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Author Topic: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary  (Read 13920 times)

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My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« on: July 27, 2019, 12:36:04 AM »

I will be methodical in writing so as to help you - i) understand my journey and ii) learn from my knowledge and experience to plan yours. Notes - 1. I will put some pics as and when I feel like, should be sufficient as proof but I may or may not post what you want me to 2. I may not be regular in updating the diary, sometimes I will update frequently, sometimes not for a long time, and I cannot and will not explain why so, what I can say is at the very end the diary will be a complete diary, but it may take long time.

About me - Indian Citizen Male who studied in US and is working in silicon valley (as senior program manager, not as engineer), aged 37. Not unhealthy, not very healthy, medium fit but high upper body strength and very high mental strength. "VEGETERIAN all my life". 5'3" to 5'3.5" current height.

why I want height ? otherwise I am quite good looking and with height would be really good looking, I have nice inner personality I want nice outer personality as well.

how i learned of LL? through old forum  and this forum.

which doctors i was considering ? I wanted weight bearing nail, given my budget I was considering Betz, Gichet , Giotikas and Mahboubian. After more research and based on email exchanges I finalized Giotikas for stryde (primarily because his solid resume and impeccable cost). I did phone consult and set up surgery date but the visa thing became a big hurdle, so after a lot of thought I decided I will do it in US. based on my budget I first looked into mahboubian and went for in person consultation, meanwhile I learned about Dr D. and went for in person consultation as well. I liked both doctors and was struggling to decide which to chose, (cost was similar Dr. M was cheaper by 3k), one big differentiating factor here became Dr. D's assistant Ronnie. During consultation Ronnie talked to me separately and I felt safe and secured with him and realized that he is a nice guy who wold help me through thick and thin (and he has been even more awesome ever since, more so on him in next posts) and on the other hand Dr. M's assistants were pathetic in answering questions.  Anyway, I finalized Dr. D. for surgery on 7/19 7 AM PST. Note: pre-op clearane was done on the day I had went to Henderson for consultation.

1. Day before surgery (7/18) - checked into hotel and set up foods, clothes etc. I had it booked for 2 weeks. went to Dr.'s office and made full payment. Was told not to eat or drink after midnight. Filled my prescription from a pharmacy.

2. Surgery day (7/19) till hospital discharge day (7/21) - checked in (in a nearby Las Vegas hospital), was put on table (after putting the needles etc. gown etc., tests etc, the usual BS), was talking then don't remember anything...woke up with some voices talking around me giving my status. It was in a hospital bed, in a big hall with many patients, was kept on pain medicine and don't remember much, was transferred to private room at night. Nurses kept checking on me. Most nurses and assistants were awesome, 2 assistants were idiots (don't want to go to details, have no proof and nothing happened but I recommend you do not dangle your premium credit cards wallet i the open while asleep). Food was  ty, so did not eat much, peed a lot through catheter. Realized that I have to ask for pain medicine when I need it, was asking Dilaudid, because that was one working like magic , taking away all pain in seconds and was making me sleep well, other medicines were joke. on 20th morning I had to forcefully remind them of giving me Xarelto and they did (doctor said he had prescribed and they would probably have given me anyway and maybe I asked them just before they might have given me. maybe - but I am not sure - I don't trust the nurses - they might have forgot as well who knows). They refused to give dilaudid 8 hours before my discharge. I called uber, I also called Ronnie, the hospital's staff, Ronnie helped me get into the uber and Ronnie and an aid I had pre-hired at the hotel helped moved me and my stuff to my hotel room.

Next on next post.....

« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 03:36:14 AM by Lalbadshah »


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2019, 03:56:55 AM »


between 7/19 to 7/21 (hospotal stay) - I had 2 PT sessions done by hospital PTs, they were awesome, one named Mandy is just like an gel the other (forgot name) is also an angel. but there was one real bad experience as well (not anybody's fault) - I was on pain 0 (min) to 5 (max) all 3 days, but I made a mistake - after catheter was taken out (which is an experience one must have once in lifetime just to experience it, it is nothing you can imagine, it is something like real weird  , though I will not say very painful, it is actually like pain level 2/3 but the feeling is something different) - I asked PT to help me (assisted) walk to the restroom so that I can pee (bladder was full) and after -5 minutes struggle I peed and man it was awesome - I peed like I was about to flood las vegas, maybe like 1 litre, anyway - one interesting thing happened while I was peeing, 2 nurses (who were on that shift, and they were angels the best) came running into my room and I could hear them asking the PT (who was waiting outside restroom) where am I, she said I am peeing inside, anyway I came out after flooding las vegas (with happy face) and askd the nurses what happened? they said while I was peeing the heart beat rate shot upto like 140 (they can see remotely) !! I laughed sayign maybe because I was peeing away like crazy, they also laughed. Now, the bad part - next day (7/21) I told my PT that just like I peed in restroom yesterday I want to take dump today (remember I was like 3 days without bowel movement and wanted a clean stomach because in normal life I poo every day, at times twice) and she should assist me seat on the commode (note- all this while I was walking using a walker with minimal assistance from PT) she said that is great idea. we went to restroom, I sat on commode, here note - my tibia is short and feet cannot fully reach ground, only like fingers, anyway I told PT that just like my peeing session I will try for 5 minutes and she can wait outside, she got a call from somebody and said she will be back in 10 minutes while I can try pooping. 5 minutes passed, I could not pee and pain started shotting up (due to the uneven commode and due to my feet not being able to fully touch ground), the pain kept increasing and gradually went to 10, I tried to man up and hold thinking PT will be back and get me up and out but she did not come even after 12 minutes, I ran the alarm bell , the nurse's assistant ( a not so bright lady) came and she could see I am almost crying, she said she could help you get up, but she is thin and I knew even if she were strong she would not be able tosupport me stand ()and falling would mean doom) because - i) my rigth feet was numb, ii) my right feet did not want to move no matter if you kill me I could not have, it was like 11/10 pain, only a PT could have done some rbubing etc. to sooth it and help me get up, she called PT lady and PT said she will come in 2 minutes, but even after 5 minutes nobody came, I keep crying and yelling like crazy in pain (have never felt that pain in my 37 years if life), I thought i will simply just stand up using my full mental tenacity/strength but I knew I will fall down even before I am up 1 inch, at last ordeal ended and the PT came, she was trying to help me get up with force support from her but I knew unless my right feet is numb I will fall, she (and I) did some rubbing etc to make the feet awake again and ten using my maximum willpower I was up. That moment onwards I decided I will never go and set on toilet seat for long unless I am well recovered. Other than this one, I have no unpleasant moment at the hospital (first 3 days) and it was actually very less painful (like mostly 0 to 3) most of the time, in fact Dr. D asked me what do I think about the prevalent thoughts (I had told him that I found about him on this forum and I use this forum for info. gatheing over years fir my LL plan) on pain level during LL and actual pain level am experiencing - I said see, normally when you just on bed resting or walking slowly with walker pain is like minimal (0 to 1/2) but there are moments when you try to do things that require a little more strain - like trying to sleep on side, trying to bend the knees a bit more, it hurts like crazy and that pain reaches 7 to 10 easily, and another thing to note is even things that are not painful sometimes, you will surprisingly see that another time that same activity may actually suddenly give you a 7-8 pain (this phenomena is like a puzzle to me, though I have a theory to explain this).
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 07:19:15 AM by Lalbadshah »


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2019, 08:54:46 PM »

Continued.. I am getting some queries in PM on how is  the doctor and support staff etc. so here is my response -

Regarding doctor - I met him 5 times, once during consultation, once during pre-surgery day, then on the day of surgery and then for a few minutes on the other 2 days I was in hospital. All my interactions were brief and he answered all the questions I had satisfactorily in a simple, to-the-point and concise manner, as a person - to me he seems like a humble and simple down to earth guy who understands the procedure very well and takes pride in his work. next I will meet him during my 2 weeks post surgery visit.

