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Author Topic: Diary - January 2019 - In Full Stryde with Dr. Mahboubian of North Hollywood.  (Read 130618 times)

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I have a question regarding Dr M's approach to the nail insertion. Where is he doing from? Knee or hip.


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Hi Concerned Mom.  It's through the Hip.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 27 - Journey Continues... Race to one inch [1.782 Centimeters Taller]

Greetings LL'ers.  I am 7 days away from 1 inch taller. I am 32 days away from 2 inches taller and I am 57 days away from 3 inches taller.   What a race it is it. A race against yourself, that is.   So, I'll break down where I am at so far.

Remember that pesky left leg that had been slowing me down from the start? Well it feels good now.  It's loose and I can just about bear full body weight on it.   As luck would have it; it is now my "strong" right leg that is being a pest! LOL  Perhaps its due to the lengthening; I am not sure; but I am feeling tight cramping like feeling near the side of the right quadriceps; near the hip flex-ers.  Fortunately, it isn't a dull pain while resting.  While resting my leg; I feel no pain as of now.  However, some movements that require reaching over and when I try to weight bear...., some pain there.   Hopefully this subsides and begins to improve.  Tomorrow I start my 1st day of the outpatient physical therapy at the clinic; so I anticipate progress as they dig into my muscles with great stretches and massages.  All-in-all, my path to my first inch is pretty clear.  I'll get there with no issue. The all so important 2nd inch; that inch that makes this entire procedure worth it to me....ah, well that will be a grand challenge! I will push and push with all my might.  The 3rd inch...well that is the bonus inch. Every little bit toward inch 3 that I can get; will be the cherry on top for me.

My pain at resting state is at a 1 - 2. I am very comfortable right now.

I am very mobile via the walker; even with the right leg cramping.  I am able to bear full weight on both the left and right leg; left leg is still slightly tender (remember it was having some difficulty post surgery) and my right leg is I will not attempt unassisted steps until both of my legs are feeling great at the same time. I am stretching all day.  I think for many of us; once we enter CLL; we are obsessed with stretching and exercising  our legs. That's a good thing.  I am careful not to push to far.


All in all guys, I feel like the game has began.  My Superbowl of increasing my height has is in full swing.....I'm just in the 1st quarter right now and It's time to rally the team and put everything we have out there on the field.   I remind myself how long I have thought about this process and achieving my goal.  I'm going to leave all my effort out  there on the field. Win or Lose; I'm going to try my very best.

If you guys have any questions. Feel free to let me know! I'll check in tomorrow after my outpatient PT is concluded and let you know how it went.

"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Great update as always man, yeah when I went thru LL, my stronger leg switched back and forth between each leg.  Have you been using stairs yet? 


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Great update as always man, yeah when I went thru LL, my stronger leg switched back and forth between each leg.  Have you been using stairs yet?

You can say that again.  I'm hoping that I can have my left and right at the same time at some point here.  I haven't done stairs yet.  I may chance them soon!
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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So is the (primary) limitation of mobility mainly due to your muscles, or is this because of your bones? I'm wondering what kind of effect the IT band release would have on someone who didn't get LL.


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So is the (primary) limitation of mobility mainly due to your muscles, or is this because of your bones? I'm wondering what kind of effect the IT band release would have on someone who didn't get LL.

I would have to say the muscles.  After surgery, your muscles get very weak and tight.  Flexibility is vanished.    From day 1 of the CLL process; you're doing all you can to rebuild your muscle strength and flexibility.  The key is good physical therapy and don't give up to easily!
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Hi Cool! I'll PM you.

Hi InFullStryde! did you get my PM?


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Day 28 - Another Day in Another Way... One inch count down - 6 more days! [1.848 Centimeters Taller]

Hi LL'ers.  I'm just checking in for another update on how the process is going.  Whew, boy, this is really a special process.   Today was a big day for me since it was the first day of my outpatient Physical Therapy at a great clinic.   Not sure if you recall, but the first 3 weeks, I had a home health PT professional come in and really start me off slowly.   I'm thankful to that PT pro because he helped me with my initial stretching and also was key in getting me mobilized onto a walker, and helped me learn to perform important transfers into bed, and into shower.   The PT Clinic I chose is very popular and you can tell they know what they are doing. So many different patients the expertise is flying all around.  Today, I received a deep tissue massage on my upper leg area and it helped to break down and loosen those soft tissues.  They tested my range of motion and we will be working on that together 3 days a week.  Of course, PT is actually 7 days a week for me; not 3 days..   The PT Clinic Pro's went through some great strength and mobility stretches that I can easily do at home with my sister and brother during the other days I'm not at PT.  I'm glad to be out of the house; especially since I have been mostly cooped up inside the for the past month.

