that I was short. The best way for me to explain it is that a lot of people don't know that Tom Cruise is short. That's because his presence and charisma exudes like someone who is larger than life. I also hang out with a lot of models due to my lifestyle, so I do understand what you're going through a bit because the modeling industry is all about physical looks. So I do understand your desire to be taller. It might even be the only scenario where I think a 5'9" guy getting LL is justified. I just don't want you to ever feel like you're short because you aren't short at all.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #572 on: February 23, 2017, 06:40:18 PM »

Thanks for the updates DIFM! I enjoyed reading them and hope to have a LL journal as insightful as yours someday.

I have some random thoughts to add. As a 5'7" (barely, in the morning) Asian guy around your age living in a major US city, my dating experiences have been very similar to yours. Many years ago I was absolutely clueless on how to not get friend-zoned by girls, but over time I learned and built myself up to be attractive to females. I would say now that I'm at least above average in the dating game (near triple digits) yet throughout it all I have seen so many times how detrimental being short is to success with women. I'm still strongly considering getting LL, and primarily for the benefit on dating. This is my reasoning:

Quality - I'm fairly selective and I'd much rather stay in than go out with a girl under a 7, but at the same time it's not like I'm getting dates with super hot girls all the time. The amount of "stats" you need as a guy increases exponentially the hotter the girl is. While money is one potential solution, I'd need a ton more than the cost of LL to stand out there. Adding a few inches of height on top of my existing game though, will have a direct impact, or at the very least be a strong confidence booster. Even if we don't use beauty as a proxy for quality, overall getting LL will give you a shot with better girls if you've already maxed out your game elsewhere.

Access - Now if you don't meet girls in the first place where are you going to even get chances to approach hot girls? I've only gone on handful of online dates and they were meh. I had matches, but they were pretty much the exact same type as the kind I would meet IRL but took a lot more effort to close, so I've been sticking to meeting people at social events, parties, etc. It's been a while since I tried online dating, but I would say girls filter hard on height after pictures so being a little taller would definitely increase the base pool of girls to select from, both online and IRL.

Variety - Like you said, as an Asian guy it's relatively easy to get all sorts of Asian females, but incredibly hard to break out of the race. As this is an anonymous online forum I can admit that I've only been with one white girl, and she wasn't even that attractive. I'm definitely not saying that height is the only thing preventing me from getting white girls, but rather at present the white girls I can get are not nearly as hot as the Asian girls (from a race-neutral perspective) so why would I put effort into getting mediocre white girls when I can date more attractive Asians? Since girls of all races care about height and the most important threshold is being at least an inch or two taller than the girl, the extra height helps more with non-Asians.

End-game - While all of this sounds kind of vain, ultimately I do want to settle down and propagate my genetic legacy at some point, which gives a purpose to all the stringent criteria on dating. While marriage is very risky as you can only truly control your own side when it comes to commitment, I do think the best way to go about it is still some kind of formalized commitment. You also have to get a girl that's totally into you from the start, and not just settling or being okay with it. While this sounds simple on paper, if you want a high quality girl, she's going to have higher standards herself. Girls care a lot about height, so increasing your height (after everything else is optimized) will definitely be beneficial.

Obviously there are other reasons to get LL aside from women, and tons of drawbacks from getting LL but I thought I'd add those points since that's the direction the conversation has been going in this diary. I think if you have everything else together then LL can be the cherry on top. Guys that don't have everything else together should definitely work on themselves first, which is why it's understandable that you have been hesitant to recommend or praise LL, especially regarding it's benefits on dating. Ultimately, dating is a numbers game and there are many things that can increase your pool or increase your success rate. LL is just one of them and it's not a very optimized solution, so for anyone who is doing this for women, make sure you try everything else first (and there is a lot to try) especially if you are young. There are probably many other things you can improve in your life that have a more direct and immediate impact.

