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Author Topic: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that  (Read 8613 times)

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2020, 01:53:11 PM »

I'm 173, 175 in the morning.

Since I'm a little under average I'd benefit this surgery a lot. Because I can simply be taller for the rest of my life with good proportions.
If you are short, everything related to you will be short (average measurements, there are people with too long torso lengths for their height but it's like 1/10000). Your hands, your skull, your feet, your torso, shoulders etc.

The best LL is when you go to "tall" from "average". If you are saying that you'd never do CLL at 170cm, it's because you were not born at that height. If I were like 160cm, I'd definetely think that 170is a good height. But it's not. It sucks. You feel like god has cursed you. He has given you everything but height. It's a real torture.

Being below 170 is 2x torture, I know. But if you are in 160cm range and be 170, you'll simply have long legs and small af torso. It has a great chance of looking bad. Me, as an average person I can tell you that my torso and my limbs are as tall as the natural tall guys. So are most of the people I know who are average. Tall people only has 5-10cm advantage coming from their legs. Their torso would be taller than mine maximumly 2cm. Why not lengthening my legs to be "tall"? It's the best gift in the world.

Mostly average people have problems with their arm length and hand length. But I'm lucky to have big hands. In my future CLL experience (if happens) the only - thing will be my slightly short arms. Nobody will care though. But if you are short and be average, it won't look as good as average to tall CLL.
Not really.
I was a very big guy, with 45cm arms and 118 chest width at 1.68 cm. Like me there are many bidybuilders with height less than 1.70 (D. Jackson, Lee Priest) who are massive but still short.
There are many big guys (big arms, wide back) who are just short as there are plenty average or tall guys who are skinny.
Big and tall is not the same.

And a short one will have more benefits if he becomes average because from almost nothing he is back in the track.
An average becoming tall has things easier than before on dating (nowhere else) amd thats it. A short one however will have benefits in everything if he becomes average.
That said if you are very short and still short after LL, things will become somehow better but still most problems will remain.



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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2020, 01:58:43 PM »

^ 1000% agree
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2020, 02:00:01 PM »

If that‘s true, then why has my uncle who is 188 cm been single his entire life? He’s a great guy, not ugly, just not very handsome. I actually know quite a few guys who are not popular with women despite being tall.

Maybe he has a bad body, style or ugly face ir he is a retarf who can't even talk to a woman normally.
I can guarantee you though that if he was short he would be a disaster with women.



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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2020, 02:00:12 PM »

Though if you go from very short to short, the externals may still be the same but the mental shift is HUGE for the person themselves. And ultimately that's what matters
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #66 on: September 07, 2020, 02:06:04 PM »

The same told me my LL doctor before doing me achilles tendon lengthening, that the difference won't be visible to anyone other than athletes, and I couldn't even walk properly!
If I haven't done tendon shortening with my last doctor (God bless him) I would be doomed.
So, in a few words, doctors say bs to promote their work and get money.

Of course you'll lose a lot of athletic abilities, you risk oremature arthritis etc with LL, no matter what some doctors say. Stretching your tissues for 6-8 cm is not a joke.
That said, if things go well, eith a good doctor and without lengthenung too much, you'll walk good and generally be fine, but you won't be competitive in any sport that needs your feet, just an average amateur if you train hard.

So, if doing sports is the most important for you, LL wilk ruin you. If you are a normal person, LL and the social benefits of being taller will really help your life a lot. You can't have everything in life.

Ive no idea where you got this done, but Dr. Kevin Debiparshad is board certified and American. He has degrees from Harvard and a great  Canada university and done fellowship with Paley. He uses newest and minimally invasive technology. He is confident of this procedure enough to bring it to main stream attention.

He went to "DOCTORS" TV show and presented a patient to a live audience. You have to be really confident about this to do that. He has done interviews with major media outlets. Telling some lies to patients in person is one thing but in front a live TV audience seen by hundreds of thousands is a different matter. He is putting a lot of reputation at stake. He wouldnt do it unless he was sure.

He wants this procedure to become mainstream and not something only crazy people do. This builds confidence in the procedure. People can do it without hiding.

The only thing for me is to see "skin in the game". If he does it for himself, I Would be convinced 100%.

