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Author Topic: StrugglingHard - External Tibias - Dr. Sringari - 2013 - My Lengthening In India  (Read 38609 times)

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Hello Guys,

Here is my turn to make diary. As soon as I came to know about LL, I took fast decision for External Tibias with Dr. Sringari in just 3 days & booked flight for India.


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I love to make this diary short but comprehensive.
My original height 5'4'' (or 5.3'' keep changing Smiley )

01/09/2013 - Booked flight ticket for New Delhi
03/09/2013 - My flight departure at Tue, 03 Sep 2013, 20:45 hrs from Heathrow Airport
04/09/2013 -
-Landed New Delhi Airport at 9am (India time) in the morning. I was refreshed to see magnificent Delhi Airport. Bit tired to wait for Sunny outside airport, he came at 10.30 am.
-met Dr. Sringari who check my flexibility and said my flexibility is quite good
-went to Care home to meet LL ForumorLife.
-met Harken in his ward
-hospitalised in the evening at around 5pm
-So many doctors came one after another and asked what's wrong with me and why surgery. Quite awkward,my reply was ask to Dr. Sringari
- Nutritionist came and discussed abt food

05/09/2013 -
-Early morning, 3 team of gals/guys asking if I have any complaints against hospital management or any issue
-Took bath and shaved entire legs
-Anesthesia doctor asked me to stand up and told me quite good height, why for LL?
-Surgery started at 3.15 pm. I was almost killed when the OT technician tried to inject on my back 4/5 times. I lost all energy even before surgery.
-Surgery finished at 9.15 pm and shifted to ICU


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6/09/2013 -
-Doctors in ICU kept the epidural off as my right leg was numb & insensitive and then later at late night it epidural started.
- No pain, quite active.
- Dr. Sringari & his assistant Dr. Pradip came at 10 am and they were happy to see that I was so active.


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-Dr. Sringari  & Pradip came at around 10 am and shocked to see the swelling.
  I was so much happy to see how much he cares patient. He took sample immediately for observation and test and did Ultra sound but all seemed fine.
 He was not satisified with this, in the evening at around 9pm, CT scan was done


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8/9/2013 -
- Everything fine , not sure what caused that swelling. Perhaps, I feel unbearable pain for 24 hours without epidural caused it.
- In the evening shifted to ward

9/9/2013 -
-Seemed quite active (even thought that swelling is still bothering me) and decided with Harry  to go care home


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- fell my both legs on ground so hard while going to toilet, unbearable pain again and bleeding
- swelling reduces day by day while continue to bother me


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- removed bandage and started lengthening with .5mm on first day

ANOTHER PAIN  as bonus:

Seemed like my cut bones of left leg were rubbing while bending knees. I had crack/tingling/rubbing/attaching/detaching feelings.

12/9/2013 - 16/9/2013s(5 days) -  1mm per day x 5 = 5mm

TOTAL LENGTH = .5 mm + 5 mm = 5.5 mm


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My swelling and bone rubbing pain continues.... 1 day feel so much active one day and alternate night sleepless night.

17/9/2013 -  Took X-ray and Harry suggested to lengthen 1.25 mm per day.
               - Harry warned me and ask for written agreement if I lengthen more but after x-ray he asked 1.25 mm per day.

21/9/2013 - Tried to stand up with clutches but so difficult
26/9/2013 - Did proper standing by putting 70% weight
               - Stitching stapler pin removed.
27/9/203   - Started walking first time, LL ForumorLife will post video.
               - First time I could do full cycling during Gym session

17/9/2013 - 27/9/2013 (11 days ) - continue to lengthen 1.25 per day = 1.25 x 11 = 13.75 mm

TOTAL Length = .5 mm + 5 mm + 13.75 mm = 19.25mm.


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27/9/203 -
- Now I have only pain for pin's skin cutting
-Dr. Sringari came to visit us at care home and its 3rd time he visited since I came care home.


I dont like to appreciate Harry becoz I dont have suitable word to appreciate him but in one word he is "AMAZING".  He cares a lot.
But note that he still has not shown me my first X-ray and tomorrow I will get my 2nd X-ray.



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28/09/2013 - 2.50 AM at night -

I got up now after jst 1 & 1/2 hour of sleeping due to bearable pain but unable to sleep. Its 4th consecutive night I am awakened due to pain but I am not taking pain killer, trying to tolerate as I heard its not good to take pain killer regularly. A nerve connected to one of the pin (near the inner knee of my right leg) is causing painful. Yesterday, while cycling it was quite painful but I forcefully did full cycling at much faster speed.


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28/9/2013 -

- Took 2nd x-ray after 19.75 mm lengthening but Harry says x-ray shows only 1.6 mm. Dont know why so Sad
- My callous is growing so fast, Harry suggest to continue lengthening at rate of 1.25 mm per day. Not sure if its good or bad
- having muscle/nerve pull pains


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I have done 32mm but I dont see this much length in reality and I have extreme pin bending inspite of the fact that I dont stand much.  I feel whenever I lengthen its just causing pin to bend without lengthening bones and I have deep pin cut.

X-ray seems my bones are pre-consolidated as my callous growth is extremely good.

I was doing 1.25 mm yesterday and asked me to do 1.50 mm today so that it can be clearly checked tomorrow if my bones are preconsolidated and if so will cut my bones again. Dr. Sringari came today to visit


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My first x-ray taken on September 17, 2013:



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10/10/2013 :

After lengthening 3mm in 2 days + morning of 3rd day, Harry carried me for x-ray to finally confirm if I got preconsolidation.
Earlier X-rays showed almost possible sign of pre-consolidation but this time Harry took x-ray(which I will post later) from different directions including lateral. It was confirmed that there is no pre-consolidation. I had feeling of relief.


