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Author Topic: Diary - January 2019 - In Full Stryde with Dr. Mahboubian of North Hollywood.  (Read 146907 times)

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Greetings every one!

I wanted to announce that I have officially completed the Stryde nail limb lengthening surgery last week with Dr. Shahab Mahboubian of North Hollywood, CA.   The surgery itself went very smooth and I have now began to proceed down a pathway toward an increased height. My goal is to increase my height by appropriately 3 inches (8 centimeters).  I chose Dr. Mahboubian because he is professional, has an excellent track record, is personable with his patients and is also very local and offers a very convenient process for me (If you can ever call CLL convenient, lol)

A bit about me:

I'm a 37 year old male and a successful business entrepreneur, attractive, and in a relationship with an attractive woman (inside and out).  My reason for pursuing the height increase surrounds my desire to be at a height range that I would be most comfortable at.  I am currently 5'1.25" (156.21cm).  An increase of 6.5 cm - 8 cm places me at about 5'4" and with my typical footwear, around 5'5/5'6. I'm very comfortable with this height.  I also, recently lost my parents, sadly to disease and cancer, respectively; so more than ever I realize that one has to do all possible to live their very best life; while they still can.  I actually met with Dror Paley about the potential of CLL back in 1999; and decided against it at 17 years old. I didn't pursue at that time because i didn't want my parents to have to refinance their home and go through so many life changes in order to pursue the procedure. My dad would of had to stay in CA to work and my Mom would have been taking care of me in Florida. No way I was going to put them through this.  Ultimately, 20 years later, I was able to afford to have it done myself, had all the time and resources and felt that now was a good time to Stryde with Mahboubian. I want 8 centimeters. 

I will be as detailed as possible with my day-to-day updates and I ask for constructive feedback always. 

"The Surgery"   Arrived at 5:30. Was admitted by administrators into the hospital (30 minutes), Brought into a room and had basic medical tests performed and IV connected (1 hour), and then met with Dr. Mahboubian and Anesthesiologist (10-15 minutes).  Eventually you are wheeled off while in stretcher type bed; waiving to your family goodbye; and in my case it was my sister as they brought me to the operating room.  They connect you to some anesthetic and the next thing you remember is being in the recovery room being tended to my friendly nurses ensuring your comfort is good to go.   After setting up my legs nicely with ice, covering me with warm blanks and running a few more tests with me; I was wheeled into my hospital room.  The pain level was 2 maybe 3; at this point as I was pretty well induced with morphine and anesthetic.   Barely any swelling on my legs at all. I felt so very well cared for and taken care of to be honest.   In speaking with the doctors and other medical professionals at the hospital, as well as administrators; you truly gain a sense that nothing about this procedure is taboo. This is medical and when done right its successful.   The surgery prep, implementation, and wrap-up takes about 4 hours in total. After my surgery was completed, Dr. Mahboubian, met with my sister who was standing by in the waiting room and she received the good news. My Surgery went great.  Everything smooth and order.  More challenges are ahead; but to hear that the surgical portion was now checked off; well that's just fantastic to know. 

I have to get some work done now and will try to update my first 5 days post surgery tonight, as well as provide a detailed descriptive of how I'm pulling this all off, including care, transportation, etc. I hope to provide a valuable insight on ways to pursuit the surgery with leverage.   So far, I will say that I really like Dr. Mahboubian.  You'll learn more about him, me, and the life changing procedure each day as I conquer it along side my brilliant Doctor, and the rest of the care team!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 11:58:40 PM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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I am happy to hear the surgery was successful.
I hope your lengthening and recovery is just as successful!

37 years old is not old at all. You have many years u will enjoy your new height!
en entire lifetime! Your life starts over again the day you finnish lengthening!


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good luck in your journey !


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Hi InFullStryde,

Wish you best of luck in your journey. I am going to do CLL Stryde with Dr.M soon. Your journey would be really helpful for future LLers.  Please provide all details as much as you can.
Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 02:49:16 AM by Bestrong »


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Wow!cheer !  In full Stryde you are the first Stryde patient of Dr. Mahboubian.
Thanks for your sharing.
Keep strong!
Could I ask you a question? What is the estimated total price?
Less is more.
Maybe one cm up or down could not change your appearance.
But one cm more is definitely do harm to joint than one cm less.
English is not my first language.


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You're in great hands!  I am almost a year post op with Dr. M, and am happy with my choice and decision to pursue this surgery.

Happy for you! All the best with your journey!

Reach out if you need anything at all. I am local.

LAGrowin - surgery 1/18/18


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Awesome, man I have a question that I pmed you, plz cehck, thanks


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Hey, thanks for doing a diary of your experience. Im also thinking about getting this done with a dr in the U.S. and been lurking on this forum for a few months now and it really helps so appreciate you and the others who do this. Hope the best for you during this process and hope you reach your goal.


