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Author Topic: Stand Taller diary - The first day of the rest of my life (Betz Bone 14.01.2022)  (Read 29204 times)

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Stand taller

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Yes, with respect, what country are you from that women are so slutty?

I live in northern Europe, but I don't want to be more specific than that. I wouldn't say women are slutty at all, to the contrary. I have not experienced anything like this in the previous 25 years of my life. Before all of this, I had once been called handsome or hot directly to my face. And maybe I've gotten a handful of you're good looking. The women haven't changed, only my height. But it is super interesting how much those 11,5cm have changed my life.

Curious, around what male height do you suspect this threshold is, in your part of the world?  For instance based on your own recent experience with getting taller, or what you have observed among peers.

In my part of the world I think being around 1-2cm +/- the average height puts me into the normal category. I think that also would apply in other countries and parts of the world. But I may be wrong, because I've learnt in the past four months that most women (feels crazy to even write this) now find me attractive. So for me with my looks, getting close to average height has been key. So it is hard for me to speak for the average looking dude.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
My diary:


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I live in northern Europe, but I don't want to be more specific than that. I wouldn't say women are slutty at all, to the contrary. I have not experienced anything like this in the previous 25 years of my life. Before all of this, I had once been called handsome or hot directly to my face. And maybe I've gotten a handful of you're good looking. The women haven't changed, only my height. But it is super interesting how much those 11,5cm have changed my life.

In my part of the world I think being around 1-2cm +/- the average height puts me into the normal category. I think that also would apply in other countries and parts of the world. But I may be wrong, because I've learnt in the past four months that most women (feels crazy to even write this) now find me attractive. So for me with my looks, getting close to average height has been key. So it is hard for me to speak for the average looking dude.

Please don't take all our women. Let's share a few. 8)


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In my part of the world I think being around 1-2cm +/- the average height puts me into the normal category. I think that also would apply in other countries and parts of the world. But I may be wrong, because I've learnt in the past four months that most women (feels crazy to even write this) now find me attractive. So for me with my looks, getting close to average height has been key. So it is hard for me to speak for the average looking dude.

When now being close to the average I get that, since you're definitely no longer short, but you said here earlier "if you are not above the height threshold, you're basically invisible", and I was wondering what your thoughts are on how tall a guy would have to be to not be invisible where you are, assuming above average looks. At 170? 173? 175?


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I live in northern Europe, but I don't want to be more specific than that. I wouldn't say women are slutty at all, to the contrary. I have not experienced anything like this in the previous 25 years of my life. Before all of this, I had once been called handsome or hot directly to my face. And maybe I've gotten a handful of you're good looking. The women haven't changed, only my height. But it is super interesting how much those 11,5cm have changed my life.

In my part of the world I think being around 1-2cm +/- the average height puts me into the normal category. I think that also would apply in other countries and parts of the world. But I may be wrong, because I've learnt in the past four months that most women (feels crazy to even write this) now find me attractive. So for me with my looks, getting close to average height has been key. So it is hard for me to speak for the average looking dude.

It is incredible what 11 cm can do... imagine 15-16, when it comes to height it is inevitable to mentalize a number, especially with women, when you are less than 5'9 you are invisible but if you say 6'0 or you are still more explicit and says one hundred and eighty-three centimeters automatically the treatment towards the person changes, absurd and incredible at the same time as the focus on height is led by a simple number.

By the way, are you planning a second surgery? 11.5cm on your femurs is incredible but the femur-tibia relationship is uneven and can cause future discomfort. A user from the old forum called "Tall" made 11 cm in femurs with Betz just like you and to avoid possible signs of arthritis he underwent a second surgery of 6 cm in tibia

A handsome boy who just wants to be tall

Aiming for Betzbone at Becker/Betz Institute.


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Thanks for your diary, Stand Taller. It is the best one I've read.

Stand taller

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When now being close to the average I get that, since you're definitely no longer short, but you said here earlier "if you are not above the height threshold, you're basically invisible", and I was wondering what your thoughts are on how tall a guy would have to be to not be invisible where you are, assuming above average looks. At 170? 173? 175?

I've got a few updates on my experience with women and some of your questions. I was back in my home town the past weekend, and had some very interesting and insane experiences. I was also thinking a lot about the "threshold" question some of you guys had.

Day 1
I met up with a few friends I've known for 25 years for a few beers. Saw then like two years ago, and I was curious if they would notice my height at all. Both are pretty tall at around 185-186cm. After catching up for a few hours we parted ways, and there wasn't even the slightest hint of my height or any talk around that subject at all. So far, only my friends who where taller than me at my old height are the only people who have noticed. Later that nigh I met up with another friend who is around 172-173cm. So taller than my old height, and notably shorter than me now. I've known him for a good 6-7 years, but wouldn't say we're close and only really meet up for beers now and then. He didn't either mention my height.