Harry carried me to hospital at around 3pm for my pin bending issue. I thought it will be simple matter. But it was nightmare for me. Pain was beyond imagination. Pain in my first surgery was just 0.1% of this time. This time, it was done with local pain killer injection. All 4 pins in both ankle changed by making new holes.

To fight the leg pain I hit so hard my knuckles on wall many times but no pain on my knuckles... I hit the hand with injection pin so hard but no pain..I pressed &twisted my old pin cut painful areas but no pain.. It seems these pains were not felt becoz of intense pain in leg. Only today I feel pain on my knuckles and hand. I had life threatening accident before, I cud tolerate easily bt I never felt any pain like this in life.

When I came out of OT, when I dont see anyone around, after waiting for sometime with unbearable pain when Harry came I got feeling of relief to see him. When u r suffering u need some dear ones around but Harry filled that gap. Harry dropped me in guest house at night. I personally feel that he has the charisma that give u pleasure to see him. 


Early morning, Harry visited when he came for Yoga. I could not join as I still have enough pain in right leg.


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I feel that after pin change, there shudnt be any loss in my lengthening as I have already lost almost 15days. Its struggle to stay one day like this with frame with a lot of undesirable lies to family, friends &work,  keeping aside other personal issues &taking risk. My family live just 40 min drive from guest house but they dont know I m under LL near to them. Losing just 1mm means 24 hours of extra suffering, that's hard to afford.

I was given sleeping injection 2 times but pain was too much that I cudnt close my eyes inspite being so sleepy


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I got Ex-ray and got 3.6 cm when I actually lengthened 5.3 cm


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I got my x-ray today. I am quite disappointed. My x-ray was taken from side view and its shows zero callus for entire length (6.3 cm L and 6.5 cm R).
Earlier a lot of confusion was created becoz my front view x-ray was showing full of imaginary callus and created fear for pre-consolidation and so I was instructed to turn 1.25. After turning 1.25 my pain was reduced.
After almost 3 months and turning and getting 6.5 cm, my callus for entire length (6.5 cm) is almost zero.  I take calcium + one of the best multivitamin + protein + spirulina + a lot of food/meat/milk/eggs/fruit and even started taking Lactogen for small baby since one week. I dont understnad where is my old callus gone, why entire length is zero callus? Why so late in finding it?

Perhaps x-ray is wrong? Dr. Sringari will give comment tomorrow.  I wanted to wait for his comments but I am unable to sleep and rest due to tension. I went through all kinds of pain from first day - epidural not connected just after surgery + unbearable pain and sleepless nights every night + my pins got changed due to high bending with unbearable pains and now my legs feel better but again another issue...


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I have been turning 0.75 and now instructed to stop turning and take rest.

1) Due to confusion for pre-consolidation, I didnt take any calcium+protein+multivitamin etc for first one month  and I was turning 1.25mm at fast pace.
2) Another thing is after my pins got changed due to bending, I was not standing at all for next one month from the day my pins got changed on 11/10/2013. Then I got approx 2cm ballerina and I started standing since last 20 days for 4 times for 16/17 min and my ballerina gone.

Perhaps first month of not taking calcium/multivitamin + my previous month of not standing at all contributed to lack of callus.

I will hear from Dr. Sringari today and let's see.


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Guys, I am feeling great relief to know that there is very less callus not completely blank as confirmed by Dr. Sringari. X-ray was not showing clearly but there is. I was bit worried and so posted without waiting for him, thinking that I will get urgent tips from old forum  guys who faced similar situation.


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Hi, Finger crossed. Will get x-ray on saturday - 7/12 and see what happens. It has been 7 days I have been stopping turning,.


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Got my x-ray, Harry says there is callus, Dr. Sringari will confirm today.

I got Exogen 4000.

I contacted Dr. Salame. He suggested me  via email that I have to place exogen "in deferent places of callus."


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I called customer care, they suggested me to place the exogen in the middle.

As per 2nd reply from Salame,  I have to use Exogen 4000 at diffrent places in diffrent days. I means one day in one place of callus and next day in other place, like this all places of callus in diffrent days.

Multiple suggestion bit cofused, shud I place on entire length of callus multiple times or in the middle once.


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Thank God, Dr. Sringari just confirmed that I have callus and advised to start lengthening 0.5mm perday


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Got my 2nd x-ray after no-callus, my callus formation is much better now :)


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Done stem cells surgery. Bit painful in waist area from where bone marrow was taken.  It costs Rupees 219,000/-
Suggested me to stop lengthening for 2 days.


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X-ray taken and came to know my callus is empty.

Putting up my old xray



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Xray taken and seen callus:



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I took that x-ray some more than 2weeks back. I hope it should be better now. I am getting next xray on Monday.

I take chicken, milk 1kilo daily, eggs, protein powder 2 times, Lactogen for kids 2 times, Spirulina, Multivitamins, Calcium + Vitamin D3.
I dnt smoke and drink. I am not sure why my callus is so bad.

Unfortunately my exogen failed to work only after 2 weeks of buying and I paid $470 in ebay. Hope my stem cells will give some good result soon.


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Got x-ray and CT scan, got 8.8 cm. Will remove frame on 31st and expect to gain around 10 cm.

Got 2-3 cm ballerina, right foot badly twisted.

Will fly back on 28 Feb. Got better callus but not wow. Hope to walk at least few metres as I have to join work on 3rd march.


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Removed frame. I got badly twisted foot (worse after removal of bandage).



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