I'm sure you guys have seen this study from back in 2006:
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=895442Running the numbers on myself compared to a 5'11.5" guy making $62.5K a year:
-Before my surgery I would need to be making $227.6K a year to be considered equivalent. This is not doable for a lot of people, which is why most guys around my starting height have a disadvantage in dating.
-After my surgery, my annual income now only needs to be $104.5K to be considered equivalent, which is much easier to attain.
Of course, the fact that it says 5'11.5" is the average height in the dating pool (esp. in 2006) means that all the guys are likely exaggerating their height by 2 inches. If we assume the true average guy is 5'9.5" and everyone is exaggerating their height by 2" on the dating site:
-Before my surgery I would need to make $170K/year to be equivalent to the 5'9.5" guy claiming to be 5'11.5" online.
-After my surgery I would be just over 5'9.5" and could claim to be that 5'11.5" guy, so I would only need to make $60K/year!
Either way, if you look at these numbers then you can see why the best return on an $80K-$100K surgery is in the arena of dating, especially if you can get close to the average height. These numbers are from 2006 as well, so they've probably inflated even more 15 years later. It's funny (in a sad way) that once you're tall enough you can be unemployed and still get more messages and responses from girls than most short guys. It also shows that the biggest gap is between 5'8" and 5'10" (at least in the US) which just goes to show guys who are 5'10" (or can pass as 5'10") really aren't that disadvantaged in dating.
It also reminds me of this old YT video I saw with this girl picking a 6'2" gym teacher over a 5'5" doctor. Both were holding signs with their height and income too. The doctor was shown as making $200K a year and the gym teacher was making $35K per year, but I guess it wasn't enough to make up for the height difference. (Based on this study the doctor would need to make nearly $230K more per year to be considered equivalent.) Of course, there are some girls for whom no amount of money would persuade her to date a short guy, which is why you have guys worth over $100M getting this surgery as well.
Obviously as a short guy if you put yourself out there enough, you can still beat the odds and get a ton of girls, but I don't think anyone can argue that you wouldn't have a much easier time (and deal with fewer rejections) as a taller guy!
Another thing this corresponds with is the sentiment of many of the guys on here saying that they don't need to become tall, they just don't want to be short. It seems like the benefit of being tall vs being average is much smaller than the benefit of being average vs being short (at least in dating.)