But heres comes the part you guys may be interested in, because my friend is very handsome. Like a proper chad, and at the we went out to three (three!) girls approached him at once. Granted, all of these girls where friends. But it was so funny and interesting to observe all of these women giving clear choosing signals, and being very giggly as such. So for very handsome men, like 9-10/10 on the looks scale. I think being a 172-173cm may be the threshold. I've had a few friends who are at this height that pull a lot of women, but I think the key here is a very handsome face. For my self, I don't think I would have the same amount of success as I have now "only" being 172-173cm.

As the bar got more and more crowded that night, more and more people where walking and passing our table. I was at this point sitting on a typical bar stool, so sitting quite heigh. As women walk by, stoped a few and talked to others. Then this one lady, around my age but still very hot. After like saying hi and exchanging a few words just starts making out with me! We make out for a few minutes and then she goes of onto the dance floor. In shock I turn to my friends are equally shocked. JUST TO BE CLEAR, I have never had anything like this happen to me in my life! What an insane experience! Later that night I talked to another random girl in the bar, she was super hot and 23 years old. When her friend came over she introduced me as "this cute guy from so and so". Yeah, that has also never happened to me before.

My thoughts on height threshold and attention from women:

From what I know about looks, the looks scale, both from research and personal experience. I would maybe break it down like this (below). And just be aware, this is only my personal opinion, but this is a subject I have "researched" for maybe around ten years at this point. We are few friends who are very interested in this topic and have talked about this for hundreds of hours. And have tried to look at this as objective as possbile. And me having personal experience being 165cm and now 177cm, it does give me unique insight. This insight is also collaborated with one of my best friends, who know all about my surgery and we've been out tons of times before and now after my surgery (more on that on day two).

This scale is for northern Europe, and has to be adjusted for your local region. The basis of this scale is being "visible" to most women, where the default male experience is being "invisible" to most women. From what I understand, the average looking male normally doesn't have mostly positive experience cold approaching women at bars and clubs (let me know if I am wrong about this). This is my personal experience being about an 8/10 in the face, but 165cm tall.

SCALE FOR "Mostly positive attention from women"
9+/10 looks. 172-173cm threshold (Super Chad)
8//10 looks. 175-177cm threshold (Chad)
7/10 looks. 180-182cm (Chad lite)
6/10 looks. 187-189cm threshold (above average looks)
5/10 looks. 190cm+ (average looking dude, vast majority of men fall into this category)

Being below average looks, I think that height absolutely helps. But you still won't get mostly positive attention from women.

Day 2
Met up with a friend who is really into pick-up artist stuff (something I really don't buy into, just for context). I think height and looks is key, and game just being basically "don't fk up and you're good". My friend, let's call him Mr Pickup is around 187cm tall and about average looking, and my other friend is 200cm tall and is a Chad lite. At this bar we approached these three women and sit down with them. The dark haired girl is short, while the two other are tall. The blond being around 180cm and the brunette being 183cm tall. So I'm thinking that the two tall girls are a no go. But as we move to another bar with these girls (all are 25 years old) I'm vibing with the brunette and we get into the height discussion. And she basically says that men around my height isn't and issue for her, that its all good. So I very checkly reply "so you like what you see" as I point to my face and says "yes I do, you are very handsome".

We then all go to this night club and me and my friends split from the girls and find three other girls on the dance floor. At this point I'm getting pretty drunk and while dancing spilt some beer over one of the girls, me thinking she's gonna be pissed - just says "naaaw you're good" and just continues dancing with us. At this point MrPickup leaves as he feels he's not getting much attention from the other girls or any of these new girls. So while we continue dancing with these new girls, another two girls come on from the side. One of them moves in close to me and shouts "my friend thinks you're hot". I then move over, say hi to friend, dance a little bit with them before going back to the other new girls. We dance with them until the night club closes, but invite them over for some drinks at my hotel room down the street. They actually say yes, last minute suddenly bolt. Not sure why, but I think one them just got super drunk and had to throw up since the bolted quickly.