Personally I already have an optimized dating pipeline, but I don't want to just keep following the path of least resistance. I think LL can help push me to the next level.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #573 on: February 26, 2017, 01:15:43 PM »

Quality - I'm fairly selective and I'd much rather stay in than go out with a girl under a 7, but at the same time it's not like I'm getting dates with super hot girls all the time. The amount of "stats" you need as a guy increases exponentially the hotter the girl is. While money is one potential solution, I'd need a ton more than the cost of LL to stand out there. Adding a few inches of height on top of my existing game though, will have a direct impact, or at the very least be a strong confidence booster. Even if we don't use beauty as a proxy for quality, overall getting LL will give you a shot with better girls if you've already maxed out your game elsewhere.
At this point, I only date 9s and 10s, but only because there are so many girls trying to date me right now, that I've just been picky like that just to reduce the number of dates I have to go on from one a day down to two-three different girls a week. Dating has been become a full-time job for me, because I'm constantly in search of my future wife right now. My last long term gf is probably a 8-9 in looks, but her personality was a 10. I think dating a girl solely on looks is stupid if you're planning on marrying the girl. More important are things like, personality-clashes (are you both stubborn?), do you enjoy doing the same activities together, and how well she treats other people. Looks fade over time. Having said that, I took a break from my current gf (the hottest/prettiest girl), because she has some major issues to work through. I'm still open to dating her in the future, but she has to sort out her life first - and I'm talking about deal-breaker type issues. I'm about to go on a date with another girl in 3 hours, who's 5'9", European. Last night I went on a date with that 5'10" asian international beauty queen again, and I just wasn't feeling it. We watched a movie in my bed, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned her head on my chest. She gave me that look like she wanted to kiss me, and nope, there was just no chemistry. And it had nothing to do with her looks. She gets hundreds of messages from guys on her dating profile, and she dated 100 millionaires before. I just didn't like her personality. So, don't underestimate how important personality is when it comes to dating. Be physically attracted to them at least, but don't rank girls based on looks. I rather date a 8-in-looks but 10-in-personality girl, than a 10-in-looks, but 8-in-personality girl.

Access - Now if you don't meet girls in the first place where are you going to even get chances to approach hot girls? I've only gone on handful of online dates and they were meh. I had matches, but they were pretty much the exact same type as the kind I would meet IRL but took a lot more effort to close, so I've been sticking to meeting people at social events, parties, etc. It's been a while since I tried online dating, but I would say girls filter hard on height after pictures so being a little taller would definitely increase the base pool of girls to select from, both online and IRL.
Online dating is brutal for asian guys in the U.S. and I heard from my white guy friends that it's super easy for them being in an Asian country. But I also noticed that my online dating game is much better on less popular dating websites/apps. Places of OKC, Bumble, POF, and Tinder were flops for me, because my looks is only like 7 at best. So the app/dating site mostly matched me with under-7 girls, and only a small number of 7+. I believe those sites only show you to people who match you in looks, which isn't my strong suit. So, instead I use dating sites geared toward rich men - not sugardaddy websites, though. Luckily, I'm considered good-looking compared the 40-50 year old rich men, since I'm in my early 30s. I'm also not creepy compared to the rich men who are trying to date people as young as their daughters or trying to buy a girls affection with money. This is where I'm getting matched with 9s and 10s all the time. Also I find that girls who want to date rich/successful men instead of simply good-looking men tend to be more mature themselves. I find the ones who care about looks in a guy tend to be immature.

Variety - Like you said, as an Asian guy it's relatively easy to get all sorts of Asian females, but incredibly hard to break out of the race. As this is an anonymous online forum I can admit that I've only been with one white girl, and she wasn't even that attractive. I'm definitely not saying that height is the only thing preventing me from getting white girls, but rather at present the white girls I can get are not nearly as hot as the Asian girls (from a race-neutral perspective) so why would I put effort into getting mediocre white girls when I can date more attractive Asians? Since girls of all races care about height and the most important threshold is being at least an inch or two taller than the girl, the extra height helps more with non-Asians.
Prior to LL I only attracted mostly Asian girls, but my long-term gf was white. After LL, most of my dates are non-Asian and still hot - like this blonde, blue-eyed Russian model I've been talking to. So you might be right, height is probably one of the main issue that non-asian girls have with asian guys. When I spoke with girls about why they don't date Asian guys, they said, asian guys tend to be shorter and facial structure isn't as hot as white guys. But they did say that Asian guys tend to have better culture, work ethic, more money, smarter, and more loyal.

