Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Discussions => Topic started by: 3inchhope on October 30, 2017, 02:54:38 PM

Title: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: 3inchhope on October 30, 2017, 02:54:38 PM
Hi all

Im quite confused. Ive read of people here increasing by 8cm or more and im strongly thinking of going to Dr Pili or Catagni in italy for LL. id like to aim for 8cm.

However, im reading others on this forum saying 5cm max for tibia.

Ive not ready anything bad about above doctors both of which say that 8cm is possible. So my question is if I do 8cm on tibia what are the chances of serious complications?

Pili does not mention it but Im assuming achilles lengthening would be required as Catagni states its usually is after 3-4cm of lengthening.

Pili mentions that lenghtening is at 0.75mm per leg per day so I wonder by keeping it at this small amount can side effects other experience past 5cm be reduced/eliminated?

Does this increase the risk of serious consequences like not being able to walk again?

For the record, dont care about athleticism post LL as I hate sports.

Has everyone lengthening on tibia as much as 8cm had to get achilles lengthened? The whole ballerina foot thing would not bother me too much as long as i could walk without being in pain.
Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: paco1 on October 30, 2017, 03:35:15 PM
In tibias the máximum safe It is 6cm.
It is better 5.5 if you want to do Sports well again.
Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: 3inchhope on October 30, 2017, 04:01:01 PM
Thanks, I guess I could live with only 6cm increase if I had to. id hope that with would not be less than that though upon consolidation.

I'll be 31 early next year and reckon it will be another year or two at max hopefully before I can sort out other issues to allow me to pull the trigger on this.

is the achilles tendon lengthening common once you go over 3-4cm? I watched a video of the surgery for this on youtube and it is not a pretty sight  :-X.

If could heal and walk without severe pain id be ok with this but not if there a real risk of being crippled for life.

Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: FDR101 on October 30, 2017, 10:42:57 PM
Even though the procedure essentially costs the same whether you lengthen 4 cm or 8 cm, you have to factor in that your body pays a heavy price for each centimeter that you add.

If you want to add 6-8 cm's do internal femurs (Even then I would stop at 5-6 cm). Tibias look better but they are a lot more complicated to lengthen and they have a higher complication rate (the more height you add, the bigger the complications).

If you did 8 cm's I'd say you risk a nonunion, achilles tendon surgery and never being able to run again.

Remember that once you go for it there is no turning back ever.
Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: Body Builder on October 30, 2017, 11:05:56 PM
8cm on tibias is a road to disaster. Atl is the disaster itself.

For tibias go up to 6-6.5 cm and when your bf starts to become bad (more than 10 degrees plantarflexion)stop immediately. Avoid atl at all costs.

Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: 3inchhope on October 31, 2017, 08:31:03 PM
Thanks you suggest internal femurs but i dont see much doctors offering such at least not the more established or higher profile doctors offering this.

Like im open to correction but from his profile page, I only see Dr Pili and Dr Catagni refer to lengthening through the tibias. Im also not to keen to do the internal route as Ive read there is strong chance of permanent knee pain.

Do external femurs carry as much risk of permanent knee pain?

Bodybuilder I read your own experiences with ATL and i can understand why you would advise against it. Do you know though if you were an unlucky exception or is it common to experience complications from ATL?

Title: Re: is 8cm on tibia safe?
Post by: Body Builder on November 01, 2017, 01:02:40 AM
Thanks you suggest internal femurs but i dont see much doctors offering such at least not the more established or higher profile doctors offering this.

Like im open to correction but from his profile page, I only see Dr Pili and Dr Catagni refer to lengthening through the tibias. Im also not to keen to do the internal route as Ive read there is strong chance of permanent knee pain.

Do external femurs carry as much risk of permanent knee pain?

Bodybuilder I read your own experiences with ATL and i can understand why you would advise against it. Do you know though if you were an unlucky exception or is it common to experience complications from ATL?
External femurs is barbaric and only a few doctors, mainly from third world countries, do it.
I'd strongly recommend to not even think about it.

And no, atl is bad for everyone. Even at ruptures are bad, it is really a bad option to cut a healthy tendon and also change its length which means that the tension will be way off compared to normal which leads to permanent push off weakness, balance issues and generally speaking, loss of functionality to a big degree.
I can't imagine how I lived 5 years with that nightmare. The last 6 months I did at shortening my functionality increased dramatically and I am still in rehabilitation phase.
I am very lucky to have done it, not a lot of doctors are capable of doing at shortening but I've found a very good one.

Some doctors do gastrocnemies recession (something like lengthening the muscle and not the tendon) which is a far better option than atl but they describe it as atl. That's why some people say that they have good results with atl, because in reality they haven't done atl!
But still I'd recommend gastrocnemius recession either.
Lengthen as much as you can without having serious bf. Stretch a lot, walk a lot (with Ilizarov you are able to) and you'll be fine without needing any extra crapy surgery.
If your bf is getting bad even with pt and stretching, then stop lengthening no matter how much you lengthened. Being fully functional at your new height is much more important than gaining 1-1.5 cm more and cripple around.