@LLCaptain- Thank you. Its good to know some genuine people like you exist here. I am now seriously considering weather i should ever visit this site again or not.
There are too many idiots on this Forum, especially inexperienced people, who think they are doctors after reading about LL here & on Google. They dont know ABC about LL & post useless comments not appreciating & realizing the knowledge we LL veterans are sharing.
@Admin aka KiloKAHN - You seriously need to look into this issue.These people who have No Experience on LL should be given either limited access to post or their posts should be run by you before being actually posted.
You are promoting them to Sr. Member, in spite of the fact that they have no LL experience & they are misleading others by posting multiple baseless comments.They are ruining to many Diaries.
Actual LL veterans here are Newbie's, because we post limited but relevant data.
Seriously ? Please do the needful.
For instance, here are some of the little twats , Slim_tim , TrueSpartan etc.The list goes on & on.Where did you 2 get your LL experience ? Reading about it ?Google i suppose ?
Well, i got mine because i underwent 3 LL Surgeries.
( Monorail Fixator )
( Additional pins )
( Fixator Removal, IM Nailing , Achilles Tendon Lengthening )
Next time, you 2 ( Slim_tim , TrueSpartan ) & the rest of your gang decide to post some bulls**t & criticize people do keep this in mind.
FYI- Never compare 2 Diaries, as they are 2 different people who have different bodies & each body reacts differently to LL. Some can recover fast , while others take their sweet time.