End-game - While all of this sounds kind of vain, ultimately I do want to settle down and propagate my genetic legacy at some point, which gives a purpose to all the stringent criteria on dating. While marriage is very risky as you can only truly control your own side when it comes to commitment, I do think the best way to go about it is still some kind of formalized commitment. You also have to get a girl that's totally into you from the start, and not just settling or being okay with it. While this sounds simple on paper, if you want a high quality girl, she's going to have higher standards herself. Girls care a lot about height, so increasing your height (after everything else is optimized) will definitely be beneficial.
Here's what I think about it. Things like looks and height are just the initial ice breaker that makes a girl want to talk to you. I always ask guys who are doing LL to get girls to first change their dating profile to 5'10" or whatever their post-LL height is going to be. And then see if their dating life changed. As of yet, I still haven't heard from any guy who actually went and did this and came back to tell me that their dating life improved by a lot by lying about their height. This is because height is just one of many criteria that girls seek. They want things like:

[] Stability
[] Feeling protected
[] Financial freedom
[] Comfort
[] Loyalty
[] Sense of humor
[] Intelligence
[] Height
[] Kindness
[] Caring
[] Generous
[] Healthy
[] Well-dressed
[] Handsome face

See? It's just one of many things. When guys get rejected by height, they come on these short forums and curse the world about how it sucks to be short and how they're forever alone and etc. And yet they don't realize that they probably failed in many other parts of that checklist and height was only just one of them. Interestingly enough, height/facial structure is probably the only one on the list that guys have no control over without surgery. That's why I tell guys without a GF thinking about LL to work on their other areas first. Just from reading how some these men speak, I can already tell why girls don't want to date them. Some guys on here sound very controlling and look down on women. It's not actually the type of trait that girls yearn for.

Obviously there are other reasons to get LL aside from women, and tons of drawbacks from getting LL but I thought I'd add those points since that's the direction the conversation has been going in this diary. I think if you have everything else together then LL can be the cherry on top. Guys that don't have everything else together should definitely work on themselves first, which is why it's understandable that you have been hesitant to recommend or praise LL, especially regarding it's benefits on dating. Ultimately, dating is a numbers game and there are many things that can increase your pool or increase your success rate. LL is just one of them and it's not a very optimized solution, so for anyone who is doing this for women, make sure you try everything else first (and there is a lot to try) especially if you are young. There are probably many other things you can improve in your life that have a more direct and immediate impact.

Personally I already have an optimized dating pipeline, but I don't want to just keep following the path of least resistance. I think LL can help push me to the next level.
This is exactly what I've been saying, and I'm glad that at least one person gets it. And if you truly believe that you've explored all other aspects in your life and height is the last thing left, and you just want to increase the quality of the girls you date, then yes, I recommend LL. You sound like you're in the same position I was in prior to LL, minus the wealth - and minus the long-term gf? I do think that being 5'10" would improve your dating life than if you were 5'7". At 5'10", it would be very hard to find a girl who will reject you at that height. At 5'7", I still think it's somewhat short and some girls would still reject you at that height. It wasn't until I past 5'7"-5'8" that I really felt like I wasn't short anymore.