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Day 1 - A Great Start

The first day, includes the morning of surgery.  Honestly, it was a good one.  I was starting to feel excited about taking this step forward.  I met my initial nurse for that morning/afternoon, Mario and he was a super nice guy. He even mentioned that I was his favorite patient that day (LOL).   I think it's because I really didn't bother much and I know how busy the nurses get in hospitals.  My pain level was on average a 2 or 3. I was able to lift my legs and do heel drags as well.   The tightness is definitely there; but not over whelming. I was able to bend my knee, approaching a right angle; so the future feels indeed bright.   I will say that my left leg was far more sensitive to movement than my right was.  My right felt ready to go from the start; however the passive left leg, not so much.   

The rest of the day included meals, attentive care and a PT session.  Moment of truth... Baring weight on the Stryde nail.... Once I was able to get on both of my feet, i tested this carefully by simply letting go of my walker for a brief few seconds while being spotted by the nurses and it is indeed true that Stryde will hold you strong.  The key is however; for your legs to be able to hold your own weight.  This will take some time for most of us. After a traumatic surgery; its best to not push it. I was able to take about 4 steps foot dragging, mummy steps, lol and then back to bed.  Pain at this point during the first walk was about a 8.  It hurts for obvious reasons.

The rest of the day was calm. I continued to push the pain button to ensure that I was getting a steady dose of Morphine as the Antithetic was wearing off.  My pain never exceeded a 3.5 on day one while in a rested state (non PT). 

The day finally ended for me at about 11:00 pm, when the Nurse pulled out my catheter. It was definitely a strange feeling but it came out quickly.   I admit i cringed; but it was over before I knew it;  just like the LL surgery was.

Day 2 - The Letter P

Oh my, the 2nd day definitely brought the drama.  Before getting into that; let me mention that early morning, my kind and smart, Orthopedic Doctor and Surgeon, Dr. Mahboubian, came to see me.  Wanted to see how I was doing and all I was good except for my left leg which was painful when applying movement or pressure.  The Dr. performed some light stretching with me and felt good with range of motion; however he was able to see the pain. He mentioned to give it some time as it could take up to a week or even a little more with some legs. No one leg is built alike (even your own legs). Whew, so we push on....Okay now.... The almighty peeing situation post catheter is a fun one. At around 4:00 am, I reported to the nurse that I was struggling to "pee" and felt uncomfortable in the bladder area.   Ultimately, she performed a quick bladder scan and found over 1000 cc's i believe of bladder/lower stomach was extended out and she didn't have much of a choice...She had to insert a straight catheter.  Without a doubt one of more painful experiences of my life.   This move cleared out the urine and I felt a lot better afterward.   This is just one of those things that are hard to avoid sometimes.   She then had to remove the catheter because the strait catheters are only temporary and cannot be left in for very long...that hurt too; but not as bad.  Now the race to pee ASAP into a normal urinal was on. I did not want to have another cat put into me.... Hours went by and I still struggled to go number 1.  Then it was PT time.... This was a particular struggle for me on day 2.  My left leg was just not up to speed with the right one yet and felt very sore with any kind of movement or weight baring.  With a desire to pee however; I still willed my self to the restroom..slowly, mummy foot dragging steps, step by step on the walker, I made it; but it was rocky...and guess what. I still couldn't go number 1!   The nurses; we're very nice and wanted to avoid the catheter for me as they stood me up 2 more times and held the urinal in front of me hoping that it would help me in doing the deed. Still couldn't do it...My last hope was even PT.... Good guy, Allen.... Once more we struggled to get the rest room due to a sore left leg....but this time, once I arrived to the toilet, I finally was able to pee. It felt like the biggest accomplishment of my life  :) The rest of the day; I was able to pee while laying down in a urinal. Again, despite all the education and accolades and huge business success that I had earned over my life; this felt like my greatest accomplishment.  I was the Peeing Champion of the World. Rest of the day ended uneventfully. listened to some music on my headphones and was able to sleep soundly through the night.

I will summarize day 3 of discharge and my first four days at home, later tonight for all of you.  As it stand now, the biggest struggle I have is that my left leg is not strong enough to hold my weight yet; so I cannot enjoy the sweet euphoria of taking walker steps...  Having said that, I am stretching 3 times a day and keeping my legs moving as to improve range of motion, stay loose, and gain strength back little by little. I just had two bones broke, after all right? Stay turned for more laughs and drama in the coming days. 

Talk soon, Guys.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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congrats on starting your journey!

Could you post any pictures or videos?


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Congrats man!  The hardest part is that after one month or two months you get tired of the routine and stop stretching.  Whatever you do, do not stop ,not even for a day.  I took a 2 day break and lost about 20-30 degrees on my hamstrings and never really got it back :p

Also, take it easy the next couple of weeks don’t try to force yourself to weight bear too much or you’ll aggravate a lot of surgical pain. Your strength will come back fast, don’t rush it. Trust me!