Regarding doctor's secretary/admin Teresa - she was super accessible when I was trying to set up consultation and get answers to questions (before surgery) and that was one thing that I really liked and she even told me ''don't worry we will always be available at your disposal should you need any help' , but I am sorry to say that the 2 times I had called her after (I had made the payment and finalized my surgery) she never took my call, and in fact disconnected my call. I don't know what is going on (I hope all is well with her), maybe she is busy or whatever but at least a text would have been nice and this sudden 180 degree change in being supper accessible (before I signed up for surgery) to disconnecting phone and not responding (after I set up surgery) is something that has not gone down well with me (what if it is like an emergency kind of need? she knows I am doing the LL alone and I don't have doctor's direct number. Fortunately for me those were not emergency situations but the fact that calls were ignored is not very professional thing, especially during the crucial period of 2-3 days post surgery). So, I have decided not to call her again, anyway I have access to doctor's assistant Ronnie who is super accessible and helpful.

Regarding doctor's assistant Ronnie  - He is a gem, he is like my sunshine during this LL journey, my brother. I cannot list down the helps and things he has done for me (the list will become too big) and it is because of him that I would 1000% recommend Dr. D to anybody for this surgery. This guy is the most helpful, humble and kind and good hearted guy I have ever met, period. Ronnie was one of the biggest reasons I had chosen Dr. D (when I was in dilemma between choosing Dr. D and Dr. M) and If given the option to do the surgery again (I may do tibia after 2-3 years), I will do it with Dr. D just because of Ronnie (of course Dr. D is also very good doctor, but my primary factor to chose him would be Ronnie). I wish him huge success in life, he deserves it with his work ethic.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 09:25:10 PM by Lalbadshah »


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2019, 09:58:43 PM »

Hey Lalbasshah,

Thank you for starting a diary.  Did Dr. D required you to do the ILIOTIBIAL BAND RELEASE?



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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2019, 10:14:19 PM »

Hey Lalbasshah,

Thank you for starting a diary.  Did Dr. D required you to do the ILIOTIBIAL BAND RELEASE?




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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2019, 10:24:23 PM »

Now, I would like to add my input on whether you can do this thing alone or not. Here is what I think -

1. Doing this completely alone is almost impossible (I know people have done it, still I think it is almost impossible) unless by 'alone' you mean there is somebody coming to give you food at your bed and somehow you have figured out an option of pooing while on bed (can't think how that is possible) or you can withstand the feeling that you will have while not pooing for for around 6-7 days. This would also require very very high upper body strength. IMPOSSIBLE for a girl or thin men. Close to impossible or very difficult for a man with strong arms.

2. With hiring aide for a few hours, very much possible - that is what I am doing. Still, if you will not have the aid with you at night then you need very high upper body strength - very very difficult for girls or thin men.

So, my recommendation for women and thin men would be - don't even think of doing it alone - you can't. even with hiring aide for a few hours you will struggle, for girls and thin men I really beg you - bring family member or partner with you.

For males with good muscle strength - doing it alone will be close to impossible but doing with aides hired for a few hours - yes very much possible without much difficulty.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2019, 12:26:30 AM »

Hey Lalbadshah - first off congrats on starting down this amazing but difficult journey! And thanks so much for being so detailed in your write ups, I'm sure many of us planning for CLL now will benefit greatly from the information you're sharing.

A couple questions:

1) When you talk about hiring an aide for a few hours - during what part of the day do you find yourself needing help the most?
2) How did you go about finding an aide? Any particular websites or did you just find one through friends or the hospital?


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2019, 01:07:34 AM »

Hey Lalbadshah, glad there is now a second diary for Dr. Debiparshad. I look forward to reading your diary. I also sent you a private message. Happy to weigh in and offer advice as needed.

I agree with you entirely about Ronnie - he really is a gem. Teresa is very good about returning calls/texts during work hours. If you contact her during the weekend then you probably won't hear back until Monday. Remember you can always text Ronnie or Dan from NuVasive and both of them are able to contact Dr. D. at all hours if there is an emergency. The other name you mentioned - Mandy the PT at the hospital - is also fantastic.