Pain Status: My left leg is much stronger, good rotation and feel good.  It is now my right leg that is giving me issues and I'm pretty sure it is due to the almost 1 additional inch of height I am reaching.   Basically, the pain mainly is felt during rotation movement. When I move straight up and down or forward and back, not really any pain is felt.  LL'ers we all have to remember that as you lengthen your muscles strech and like a rubber band; they get weaker. I will push through the pain and stay dedicated to physical therapy and hopefully my right leg can (I'm laughing because I was just talking about my left leg) can catch up with my left leg.  Dr. M mentioned that it is likely my IT band is scaring in now; so all is good.   I need to be sure to continue stretching and place cold compress / icing on the area after ther cramping sensation. This will help.

I feel like it's top secret around here on what physical therapy exercises look like (Ha ha!); so I'm going to go ahead and be the "SPOILER ALERT" are the exercises! Have fun.

Physical Therapy - List of Exercises:

* Starts off with a good 10-15 upper leg deep tissue massage *

1. Hamstring Stretch - Supine 30 Seconds / 2 Sets / 1 -2 times a day

While lying on your back, raise your leg and hold the back of your knee until a stretch on your hamstrings is felt.

2.  Prone Quad Stretch -Supine 30 Seconds / 2 Sets / 1 -2 times a day

Lie down flat on your stomach. Wrap a strap (belt, towel,  dog leash) around the top of one of your feet and pull the strap across your opposite shoulder so that your knee starts to curl up to your body.  Pull until a stretch is felt across the front of your thigh.

3. Single Knee to Chest Strech - SKTC -Supine 30 Seconds / 2 Sets / 1 -2 times a day

While lying on your back, hold your knee and gently pull it up towards your chest

4. Supine Hip Abduction - 10 Times / 2 Sets / 1 -2 times a day

Lie on your back with opposite knee bent with your other knee straight, bend your leg out and back again. Repeat. 

5. Adductor Squeeze MET - 10 times / 2 sets/ 1-2 times a day

Lying on your back with knees bent, place a ball between your knees. Squeeze your knees together with moderate force and hold for 10 count.

6.  Bridging Elastic Band Abduction - 10 times / 2 sets/ 1-2 times a day

While lying on your back, place an elastic band around your knees and pull your knees apart.  Hold this and then tighten your lower abdominals, squeeze your buttocks and raise your buttocks off the floor/bed as creating a "bridge" with your body.

7. Wrapped up with Stationary bike for 10 minutes


Okay guys that is it.  One month down almost, and 2 more months to go!!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions for me.

Best regards
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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The exercises seem easy enough to do by yourself :)


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The exercises seem easy enough to do by yourself :)

Very simple and straight forward  I'll keep the community posted on what goes on inside PT so that everyone is aware of what to expect here.

The deep tissue massage is a great thing to have from a good PT.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 29 - Slight improvement in right leg. Another day down [1.914 Centimeters Taller]

Hi LL'ers,

Not going to spend to much time on an update today; but do want to touch base.  My right leg is feeling slightly better.  I'm still able to get around on the walker despite the cramping of the right leg.   Since my right leg has been giving me the recent issues; I haven't been able to thank my left leg for recovering so nicely.  Thank you, Left Leg. Don't know what I'd do without you right now.   I was able to get my PT done as well.   I stretched on and off all day.  I also made a couple of PT item purchases.  I bought a stretching rope, a stretch band, a roller, and a mini ball.  These will help me.

Pain is pretty absent while I'm resting. Maybe 1 - 2.  When moving; I have the right leg to tend with; so that would bring it to a 5'ish.   I do all I can to avoid hurting myself.  Going to continue to push forward with all my might.  1 Month is just about over. 2 more months of distraction and I'm through it. I always remind myself of what my goal is and why I started this process and it makes the challenges well worth it.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions for me guys. I'll keep you updated on my right leg and more on my CLL Journey, tomorrow.

Best regards,
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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as far i know, the stryde was developed because precice 2 didnt have weight bearing capability. The surgeons noticed that callous growth and recovery was weaker without weight bearing.

This is the biggest selling point of the Stryde.

Considering you are not weight bearing after day 29, why did you not go for precice 2, it would have been cheaper?


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Hi Blade! Great question to ask and important for the community to understand the answer to.

You are indeed correct. The primary difference with the Styrde nail is that a person can place 100% of their weight on the nail and not worry about the nail breaking.  Other than this difference, the Precise 2 and Stryde are quite similar.

