Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences => Topic started by: germanlim on June 22, 2020, 11:31:03 AM

Title: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on June 22, 2020, 11:31:03 AM

i had my surgery this year in feb 2020 with stryde. I am in the mid 20's.
I want to look back the last months for you.

It was late, very late, that cold day in February when I woke up from the anaesthesia in the recovery room. But I was overjoyed. It was done. The day I had been working towards for over 10 years, it had come true.  I asked the nurse to push me into my room. The rest of the evening went by very quickly. I ate and drank something and was still very tired because of the anaesthesia. So I could sleep well the first night.

When I was woken up for breakfast the next day, I had pain for the first time. Even passing water was very painful, because every movement was a torture. The first two days after the operation were by far the worst. And so I seriously asked myself: "How can I go back to work in two weeks?" I would recommend to eat as little as possible during these two days, because the way to the toilet (approx. 5m) was like a felt world trip.
But on the third day after the operation it got much better. Here I had my first physiotherapy appointment and was able to walk again for the first time with the help of a walking frame. It was an incredible feeling. And also the way to the bathroom was much easier from now on.
On the 4th day Dr. Gengenbach visited me and explained to me how the lengthening works.  It is really very easy and painless. Since it was anatomically impossible for me to recognize the line painted on the thigh, I developed a simple technique to do the lengthening on my own. Through the slit on the controller I put a yardstick on the painted line on the thigh and guided the controller to its correct position.

After 6 days I could leave the hospital and from then on I was able to walk on crutches. However, I would recommend a wheelchair for further distances. In the morning and in the evening I extended my walk and recorded it afterwards. The second week was much better than the first. However, sleeping at night was not very pleasant. About the first four weeks you can only sleep on your back, because it is too painful on the lateral hip. So I often woke up at night. On average I slept for about 5 hours. For me the nights were the worst part of the complete leg extension. My recommendation is to rub the legs with “Franz-Brant-Wein“. This relaxes the muscles and vision and it is at least a little more pleasant. After 14 days the stitches were removed and from then on I could shower again. Most of the time I had very little pain. Occasionally, however, especially after lengthening, there can be acute pain. In my case this mostly occurred on my shin, because the pain moved from top to bottom. But with a painkiller this was easy to bear.
In the following week (week 3) I had to go back to work. It was a very exhausting time. I hardly felt any pain, but the nights cost a lot of energy. Therefore I was prescribed sleeping pills for two weeks, which led to a significant improvement. However, it is quite possible to work during a leg extension, as long as it is office work.  Driving should be avoided for insurance reasons. In retrospect, I have to say that the leg extension would have been only half as strenuous if I had been able to stay at home. The positive aspects of the work were the social contacts and the distraction.
A typical day for me looked something like this:
6:45 a.m.: getting up and stretching
7:00 am: Get ready for work incl. 5 minutes stretching
8- 18:30: Work incl. outward and return journey
19:00 -19:30 Physiotherapy
19:45-19:50: Extend
8:00 p.m. Dinner
10 pm: 15 minutes of stretching and then Sleep

If you are working, I would recommend that you do not take the muscle relaxant until after work, as the fatigue caused by it greatly impairs performance. I always took it before falling asleep, which allowed me to kill two birds with one stone.

Due to the limited mobility, not all exercises can be done. But my therapist showed me enough. The regular check-ups confirmed that the lengthening worked perfectly. The progress has made me proud and motivated me further, but knowing that it will still be a long and rocky road...
The check-ups took place at my own request, usually on Friday late afternoon, as this was more compatible with my work. As this is a group practice, the appointments can usually be made very conveniently for the patient.  Fortunately I had a relative who drove me to Geretsried, which is only an hour away from me. Thus the examinations did not represent a large load for me.
From the fourth week on, a daily routine crept in. From now on the pain was hardly present. From about this time on, sleeping became better and I could lie on my side again, even if it was not like before the operation. Every day I thought about the end of the extension period. That is perhaps like someone in prison counting down the days until his release. 
After reaching the 5th centimeter, it gets exponentially harder. The body begins to rebel against its change. The muscles become stiffer and immobile, walking becomes harder. For the first time I could feel how the nail extends during the extension. However, it was not an unpleasant feeling. At night I now had some severe pain, which could not be completely relieved by painkillers.  But I did not want to lose sight of my goal and gritted my teeth. Pain passes, but the new size will last a lifetime!
And then he was there. The day of the new life. I had so many plans for it. Buying new trousers. Preferably all day with people. Screaming with happiness. That's not how it happened. How often in life is anticipation the best part? Because the unfolding of joy takes more time than the present moment.

