Regarding cooking, cleaning, shopping, showering, etc.
I find that most challenges in life can be overcome with proper mindset, preparation, discipline, and strength of will.
As to cooking and cleaning--I had no problem cooking in a wheelchair. In fact, I got much pleasure from preparing elaborate meals for my neighbors from time-to-time. Doing so also provided an opportunity for social interaction. As for cleaning, I could push around a vacuum or mop but had a cleaner in twice a month.
As for showers--no showers until frames are removed and wounds are healed. Sponge bath only.
As for shopping--I tested my wheelchair and route before my surgery to identify problems and develop fixes. I had no real problems--not easy or convenient but doable--unless it was snowing. Wheelchairs do not work well on snow or ice. When the snow came, I had to plan my outing to the store for right after the pathways were cleared.
As for clinic 1, 2, or 3--I don't know what you mean. My initial appointments and x-rays were done at the Vreden Institute and St. George's Hospital. My first surgery was done at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. My nail insertion (LATN) was done at the Medem Clinic in downtown St. Petersburg.
Vreden and St. Elizabeth's are next door to each other--St. George is about two miles away.