To clarify where I am at in terms of standing and walking, with the Styrde Nail....    I am able to stand straight up and down for probably a half hour or longer, full weight-bearing, unassisted, meaning no walker or anything to support me, before having to take a brief rest. Then I can stand again with no issue, unassisted, after that rest.   When I am taking steps on the walker, I have both hands on the walker to help me maintain my balance; but I  do not have to place weight on the walker and I am able to take steps forward. The walker allows me to to practice my walk/gait training, safety.  Right now, the muscles in my legs, especially my hips and glutes, have some training to go before I am able to fully balance and support my legs in order to walk without risk. What the Stryde nail does, which is essential, is allow me to place full body weight while performing steps with my walker, and these nails also allow me to stand up, unassisted,  to do routine activity items such as brush my teeth, take a shower, prepare food, etc.   The time at which each person can take natural, strongly gaited steps with Stryde will depend on each individual case.   In my case, I have had to nurse my weaker left leg; so taking unassisted steps will take a bit longer for me.  With that in mind, I am still able to and being encouraged by Dr. M and others to walk, full weight-bearing; but use the walker to support my balance as to remain safe. I hope that makes sense.   Now that my left leg is coming around, I feel pretty strong that I'll be able to practice some unassisted steps this month if it feels safe enough.

With this in mind, I would strongly recommend, that anyone considering the internal nail opt to go Stryde nail.  The ability to walk unassisted after the first month or so will vary from case to case but; the new nail allows you to leverage the walker or crutches almost immediately.  You're immediately mobilized for the most part.  For me; I had to use the wheel chair for the first week due to the left leg being weak.  By week 2, I was using the walker almost 100% and could stand on one leg unassisted for quite some time.   When I use the walker, I avoid pressing down as to allow my legs to absorb and begin getting used to my body weight.  It all depends on what your body can tolerate.   Nice thing is that I'm able to fully weight bear, but require the walker for now.  It's helping my legs get stronger and more flexible;  much more quicker than precise 2.... Since those patients had to press down pretty strongly on their walker; avoid full weight bearing under any circumstances, and maintain a wheel chair for those initial 3 -4 months.

Hope this provided some more insight.   I feel strongly that Stryde nail is worth the extra money under almost any circumstance.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 09:16:11 PM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Will Dr Mahboubian use stem cells to speed up the consolidation?
Go for it


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Will Dr Mahboubian use stem cells to speed up the consolidation?

Hi Wannagrowtaller! - Yes, I have heard that stem cell technology is definitely an option that Dr. M will use if anyone is having problem growing the new bone.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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But he doesnt use it in every patient?
Go for it


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But he doesnt use it in every patient?

That's a good question.  He might have during my surgery.  He said that my bone growth was good.  I'll ask him during my next visit and let you know. 
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Can you send me links about this stem cell treatment for faster consolidation?
Go for it


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Hey fullstryde, how are you doing ?

I just watched this video of Dr Mahboubian's channel:

It's Alex's story, which one i appreciate. He went from 5'3'' (1,61) to 5'6.5'' (1,69), with Dr Mahboubian's accompaniment...

When i was watching it, i remembered of your story. So more and more curious i have got

I got some questions:

1. Does Dr. Mahboubian just operates people (in this case, i mean men) who are really short, like under 5'3'' only ?

2. I have done some researchs about Vitamin K, So i figured out this Vitamin makes the calcium go directly to the bones and teeths, vitamin D just regulates the calcium absorption, but it does not send the calcium necessarily to the bones and teeths, is this true ?

3. How about your tibia ? Do you consider do a lenghtening again, but this time on tibias ?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 02:56:21 AM by Jubartt169 »


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Hey fullstryde, how are you doing ?

I just watched this video of Dr Mahboubian's channel:

It's Alex's story, which one i appreciate. He went from 5'3'' (1,61) to 5'6.5'' (1,69), with Dr Mahboubian's accompaniment...

When i was watching it, i remembered of your story. So more and more curious i have got

I got some questions:

1. Does Dr. Mahboubian just operates people (in this case, i mean men) who are really short, like under 5'3'' only ?

2. I have done some research about Vitamin K, So i figured out this Vitamin makes the calcium go directly to the bones and teeths, vitamin D just regulates the calcium absorption, but it does not send the calcium necessarily to the bones and teeths, is this true ?

3. How about your tibia ? Do you consider do a lenghtening again, but this time on tibias ?

Hi Jubartt169,

1.  I'm happy to answer your questions Jubartt and I hope you're doing well!  Dr. M will operate on most heights. He identify's a mans desire for height as an indication of his height dysphoria and is trying to provide support to resolve that.  Doesn't appear that he has a restriction as to the height he will operate on.