The worst time, the distraction phase was thus over. After a few days the nightly pains had disappeared.  The sleep returned to its normalcy and I did not have to take any tablets or take thrombosis injections. It is not possible to walk again as before overnight, but it goes uphill quickly and about three weeks after the end of the extension I started walking again without crutches. However, I still have to work on my gait pattern. The new independence was also a blessing. Since I could walk without crutches again, everyday things like carrying a plate were much easier.
It is recommended to initiate your closest family, because without any help it can be difficult during this time. I lost a total of 13kg by lengthening my leg. So an initial overweight is not necessarily disadvantageous. The suffering due to my previously very small size has decreased significantly. It is simply wrong what psychologists want to tell you about this topic. These problems can be treated better with a scalpel than with words. In everyday life I notice my new centimeters strongly. I finally no longer feel abnormally small, I am at eye level with most people and definitely feel taken more seriously in the professional world. I also imagined the whole procedure to be much more painful. For me, my life has changed forever. I am forever grateful to Dr. med. Köhne for what he has done for me. He is simply a luminary and also a human role model!

Title: Re: Köhne Femur 2020
Post by: germanlim on June 22, 2020, 11:32:44 AM
For german People i have the text in german as well:

Es war spät, sehr spät, an jenem kalten Tag im Februar, als ich im Aufwachraum von der Narkose erwachte. Doch ich war überglücklich. Es war geschafft. Der Tag, auf den ich über 10 Jahre hingearbeitet habe, er ist wahr geworden.  Ich bat die Krankenschwester mich in mein Zimmer zu schieben. Die restliche Zeit des Abends verging sehr schnell. Ich habe eine Kleinigkeit gegessen und getrunken und war noch sehr müde aufgrund der Narkose. So konnte ich die erste Nacht gut schlafen.
Es ist wirklich sehr einfach und schmerzfrei.
Als ich am nächsten Tag fürs Frühstück geweckt wurde, hatte ich zum ersten mal Schmerzen. Selbst das Wasser lassen war sehr schmerzvoll, denn jede Bewegung war eine Qual. Die ersten beiden Tage nach der OP waren mit Abstand die schlimmsten. Und so fragte ich mich ernsthaft: „Wie soll ich in zwei Wochen wieder auf die Arbeit gehen?“ Ich würde empfehlen, in diesen beiden Tagen möglichst wenig zu essen, denn der Weg zur Toilette (ca. 5m) war einer gefühlten Weltreise gleichzusetzen.
Doch am dritten Tag nach der OP wurde es deutlich besser. Hier hatte ich den ersten Physiotermin und  konnte zum ersten mal mit der Hilfe eines Gehbocks wieder laufen. Es war ein unglaubliches Gefühl. Und auch der Weg in das Bad war fortan deutlich einfacher.
Am 4. Tag besuchte mich Herr Dr. Gengenbach und erläuterte mir, wie das Verlängern funktioniert.  Es ist wirklich sehr einfach und schmerzfrei. Da es anatomisch für mich nicht möglich war, den auf den Oberschenkel gemalten Strich zu erkennen, hab ich eine einfach Technik entwickelt eigenständig die Verlängerung durchzuführen. Durch den Schlitz am Controller steckte ich einen Meterstab auf den aufgemalten Strich am Oberschenkel und führte den Controller somit an seine richtige Stelle.