Now, I would like to add my input on whether you can do this thing alone or not. Here is what I think -

1. Doing this completely alone is almost impossible (I know people have done it, still I think it is almost impossible) unless by 'alone' you mean there is somebody coming to give you food at your bed and somehow you have figured out an option of pooing while on bed (can't think how that is possible) or you can withstand the feeling that you will have while not pooing for for around 6-7 days. This would also require very very high upper body strength. IMPOSSIBLE for a girl or thin men. Close to impossible or very difficult for a man with strong arms.

2. With hiring aide for a few hours, very much possible - that is what I am doing. Still, if you will not have the aid with you at night then you need very high upper body strength - very very difficult for girls or thin men.

So, my recommendation for women and thin men would be - don't even think of doing it alone - you can't. even with hiring aide for a few hours you will struggle, for girls and thin men I really beg you - bring family member or partner with you.

For males with good muscle strength - doing it alone will be close to impossible but doing with aides hired for a few hours - yes very much possible without much difficulty.

So my view is slightly different from yours about doing it without a caretaker. I did not use a caretaker for a single hour. I have decent muscle strength, and I feel it was very possible to do it entirely alone but you need to be aware that it is going to be very difficult. Still, with a portable urinal (and more importantly - your meds) by your side and if you can get the hotel staff to open the door to let Uber Eats in and you use Walmart grocery delivery or another grocery delivery service, it's very doable. I don't know what else one would use a caretaker for besides helping them get to the bathroom - especially overnight. In my case, they would've been doing little more than watching me sleep :)  Since you used a caretaker, it would be great for others who may use Dr. D. to have their contact info. I was actually trying to hire a caretaker but never received a call. The other options wanted a commitment to a minimum # of hours that I wasn't prepared to make.

I know you were able to poop much earlier than I was able to, and maybe if I needed to sit down on the toilet on day 2 or so my view would be different. It took me a good 5 days post surgery before I could go, and that was only because I took stool softener the day before. Of course, sitting down on the toilet for the first time was very difficult but I was able to maneuver myself using the accessible room wall bars.

You must be feeling so much better. I remember especially in the first two weeks that each day felt so much better than the previous day. You've made it past the hardest part! Good luck to you!


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2019, 02:15:25 AM »

Hey Lalbadshah, glad there is now a second diary for Dr. Debiparshad. I look forward to reading your diary. I also sent you a private message. Happy to weigh in and offer advice as needed.

I agree with you entirely about Ronnie - he really is a gem. Teresa is very good about returning calls/texts during work hours. If you contact her during the weekend then you probably won't hear back until Monday. Remember you can always text Ronnie or Dan from NuVasive and both of them are able to contact Dr. D. at all hours if there is an emergency. The other name you mentioned - Mandy the PT at the hospital - is also fantastic.

So my view is slightly different from yours about doing it without a caretaker. I did not use a caretaker for a single hour. I have decent muscle strength, and I feel it was very possible to do it entirely alone but you need to be aware that it is going to be very difficult. Still, with a portable urinal (and more importantly - your meds) by your side and if you can get the hotel staff to open the door to let Uber Eats in and you use Walmart grocery delivery or another grocery delivery service, it's very doable. I don't know what else one would use a caretaker for besides helping them get to the bathroom - especially overnight. In my case, they would've been doing little more than watching me sleep :)  Since you used a caretaker, it would be great for others who may use Dr. D. to have their contact info. I was actually trying to hire a caretaker but never received a call. The other options wanted a commitment to a minimum # of hours that I wasn't prepared to make.

I know you were able to poop much earlier than I was able to, and maybe if I needed to sit down on the toilet on day 2 or so my view would be different. It took me a good 5 days post surgery before I could go, and that was only because I took stool softener the day before. Of course, sitting down on the toilet for the first time was very difficult but I was able to maneuver myself using the accessible room wall bars.

You must be feeling so much better. I remember especially in the first two weeks that each day felt so much better than the previous day. You've made it past the hardest part! Good luck to you!