In fact I still have hope that he will do this some day. That he will be pausing new patients for a month or two until his surgery is done. Then it will become more mainstream.


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #67 on: September 07, 2020, 02:07:41 PM »

Dude I don’t know why but in almost every single post in this forum, even if about different topics, you always wrap up every information about your body your height your proportion claiming how good you can be with the surgery but I don’t know what’s your purpose lol. If you are so sure about this don’t worry you don’t need to look for the approval of the forum dwellers, don’t need to convince yourself

Cus that's how I am Tartar. Yes you don't "know". Das how 'am rollin'. You might wanna simply ignore my content. I'm a supermaniac. I'll keep asking these questions again. Tomorrow again, later, again. You'll see a lot of my stupid posts here. If only there was a blocking feature. You could simply block me and boom.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2020, 02:11:19 PM »

edit: If you are doing it for women, after your CLL when you get to know a girl and she starts to like you, you'll be paranoid because your prominent feature (your height) will be artificial and you'll simply know that, that girl would have never liked you if you hadn't get the CLL done. It will probably hurt. Don't do it for women!
Becoming tall from average is only for women and easier dating.
If you are not doing it for dating at your height, then you are comoletely false and delutional.

I did LL mostly for that and I am thinkimg to become really tall with another LL only for that, as now at 1.76 I don't face difficulties in any other aspect of my life. And I never cared if a woman dated me at my orevious height, she may not and I don't care at all. She wouldn't maybe date me if I was skinny and not muscular or if I wore bad clothes. But I am what I am and my new height is a part of me so I don't care about all these nonsense.
After all, I wouldn't date too a woman if she didn't have a fit body or king hairs, etc. So if my current gf was obese I wouldn't have dated her. But she isn't, as I am not short anymore. So noone cares about all these, you are what you look now, not in the past. And any LLer tried a lot for his height so he must be much more proud of it compared to any natural born average-tall guy.


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2020, 02:24:16 PM »

I'm definetely not doing it for dating. As I said, nobody has ever called me short. It's all about my perspective. I want to be the guy in my standarts and there's nothing wrong with that. My mindset is what kills me. I'm a do or die guy. If there's a thing which can make you taller, I'd prefer dying while doing it. I just don't want to stay in this range. I just wanna be taller. That's plain.

Also yeah, I wanna be modelling. Probably ain't gonna be a professional but who cares. I'm thinking about starting my own clothing company soon. I have 2-3 close relatvies who are in this industry so my back is tight. I'm not delusional or anything lol.. Also, my style is good but nothing fkn fits me because of my height. I need longer limbs. It's all about liking myself when I look at the mirror. Sometimes I don't even wanna go out because of my height.

second edit: If I were taller I'd probably be the guy who every girl is trying to fk with but he doesn't care at all. I'm not really into these stuff tbh lol. Fking, sxx etc. Because in my entire high school time I've made out so much that I'm fkn fulfilled for life now. I'm a kid btw. You all are older than me.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #70 on: September 07, 2020, 02:28:11 PM »

You can't have everything in life.

Not exactly. Some people do have everything in life. CR7 is the definition of having everything in life. Basically there are lots of tall athletes.

Athletic functions are a huge sacrifice. Even if you're not a professional athlete, it will still be helpful in some situations

Says you're being attacked and chased by some thugs on the streets and you are required to run as fast as possible for survival.

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #71 on: September 07, 2020, 02:30:55 PM »

Ive no idea where you got this done, but Dr. Kevin Debiparshad is board certified and American. He has degrees from Harvard and a great  Canada university and done fellowship with Paley. He uses newest and minimally invasive technology. He is confident of this procedure enough to bring it to main stream attention.

He went to "DOCTORS" TV show and presented a patient to a live audience. You have to be really confident about this to do that. He has done interviews with major media outlets. Telling some lies to patients in person is one thing but in front a live TV audience seen by hundreds of thousands is a different matter. He is putting a lot of reputation at stake. He wouldnt do it unless he was sure.

He wants this procedure to become mainstream and not something only crazy people do. This builds confidence in the procedure. People can do it without hiding.

The only thing for me is to see "skin in the game". If he does it for himself, I Would be convinced 100%.