Nach 6 Tagen konnte ich das Krankenhaus verlassen und war von da an in der Lage auf Krücken zu laufen. Jedoch würde ich für weitere Strecken einen Rollstuhl empfehlen. Jeweils morgens und abends verlängerte ich und protokollierte dies anschließend. Die zweite Woche war deutlich besser als die erste. Das Schlafen Nachts war allerdings nicht sehr angenehm. Ungefähr die ersten vier Wochen kann man nur auf dem Rücken schlafen, da es an der seitlichen Hüfte zu schmerzhaft ist. So wachte ich Nachts oft auf. Im Durchschnitt schlief ich ungefähr 5 Stunden. Für mich waren die Nächte das Schlimmste an der kompletten Beinverlängerung. Meine Empfehlung ist die Beine mit Franzbranntwein einzureiben. Dadurch werden die Muskeln und Sehen entspannt und es ist zumindest etwas angenehmer. Nach 14 Tagen wurden die Fäden gezogen und ab da an konnte ich wieder duschen. Die meiste Zeit hatte ich sehr geringe Schmerzen. Vereinzelt kann es aber, insbesondere nach dem Verlängern, zu akuten Schmerzen kommen. Bei mir traten diese meist am Schienbein auf, da der Schmerz von oben nach unten wanderte. Mit einer Schmerztablette war dies aber gut zu ertragen.
In der darauffolgenden Woche (Woche 3) musste ich wieder zur Arbeit. Es war eine sehr anstrengende Zeit. Ich verspürte zwar kaum Schmerzen, aber die Nächte kosteten viel Kraft. Deshalb ließ ich mir für zwei Wochen Schlaftabletten verschreiben, die zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung führten. Es ist allerdings durchaus möglich während einer Beinverlängerung zu arbeiten, sofern es sich um Bürotätigkeit handelt.  Auf das Autofahren sollte aus Versicherungsgründen jedoch verzichtet werden. Im Nachhinein muss ich sagen, wäre die Beinverlängerung nur halb so anstrengend gewesen, wenn ich zuhause hätte bleiben können. Das Positive an der Arbeit waren hierbei die sozialen Kontakte und die Ablenkung.
Ein typischer Tag sah für mich in etwa wie folgt aus:
6:45 Uhr: Aufstehen und verlängern
7:00 Uhr: Fertig machen für die Arbeit inkl. 5 Minuten Dehnen
8- 18:30 Uhr: Arbeit inkl. Hin- und Rückfahrt
19:00 -19:30 Uhr Physiotherapie
19:45-19:50 Uhr: Verlängern
20: Uhr Abendessen
22 Uhr: 15 Minuten Dehnen und anschließend schlafen
Für den Fall einer Berufstätigkeit würde ich empfehlen, das Muskelentspannungsmittel erst nach der Arbeit zu nehmen, da die dadurch bedingte Müdigkeit die Leistungsfähigkeit stark beeinträchtigt. Ich nahm es immer vor dem Einschlafen, wodurch ich gleich zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen konnte.

Aufgrund der eingeschränkten Beweglichkeit kann man nicht alle Übungen machen. Doch meine Therapeutin zeigte mir genug. Bei den regelmäßigen Kontrolluntersuchungen bestätigte sich, dass das Verlängern einwandfrei funktionierte. Der Fortschritt hat mich stolz gemacht und mich weiter motiviert, gleichwohl wissend, dass es noch ein langer, steiniger Weg sein wird…
Die Kontrolluntersuchungen erfolgten auf eigenen Wunsch meist Freitag spätnachmittags, da dies besser mit meiner Arbeit zu vereinbaren war. Da es sich um eine Gemeinschaftspraxis handelt, können die Termine in der Regel sehr günstig für den Patienten gelegt werden.  Zu meinem Glück hatte ich eine Angehörige, dich mich in das von mir nur eine Stunde entfernte Geretsried fuhr. Somit stellten die Untersuchungen keine große Belastung für mich dar.
Ab der vierten Woche schlich sich ein Alltag ein. Die Schmerzen waren von nun an kaum vorhanden. Ungefähr ab dieser Zeit wurde es auch mit dem Schlafen besser und ich konnte wieder seitlich liegen, auch wenn es nicht wie vor der Op war. Jeden Tag dachte ich an das Ende der Verlängerungszeit. Das ist vielleicht so, als würde jemand im Gefängnis die Tage runterzählen bis zu seiner Entlassung. 
Nach Erreichen des 5. cm wird es exponentiell härter. Der Körper beginnt sich gegen seine Veränderung aufzulehnen. Die Muskeln werden steifer und unbeweglicher, das Laufen wird schwerer. Erstmals konnte ich bei der Verlängerung fühlen wie sich der Nagel ausfährt. Es war allerdings kein unangenehmes Gefühl. Nachts hatte ich nun teils starke Schmerzen, die auch nicht ganz durch Schmerzmittel gelindert werden konnten.  Doch mein Ziel wollte ich nicht aus den Augen verlieren und biss die Zähne zusammen. Schmerzen gehen vorbei, doch die neue Größe bleibt ein Leben lang!
Und dann war er da. Der Tag des neuen Lebens. So viele Pläne hatte ich dafür. Neue Hosen kaufen. Am liebsten den ganzen Tag unter Menschen. Schreien vor Glück. So kam es aber nicht. Wie oft im Leben ist Vorfreude die schönste. Weil die Entfaltung der Freude mehr Zeit braucht als den Augenblick der Gegenwart.
Die schlimmste Zeit, die Distraktionsphase war somit geschafft. Nach wenigen Tagen waren auch die nächtlichen Schmerzen verschwunden.  Der Schlaf kehrte zu seiner Normalität zurück und ich musste weder Tabletten nehmen, noch Thrombosespritzen nehmen. Man kann zwar nicht von heute auf morgen wieder wie vorher laufen, doch es geht schnell bergauf und ungefähr drei Wochen nach Ende der Verlängerung begann ich wieder ohne Krücken zu laufen. Allerdings muss ich weiter an meinem Gangbild arbeiten. Auch die neue Selbständigkeit war ein Segen. Da ich ohne Krücken wieder laufen konnte, waren alltägliche Dinge, wie einen Teller zu tragen, deutlich einfacher.
Es ist zu empfehlen, seine engste Familie einzuweihen, denn ganz ohne Hilfe kann es schwer werden in dieser Zeit. Durch die Beinverlängerung hab ich insgesamt 13kg abgenommen. Somit ist ein anfängliches Übergewicht nicht unbedingt nachteilig. Der Leidensdruck aufgrund meiner vorher sehr geringen Größe hat deutlich abgenommen. Es ist einfach schlicht falsch, was Psychologen einem gerne zu diesem Thema erzählen wollen. Mit dem Skalpell lassen sich diese Probleme besser behandeln, als mit Worten. Im Alltag merke ich meine neuen Zentimeter stark. Ich empfinde mich endlich nicht mehr als abnormal klein, bin mit den meisten Menschen auf Augenhöhe und fühle mich definitiv in der Berufswelt ernster genommen. Zudem hab ich mir die ganze Prozedur deutlich schmerzhafter vorgestellt. Für mich hat sich mein Leben für immer verändert. Herrn Dr. med. Köhne bin ich für immer dankbar was er für mich getan hat. Er ist einfach eine Koryphäe und auch menschlich ein Vorbild!
Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Köhne!
Title: Re: Köhne Femur 2020
Post by: germanlim on June 22, 2020, 12:03:26 PM