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Day 3 - Discharge Day

My final day in the hospital started out nicely. I slept very well through the night and was able to pee into the urinals with no issue at all.  Later in the evening on Day 2,  my nurse had taken me off the Morphine and now had me taking Norco, since this was the pain management I would be using at home.   The Norco seemed to do a fine job at regulating my pain, especially when not moving my legs.   Honestly, my pain level was at a 1-3 maximum while in a resting state.   After a pretty chill morning, the friendly nurses came in and offered me a big breakfast; actually she hooked me up with two breakfasts because I was starving.  Dr. Mahboubian came in to check on me; which was pretty awesome, considering that it was Saturday.   All in all, our chat was great as he reinforced that all looked good in the legs, very little swelling.  I raised the question about my left leg pain and the Doctor felt pretty confidence that I should see improvement over the next week or two.  Doctor emphasized the importance of keeping the weaker leg, especially, stretched as to ensure that range of motion did not take a hit during this first week.  That was that. I was pretty much coasting until now and was set to discharge at 3:00pm.  I did, however at about 11:30am, have a PT session.  It went pretty good. I learned more vital stretches and was able to get up on the walker.  Again, unfortunately, the left leg soreness prevented me from doing to much damage to the floor while on the  I took about 4 to 6 mummy like steps and was put back into the bed.   The PT's said it was very normal to have difficulty walking or doing much activity on your legs immediately after surgery.  The strength and flexibly will come back quickly with physical therapy. I knew this and was satisfied with the answer.   At about 3:00pm my transport van came and picked me up and took me back home to my apartment.  Fortunately, I live only about 50 minutes from the Doctors offices so it really does feel like a simple outpatient kind of procedure for me.   I chose a wheelchair van transport since absolute safety was the only option i would accept for myself; especially in the post - operative state, I was in.  I arrived home to my brother and sister who were waiting for me.  I rolled in through the front door; greeted with love and smiles.  It was a bit rough at first since I was not able to weight bare at all... They had to carefully transfer me to my wheel chair and eventually to my bed.  I think it must have taken about 30 minutes per transfer.  It really is just a brand new thing that takes a bit of getting used to.   Having said all this, the discharge day was great and I was glad to be back at home.  My Sister and Brother switch off on the AM and PM duties of caring for me for the first few weeks; or until I can safely get around without a wheel chair.  My sleeping on this night was just okay. I didn't sleep much; primarily because I was thinking about so many things...mind was racing! With this in mind, I managed to get some good sleep eventually and experienced very little pain throughout the night.   

Day 4 - My first full day at home

Ah, yes...the wonderful feeling of waking up in your own bed..... only difference this time is that I can't move. LOL! All in all, a decent day. I was transferred out of bed by my brother into a wheel chair and it was a bit painful.  Since I'm not able to put any weight on my left leg yet; there isn't much of an ability to support myself while getting up into the walker.   You can't push off at all; so I'm sure you can imagine this.   It's still very early; so my bro did most of the work.   Once in the wheelchair, I did all the normal things people do on the weekend... watched some TV, ate good food, caught up on some work stuff and spent a bit of time on my balcony.    Pain was minimal when not moving my legs.  We're talking pain levels at 2 or 3 at maximum.  I'm getting pretty good at moving around in my wheelchair too! I can maneuver my entire place with no issue.   I cannot wait to graduate to the walker in a week or two, however.  One scare did occur later in the night... My legs started to swell a bit; and I panicked i believe, since up until now; i had barely any swelling. I actually called the doctors office to leave him a message; and wow.... at 10:00pm at night; the staff actually connect him through.   I can't say enough about that... my Doctor taking a call that late is pretty rare and very appreciated. Dr. Mahboubian suggested some additional ice packs and that would likely help and to just reach him if the swelling didn't come under control.   I applied Ice and within minutes swelling was down.  Went to bed soundly moments later.

Day 5 - Subtle improvement in Left Leg and meeting with a home care aide

The left leg has become a growing theme so far as I am really counting on it to get better right now so that I can begin using a walker.  I'm happy to report some slight improvement after my first PT session.   The PT specialist went light and focused on range of motion and strengthening.  By later in the day; I felt less pain in the movement of the leg.   Later this day, I also met with a home care representative.  I wanted to make sure I had a backup plan in place in case a friend or family member was not available to assist me throughout any days in the coming few weeks.   It is vital that someone be home with you for the first few weeks.  Very rarely is one able to support themselves all alone, immediately after this surgery. The rest of my day was filled with the normal stuff, working, spending time with siblings and taking it easy.   I had 2 PT sessions on this day (Counting my sister stretching me) and plan on stretching 3 times per day 7 days a week until I'm back to tip top shape.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 03:40:49 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congrats man!  The hardest part is that after one month or two months you get tired of the routine and stop stretching.  Whatever you do, do not stop ,not even for a day.  I took a 2 day break and lost about 20-30 degrees on my hamstrings and never really got it back :p

Also, take it easy the next couple of weeks don’t try to force yourself to weight bear too much or you’ll aggravate a lot of surgical pain. Your strength will come back fast, don’t rush it. Trust me!