But experiment before you do the LL. Change your dating profile to 5'10" and see if it improves your response rate, match quality, etc. Report back to me if it changes for the better or the worse or no change at all. I am really curious if someone would follow through with my advice and save themselves from the disappointment that would follow if they became 5'10" and their online dating life didn't change at all.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #574 on: February 26, 2017, 02:12:42 PM »

There's more to wanting to be taller than to get women. There is also self esteem issues.
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #575 on: February 26, 2017, 10:24:48 PM »

There's more to wanting to be taller than to get women. There is also self esteem issues.
@ belowthemean: extremely well said. Thats completely how I think and what my experience tell me.
If your height is not enough for a woman then everything is much much harder.
And I don't want to have tons of money to compensate for my lack of height. I don't want to compensate for anything, especially for something like height that it can't be changed with hard work.
After all, it is much easier to find 40-50k and do internal femur with a respectable doctor than trying to have million of dollars and still women, even if they are with you, many times dream of tall handsome man.
And at the end, I prefer to be rejected for not being rich enough than for not beimg tall enough. And most of the times, rarely a girl will reject you if she likes you and you are not rich (and just have a job with an average salary) while many times a girl will reject you if you are not tall enough, without taking into consideration how much money you have.

@ bander72: if you have many successes with women then definitely your self esteem will me much greater.
On the other hand, if you have problems with women, then even if you are ok in every other aspect of your life, your self esteem will hardly be good enough.
So, women play, at least for me, the biggest (not the only of course) role for my self esteem. And height plays a very significant role for women.
So, height on both cases help a lot your self esteem.

@ Doim it for me: I'm happy with your many successes with all these women but I can't really understand how you do it taking into consideration that you are asian (and without being racist or anything like that asians aren't the most preferable men for white women), your height is about the same as mine (5.9) and your bodybas you mentioned somewhere else is completely average.
Are your money that play the biggest role for all these successes? Because if thats the true reason, then 99% of all of us can't have so much money so we should find other ways to have so many successes in dating and if we improved almost everything we could and still have problems because we aren't tall enough, then LL is the only solution.

As I said before, I'd never like to attract women with my money (and I'm lucky that, even I have an above average income for my country, no woman I was with ever tried to take advantage of it).
I really want to get the girl with my appearance and my way of talking-character and not my money so even if I were rich I'd still consider LL to be above average height.
After all, it is much better to have a woman that totally like your appearance and respect you for your financial success than having a woman that likes your wealth because she feels protected but she fantasizes doing things with a tall ripped handsome man.  :P

So if you are both rich and tall with a generally good body, you are very very lucky.
But if I have to choose between them, I'd easily take the second. 


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #576 on: February 27, 2017, 09:14:15 AM »

@ Doim it for me: I'm happy with your many successes with all these women but I can't really understand how you do it taking into consideration that you are asian (and without being racist or anything like that asians aren't the most preferable men for white women), your height is about the same as mine (5.9) and your bodybas you mentioned somewhere else is completely average.
Are your money that play the biggest role for all these successes? Because if thats the true reason, then 99% of all of us can't have so much money so we should find other ways to have so many successes in dating and if we improved almost everything we could and still have problems because we aren't tall enough, then LL is the only solution.

As I said before, I'd never like to attract women with my money (and I'm lucky that, even I have an above average income for my country, no woman I was with ever tried to take advantage of it).
I really want to get the girl with my appearance and my way of talking-character and not my money so even if I were rich I'd still consider LL to be above average height.
After all, it is much better to have a woman that totally like your appearance and respect you for your financial success than having a woman that likes your wealth because she feels protected but she fantasizes doing things with a tall ripped handsome man.  :P

So if you are both rich and tall with a generally good body, you are very very lucky.
But if I have to choose between them, I'd easily take the second.
The girl will fantasize about other guys anyway if she's the type who does that. How do I put this without sounding offensive... You are superficial, and a lot of mentally mature girls aren't. Don't assume that all girls are superficial and only care about looks.

As for the money thing, it's not the money that they're attracted to. These same girls wouldn't date a guy richer than me if that money was just passed down by their rich parents instead of self-earned. I know because some of the girls I spoke with said that they broke up with those type of guys, because those guys are very possessive and treated them like trophies instead of people.

What they're attracted to is that I'm a provider of fun, luxury, and a lifestyle. By this I mean, I travel a lot and have pics of me having a ton of fun. You could do the same thing as me. I don't pay much for my trips. Each trip is maybe $2000 or so. You could go on a lot of trips and take a lot of lifestyle pics with $50,000 or whatever the cost of LL surgery is nowadays. I can guarantee you that having those lifestyle pics would get better results in the dating profile than simply being taller.