Here is a movie 4 month post op
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Ssaq on June 22, 2020, 01:15:50 PM
Happy to see you walking after 4 months. How many cm total did you get? Any plans for future lengthening?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: mangoman on June 22, 2020, 01:44:20 PM
Hey Germanlim,

Thanks for sharing your Story!

All the best!

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on June 22, 2020, 02:02:23 PM
Hi thank you. I did 6cm. Maybe i will do tibias as well.

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: frenchie on June 22, 2020, 02:04:49 PM
Good to know about another doctor in Germany other than Betz.

germanlim, Can you post an image of your legs while standing straight but with your feet together?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Siegfried on June 22, 2020, 07:33:29 PM
Very cool, I am also considering köhne. The options of high class limb lengtheninging surgeons has been very limited in Germany so far. With Köhne as a young and very talented trauma surgeon, who has been continuously expanding his cll efforts in the last few years, we win a new alternative to Betz. Who I had considered so far, but I couldn’t go through with the Betz bone, when suddenly now there is a very valid stryde alternative in the German market. No real reason to go with Betz now, since the prices are quite similar.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: kumbaya on June 23, 2020, 12:40:50 AM
Hi thank you. I did 6cm. Maybe i will do tibias as well.

Hi there, thanks for sharing. Can you let me know your initial height?

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on June 23, 2020, 04:28:15 AM
Initial height was 1,68m
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Erkan on June 23, 2020, 08:00:47 AM
Hey great to hear everything went well! I will do my lengthening wit Köhne probably in Januar. Did you feel it was good to do the lengthening in winter or would you recommend doing it if it gets warmer?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on June 25, 2020, 12:11:32 PM

I would do it again in Winter or autumn.

But it is better when there is no snow in my opinion.

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: frenchie on June 25, 2020, 12:15:21 PM
germanlim, Can you post an image of your legs while standing straight and with your feet together?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on August 30, 2020, 01:26:16 PM
Short Update: My walk is since some weeks fully normal and in September i will start again playing soccer
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: frenchie on August 30, 2020, 01:34:51 PM
Nice to hear germanlim.