Thank you CJ1 ! I'm already starting to feel improvement; and have just been focused on keeping range of motion and safe leg strengthening exercises during my first week post - op. I am hoping that in another week or so; I can comfortable weight bare. I do not want to push it. The post surgery impact is no joke and you're right; I should take it easy. Thanks Man.  Would love to talk to you if you're open to that.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Sure - PM’d you


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Day 6 - More subtle improvement in left leg

Little by little my left leg and right leg for that matter has showed improvement.  One key point that I want to emphasize for future LLer's is that after surgery; TAKE IT EASY...don't try to jump on the walker and race yourself around.  It's likely that you will only be able to take a step or two due to the post-surgery pain.  Here is analogy for you.  When you're out on the football or any sports field and you sprain/break your're hopping right? You're not putting even one gram of weight energy on that leg because you simply cannot bare the pain.  Well, imagine now 2 broken legs right?  In talking to other LL'ers I have realized that the first 2 - 3 weeks of this is really tough and you have to count the minor victories and maintain a strong motivated stance.  The most important thing to do starting out for the first 2 - 3 weeks is keep your range of motion in check and stretch, strengthen 3 times a day.  You'll be back on your feet and in the walker more regularly soon enough. No reason to push it at the very start.  Once you heal from surgery in week or two..its time to push for those inches! I'm excited about that.   In other news, this day was pretty straight forward.  I had 2 PT sessions with my sister and 1 PT session with a professional Home PT staff.  This helped. The Pro PT staff recommended some additional stretches to help build my strength and smooth out the soft tissue.  Additionally, since I'm at home for this entire process, I put in a normal full work day.   In knowing that I was going to pursue this surgery; I purchased a brand new computer (8th Gen Processor) and 3 27" monitors with all the remote connections I needed. I'm 100% functional to work and continue to grow my company as I go through this long and tough process of CLL.  In fact, my mindset is that the 1st quarter of 2019 should be the highest earning for my company in its history!  I have found that by doing other things while you're engaged in CLL helps you better manage the pain and other aspects of this.  I slept well this night, little to no pain, and making little progress each day.   

Day  7 - Officially One Week Post Op

Well, my friends. It's officially one week post operations.   I'll be to the point.   2 PT Sessions today + my own stretching.   Eating healthy and taking all my needed drugs and other vitamins like vitamin D, C, and multi-vitamins.   I even got a GYM session in. I setup a home gym in my apartment.  My brother spotted me on the dumb bells and I used cables for the rest. I'm determined to come out of with lean and looking good physique just like before the surgery.  As the pain subsides from my legs and my left leg specifically; I'll be able to do more for the upper body and I cannot wait.   Pain was at 2 - 4 today when not moving legs.  5-7 when moving and I'm careful not to plant full weight on my leg as it ill only aggravate the post surgical pains at this point and set me back.   Fortunately, other than when I'm obviously trying to place weight on my broken legs; I barely have any pain what so ever.   I am able to sleep easily through the night and the prescribed Norco has been effective.   

Update on my left leg; its a little better.  The subtle movements that used to result in a painful shreeks are subsiding. Right leg is strong and I sense it could likely do its part in supporting me on a walker. Left leg still has a bit longer to go. 

Guys, tomorrow is a big day. I meet with Dr. Mahboubian for the first time since my surgery to assess my freshly cut legs and to BEGIN GROWING!  I will meet with the representative from the Nuvasive company I believe to review the process with the lengthening machine and ask up any questions I might have.  I assume they will test the machine on me; so I should be a .33 milometers taller after my appointment tomorrow! I'll provide update soon.  This is starting to get real interesting!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 05:29:18 PM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Amazing news - best of luck!


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Day 8 - Post Op Visit with Dr. Mahboubian and First Lengthening Treatment... I'm 0.33mm taller now.  It's a start right?!

Time sure does fly by.   It's hard to believe that its been  8 days since my CLL surgery with Dr. Mahboubian.  Today is a big day for me as I visit my Doctor for the first time since my surgery.  I arrived at his offices and their very kind nurse Donna, greeted me warmly and asked me a few questions on how I was doing.  She said that all i was describing was perfectly normal and began to take off the wound bandages that lay on my stitches. She also mentioned that they would be taking off my stitches today.  I was happy about this for a few reasons.  Number 1, the bandages and tape they use on the incision areas are pretty big; so you feel like you have paper padding on your butt and thighs and its uncomfortable.   Secondly, It's just great to know that your wounds have healed well enough to a point that stitches can be removed.   Donna did a great job taking care of me.  One funny moment... there was one stitch area that was a bit scabby; and Donna escalated to Dr. Mahboubian to assist.  He came in and like a boss removed it in 2 seconds. I can remember saying... "You're going to call the anesthesiologist right?", before he did anything...haha I just know that when Dr. M touches me it hurts! lol.  All joking aside, he has a good relationship with his staff and that is so important.   I was stitches free!