I as me and Mr200cm make our way out of the night club we spot the three girls we met earlier, and invite them over for the after party. And they kindly join us. Back a my hotel room (a nice big suite) we pop a bottle of wine and just chill. At this point I'm thinking the brunette was the one interested, but I end up talking with the blond instead because of how we sat down in the sofa. The blond seems to be the "leader" and was honestly may be the prettiest one of the bunch. Either way, as me and the blond get more and more into the conversation, it gets really late and the girls decide it's time to go. As they are leaving the blond excitingly says "there is something I really wanna tell you", and I'm like "what?!", and she replies "you know what", and I'm like "no, I don't". They then leave. But less than a minute later she comes back because she forgot her purse, I meet her in the hall of the suite hand over her purse and I say "tell me what you wanted to tell me" and she says "I'm pretty sure you know what I was gonna say" and then gives me a big long kiss before running of.

Me and Mr200cm sit down and "debrief" and talk about the night as whole. For context me and Mr200cm have been out a million times before, the past ten years, just the two of us. So this isn't our first rodeo. My friend also knows all about my surgery and has observed how hard it has been for me going out all of these years being 165cm tall. And not only that, but with him being 2 meters tall! I was literally in his shadow. Seriously, we had a lot of fun going out, but I WAS ALWAYS in his shadow. If I wasn't invisible enough being 165cm tall, I was even more invisible when going out with him.

I ask him this "what is you honest and objective opinion about how women look, treat and respond to me now that I am normal height". He laughs as he replies "isn't it blatantly obvious? You're a f****** chick magnet now". He goes on to say that there is a night and day difference, and how in the past would keep it a secret when he met women out, because he felt bad how hard things where for me comparatively. And yes, that is all true, when it came to women going out with him was  . But not anymore. He then told me, we've never once in the past ten years brought girls back to an after parter.

Lastly my friends say something that was a real shocker. Remember my friend is 2 meters tall and good looking. He is used to getting a lot of attention from women, to the point where men get hostile. He then closes with these before leaving to go home.

"I have never in my life, never, not once in a setting like this been considered number two by most of the women we met tonight. Both the blond and the brunette liked you more than me, that girls on the dance floor liked you more than me, and then the other random girls also liked you and didn't even acknowledge me. So yeah, there is pretty F****** large difference from before"

So yeah, every week out I am experiencing new things I've never ever had happen to me in my life before. This surgery really has changed my life for the better. My only regret is not doing this earlier in my life!
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Thanks for sharing man, happy for you


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Ive had a similar experience with people not noticing my new height. None of my friends above my current height (about 95% of them) noticed. Most people only notice, once you are taller than they are.

But im pretty sure my non-existent female friends would have noticed.
Unilateral Quadrilateral Lengthening 2021/22 w/ Koehne
Pre-Surgery: 1.67 m
Post-Surgery: 1.76 m
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Hey man ! I have been following your posts for some months and you are the greatest motivation when faced with anxiety related to the surgery. I will have my surgery on February with Becker, 163cm looking for around +10. There are a lot of threads emmiting bad opinions about +8 with Becker, so I try to see what the actual patients think.
How are you feeling now ? Is mobility satisfactory ? do you feel any pain after all this time ? do you consider that your physical condition is good enough now compared to pre-surgery ? Or do you feel that you had to pay some sort of price in physical terms ?

Thanks and looking forward to read more from you !

Stand taller

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Hey man ! I have been following your posts for some months and you are the greatest motivation when faced with anxiety related to the surgery. I will have my surgery on February with Becker, 163cm looking for around +10. There are a lot of threads emmiting bad opinions about +8 with Becker, so I try to see what the actual patients think.
How are you feeling now ? Is mobility satisfactory ? do you feel any pain after all this time ? do you consider that your physical condition is good enough now compared to pre-surgery ? Or do you feel that you had to pay some sort of price in physical terms ?

Thanks and looking forward to read more from you !

My best advice is to listen to Dr Becker and follow their recommendations. Remember, I did an extreme length at 11,5cm. I am still not 100% recovered almost two years post surgery and I probably won't be fully recovered for another year. Does that mean I cannot function normally? Absolutely not. My only issue is a tight left IT-band. An IT-band release would probably alleviate most of the stiffness, but for now I will try to work it out with physio and training. After stretching and getting heat into my muscles I can run, jog, and walk just fine. For me, it is worst after sitting in a car for a longer period of time. That is when I am at my stiffest. And also when sick and after being sick, my legs tend to stiffen up. I was sick over Christmas, and am just now starting to feel like my "normal" self. I'd say I am at about 95% mobility in my right leg, and 80-85% in my left leg. Mobility is so good, that it really doesn't bother me of affect me on the daily. If I did do less length I probably would have been fully recovered by now, but that is just the price for that extra height.

I do not have any pain, and haven't had any pain since like the summer of 2022.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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How is it going with your recovery?

Walking and stiffness?

What about running, and do you do other kinds of exercise or sports?