Would you feel comfortable posting a standing photo with your feet together?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on August 30, 2020, 01:53:01 PM
i post it on Imgur
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on August 30, 2020, 02:01:58 PM
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:08:04 PM
Hey Everyone,

just a quick update. I am fine. In August i will remove the nails.

Wish u all the best.

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 08:16:46 PM
Hi germanlim
Best wishes, first of all
Have you started playing soccer again? How do you feel in sport activities?
And last thing, if you like to say that, how tall are you now?

Edit_Sorry, just seen you already said your starting height ;)
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:22:29 PM

because of corona you cant Play soccer in germany. I cant only leave my house for 15km if there is no urgent reason.

So only sports is cycling at the Moment.

I am around 175m (sry dont know the Inch )
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:24:24 PM
But in summer i was swimming a lot. And i went for many walks
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 08:28:52 PM
Oh yea I thought you had a break in the early autumn when the situation was better. I've read the lockdown there is gonna be even harder.
Btw cycling cycling is a very regular motion, I'm curious to know about more aggressive activities
Do you feel your body very different in quick movements or not so much?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:32:53 PM
I feel the new height and the new  self confidence.

For example i had a job Interview today where i could get really really much cash and i performed very well.

But dont wait to Long for the surgery. U will regret it!
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 08:36:54 PM
I'm already done I did 6cm as you did, just asking because I'm still very far from normal activities and I'm curious about any loss or even just difference in body perception and reflexes
Hope the best for your comeback to sports
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:38:37 PM
Did u do femur or tibia?

Still lenghtening?

When was the surgery?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 08:40:29 PM
Femurs stryde during the summer but I had problems with my left leg, but i should be close to heal
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:43:39 PM
My advice is to take Calcium and french brandy.

But in my Mind you should be much further if the surgery was in Summer.

Mine was in feb and in Summer i was back.

But stay strong. Ask your surgeon what he says
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:46:42 PM
French Brandy for the muscles. Dont know the correct translation sry. In Germany u can buy it in the pharmacy
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 08:50:04 PM
Unfortunately I had a delayed consolidation in the left leg, I was very stressed in autumn so the healing process was slowing down and the nail was slighltly moving because i could not fit a very long nail due to my femur conformation. The right leg is healed months ago.
But the bone is now growing better and I should be ready very soon.
Yes I'm taking calcium and vit D every day, sometimes proteins too
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 15, 2021, 08:55:46 PM
Take X-rays regulary. Usually both legs heal simultan. I Never had a Great difference. no cartilage should form at the break point. otherwise this must be scraped off.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Tartar on January 15, 2021, 09:17:04 PM
Take X-rays regulary. Usually both legs heal simultan. I Never had a Great difference. no cartilage should form at the break point. otherwise this must be scraped off.
Sometimes it happens, eveyone is different, for me they always had different speed. But they never stopped and they are going on even if slower for a while.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: DutchGiant on January 18, 2021, 06:03:25 PM
Hi germanlim,

Thanks for posting the journal, and congratulations on your result.
I'm also planning femur stryde, and I consider dr Kohne a very interesting choice.

A few Q's,
-Why did you choose dr Kohne over other options in Europe, such as dr Giotkas?
-What did you have to pay for the surgery?
-6cm seems quite conservative (but a smart choice), why didn't you decide to push a bit further?
-After how many weeks did you feel like you could walk around completely unassisted, without feeling too unstable?
-How are you feeling right now, and can you reasonably perform more strenuous exercise, such as running/jumping?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 18, 2021, 07:05:40 PM

1. I Life very close to him (1hour by car ) so I did not need to quit my job  and i speek his language. He is a nice guy and good surgeon.
2 61k with removal and Tax i think
3. he recommend to do 6cm
4. short walks two weeks after surgery
5. I feel very well I can run and jump . My bone is fine since months
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: DutchGiant on January 18, 2021, 09:26:59 PM
Thanks for the answers. You are very lucky to live close by a good doctor.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Highest on January 22, 2021, 01:43:45 AM
Hi germanslim,

Did Dr Kohne say why he recommended 6cm on femur? As compared to many other doctors who allow up to 8cm or more for some Turkish doctors?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Limbfan2020 on January 22, 2021, 10:07:18 AM
Hi germanslim,

Did Dr Kohne say why he recommended 6cm on femur? As compared to many other doctors who allow up to 8cm or more for some Turkish doctors?