Now it was time to get down to business.  Dr. M examined me and said that all was looking good. Little to no swelling and he was also very pleased with my strength and ability to raise either leg all the way up with authority.  This showed strong legs, post surgery.   He did note however; that I need to work on the knee raise and bend.  I will most certainly do that daily.   Additionally, I explained the issues I had with my left leg being behind as far as pain tolerance compared to right leg.   He acknowledged that this was normal and it could be another week or two until the left leg pain began to clear away.  Dr. M emphasized that I need to be on my walker as soon as possible even if its just a few baby steps.   The walking promotes bone growth and strong bone growth at that; so it is vital that I press forward and overcome the left leg issue as soon as possible.

After examining me and saying that I was looking pretty darn good (better than many of his LL patients), he allowed the NuVasive rep to show me the Lengthening machine and how to lengthen.   It's very simple.  Put the machine on the mark written on your legs and push a button. Wait 2 minutes and you're done. Now its time for other leg.   I did my first treatment right there in the office and now I'm officially 0.33 mm taller!  It feels good to grow, let me tell you.  To be honest, you can't feel anything while the lengthening is actually going on. 

The Doctor has prescribed that i lengthen 0.33 mm 4 times a day for the first 5 days.  After that, I am to lengthen 0.33 mm 3 times a day.   I will be having my next follow up appointment in 2 weeks from now and I should be a 1/2 inch taller?!  Let's hope so.   Also, let's hope my left leg cooperates for me.   I'll update again shortly on how my weekend goes.

Thanks guys and talk soon,

Other Key Notes:

-Lengthening is being done 100% at my apartment
-Lengthening prescription is as follows: Goal 8cm on each femur - 0.33mm 4 times per day for first 5 days.   0.33mm 3 times per day there after.
-The first 2-3 weeks, where Care giving is needed, I have my brother who comes during evening to help and my sister during the morning.   I have connected myself as well to a care giving agency that can spot me if I ever need help. I just need to give them 12 hours notice.
-My Transportation to Doctor Appointment was in a Wheelchair Van Transport. Safety first for me.
-I Take Norco every 4 hours for pain
-Xarelto Daily to help prevent blod clots
-Vitamin C and Vitamin D daily to promote bone grown
-Healthy, rich diet with protein, calories and overall balance diet for good health in order to promote the bodies nature regeneration factory
-Protein Drinks with whole milk
-I am PT with my sister every day 5x per week and with a professional home health PT 3x a week.  I plan to expand the professional home health to 4x or 5x
-I am still working full time and then some...I am able to be 100% productive and functional at home via internet, 3 monitors and a great computer. I'm tied into my offices via cloud technologies, web cam and VPN for data access
-My workouts continue for upper body and cardio. I have bar bells and bow-flex for upper body and stationary bike for cardio and other leg exercises.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 02:47:42 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Great diary! Keep on!


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Day 9 - Bring on the Aches and hello to my Right leg  [1.32mm Taller]

Greeting guys.  Day 9 brings further healing to my left leg which is great.  I plan to reattempt the walker on Wednesday. I'm going to give myself just a few more days of natural body healing before I reignite that post surgery inflammation pain.  I continue to do my stretching and strength excercises 3 times a day and throughout the day I keep my legs moving up and down, side to side, etc.  I may try the walker a day or two sooner at my discretion.  I know it's very important to get walking ASAP; so I'm looking forward to taking this step.  I want to reemphasize for future LL'ers that the first 2 - 3 weeks are very tough.  I have consensus from several past LL'ers that I have talked to regarding the procedure that its best to "take it easy" and not push to hard the first 2/3 weeks.  It's good to work on range of motion and perform strengthening exercises; but if you try to put to much weight on your surgically impacted legs; the inflammation from the surgery is going to linger and create havoc for you.     

As much I have been bragging about how great my right leg feels as compared to my left leg...well scratch that.   I think you're officially introduced to the LL procedure when for no logical reason your leg starts to hurt, lol.  My right leg has been going through a fairly painful and annoying cramping since Friday night.   The pain level on Friday night was Level 7/8.   The pain lingered into the following day and hovered around a 6/7.   No fun at all.  The answer to the pain was popping a Norco pill.  1 hour later, roughly, my pain was manageable and down to about a 2/3. I will say that on Friday morning, I actually did aggravate my right leg by...guess what?....Putting weight on my right leg by accident.  I have a feeling that I'm going to stick by my opinion of taking it slow and easy for the first 14 days post surgery.   