Hei bro, yes I will give you a call, actually I had tried calling you twice before my surgery - always went to voicemail (maybe you were busy), anyway will try again. Agree on Ronnie - he is a real gem. Good idea about Dan, I will try to find his card and keep it handy in case I need his advice any time.

I know you did without caretaker, it is just that if you think of some variables - if some things might have turned a little different/negative you may have had issues without a caretaker (think about Fallen774's case - on his fifth day diary) - that is why my personal recommendation/believe is not to to without any caretaker at all, at night of course you don't need. Yes man, the problem is the minimum hours commitment thing, I agree.

Actually it seems we were able to poop on same day (post surgery), and I must thank you for that because - I was able to poop only after taking what you recommended (dulcolax) - it came out like a big anaconda coming out from my ass :(. LOL. Though my peeing seemed to have been easier than yours - I was peeling well with catheter on and even after catheter off I peed well.

You are right, each passing day is better than previous one. man, when you are planning to be back to Henderson (whenever) let me know (here or PM) and we will see if there is any date when both of us plan to be here and can meet. All the best bro.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2019, 02:27:31 AM »

Hey Lalbadshah - first off congrats on starting down this amazing but difficult journey! And thanks so much for being so detailed in your write ups, I'm sure many of us planning for CLL now will benefit greatly from the information you're sharing.

A couple questions:

1) When you talk about hiring an aide for a few hours - during what part of the day do you find yourself needing help the most?
2) How did you go about finding an aide? Any particular websites or did you just find one through friends or the hospital?

1) this is more of a personal choice based on your plan and you can always change the hours, for example I just changed my hours to suit my PT session hours so that my aide can take me to the PT (i.e. helping me switch between wheelchair and walker and gelp me get into uber and then put the walker and wheelchair in uber and do same thing while I am coming back to hotel from PT). I would recommend you plan in such a way that - i) your urinal dumping/cleaning, water/filter filling up/food prep/warm up, your move to the commode and back, your walkign session wit walker and physical therapy - these 6 things can be covered, now - depednign upon your need/situation you may actually need the caretaker to help wit only 4 of these 6 or 5 o these 6 or all 6 of these , that depends on you, but this list of 6 things is (I believe an exhaustive list of things that caretaker help can be used for).

2) Doctor's admin (Teresa) called up one service provider and they called me and I used them for 3 days but they were very unprofessional, so I stopped using them and found one on my own on internet which is a little costlier than the one recommended by doctor's office but is awesome, they are so methodical, organized etc. that I ,who work with multiple fortune 500 companies, can say the professional way they operate can put big multinationals to shame. There are many others, an online search will give you whole list.  If you want name of the one I am using let me know and I can PM you.



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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2019, 05:32:13 AM »

Is the pooping problem only for two weeks? After that will you be able to walk to the toilet?

@verticalpush A 4 star hotel I had stayed in had not agreed to accept food deliveries, forget delivering to my room. I had to go wait outside in the cold for the delivery. It's great that your hotel is nice and accommodating. Would you mind telling which hotel for everyone to know?


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2019, 07:21:45 AM »

Thanks @lalbadshah for the response!


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2019, 04:07:33 PM »

Hei bro, yes I will give you a call, actually I had tried calling you twice before my surgery - always went to voicemail (maybe you were busy), anyway will try again. Agree on Ronnie - he is a real gem. Good idea about Dan, I will try to find his card and keep it handy in case I need his advice any time.

I know you did without caretaker, it is just that if you think of some variables - if some things might have turned a little different/negative you may have had issues without a caretaker (think about Fallen774's case - on his fifth day diary) - that is why my personal recommendation/believe is not to to without any caretaker at all, at night of course you don't need. Yes man, the problem is the minimum hours commitment thing, I agree.

Actually it seems we were able to poop on same day (post surgery), and I must thank you for that because - I was able to poop only after taking what you recommended (dulcolax) - it came out like a big anaconda coming out from my ass :(. LOL. Though my peeing seemed to have been easier than yours - I was peeling well with catheter on and even after catheter off I peed well.

