Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences => Topic started by: christine on April 24, 2014, 04:15:06 AM

Title: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: christine on April 24, 2014, 04:15:06 AM
Good Morning
I was operated on last summer for a cosmetic bifemoral lengthening of 7 cms by Dr GUICHET.
I want to share with you what I experienced, as it was a long personal way which finally ended very well.
I am also an orthopedist resident. Dr GUICHET has already operated on many surgeons but I was the first orthopedist.
Background: I was a 30 years old woman, my height was 156.5 cms and I had this project since I am a teenager. Despite the years the feeling that  I should be taller never disappeared and I considered my life ruined by my height. It is so difficult to explain it to our family, friends, colleagues. Nobody can understand. The only key is motivation.
When I decided to go , the first step was to choose the surgeon. I was aware that it is a risky surgery, I know the different procedures and I can see in my daily practice the outcome of different methods. NO WAY I had an external fixator, patients have poor outcome and many complications: infection, pseudarthrosis, nerve damage, ossification is much longer, awful scares and I needed to recovered my job in a reasonable time.
You can visited many surgeons’ websites but the true results are in studies you can find on the international database for physicians: NCBI
By this way I concluded that I should meet Dr GUICHET. As he created his own nail, commonly used in hospital, he should be the most experienced surgeon in this procedure. Other surgeons use his nail, but he invented it! Moreover he has his own method to improve a great ossification (growth factor, keeps periost,...)
When I met him, he explained me everything before, during, and after surgery. What kind of results I could expected, his different methods to improve the outcome and it really made sense. (It is a medical language but I can answer to all questions about procedures)
I started my personal training 6 months before surgery, I really was not a sportive so I finished it in Milan 3 weeks before surgery. This point is very important to recover faster, I eventually explain why.
Day of surgery: Few days before I was really scared. I was thinking that if something happened I could loose everything: my job, my health,…
When I went back to my room, I only thought: you did it. One hour and half after surgery I biked 20 minutes!
Day 2&3 are uncomfortable, you experienced that you need somebody else for everything, you walk with a walker but you already are taller (1cm during the surgery). You immediately start to click and some exercices to maintain your mobilities.
Day 3: go back to home. I found how much pain medication I needed, this is important. You have the two legs broken, it’s quite painful. But according to your motivation and the good painkillers you’re fine. Morphin is unuseful, level 2 (tramadol, codein) are enough.
Lengthening lasted 63 days, I stayed in Milan 6 weeks and I finished by myself.

Walk: I kept my walker 10 days then I used crutches during all lengthening.
Rehab:Every days I went to rehab in Isokinetic in Milan. They check everything, and you can see other patients it helps you to stay in good spirits to share your daily life.
Clicks: A lot a patients are scared by clicks, it is a wrong idea, the key is to find your most comfortable position. I did by myself during the whole lengthening except between day 19 and 29  where I started ossification and my somebody else helped me. I never spent more than 16 minutes for both side.
Pain: As I said before, you have pain, but you can control it with pain medication. I used some each time I needed because you need to move and to do exercices. The second month I barely took level 1 painkiller, you mainly feel stiff, not real pain.
Another thing is you feel quite tired. Fatigue bored me more than pain during lengthening.
3 days after end of lengthening I started to walk, the first days you walk like a baby. One month after I drove.
I kept a strange walking during 2 months more and I went back to slow activities the fifth month. The sixth month I started to run and went back to my real activities few days later. 
After 8 months, I completely forget what happened, I am like before: I recovered 100%. I realized my dream….

Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Ronaldo on April 24, 2014, 04:44:21 AM
Glad to hear you fully recovered from it.

Do you have Xray of the bone consolidation at 8 months?   

Does your running return to 100% condition like before already?
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: christine on April 24, 2014, 05:10:06 AM
My last X-ray were done at 6 months, solid! I try to post them but the file is too large, you may know how to do?
Yes I recovered my running 100%
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: BilateralDamage on April 24, 2014, 05:49:51 AM
Maybe you can take screenshots of your x-rays and upload the images here? Or even use a neat screen grab tool like

So glad to hear about your experience and full recovery! :)  Why would you say pre-operative training is so important?
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: ShortyMcShort on April 24, 2014, 05:56:42 AM
Great story

How much did it cost you in total for everything, surgery, accommodation, physio, etc.
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: christine on April 24, 2014, 08:20:46 AM
I will work on to post X-Ray and also I would like a movie of my running
For the cost: 40 000 euros for surgery 5000 for training before and rehab after, I advice 10 000 more for rent an apartment (I did) taxis, medication and daily life
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: christine on April 24, 2014, 08:49:04 AM
Let me know if you can see
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Sweden on April 24, 2014, 09:06:32 AM
Good for you, congrats!

Sorry to hear you were not the sporty type. Therefore your running 100% might be someone else's 60%.
It's all individual, but it's nice that you feel 100%.
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Hanna84 on April 24, 2014, 10:49:28 AM
Another woman, great!  :)
Congrats for reaching your goal and fulfilling your dream!

Which medication does Guichet use for stimulating bone growth?
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Blackhawk on April 24, 2014, 04:45:32 PM
Hi Christine!


How long were you away from work?
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Disobedient on April 24, 2014, 05:26:04 PM

I know it was harder than it seems here in your post.. ppl who had LL are real hero..
congrat in achieving your dream height .. are you considering another LL ??
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: emanuel on April 24, 2014, 05:32:44 PM
Congratulation Christine, great recovery!

It is amazing, what good results patients of guichet and betz have. You really have to leechlet around a lot for a chance to have a bad result with these doctors  ;)
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: rickybobby on April 24, 2014, 08:26:39 PM
Did you consider precice 2? Why not any US Orthos?

Also do u consider the european nails really weightbearing? I mean they are made out of steel not titanium?

The precice 2 can only hold 75lbs each, do you know how much the betz bone or the gnail can hold? Did they publish any studies about that?

I am close to picking either paley or guicet but I dont want to be in a wheelchair during recovery but I dont know if I should trust the weight bearing capablity of the european nails if their isnt any published studies done? (i am 160lbs by the way) so I would be wheelchair bound with precice.
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: HelloThere on April 25, 2014, 10:35:52 PM
Congratulations, Christine, recovering 100% 1 year post-op is very inspirational, it's stories like these that keep me keeping on!
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: Cyrano on April 27, 2014, 07:56:25 AM
Bravo Christine !

Ça fait plaisir de croiser des compatriotes ! J'aimerais également subir une opération avec le professeur Guichet mais mes finances d'étudiant ne me le permettent pas encore malheureusement. J'espère que Guichet a le contact facile, ainsi que les vidéos de lui en anglais peuvent laisser penser. Mais je n'en suis pas encore là... J'ai hâte à votre vidéo !

Bien à vous,

Cyrano (eh oui chacun ses héros d'enfance)  :)
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: RGKEY on April 27, 2014, 08:15:49 AM
nice consolidation)!!! congrats!!!
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: kneehowguys on May 04, 2014, 05:29:57 PM
I have a question out of curiosity. I am not judging. I am happy for you that you did this.

What are the main negatives about height that a short woman feels? That she is not taken seriously or treated like a child?

Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: goodlucktomylegs on November 23, 2014, 03:04:14 PM
Hope you are fine any update please
Title: Re: Successful lenghtening 7cms with Dr GUICHET
Post by: cate on February 08, 2017, 05:08:23 PM
Excuse me Christine, I am the mum of a boy who wanted to do LL with Guichet. Could I ask you some information about your LL? I am very, very (very...) afraid about it. Many thanks.