My lengthening is going smooth so far. I lengthened 1.33 mm as per Dr. M's prescription and will continue at this rate for 4 more days and then proceed to lengthen at 1mm a day there after.    Guys, so far, I can say that each day has gotten a little better.  I hope this trend continues. 

Additional Notes - Good things to have

1. Portable Sink and someone to wash your hair.  For the first two weeks you will likely not enter into most showers for 2 - 3 weeks since it's extremely dangerous to try to get into one. -
2. If you must get into the showers, purchase a transfer chair.  This will allow you to slide from outside your shower, then into your shower easily while sitting .
3. Walker -
4. Reclining Wheelchair - Get one that allows you to fold the back of your seat 180 degrees....this way you can easily nap and change positions without having to transfer. The first week or two...transfers will be a long ordeal for you and likely very painful.   Make it easy on yourself.
5.  Keep those legs moving while you're at your desk - 
6. Overbed Table:
7. Vitamin D:
8. Extra long Grabber to help your reach things as needed - 
9. Bed side commode - Useful; but eventually you will be able to walker yourself to the toilet -

I'll add more items later; but this should get your ideas going.   I currently have incorporated all the above and its definitely been a great help.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 11:52:49 PM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 10 - More subtle improvement in post surgery pains. Dull pains introduce themselves in both legs [2.31mm Taller]

Happy to report that the left leg pain and overall sensitivity of joints and muscles through out my legs continue to come under control with each passing day.  My right leg and now my left leg, has just started to experience a dull type pain that lingers in and out.  Pain level 5/6.   At this current moment I'm doing okay....took Norco about 30 minutes a go.  I am keeping my  fingers crossed that the pain levels out in both legs over the next couple of days.  From my conversations with LL'ers of the past, the pain and healing really start to kick during week 3 (after 2 weeks)... So I'm doing all I can to be prepared to progress.

All-in-all, I can envision myself coming into a routine over the next several days.

My hopes and goals for the up-coming week:

- Take legitimate walker steps
- Pain to come under control for both legs
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 03:46:01 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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It’s sooooo exciting to read your diary :D :D
Thank you very much for taking your time and effort to describe all details.

What Dr M says about walking rehab now?
I heard that Paley actually encouraged patients with Stryde to walk as soon as possible after surgery, but I totally agree with you guys taking it easy not giving too much load on broken bones for the first few weeks.
Plan to have Stryde TIBIAS surgery with Donghoon
Welcome any NEGATIVE information of Donghoon
Any doctor with more than 5% complication rate is NOT acceptable


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It’s sooooo exciting to read your diary :D :D
Thank you very much for taking your time and effort to describe all details.

What Dr M says about walking rehab now?
I heard that Paley actually encouraged patients with Stryde to walk as soon as possible after surgery, but I totally agree with you guys taking it easy not giving too much load on broken bones for the first few weeks.

Hi Temaki!  Dr. M is actually very strict on saying that he wants me weight bearing as soon as I can tolerate it; even if its just a few baby steps. Most if not all of his patients are able to weight bear and are out and about on their walker shortly after surgery.   The first few days after surgery, I used the walker to take a few steps here and there; but I felt like the pain was extreme 9/10 level.  Dr. M says that walking as much as tolerated is important because it helps promote healthy bone growth and also is good for mucles and soft tissue.

The primary issue with me is that I had the weak left leg that needed to catch up with my right leg.    I'm going to re-introduce walking with the walker on Wednesday morning and hopefully this stays on permanent rehab option going forward.   I'm actually excited to try since my leg is feeling a lot better than they did a week ago.  Further more, once I can tolerate; the Styrde nails can hold my weight; so I will be working toward shedding any assistive device once its 100% safe.

I will keep you posted!
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congrats on your journey, 2019 will surely be exciting year for you!

I really enjoy reading your diary filled with many information, just one thing: how much have you spent so far in terms of the procedure and hospital expenses?

You may also want to substitute vitamin D for enriched whole food like sardine with bone-in and spinach, because vitamin supplements are synthetic drugs, or at least try to get ones from natural harvest food based vitamin.

I will be flying to Germany in mid May this year to have consultation with Dr. Betz and potentially going forth with procedure afterwards if i feel confident with what i hear and see overthere.


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Thank you for the kind words, ShortPainLongGain, and the great advice. I'll be taking you up on this advice because it's definitely better to consume Vitamin D the natural way. I'll do this in addition to the supplements.