In fact I still have hope that he will do this some day. That he will be pausing new patients for a month or two until his surgery is done. Then it will become more mainstream.
You are delusional.
Breaking your bones and inserting internal nails or external screws and giving many dollars while in pain, risking terrible consequences (infections, nerve damage) and never being able to use your feet at 100% as you did before will NEVER become mainstream.
And I don't care what Derbipashad or some crooks all over the world (especialy on third world countries) say about LL, almost no resoectable doctor does it for cosmetic surgery and that means a lot of how risky it is and what consequences it has for a healthy person.

LL is only fir the strong, brave and most if all determined to leave behind all the social stigma that comes with a bad height on a man.
A real LLer won't care how much exact percentage of athletic abilities will lose and all these bs that people who will never have the guts to do LL always talk about.
A real LL'er finds a doctor that he can trust, gathers the money for the best he can afford (if he has a lot then Stryde, if the budget is tight then external tibias) and does it, with all the risks and knowing that he'll never be like before, from a minor degree if everything goes well to a big.
Everyrhing else is for delusionals ehi believe businessmen doctors telling them that they will be 100% like before, without risks and pain. Things that are totally bs and lies.

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2020, 02:40:01 PM »

Not exactly. Some people do have everything in life. CR7 is the definition of having everything in life. Basically there are lots of tall athletes.

Athletic functions are a huge sacrifice. Even if you're not a professional athlete, it will still be helpful in some situations

Says you're being attacked and chased by some thugs on the streets and you are required to run as fast as possible for survival.
You can't have LL and a very good height with 100% function.
Thats what I was saying.
If course some men are very lucky to have a very good appearance but they may luck in braims, education etc like CR7.
Noone is perfect.

If you are attacked from thiefs, most of the times you won't run because you are risking your life.mych more.
Also, it will be better to have a magnum with you than be fast, so if you don't carry a gun you could say that you are in a disadvantage and everyone should own a gun.
All these are hypotheses.
The only way to become taller is doing LL and it is for sure that you'll lose some of your athletic abilities.

If avoiding thiefs and running fast is more important from having everyday benefits or at least don't face drawbacks for your height, then you can choose to remain as you are.
Personally, I am more than happy walking normal and running slowly at 1.76 than I ever was at running really fast at 1.68,5.


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2020, 02:40:39 PM »

Height is the most important factor for a man's appearqnce fkr women and this is objectively admited from them.
Most of them prefer dark guys but some of them like blondes, many of them like muscular guys but many also like more fit ones etc but the vast majority of women agree to ine thing about men. They want them tall or at least average. That is an objective truth and if you accept it, you can see that if you are short one (like I was before my LL) anything else doesn't matter (I had expensive clothes, big muscles like now, a good face etc but at 1.68 I was nearly invisible for most of women) and LL is the only way.
But if you are at least average, things are different,although a tall height is always a benefit, but not that crucial.

Not if you belong in the normal height range, a 178cm 9/10 face will beat a 186cm 6/10 face. Of course a 8/10 185cm guy will have an advantage over a 9/10 176cm one. If you go below 175cm, it's becoming harder and harder and you'd have to make up with extremely handsome face, money and I don't fking know what else.
I'm pretty sure there's a point in height, be it 150, 155, 160cm where it doesn't even matter how handsome you are, even if you have a 10/10 gorgeous face you will take NOs from women. There's no handsome face escape latch. It's the black hole event short height reject horizon.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #74 on: September 07, 2020, 03:04:57 PM »

Cus that's how I am Tartar. Yes you don't "know". Das how 'am rollin'. You might wanna simply ignore my content. I'm a supermaniac. I'll keep asking these questions again. Tomorrow again, later, again. You'll see a lot of my stupid posts here. If only there was a blocking feature. You could simply block me and boom.
A don’t be offended, you can open many talks about it, I just say this to avoid going off topic too many times


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #75 on: September 07, 2020, 03:10:52 PM »

Guys I just think that in the life moderation is needed. You can be short, but not too short, going under 170 your appearance start decreasing, exponentially under 165. You can be ugly but not too ugly. You can be out of proportion, but not too much, not a freak. That’s all. There are some aesthetic traits for which you need a minimum value, if you don’t have this minimum value it’s very hard to compensate with your others qualities.