2. I'm not sure on your second question.  If you find out; please PM your answer.

3.  I may lengthen tibias after some time.   My current surgery will increase me to 5'3+ or 5'4+...which is a big difference from 5'1. One more surgery may bring me to 5'6 or 5'7.  I will consider it.

Best regards to you! Feel free to ask more questions or provide feedback.

"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 31 - One Month Post Op - What a special experience this is - [2.112 Centimeters Taller]

Well, today marks the conclusion of the 1st month for me with the CLL process.  It's been a special month.   

I'll be very direct to begin my post:

Pain: When resting and not applying movement and pressure to legs Pain is  1 - 2.  Barely any pain while not using the legs.  When placing weight on legs and being more active/mobile such as during stretching or really testing the legs.  I'm at a 3-4.   Sometimes, If I'm not being careful, I can experience a 5+ pain when I am applying undue pressure in a manner that my body isn't quite ready to deal with yet.  Toughest movement at this time is rotational movement and/or circular type movement of the legs.  Forward and back, as well as side to side is fair or better.   I believe the healing process of the IT bands especially, create the sensitivity here. Will take some more days to resolve.

Walking: Today, i tested walking without a walker for the first time and of course I had people there to support me and prevent any falls.  I was able to take fully weight bearing baby steps.  My balance and leg strength is not in a place to start take authoritative steps; but the Stryde nail will support you unassisted. On the walker, I'm taking big lunging steps and getting around very easily.  Another advantage of Stryde nail... I am only using the walker to balance me.  I am using 100% of my body weight which allows me to better recovery my legs.   Overall my legs still need to build strength. I predict that the coming weeks will bring that strength. 

Physical Therapy: 1 Week Self PT, 3 Weeks Home PT, and now I'm doing a progressive outpatient PT at a clinic.   So far, the experience has been great.    Do the stretches all day and show up to every PT session with the Pro.

My Height Progress:
  As of today I am 2.112 centimeters taller by my count.  Interestingly enough based on my Stadiometer, I'm right at 1 inch taller; so maybe I'm actually taller than I thought I was; or my count is off. Either way, Ill be officially "1 GIANT inch" taller in 4 days.   What I feel?  Okay from them mental stand point; 1 inch is a huge difference; especially when you haven't grown since age 13.   I can feel a big difference as I stand next to my sister who was about 1.5 inches taller then me. Once I reach and advanced beyond her height it will be fun to experience. She is rooting me on.  As mentioned before, my Mom passed away in 2015 and my Dad passed way just this pass December. My Dad wanted to be here to support me through this... but he didn't make it.  My Sister has been my rock and my supporter; so guys...its a great help to have someone by your side through this tough process.   Now, physically, I feel  It's not to tough yet; but at 2cm, at least for me, you can feel the rubber started to go "boing, boing".  I have 120 degree range of motion when flexing my knee at this time and I can straighten my leg; but the tightness can be felt when I stand and walk.  I will be working as hard as I can to maintain an honest flexibility to get through this.   

Dr. M Review so far: Great Doctor. Answers my emails within 24 hours or  less.   Friendly man, smart, and keeps a cool head.  He knows this process is tough and he'll encourage you to get through it.  He wants whats best for your body and for your height dreams too.    Really, the "Surgery" is the most important part of the process with CLL.  If the surgery is done right; you're just time and PT, some effort away from your dreams.  I had no swelling, my legs were clean and all bruising was gone and I can just say that I feel like the surgery was done properly.   Now, it's on me.  I have to stretch and withstand the pressure.  I'll do my best!

This experience has been something special.   I want to emphasize that Styrde nail is the way to go.   I would be in much worse shape right now if I was confined to my wheel chair and not able to stand full weight bearing.   With this nail you can at least stand, full weight, up and down to do things like shower, brush your teeth, etc.  After some weeks; you should be able to walk unassisted.   Make sure you have a care giver during the first few weeks to help and before you go forward, think through all the supplies you will need so that they are ready to go from day 1.  I will begin working on a master list for future LL'ers; so that they can check off as they go. 

Thank you guys. AND do you have any questions? Please feel free to take advantage of my experience.  When I was on the other side looking in; I just wanted to know so  much about what I was getting my self into. I'm willing to answer anything you guys ask...I want to help you. I know how important this is to you.

Best Regards, and I'll be back with more updates.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 05:14:01 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Interesting, i think doing on tibias is not a bad idea, as long as you do not exceed your limits. If my opnion has some worth for you, I would not go above 5cm on tibia in myself, i have seen some stories of patients who did above 6cm on tibias and some of them have complications later: nerve pain, permanent damages..etc. I think 4cm on tibia would be great and safe, but thats just my opnion.