Day 11 - More of the Same, Subtle improvement in all areas - [3.30mm Taller]

Good day, my friends.  I hope everyone had a productive day and for those of you out there currently in the LL process; I certainly hope you're coping with your day -to-day quite well. Today my legs felt less "dull" pain than the prior two days.  I'm not sure what brought on these aches; but from what I have heard from other diaries, aches, cramps, spasms, etc...are par for course and normal for this type of procedure.  Pain was down from what I would call a 6/7 to about a 4/5 which is a lot easier to tolerate.   I am still staying consistent with my Norco; but I am going to conscientiously ween myself off of Norco and preserve this drug for night time sleeping if needed.   I plan on switching over to Tylenol PM in the coming day and also incorporate "Icy Hot" cream in home to slow down the aches and better manage the pain.  I do not want to experience any Norco complications related to addiction, etc; so I am going to be very careful. 

Physical Therapy was good. Again, I emphasized to my professional home health PT that I prefer to wait until Wednesday before we start the walker again.  The surgery pains are just about subsided...well they will linger, i know, but the major pains are much more under control and I do not want any set backs due to a walker related injury/extreme inflammation due to my inability to properly stabilize.   I continue to lengthen little by little.   Pain level is currently fine and I'm looking forward to hopefully being up to weight bare or at least partially weight bare on my walker this week. Everyone send me some good luck vibes! 

One more note; I think after I am able to get on my walker okay I will likely do outpatient PT. I'd like to take advantage of everything a PT facility has to offer versus the convenience of staying at  home. Plus, I'm really wanting to get out of the  house more... So this may be a great choice for me.   I'll keep everyone up to date on my status and will check in tomorrow.  Have a great day!
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Glad you’re doing so well! Can you tell me how much the cost of stryde is with Dr M? If someone is flying from another country can they go home & lengthen? And can you ask Dr M if an 8.5 mmm stryde nail will be releasing?


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Glad you’re doing so well! Can you tell me how much the cost of stryde is with Dr M? If someone is flying from another country can they go home & lengthen? And can you ask Dr M if an 8.5 mmm stryde nail will be releasing?

Hi Ayesha,

Private Message me when you can and I'll share details.  One of the advantages and reasons I chose Dr. M was because he allows patients to lengthen and do physical therapy from home.   This is important to me.  He does require me to see him every 2 weeks for x-rays and assessment; however he may be flexible to you as long as you can provide him further detail on how you could manage providing x-rays etc from home.  I'm not sure.  Here is Dr. M's email. Please feel free to reach him. He responds to email fairly regularly to prospects and he answers his patients emails right away.  Shahab Mahboubian <>

I'll have today's update shortly. 
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 12 - Dull pain continues, left leg still behind right leg; but improvement, day-by-day we continue to grow. [4.62mm Taller] 

It was a fairly typical Tuesday for me as far as typical goes in the post - op world of CLL.  Highlights included a dul level 5/6 pain in both upper leg areas.  I managed pain with Norco and stretching.  I will continue to explore ways to conquer the pain issue. If I can over come the pain issue; this will get a lot simpler to handle.  All in all; not terrible though. No cries or moans; just don't like to have it there; but I do understand why it is there. It's still early, only 11 days post - op.  I'm almost 50% of 1 centimeter and I believe I can actually feel "something"... I can't say its tightness of course; because I have barely lengthened, but I do feel something happening in both femurs now after I do a lengthen.   It's awake in there.

Other that this; everything is normal for CLL standards.  I am able to lift my legs 180 degrees with pretty good authority at the moment and can bend my knees while sitting past 90 degrees with no issue. It's pretty tight and I'm working on it.  I worked out my upper body again with cables. I'm just trying to maintain some upper body strength while I'm going through this stretch marathon. I did 3 -  amateur PT sessions, 2 with myself and 1 with my sister.  Guys, wish me luck..tomorrow I meet with my home health PT and he and I will bust out the walker and take some steps.   If you have followed the diary so far; you have gotten an idea that my left leg has responded a bit more slowly as compared to  my right.  It's true; my left leg is just not that strong at this point; but it's doing much better since the surgery date.   We'll start out with baby steps tomorrow and it is my hope that I can build upon this; daily until my  legs are fully healed from surgical pain, reaction and inflammation.

No more updates available for today; but tomorrow I will have big news on my walker results.   

Other items on my mind

-Looking forward to walking again
-Planning on going back to work in early February, so long that pain is under control and I'm walking okay via walker and/or crutches.  I work remotely every day; but I miss my team and I want to go outside!
-In week 3 or 4, I will begin outpatient PT at a local PT clinic. I want to take advantage of all the facilities available to me. I also, just want to get outside  more and interact with people and things.
-Looking forward to working out harder at gym beginning in a few weeks after surgery pain is under control.
-Thinking of ways to manage pain better. Norco isn't helping me very much. Some but not much.  Any ideas are appreciated.   