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #76 on: September 07, 2020, 04:16:45 PM »

You can't have LL and a very good height with 100% function.
Thats what I was saying.
If course some men are very lucky to have a very good appearance but they may luck in braims, education etc like CR7.
Noone is perfect.

If you are attacked from thiefs, most of the times you won't run because you are risking your life.mych more.
Also, it will be better to have a magnum with you than be fast, so if you don't carry a gun you could say that you are in a disadvantage and everyone should own a gun.
All these are hypotheses.
The only way to become taller is doing LL and it is for sure that you'll lose some of your athletic abilities.

If avoiding thiefs and running fast is more important from having everyday benefits or at least don't face drawbacks for your height, then you can choose to remain as you are.
Personally, I am more than happy walking normal and running slowly at 1.76 than I ever was at running really fast at 1.68,5.

Running fast is just an example. What I'm trying to say is athletic functions aren't really something to underestimate.

And if only it's the only trade-off of LL, I probably would still do it. But apart from that,

1. It isn't free. It costs a lot of money.

2. Several months of unbearable pain. Some say it's more painful than getting hit by a car.

3. All things that can go wrong during surgery & lengthening phase: infection, fat embolism, non-union, etc. Unicorn is the best example  for this.

4. If you're lucky and pass all those, you'll still face possible long term complications: such as the one you mentioned: "premature arthritis" which among the popular ones. And the unpopular ones such as possible shortened life expectancy.

Because you said "Stretching your tissues for 6-8 cm is not a joke." Is it possible that it will cause any circulatory problems/your heart having to work harder making you more prone to life-threathening disease such as cardiac arrest and such?

5. And on top of that: reduced athletic functions (guaranteed)

Then you gain 2".


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #77 on: September 07, 2020, 04:57:24 PM »

Guys I just think that in the life moderation is needed. You can be short, but not too short, going under 170 your appearance start decreasing, exponentially under 165. You can be ugly but not too ugly. You can be out of proportion, but not too much, not a freak. That’s all. There are some aesthetic traits for which you need a minimum value, if you don’t have this minimum value it’s very hard to compensate with your others qualities.

I would add that we need a better alternative for height increase.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #78 on: September 07, 2020, 06:00:40 PM »

I would add that we need a better alternative for height increase.
Yes but at least we can go for this one, once not even LL was possibile


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #79 on: September 07, 2020, 06:12:46 PM »

Yes but at least we can go for this one, once not even LL was possibile

Sure, but
Running fast is just an example. What I'm trying to say is athletic functions aren't really something to underestimate.

And if only it's the only trade-off of LL, I probably would still do it. But apart from that,

1. It isn't free. It costs a lot of money.

2. Several months of unbearable pain. Some say it's more painful than getting hit by a car.

3. All things that can go wrong during surgery & lengthening phase: infection, fat embolism, non-union, etc. Unicorn is the best example  for this.

4. If you're lucky and pass all those, you'll still face possible long term complications: such as the one you mentioned: "premature arthritis" which among the popular ones. And the unpopular ones such as possible shortened life expectancy.

Because you said "Stretching your tissues for 6-8 cm is not a joke." Is it possible that it will cause any circulatory problems/your heart having to work harder making you more prone to life-threathening disease such as cardiac arrest and such?

5. And on top of that: reduced athletic functions (guaranteed)

Then you gain 2".

These look much more interesting imo.

Not necessarily surgery related, but check out these (recent ones):
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #80 on: September 07, 2020, 07:54:17 PM »

Not if you belong in the normal height range, a 178cm 9/10 face will beat a 186cm 6/10 face. Of course a 8/10 185cm guy will have an advantage over a 9/10 176cm one. If you go below 175cm, it's becoming harder and harder and you'd have to make up with extremely handsome face, money and I don't fking know what else.

Spot on! Based on my experience, in some countries even a 170 cm guy with a 9-10/10 face can “beat” a 186 cm guy with a 6/10 face (not in countries like the Netherlands, though, where there are hardly any women below 170 cm).


