Hey all,
Just going to keep things short. I am not interested in limb lengthening. For me, loss of athletic potential is not an option. However, I would like to know how comfy/healthy smaller inserts are (No more than an inch) during athletic activities like running, weightlifting, basketball, sports, etc. I was diagnosed with flat-feet some time ago, so I am actually supposed to be wearing something like Dr. Scholl's to provide arch support.
That said, could anyone help answer some of my questions?
1. How many inches/cm can a person can gain from orthotic Dr. Scholl inserts?
2. Are there any thick souled athletic shoes that don't look ridiculous? I've heard of Nike Roshes, Air Max, and Air Max 1's as good choices. However, I've not heard exact numbers on what the gains are.
3. Would wearing shoe inserts that are between ~0.5 inches and 1.0 inches be fine for playing sports and be fine for my feet? Here were some of the ones I was looking at.
Finally, does anyone has experience with inserts like these? Here were some of the ones I was looking at:
https://www.amazon.com/Honeycomb-Shaped-Elevator-Shoes-Insole/dp/B0042LIUDW/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1528597970&sr=8-1&keywords=1%2F2+inch+shoe+insoles+for+men+gelhttps://www.amazon.com/Memory-Comfort-Elevator-Shoes-Insole/dp/B00O2ICV1M/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1528598007&sr=1-4&keywords=1%2F2+foam+shoe+insert+elevator+men&dpID=412HGgo7gsL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch4. Since I am flat-footed, are shoe lifts a bad option since it mostly targets the heels instead of the foot arch?
Athleticism means a lot to me, so if there's any shoes or insole recommendations you could offer me that could offer a small height boost while keeping my feet mostly healthy, it would really be appreciated.