So yes, I may be super rich. But my dating profile doesn't say how much I make or how much I have. Instead it just mentions that I have financial freedom and can afford to do whatever I want in terms of time and money. Then I also mention about how I help out in charities and what not. Girls always quote that part of my dating profile as the part they like the best. I also sprinkle jokes throughout my dating profile so that girls know that I'm funny - even though I stole those jokes from stand-up comics.

And finally during the dates, I talk about how I struggled with being poor, and then became self-made. Everyone likes to hear an underdog story about someone overcoming their bad situations. Girls gobble that crap up. Honestly, I could have only $100,000 to my name, and I'd have the same results. That's because my profile doesn't mention how much I have. It could be $100,000 or it could be $100,000,000. They don't know. All they see is a guy who goes on trips to Hawaii, Bali, and builds homes for homeless people - shoutout to Habitats for Humanity.

You don't know how many girls like the volunteer work pics more than the pics of me with a $1 million car. Girls don't care about the car. They want to know if you're generous and caring. That's because it will show how you will treat them if they were your wife. And girls like to be pampered. Sometimes I think that my expensive car collection puts girls off, because they think I spend too much money.

From what you wrote, it sounds like you and I are attracting different types of girls, though. For example, the girls I date don't go to bars and clubs. They are engineers or entrepreneurs. They're high class. So maybe what I wrote doesn't apply to you, since they're not the same type of girls.

So yea, so what if they fantasize about some tall, handsome dude? I fantasize about banging Rachel Cook. What's the difference? At the end of the day, I don't want to spend the day and night with Rachel Cook. I rather spend it with my long term girlfriend. sxx only lasts for a few minutes. While it's awesome to bang a hot chick, what about all the other hours that you have to spend with her? One of the girl I'm seeing now likes the same movies, TV shows, and video games that I do. And her idea of a great date is laying in bed, cuddling, eating, and playing the new Zelda game. I don't know many girls who would do that. It helps that she's a knock-out blue-eyed, 5'9" blonde girl working on a graduate medical degree, too. But ultimately, it's that her personality matches mine that makes us a great couple. She knows that I'm only 5'9", but she doesn't care. Her last bf was like 6'+ but with "no ambition" as she says. Guess who's she with? Me, not him.

Anyway, having said that, she probably wouldn't have dated me if I were 5'6". So I still recommend LL for girls if you're short and doing it to not get rejected by girls, because frankly, half the girls I'm talking to probably wouldn't have dated me at 5'6". And this blonde, blue-eyed girl happens to be part of that half that would have rejected me, and I would have missed out on the opportunity to date her. So yea, LL is great for that. You got no arguments there from me.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #577 on: February 27, 2017, 10:43:50 AM »

I agree in most of these Doiniiforme.

But you keep mentioning online profiles and all these. But what about going out and meet new women? In these cases its only you and the women will judge completely from what they see, not from photos of your travels, your way of life, your wealthness or anything else. Just your looks and your character (after you meet their appearance criteria).

So, what you say may be true but only for online dating.
I had many successes with online dating too (not like what you mention with all these model looking girls to be honest but I still met a lot and many times good looking women) but now I care most of real life and to be able to pick uo girls under any circumstances.
And height is much important to this and I see it from my own experience because the once and only thing that many girls say to me about what they'd prefer to be different in my appearance is height. Never ever I have a negative comment about anything else, not maybe because I'm perfect but because girls give so much importance in height while on the other looks they are ok with even an average appearance. And except from height I have for sure a better than average appearance, so it is enough for the majority of girls out there.
But my height, which is the same as yours more or less, unfortunately is not enough for many women out there that even if they date you, they'd still think that you are good but if you were taller you'd be almost perfect.