You are right, each passing day is better than previous one. man, when you are planning to be back to Henderson (whenever) let me know (here or PM) and we will see if there is any date when both of us plan to be here and can meet. All the best bro.

Awesome man! It might be that I need to have the google voice app open. I have it open now so if there's any problems calling me again let me know.

Glad the dulcolax trick worked! I was so uncomfortable by day 4 that it was such an amazing relief when I was finally able to go. Also glad you could pee so fast after the catheter was removed. You described having the catheter removed perfectly. It's such a weird feeling. I think the pressure they put on me to pee within 5 hours or so (I forgot what the time limit was) was what did me in, and if it wasn't for Dr. D. telling them to wait longer for me to pee then I would have been in for a lot more pain!

You make a very good point about possibly falling without a caretaker. I had my phone set up so I could yell "Hey Siri" across the room and hopefully be able to call the front desk and have someone come help me but you're right it's not a good situation to be in. I was pretty stressed out the first couple of days worrying something bad would happen. Yeah, it only takes one fall for everything to fall apart.

Haven't figured out my next trip out to Henderson but I'll definitely let you know what I'm thinking. Would love it if everything aligns and we can meet up!

Take care bro.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2019, 05:18:45 PM »

Awesome man! It might be that I need to have the google voice app open. I have it open now so if there's any problems calling me again let me know.

Glad the dulcolax trick worked! I was so uncomfortable by day 4 that it was such an amazing relief when I was finally able to go. Also glad you could pee so fast after the catheter was removed. You described having the catheter removed perfectly. It's such a weird feeling. I think the pressure they put on me to pee within 5 hours or so (I forgot what the time limit was) was what did me in, and if it wasn't for Dr. D. telling them to wait longer for me to pee then I would have been in for a lot more pain!

You make a very good point about possibly falling without a caretaker. I had my phone set up so I could yell "Hey Siri" across the room and hopefully be able to call the front desk and have someone come help me but you're right it's not a good situation to be in. I was pretty stressed out the first couple of days worrying something bad would happen. Yeah, it only takes one fall for everything to fall apart.

Haven't figured out my next trip out to Henderson but I'll definitely let you know what I'm thinking. Would love it if everything aligns and we can meet up!

Take care bro.

Yes your setting up siri thing was good idea. Yes plz do let mr know, and hopefully we can meet and maybe we ca invite Ronnie as well and have a small party in my hotel room, I hve already told Ronnie that I owe him a party.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2019, 10:58:46 PM »

Wishing the best results for you.
¿ How much are you expecting to add in cm? ¿ what is your starting inseam ( crotch to floor)?
I am pretty much your same height and planning to to LL next year.



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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2019, 11:19:02 PM »

I just realized you got your surgery before me man!! congrats hahaha call me when you get a chance brother you have my number
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2019, 11:25:20 AM »

Wishing the best results for you.
¿ How much are you expecting to add in cm? ¿ what is your starting inseam ( crotch to floor)?
I am pretty much your same height and planning to to LL next year.


I am targeting minimum 6.5, maximum 7.5 cm. Regarding 'starting inseam (crotch to floor)' - I don't know, never measured. All the best for your journey.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2019, 11:26:18 AM »

I just realized you got your surgery before me man!! congrats hahaha call me when you get a chance brother you have my number

Yes brother, it was nice talking to you on phone again today, ATB for your journey.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2019, 11:28:24 AM »

Dear all - plz note - my journey is going fine but due to some personal reasons I will be extremely busy from now till 8/1, so - my next post here (or reply to any question) will be on 8/2 only. Thanks.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2019, 11:44:28 PM »

one question - what is the easiest and quickest way to upload pictures here?


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2019, 05:28:26 AM »

one question - what is the easiest and quickest way to upload pictures here?
a lot of ppl use Imagur

just upload and share the link here when it's done
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2019, 10:14:33 PM »

thanks Movie


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2019, 10:17:31 PM »

team, here are 3 random pictures from my hotel room (as I had said at the beginning I may or may not post pictures but jut posting some because I know some folks here call out diaries without any pics as fakes).