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #81 on: September 07, 2020, 08:02:53 PM »

Guys, don't hate me but I think being ugly is almost IMPOSSIBLE lol! You can easily get your nose fixed, lips, jawline etc. I'd rather being 1/100 handsome of my actual version with a height of 6'1.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2020, 08:21:14 PM »

Guys, don't hate me but I think being ugly is almost IMPOSSIBLE lol! You can easily get your nose fixed, lips, jawline etc. I'd rather being 1/100 handsome of my actual version with a height of 6'1.

Be careful what you wish for. Your height neurosis is clouding your judgment. It’s delusional to think that, e.g., Wayne Rooney can easily become as handsome as David Beckham by having his nose, jawline, etc. fixed through plastic surgery.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 08:43:13 PM by NotSoBigBadBruin »


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #83 on: September 07, 2020, 08:39:11 PM »

Another example: Neymar vs. Ronaldinho

So you’d rather look like Ronaldinho because he’s taller and can easily become as handsome as Neymar (at least in your opinion)?


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2020, 09:38:40 PM »

Methinks the life of being an athletically hindered arthritis prone 173 man outweighs the suffering of living as a 165 boy, for at least 20 years lol. Obviously once the long term effects of arthritis start coming in, I'll obviously not like it, but for the lifetime of height neurosis gone and 20 years of enjoyment and comfort and increased confidence in me body, me thinks it worth.

And in 20 years, we will probably have pretty darned advanced medicine. Heck, we can fukking reverse osteoporosis and shiet with a single pill and shiet and shiet and like things are only gonna improve, we can make kids fukkin grow taller without major side effects and none long term, we got meds that turn prediabetic fatassess into healthy blood sugar ppl. Id take the arthritis over 20 years or lifetime of height neurosis and body dysphoria.

And like c'mon, 30% of the us population is obese. Like 70% is overweight. These are people who have significant health issues, a third of the fkin country. Everyone has problems these days. The average person is a fat, couch slobbing mf with significant health issues. And that's probably gonna be us when we are 60. So we ain't rly standing out from the crowd with health problems at old age, everyone be like dis hehe xd. Only like 1% of people are athletic enough to need max performance tbh. As long as u can fukkin run, go to gym, your fine even if LL fked ur running speed.

I wecommend do whatever da fuk u want to be happy. 25 years of reducing mental illness now IF ITS THAT DEBILITATING TO THE POINT YOU OBSSESS OVER HEIGHT EVERYDAY AND FACE DYSPHORIA DAILY, curing this aspect of your life is mucho better than tryna retain the arthritis free lifestyle when your 50 years old lol or having full athletic function versus like 80%.

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #85 on: September 07, 2020, 09:55:11 PM »

I'm glad this topic was made. It lead us, the forum members, into a conversation flow. A lot of people have talked. I kinda like it.

edit: I wish forum was as talkative as today, everyday.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2020, 09:59:07 PM »

Also, we are lucky that the medicine system will probably be improved to an incredible level. There will possibly be drugs curing any possible side effects come from CLL. Healthcare industry is a fkn blessing.
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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #87 on: September 07, 2020, 10:22:55 PM »

Running fast is just an example. What I'm trying to say is athletic functions aren't really something to underestimate.

And if only it's the only trade-off of LL, I probably would still do it. But apart from that,

1. It isn't free. It costs a lot of money.

2. Several months of unbearable pain. Some say it's more painful than getting hit by a car.

3. All things that can go wrong during surgery & lengthening phase: infection, fat embolism, non-union, etc. Unicorn is the best example  for this.

4. If you're lucky and pass all those, you'll still face possible long term complications: such as the one you mentioned: "premature arthritis" which among the popular ones. And the unpopular ones such as possible shortened life expectancy.

Because you said "Stretching your tissues for 6-8 cm is not a joke." Is it possible that it will cause any circulatory problems/your heart having to work harder making you more prone to life-threathening disease such as cardiac arrest and such?

5. And on top of that: reduced athletic functions (guaranteed)

Then you gain 2".
I generally agree although I had almost zero pain with my monorails. External LL is much more painless than internals, thats why in tibias it is the best and safest way.