So imo, we are not superficial that we don't want to be judged and many times rejected for something that we can't change physically. Girls are the shallow ones who give so much importance to something useless in the real life like height.
But that's the harsh truth so you can accept yourself and accept that your chances in dating will be always less because of that or change it and have the same social benefits as naturally tall people.
The choice is completely up to each of us and how we dream our life to be.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #578 on: February 27, 2017, 01:29:25 PM »

how are you doing now ? do you walk well and go outside and have a normal day ? and did people og somebody from work say anyting ?


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #579 on: February 27, 2017, 02:27:23 PM »

I agree in most of these Doiniiforme.

But you keep mentioning online profiles and all these. But what about going out and meet new women? In these cases its only you and the women will judge completely from what they see, not from photos of your travels, your way of life, your wealthness or anything else. Just your looks and your character (after you meet their appearance criteria).

So, what you say may be true but only for online dating.
I had many successes with online dating too (not like what you mention with all these model looking girls to be honest but I still met a lot and many times good looking women) but now I care most of real life and to be able to pick uo girls under any circumstances.
And height is much important to this and I see it from my own experience because the once and only thing that many girls say to me about what they'd prefer to be different in my appearance is height. Never ever I have a negative comment about anything else, not maybe because I'm perfect but because girls give so much importance in height while on the other looks they are ok with even an average appearance. And except from height I have for sure a better than average appearance, so it is enough for the majority of girls out there.
But my height, which is the same as yours more or less, unfortunately is not enough for many women out there that even if they date you, they'd still think that you are good but if you were taller you'd be almost perfect.

So imo, we are not superficial that we don't want to be judged and many times rejected for something that we can't change physically. Girls are the shallow ones who give so much importance to something useless in the real life like height.
But that's the harsh truth so you can accept yourself and accept that your chances in dating will be always less because of that or change it and have the same social benefits as naturally tall people.
The choice is completely up to each of us and how we dream our life to be.
I do mostly online dating nowadays. I'd never done online dating before, so I tweaked and tweaked my online profile, showed it to a bunch of strangers for their opinion, until they said it was great. What's great about online dating is that I can talk to three or so girls at the same time, each not aware of each other, and get to know each one at the same time. I usually filter girls quickly based on details they gave (if they have kids, if they're divorced, etc.) and only message the really attractive ones with little visual baggage. If I did the same on the street, then it'd be like a lottery, because you have no idea what you're getting. So online dating is more efficient for me.

If I like what I hear, I quickly move them to meeting me. Usually I ask them to meet with me within the first conversation - which if I really like them, could last for hours. I usually tell them to tell me a secret that they've never told anyone before. This builds trust and a bond between you two. I have my own go-to "secret" that I pretend to tell nobody. But the truth is that I tell that story to every girl on the first date. I won't say on here what that story is, but it's a personal and true story, and it paints me as this caring and heroic guy - like along the lines of a firefighter jumping into a burning building to save a little girl.

Only pro to street pick-up vs online dating, is that you can see right away what you're getting in terms of looks. With online dating, especially if it's only a few online pics of her, then what she looks like in real life might not match her online pics. Sometimes this means that the real girl is prettier or less pretty. I admit that this is a problem, but since I'm mainly looking at 9s and 10s, then even if she's uglier than her online pics, she'd be a 7 or 8.

Street pick-up is actually pretty easy for me too. I drive a very expensive car and dress like I'm worth a million bucks - think GQ at night or something trendy. What's annoying about this, though, is that I get hit on by ghetto/thirsty girls all the time. But just about any girl would be willing to talk to me, because almost every girl admires a guy who's really successful. I admittedly wear 1" insole lifts with shoes that already have a 1" sole, so girls think I'm 5'10" or so. I think 5'10"-5'11" is already a pretty ideal height. Remember that Brad Pitt is only 5'11".

If all the girl says is that she wishes you were taller, then you should think of that as a compliment, because they can't think of anything else wrong with you. Are you like a really muscular guy? Because I imagine that if you have thick muscles, then you would look shorter proportionally. I'm a pretty skinny guy, so I look taller than I actually am. When I ask people how tall they think I am, they usually say 5'11".