It's the general safety mindset of german doctors. As far as i can remember Dr. Paly has mentioned that complications occur exponentially when you go over 6 cm. There is a clear difference between german orthopedists like Kohne and "butcher-like" doctors in Turkey or in East Europe.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 22, 2021, 07:39:08 PM
Thats Right. A Responsible Doctor does what Is safty and not just what is possible
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 22, 2021, 08:48:55 PM
Looking back almost one year ago i have to say that height dysphoria cant be healed by a pychologist. There is an amazing video from cyborg4life about this topic. I tried it also some time with the tipps of Psychologist. But that did not help me. Because of the height dysphoria I got urgent alcoholic problems. The only thing that helps is the surgery in my opinion
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Limbfan2020 on January 22, 2021, 10:39:21 PM
Hi germanlim, great diary! How long did the surgery take?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Highest on January 22, 2021, 11:55:14 PM
It's the general safety mindset of german doctors. As far as i can remember Dr. Paly has mentioned that complications occur exponentially when you go over 6 cm. There is a clear difference between german orthopedists like Kohne and "butcher-like" doctors in Turkey or in East Europe.

Any diary around 6cm femur does have way better long term recovery than 8cm femurs for various reasons but I always thought in helping develop the precise nail that Dr Paley said 8cm was the max he would want it to lengthen due complications.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 23, 2021, 11:34:59 AM

Thank you for your Feedback!

Usually around 3h. But my femur was so hard that it was 3,5h
Title: Re: Köhne Femur 2020
Post by: montahn on January 23, 2021, 05:47:36 PM

Here is a movie 4 month post op

why i feel that you bend in right side when you walk ?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on January 30, 2021, 01:15:05 PM
My gait is and was normal
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: badbuddy on February 01, 2021, 12:11:12 AM
Hi, congrats to you! Wishing you a speedy recovery. I had a question regarding your working situation.

1. How were you able to work and manage the pain? Did you take any narcotics, or what were you taking so you could work while doing this?
2. Did you get one of those bed desks? I heard for the first three weeks its hard to move in and out of a wheelchair, so how did you manage working?
3. Any WFH tips?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: whocares on February 01, 2021, 01:49:00 PM
How long after the opeeation could you participate in day to day life in month?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on February 01, 2021, 05:52:50 PM
Hey Thank you .

1. the pain was not so hard after two weeks. But i took some pain killers so it was ok.
It is definitly possible to work. I even did 40h/week. 

2. when i was at office, i put a carton under my feet. That helped. Someday i could work at home and did it on the couch.

3. what do u mean with  wfh?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: TallerVL on February 04, 2021, 12:03:44 AM
Hey Thank you .

1. the pain was not so hard after two weeks. But i took some pain killers so it was ok.
It is definitly possible to work. I even did 40h/week. 

2. when i was at office, i put a carton under my feet. That helped. Someday i could work at home and did it on the couch.

3. what do u mean with  wfh?

WFH = work from home
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on February 04, 2021, 05:42:02 PM
Ah ok sry. Work from home should Not be to diffiicult. Maby you can work on your couch to stretch your legs.  And when you work at home you can do some stretching exercises
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on February 06, 2021, 11:52:43 AM
How long after the opeeation could you participate in day to day life in month?

This depends what you mean with participate.

General the first week you are in Hospital.

After two weeks the threads are pulled, so you can take a shower again.

Then you can meet friends for example. And i went back to my job. Or you can go to a Restaurant or cinema for example or go to a dentist.

But of course you cant play soccer. This will need some months.

After around four  weeks everything is going more easy. But the distraction phase is the hardest one. When you are in consolidation phase everything is sooo much more easy, no compare. Any further questions?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Limbfan2020 on February 06, 2021, 12:21:19 PM
How long did it take to walk wthout crutches?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on February 06, 2021, 12:32:32 PM
How long did it take to walk wthout crutches?

Short walks (e.g. to the toilett) around two weeks.

I can remember when I went back to my job I walked to  canteen without crutches. But stay in mind it is more safty to walk with crutches and it is more easy
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: permanentlybanned on February 06, 2021, 12:52:13 PM
Hi germanlim thanks for the diary especially posting in English for us non-german people to read.
I am happy you have recovered and grew more than the 168cm your old body was. Thanks for the video and diary

Cheers and God bless u
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on February 06, 2021, 12:59:16 PM
Hi germanlim thanks for the diary especially posting in English for us non-german people to read.
I am happy you have recovered and grew more than the 168cm your old body was. Thanks for the video and diary

Cheers and God bless u


Thank you for your feedback. I wanted to give other people an insight how ll and work can be handled because I found none diary about this
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 08, 2021, 06:02:21 PM
Hey everybody,

short Update again:

I will have my removal in mid of mai. I have a excellent bone healing and thats why I can do it very early.