About the vitamin K, i think it's important you do your own research about it and do your own conclusion. Especially the Vitamin K2. But here are some links below so you can have a summary. If you have a free time, i recommend you check it.

As you doing the lengthening process, which consists in breaking your leg bones, Vitamin K2 would be good, once you have a good vitamin D and calcium levels. Basically, the vitamin K2 is the ''GPS'' of calcium. It grabs the calcium of soft tissue and takes it to the teeths and the bones. According some studies of the calcium, it has no ''GPS'', he goes to the valve of the heart, he goes to the coronary, he goes to the kidneys, he may does renal complications, he goes to the liver that causes calcification hepatic, he goes to the brain... he does not necessary go to the bones. So the Vitamin K2 is recommended if you want strong teeths and bones, that's what medicine says.

Otherwise, our body is too very complex, and maybe, when your brain ''know'' you have broken bones, it grabs the calcium (which is in your supplementation or even in those part of the organs) of the calcium stock and takes it to bones, which in your case is broken and need to be healed. So, maybe Vitamin K2 is not that worth once your brain do this work... I have been studying a lot of medicine and nutrition, but i cannot claim what can happen in this case. So, before you try anything, do have a chat with your Doctor. Ask him about the vitamin K2 and if is it necessary in your case. But i can do claim that you can do supplementation of vitamin K2 after the consolidation of the bones. Most people have no vitamin K1 deficiency, which one helps blood, but most part of people have Vitamin K2 deficiency, this vitamin is a very important one to your bones and teeths.

I didn't PM you because i think it's important people know that. The vitamin K is not as that known as it should be nowadays..

Send me a me a message whenever you want..
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 05:41:36 PM by Jubartt169 »


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@Jubartt169 - Thank you for taking the time to present this! Excellent information. I will definitely ask my doctor for his thoughts.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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@Jubartt169 - Thank you for taking the time to present this! Excellent information. I will definitely ask my doctor for his thoughts.

There we go. Hope to receive an answer as well.

Good luck in your journey.


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Day 32 - Journey Continues - [2.178 Centimeters Taller]

Greetings LL'ers,

Well not much to report as I am now in a full fledged LL routine.  I'm over 2 cm and just a few days from my first inch.  I'm starting to feel some tightening; but still have good range of motion.  Physical Therapy does a good job with massage as well as stretching me out.  One thing about PT is they see pain as an opportunity and not something to avoid.  Case and point... I have some rotational pain with my right leg; so my  PT goes and rotates that baby! Lol. Slowly; but he wants me to push through it. It's important to stretch it out and begin to push through soreness.   I'd say I'm still getting stronger every day.   There is always something going on with one leg or the other; but so far, I can report that each day; an overall improvement can be seen in leg strength and flexibility.   Guys, I'll report back again tomorrow. So far so good on this journey.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congratulation on your first 2 cm my friend!!! I am about 3 weeks behind you but my goal is a bit less than yours, so its possible that we will finish our lengthening at the same time  ;D ;D I am starting to read your diary now. Questions might come soon  ;D ;D


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Congratulation on your first 2 cm my friend!!! I am about 3 weeks behind you but my goal is a bit less than yours, so its possible that we will finish our lengthening at the same time  ;D ;D I am starting to read your diary now. Questions might come soon  ;D ;D

Thank you Singapore! CLL is a very special process of the mind and body.  I wish you the best also and will be following your diary.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 33 - Journey Continues... 2 more days to 1 inch! [2.277 Centimeters Taller]

Greetings LL'ers,

Just wanted to check in and say hello.  Today was pretty decent. Here is my status

Pain: While resting - 1 to 3   While walking 2 - 3   Stretching and pushing my PT - 4 to 5.  Taking Tramadol every 4 to 6 hours.   As I push toward the 3cm mark, I can feel some pain immediately after lengthening. It's a dull pain and it goes away about 1 - 2 hours after lengthening

Activities today: Worked 8 hours, worked out for 1 hour, rested, and mainly stretched and did PT

Flexibility and movement:  I can walk with tiny baby steps, unassisted.  Unfortunately,  my right leg is a bit sore at the moment; so it's hard to really gauge what I can do. Overall, need to build strength in legs.   Using walker, fairly effortlessly.  I can still straighten my legs and I have about 120 degree bend in the knees.  I'm going to keep pushing it!

My Goal: 6.5 centimeters (2.5 inches) I will go higher than this if I am physically able.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have!  Have a great rest of your day.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 03:33:15 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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awesome update bro! hope everything keeps going well for you
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
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