And that goes back to what I said about Tom Cruise. I'm not 5'11", but people think I am. That's because I overpower their perception of me due to my personality. Would I rather be 5'11"? Of course. But I don't think the surgery is worth it in my opinion. I can't take another 6-12 months out of my life again. My time is super valuable to me. Plus, I have a bunch of model-looking girls lining up to date me at 5'9", so why bother going to 5'11" when no girl has rejected me at 5'9", expect for maybe one 5'11" girl? Anyway, that's my opinion.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #580 on: February 27, 2017, 02:53:45 PM »

how are you doing now ? do you walk well and go outside and have a normal day ? and did people og somebody from work say anyting ?
I still walk like a penguin a bit, especially when I'm not paying attention to how I'm walking. I have a normal day. I can hike for 10 miles and feel okay. My stamina is crap compared to before LL. I am slowly building this back up. I don't work in an office, so no coworkers would comment. However my friends did notice that I'm taller now. I just say that the surgery made me taller by an inch. I usually lie about my surgery and say that it's because the bones in my legs needed to be straightened out or something. Then if they ask more questions, I just say that I don't feel comfortable talking about it, because it was a dark period in my life and I don't want to relive it. Usually they shut up after I say that.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #581 on: February 28, 2017, 12:18:14 AM »

@DoingItForMe - responding to multiple posts and jumping in your conversation with Body Builder

I agree that increasing height by 3" in online dating should be pretty eye-opening for most people in that not much will change. You'll still be lost in a forest of men that women are cherry picking from. However, I'm currently in a relationship so I can't really do the test myself. Most of my dates came from meeting women IRL anyway, and 3" lifts are too obvious to wear. I do know that there are are spots where I could improve my online dating game aside from being taller, with lifestyle certainly being one of them. I am trying to take more exciting pictures when I'm out traveling and doing stuff in case I need it in the future! You mentioned to Body Builder that the cost of LL could easily be spent on non-LL things that could improve your dating profile. But if there are a bunch of pictures of you traveling to exotic places and living a lifestyle beyond your means, then that is what girls would expect when you are actually dating them. Is spending money in that way merely to enhance your dating profile any more real than doing LL?

Regarding attractiveness vs. personality, I have been with attractive girls only to realize a few weeks later that there's nothing there except the physical aspect. The chemical rush of the initial attraction can definitely blind you to other flaws such as a lackluster personality. We are human after all. But LL would definitely improve the odds of finding someone with both a good physical appearance and a good personality instead of having to sacrifice one for the other. You're right that looks fade over time, but that is not a reason to avoid maximizing the amount of time your partner has good looks, especially if you plan to be in it for the long haul. Personality can fluctuate over time too. Can you say that you're the same person as you were ten years ago as much as you can say you looked the same? If you have enough options to be considering a 8 in looks and 10 in personality vs a 10 in looks and 8 in personality.. well I think you're doing pretty good either way. Plus personality is subjective to an extent and your 8 might be someone else's 10. Then again, so are looks lol.

Regarding the maturity of women (and defining mature as seeking out financial stability, etc over looks, height, etc.) I'm not sure I agree with your assessment. Sure, the level of maturity varies from woman to woman, but if you observe carefully you should notice that quite a few women become "mature" right around the time they've realized that they can't capitalize on their looks forever. At that point they decide they want to settle down and find a stable provider type, but is that really them maturing or has their hand simply been forced? How do you know if the "maturity" is authentic or if they just don't think they can get that tall and handsome guy anymore? These mature women also happen to be the ones with quite a lot of baggage from the past, whether it's kids or the guy that got away. Yes, you can say that not all girls are like this, and some of them want a decent guy at a younger age when they still have plenty of options. These girls exist, but a lot of them get snatched up in college and you won't ever get a chance to meet them. The rest that are still single after they start working are rare, but once you add in a minimum threshold of attractiveness... well now we're talking exceedingly rare. Plus every other guy from age 18 to 60 is going after them too! The demand greatly exceeds the supply, so every advantage helps.. not all of us are millionaires haha! I really hope that these are the types of girls that are on your rich guy dating sites because in the general public I think it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Also regarding those sites I would also say to watch out for adverse selection. Consider that girls on rich guy dating sites are obviously going to say they prefer stability over looks. How many are going to like a picture of you with a million dollar car? Wouldn't that just arouse the guy's suspicion? How do you know that the same girls that say they like being pampered on those sites don't also have a Tinder profile and match every guy with a shirtless six pack picture? I guess what I'm trying to say is that women liking guys for either their looks or as a provider is not so black and white. I think most women would want both, but realistically she needs to consider what she brings to the table and then plays her cards in the way that benefits herself the most.