Wish u all the best!

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: 10cmOnTibiaOrGTFO on April 08, 2021, 11:14:39 PM
how much did you pay in germany? what nail does this doctor use? in which city is he located?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: 10cmOnTibiaOrGTFO on April 08, 2021, 11:17:28 PM
also how tall are you now?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Serilium on April 08, 2021, 11:37:03 PM
also how tall are you now?

168 > 174
6cm femur
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: 10cmOnTibiaOrGTFO on April 09, 2021, 04:03:26 PM
i think from google this doctor is located in munich. well, he is probably unaffordable. this kid must have rich parents.  ;D
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: mangoman on April 09, 2021, 07:16:10 PM
Köhne is considerably cheaper than the US doctors. Also nail removal is included.

In addition, I have the very strong feeling that you are not in the position to judge how somebody is paying for surgery ;)
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 09, 2021, 07:39:21 PM
Thank you Mangoman 

As mangoman said he is a very honest surgeon. Not only removal is included. Also tax is included. In Germany u have to pay 19% tax.

So he is not making so much Money as u think.

And i have paid the surgery on my own. I have studied and a good job. As well i have saved alot of money because i live very close to him.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: 10cmOnTibiaOrGTFO on April 09, 2021, 08:35:27 PM
well ok then. mid 20s and already a lot of money ;) you finish master at around 25. xD
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 09, 2021, 08:55:00 PM
I am Bachelor
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: HeightGain on April 09, 2021, 09:53:14 PM
There are many jobs where you can have enough money by your mid 20s to do this surgery. If you are intelligent and work hard it is easily achievable. You could probably do it without even the intelligence if you were disciplined.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Highest on April 11, 2021, 06:50:04 AM
Hey germanlim congrats on your result! How were you feeling in terms of tightness towards the 6cm mark?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 12, 2021, 05:57:39 PM
Hey thank you.

The first 3cm have been the easiest one. After 5cm it gets more  thightness
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Highest on April 13, 2021, 09:45:45 AM
Hey thank you.

The first 3cm have been the easiest one. After 5cm it gets more  thightness

Did you get IT bands released?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: 10cmOnTibiaOrGTFO on April 13, 2021, 02:46:33 PM
so you gonna say how much you paid approximately or you not allowed to talk about it? coz i need to compare to betz.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Limbfan2020 on April 13, 2021, 03:03:11 PM
so you gonna say how much you paid approximately or you not allowed to talk about it? coz i need to compare to betz.

Around 60k, including nail removal after 1 year
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 15, 2021, 05:23:57 PM
Did you get IT bands released?

Not completely during Lenghtening phase
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 15, 2021, 05:24:39 PM
so you gonna say how much you paid approximately or you not allowed to talk about it? coz i need to compare to betz.

Betz has no removal included
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: TheDream on April 15, 2021, 05:45:33 PM
Germanlim do you feel it is harder to walk up stairs after the surgery? Do you get tired faster when going for long walks outside?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on April 15, 2021, 06:06:53 PM
Germanlim do you feel it is harder to walk up stairs after the surgery? Do you get tired faster when going for long walks outside?

Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Highest on April 17, 2021, 08:54:43 AM
Not completely during Lenghtening phase

What do you mean? Does this mean you plan on getting them released during consolidation or that he didn't cut you IT band completely?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: mangoman on April 23, 2021, 07:21:31 AM
As far as I know:

Köhne normally does not advice IT-Band release. The large majority of his patients are perfectly fine without IT Band release.
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on May 21, 2021, 06:21:51 PM

Another Short Update. Today i had my removal. Tomorrow i will go back home. The removal is a joke in compare to the first surgery. Dont need crutches. I have almost no pain
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: Limbfan2020 on May 22, 2021, 10:47:04 AM

Another Short Update. Today i had my removal. Tomorrow i will go back home. The removal is a joke in compare to the first surgery. Dont need crutches. I have almost no pain

Congrats man! How long did the surgery take?
Title: Re: Dr. Köhne Femur 2020 Stryde
Post by: germanlim on May 22, 2021, 03:06:24 PM
 Thanks. Just 1h