Have a great evening and I'll be in touch tomorrow.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 02:53:19 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Hi InFullStryde,

Best of luck tomorrow. I know it’s hard, but you can do it.
It’s awesome if you can give us a video as you walking on a walker or a picture of your legs. It will help us having better visualization how LLer doing after only 13 days post-op. Hopefully your pain level will go down soon as well.
Stay strong


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Hi InFullStryde,

Best of luck tomorrow. I know it’s hard, but you can do it.
It’s awesome if you can give us a video as you walking on a walker or a picture of your legs. It will help us having better visualization how LLer doing after only 13 days post-op. Hopefully your pain level will go down soon as well.
Stay strong

Hi Be Strong! Thanks for checking in.   I like your screen name. It's a reminder of what we have to be during a life changing procedure like this one!  I will definitely take some pictures and soon video.    As reference with words, on day 13, my legs are barely have any redness, swelling or bruising at all.   My stitches are removed, and only small little band-aids are covering the incision areas.   Dr. M appears to have given me a clean cut or what they call a "Hollywood" scar in these parts. Ha Ha.  No redness, No real tightness and just very little swellling, limited to my "upper and inner" thighs.  I can even sit on my butt and lay on my side without feeling  pain in these areas...which is surprising because mostly everyone I have read about through diaries struggle to sleep on sides and butt due to the nail site pain.   I will add however, that I am still sleeping on my back because my legs aren't quite flexible or strong enough to sustain a position where I am on my side.    My PT is in one hour where I will begin my build up toward walking again, first via walker. I'll update later this evening on the status and how all this goes.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 09:18:28 PM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 13 - Pain subsiding, left leg stronger, I took my first REAL steps in the Walker [5.61mm Taller] 

Good Day LL'ers! 

Today was a great day.  It didn't start out great, however. I woke up early morning last night around 2:00am with 8 level pain in my right leg; but was able to extinguish the pain in about an hour or so with a Norco. I got past it; and when I woke up in the AM around 5:00am, the pain was hovering around a 5.  It continued to mellow out and I was able to enjoy most the day at a pain level of 3.  My left leg continues to feel better.   My legs feel like they are coming back together. I mind you, right after CLL surgery, your leg isn't going to feel like your own legs.  They are awkward feeling...They feel heavier, they feel like they are aligned differently, and your leg muscles are so very tight.  Your hamstrings and quads are wound up so very tightly...and its just something you want to expect and be ready for so you don't take it as anything more than a temporary side effect of this life changing surgery.  Once you begin PT, the next day, everything starts to build back to normal...but not only do you get to enjoy your legs returning to normal; you also get to enjoy added millimeters of height, each day!  Today was a good day as I mentioned.   

A big part of today's drama was.... Would I be able to take steps in a walker? I know that I need to take steps in order for the bone to grow back strong and fast... I know I need to take steps in order for me to return to normal walking gait and to have strong legs to match my new height... Week 3 is just around the corner; and I will be entering into my 1st new inch of height soon and I'll need to be pushing hard at my PT in order to get that 2nd and 3rd the pressure was on today. I wanted to walk so badly, but my left leg had bothered me so badly the first 10 days. Each day, I trained my left leg...I stretched it... I did muscle exercises and I remained positive. I told my self.... I CAN.... I WILL.... and I MUST....   My PT came into my apartment and we did some warm ups in my wheelchair and then he asks me.  Are you ready?  Let's walk. I said... "Let's go".   He got the walker and instructed me on the proper way to deploy into the walker.   I put both arms on my wheelchair handles, bent forward with my momentum facing the walker, and placed my right hand on the walker... I then postured and placed my left hand on the walker and I stood up straight.  With some instruction, I begin to walk step-over-step....20 steps in all to my rest room and back.  Then I walked to my living room and back twice. I took a total of nearly 50 steps.   They were natural steps.  Each step had a smooth knee bend and I was able to 100% weight bare on my shiny new Stryde nails while supporting my balance and weaker left leg with my walker.  I did it! I walked and now I'm ready to take major steps...just in time for week 3.    I was so proud to see myself come so far.   It will take a week or few before I can shed the walker, but today was a major step forward! 

As far as the rest of the day goes; I was able to work well remotely, ate normally, and listened to good music.   My pain was lower than it had been in days and I have so much gratitude for this day and the opportunity to "Stryde".   

Other thoughts

-I asked Dr. M for a suggestion on alternative pain medication for Norco and we both arrived at Tramadal. I'll start that up tomorrow and I think it may work pretty well.   "MY Evolution", another LL'er on here said that the combination of Tramadal and Tylenol was a great help to him. I'm going to try that out! 

-I have lengthened for 5 days straight now and, each time I lengthen, although I can't feel any stretching, while the ERC is running...i feel a dull pain immediately after. Does that mean it's working? lol. 

-I'm looking forward to walking again.  I will wait until my Pro Home PT session happens on Friday.

Have a great day guys. I'll keep you posted as time wears on and feel free to ask me any questions you might have. 

"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Hi InFullStryde,

This is probably the best diary ever ! Thanks so much!

1) How heavy and big is the ERC device? Is it portable in a backpack?

2) Do you manage working during this adventure? I read you wanted to work from home
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