Also on your other note, I have been in a long and serious relationship before. I would say on top of all the passive short guy hate accumulated over time, a lot of the guys on this site have a tipping point that brought them to LL.. usually in the form of a girl. Well this girl is the one who pushed me there. I dated her toward the end of college and during the first few years out of school. Everything was great at first - she was my ideal type both physically and intellectually, so I thought she was the one. However, long story short by mentally settling down I allowed my ambition to be reduced, which ultimately distanced her. Before we broke up she cheated on me with a guy who happened to be a lot taller. I was pretty stupid at the time and tried to reconcile things with her, which made her even more unhappy. I acted desperate and clingy then and she said a lot of excessively terrible and hurtful things regarding my height just to push me away. I think she figured out that it was a way to push my buttons. Looking back I don't think the primary reason she dumped me is because of my height, but at the time I was so certain that it was. She was never pleased about my height but obviously she was okay with it at some point while we were dating. All of the stuff she said about my height definitely had a psychological effect though. It drove me to read more about height and eventually learn about LL.

Ultimately I got over her and with that my height neurosis mostly went away, but just knowing about the existence of LL is something that can never go away. I don't think about LL nearly as much as I used to; lately it's more of an occasional thing when I get a reminder from something I hear.. usually a girl mentioning height. This has happened way too many times - a girl I am on a date with mentions a past boyfriend's height (over 6' of course) or asks me how tall I am when we're standing next to each other. I think it's some kind of power play which I am decent at deflecting since it rarely stops me from scoring, but it's still a downer!

I just want to be average height and not feel bad when people are talking about short guys whether directly to me or as a general topic of conversation. I want to answer what my height is without feeling challenged or thinking about LL. Maybe then I will never think about height ever again. I think that's kind of what you've experienced, minus our posts on your diary dragging you back to the forum :P
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #582 on: February 28, 2017, 12:30:26 AM »

online dating is not everything... Just like bars and clubs are not everything. There are infinite amount of ways to know someone.
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #583 on: February 28, 2017, 12:56:53 AM »

for how long does the docters exspekt you to walk like that ?

would you ever tell your wife ?


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #584 on: February 28, 2017, 01:13:00 AM »


At what height does height stop being an issue in your opinion?

Also very well written post. Alot of what you said is so true


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #585 on: February 28, 2017, 11:03:01 PM »

Do you regret the amount you lengthened by?


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #586 on: March 01, 2017, 01:06:50 PM »

I tried setting my height from 5'8" to 6'1" in online dating incidentally.

I actually am getting less hits and views... and no messages.

It could be for a whole bunch of reasons, probably because they think I'm lying. But I definitely expected to see more new views, because of how the search parameters are set.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #587 on: March 01, 2017, 04:08:45 PM »

5'8" to 6'1" is an incredible leap and lands into the 'desired' zone for most. I believe, as you said that there are other reasons for decreased hits.


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Re: DoingItForMe's Precice 2 Internal Femurs with Dr. Paley
« Reply #588 on: March 01, 2017, 05:46:54 PM »

On online dating most people say women are looking for men over 6'0" tall. That's not really my experience though. I definitely see a few profiles like that, and more who only go 5'10 and above, but really the large majority list a preference for a guy either an inch or two taller than them or just roughly around their height (even a couple of inches shorter).

Personally I think the pretty face and the captivating profile is what really ropes them in...
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