But still the biggest problem for me is money.
I would trade some more of my (already reduced) athletic abilities for another 6-7 cm and I could handle the pain for a few months and take the risks, but 50k+ euros for Stryde (the only way to do femur LL imo) are too many and even if I can hardly afford them, I should cut much of my everyday habits to pay for and at my current height it does not worth it.
At my past height, it would really worth it and also, if I won 1 million in the lottery it would have been the first thing to do, but sensibly thinking, giving 50k with a salary of about 1500 euros to gain 7cm when you are 1.76 is a big no.
So, even I know very well all the difficulties with LL as I am a veteran, the main reason I am not doing it again is money.
And thats something I hope it will change in the future, LL becoming more affordable.
But I really doubt it unless we have many new doctors start doing cosmetic LL for the prices to start geting down.


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #88 on: September 08, 2020, 02:05:26 AM »

Ive no idea where you got this done, but Dr. Kevin Debiparshad is board certified and American. He has degrees from Harvard and a great  Canada university and done fellowship with Paley. He uses newest and minimally invasive technology. He is confident of this procedure enough to bring it to main stream attention.

He went to "DOCTORS" TV show and presented a patient to a live audience. You have to be really confident about this to do that. He has done interviews with major media outlets. Telling some lies to patients in person is one thing but in front a live TV audience seen by hundreds of thousands is a different matter. He is putting a lot of reputation at stake. He wouldnt do it unless he was sure.

He wants this procedure to become mainstream and not something only crazy people do. This builds confidence in the procedure. People can do it without hiding.

The only thing for me is to see "skin in the game". If he does it for himself, I Would be convinced 100%.

In fact I still have hope that he will do this some day. That he will be pausing new patients for a month or two until his surgery is done. Then it will become more mainstream.

There’s a problem here that I just thought of. Who would he get it done with, Paley? Wouldn’t that also be free advertising for that doc then? “The CLL doctor that other CLL doctors trust!”
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #89 on: September 08, 2020, 05:10:32 AM »

Another example: Neymar vs. Ronaldinho

So you’d rather look like Ronaldinho because he’s taller and can easily become as handsome as Neymar (at least in your opinion)?

A little off-topic, but speaking of Neymar. I just thought of the following incident.

By the way, Neymar is still good height at 1.73, so not a good example to represent short men.

Average and tall is different from short and tall.

las vegas baby

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #90 on: September 08, 2020, 05:18:02 AM »

There’s a problem here that I just thought of. Who would he get it done with, Paley? Wouldn’t that also be free advertising for that doc then? “The CLL doctor that other CLL doctors trust!”

That's a great point. I Think the benefits far outweigh the free publicity some other doctor gets. He can go to Paley who is 20k more expensive and he is the teacher after all. There is always a reason for people to still prefer Debiparshad (Cost and location).

And remember there are patient privacy rules that Paley cant go to media and take attention for operating on Kevin Debiparshad. Only if Kevin Debiparshad agrees can that happen.

I think this will be a major breakthrough in the field of cosmetic  leg length surgery. It will become like any plastic surgery. Such a smart accomplished person (Debiparshad) doing it for himself will make it a normal surgery, not something only crazy people do.

I hate it when other doctors go "I am an expert in this surgery, we do it only for extreme mental cases or for deformities. the risks are too high. it is not for every one" whatever whatever. Kevin Debiparshad can change all that.

Skin in the game baby. People underestimate what this means.

Kal el

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #91 on: September 08, 2020, 05:25:02 AM »

Hey u cunt....i think u probably cant even get it wht and whom am referring to....i think its u need a better brain thn a bit more height..dumb witless twat.

Kal el

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Re: Will Dr. Kevin Debiparshad do LL for himself? I will believe in LL after that
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2020, 05:34:04 AM »

Yea yea u increase ur height day by day so much it feels like u r still growing😆..175 lol....and u talk abt urself as if all the goodness in this world starts with u....u cunt u think getting a ove 180 is all that matters and all the guys here who want to just cross 170 or 165 are worthless fanatics r8....according to u a man is amn only if he is above by ur standards half the 1/3 of the population are nothing not even human probably coz they are below 180....grow up u mind freak..even i can get to 6 feet with cll am only 2 cm shorter thn u...but i aint a witless cunt like least god helped me with tht....dude try to grow up with ur mind rather thn stature coz u cant just buy it with money..and for people like its really hard grow mentally...fking witless narcissist.
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