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Bonjour à tous,

Après de nombreuses recherches sur le LL, des heures d'angoisse et des nuits blanches qui m'ont rendu dingue, je suis en dépression depuis que j'ai ressenti ce complexe vers mes 20 ans. J'ai maintenant 27 ans. Vous venez tout simplement de me redonner espoir, je suis tellement heureux de lire ce post.

Mesurant 1m62, j'ai un passé similaire au vôtre avec les filles : elles me trouvent beau et charmant, sans vouloir me vanter. Si seulement je pouvais atteindre 1m70, je serais le plus heureux du monde.

J'ai dévoré votre post, page après page, avec une forte émotion à chaque lecture. Même si 1m70 n'est pas très grand, je sais que cela augmenterait mon attirance, car à 1m62, je vois les regards des femmes liés à ma taille.

Je suis stupéfait de tomber sur ce forum, tellement émerveillé. Il ne me reste plus qu'à économiser et à me lancer dans cette aventure, que je suis depuis des années.

Merci à vous, merci pour votre témoignage et la constance de vos commentaires. Votre parcours est remarquable.
1m60-61 - objectif 1M68


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Hello everyone,

After much research on LL, hours of anguish and sleepless nights that drove me crazy, I've been in depression since I felt this complex around my 20s. I'm now 27. You've just given me hope, I'm so happy to read this post.

Measuring 1m62, I have a similar history with girls as you: they find me handsome and charming, without wishing to boast. If only I could reach 1m70, I'd be the happiest person in the world.

I devoured your post, page after page, with strong emotion at every reading. Even though 1m70 isn't very tall, I know it would increase my attractiveness, because at 1m62, I see women's looks linked to my height.

I'm stunned to come across this forum, so amazed. All I have to do now is save my money and embark on this adventure, which I've been following for years.

Thank you, thank you for your testimony and the consistency of your comments. Your journey is remarkable.

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1m60-61 - objectif 1M68

Stand taller

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Hello everyone,

After much research on LL, hours of anguish and sleepless nights that drove me crazy, I've been in depression since I felt this complex around my 20s. I'm now 27. You've just given me hope, I'm so happy to read this post.

Measuring 1m62, I have a similar history with girls as you: they find me handsome and charming, without wishing to boast. If only I could reach 1m70, I'd be the happiest person in the world.

I devoured your post, page after page, with strong emotion at every reading. Even though 1m70 isn't very tall, I know it would increase my attractiveness, because at 1m62, I see women's looks linked to my height.

I'm stunned to come across this forum, so amazed. All I have to do now is save my money and embark on this adventure, which I've been following for years.

Thank you, thank you for your testimony and the consistency of your comments. Your journey is remarkable.

Translated with (free version)

I am glad you find my diary and story useful and hopeful.

To answer another question first

"How is it going with your recovery?

Walking and stiffness?

What about running, and do you do other kinds of exercise or sports?"

I am getting better and better every day, the worst for me is still sitting up and down on a chair or in a car for hours. I am still not back to my old self yet, that will take time. I run two kilometers three times a week after going doing physio. Remember I did twice the length most people do, so recovery is going to be at least twice the time. But I am just taking one day at a time, and for me there is little inconvenience with my stiffness.

Back to quika34

Going from 162cm to 170cm is going to change your life. If you are getting compliments and kind words from women at 162cm, I cannot imagine what attention you are going to get at 170cm. When I was 165cm I VERY SELDOM got any compliments from female strangers. Maybe 5-10 in totalt from age 13 til age 36. Since May last year (the past 54 weeks) I've gotten 68 compliments about my looks. I have gone from NEVER approaching any women at bars or clubs, to approaching anywhere between 200-400 women the last year. Going from 165cm to 177cm has changed my life in so many ways, but I never it would affect my dating life like this.

I can't wait to read you journey once you start!
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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@Stand taller

Thank you very much for your answer.

My height is between 1m60 and 1m61. In France, there seems to be a surgeon who performs this operation for men with dwarfism, as well as for those under 1m60. So I should be eligible, and have an appointment soon.

As for attracting women, I've often received positive feedback. I've had a few relationships, including one-night stands. I've learned a lot about myself and worked on my charisma.

However, I'm currently going through a very difficult period: everything's falling apart, whether it's work, my love life, and my finances aren't at their best. I need to get out of this situation quickly.

I hope that the operation will be accepted so that I can finally put an end to this mental torture linked to my size. If I were to go from 1m60 to 1m68, with high shoes, I could reach 1m70-71, which would be a radical change. Finally, I hope it would take away the mental torture of my height.

I really hope it happens. If I can achieve this lengthening in the next few years, I'd be delighted to share my experience. I'm so glad I found this forum!
1m60-61 - objectif 1M68
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