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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2019, 10:29:07 PM »

Continued...from the day if my arrival at hotel (night of 7/21) -

wit help from mr. wonderful Ronnie and an aide that  had pre-hired (was waiting for me at hotel) I and my bags etc (including ERC) was transferred to the hotel room. The aide warmed up some food for me (Ronnie was not hungry) and meanwhile Ronnie gave me some general guidance etc. thing to note here - my surgery was on 7/19 an I traferred to hotel on 7/21 but I had already booked hotel on 7/18 and had put ample of frozen food, protein bar, fruits etc. in the freezer and had put clothes etc. around as well as some first aid kit near bedside table.

At night aide and Ronnie were gone I went to sleep , sleep was ok (maybe 4-5 hours) but not as good as it used to be in hospital with diluaid (oh I miss dilaudid every second, and I want to give double nobel awards to the inventor of dilaudid). Pain was low to moderate (0 to 4-5 when I tried to move things), taking recommended dose of oxycodon was enough. Morphine is a useless piece of  dogcrap drug I can tell you that, does nothing.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2019, 10:38:15 PM »

Continued... we are on 7/22 now -

No PT, PT guy came on Tuesday (7/23) from what I remember. My aide cooked me some food and I did some walking with walker wit help from my aide. That is it. Pain very low to moderate, Oxycodone was enough (morphine was useless)



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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2019, 10:51:30 PM »

Continued... we are on 7/23 now -

PT guy came , made me walk a bit in the room, made me do some bending , stretching etc. small exercises and told me that my motions, 4 days after surgery, are better than anyone else's he has seen. It was good to hear that. He said real PT will take place (start) at PT clinic on 7/25 and somebody will contact me on 7/24 to give details. Aide cooked food, I ate.

I repeated a previous mistake here again - before that let me tell you that I bought a bedside commode from Amazon along with disposable bags etc. (if you see my diary earlier you will read my horrible experience seating on normal commode), anyway I asked aide to help me seat on the bedside commode s that I can take dump (it was 5th day without clearing stomach) , I set there for 30 minutes - nothing came out but then when I tried to get up I could not and my pain reached 10/10 (I even tried calling PT to come help me get up, he did mo pick up, though he had called later, I was so much in pain I thought of calling 911), only after a lot of struggle I was able to get up and went to bed. That night I slept and read diaries on how to get the poop out. Next day (7/24), as per Vertical's diary I took like 5-6 dalculax and man, within 5 minutes I was (with help from aide) on bedside commode and dumping out anacondas after anacondas, full clean stomach :). Later the next morning (aroudn 1 AM) I pooed even more (was able to get up on my own using walker) and was feeling so clean and good.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2019, 10:59:45 PM »

Continued... we are on 7/23 now -

PT guy came , made me walk a bit in the room, made me do some bending , stretching etc. small exercises and told me that my motions, 4 days after surgery, are better than anyone else's he has seen. It was good to hear that. He said real PT will take place (start) at PT clinic on 7/25 and somebody will contact me on 7/24 to give details. Aide cooked food, I ate.

I repeated a previous mistake here again - before that let me tell you that I bought a bedside commode from Amazon along with disposable bags etc. (if you see my diary earlier you will read my horrible experience seating on normal commode), anyway I asked aide to help me seat on the bedside commode s that I can take dump (it was 5th day without clearing stomach) , I set there for 30 minutes - nothing came out but then when I tried to get up I could not and my pain reached 10/10 (I even tried calling PT to come help me get up, he did mo pick up, though he had called later, I was so much in pain I thought of calling 911), only after a lot of struggle I was able to get up and went to bed. That night I slept and read diaries on how to get the poop out. Next day (7/24), as per Vertical's diary I took like 5-6 dalculax and man, within 5 minutes I was (with help from aide) on bedside commode and dumping out anacondas after anacondas, full clean stomach :). Later the next morning (aroudn 1 AM) I pooed even more (was able to get up on my own) and was feeling so clean and good.
Dang brother sorry to hear you experienced 10/10 pain l: I guess we all have to go through it one time during the process, but I'm glad you're able to have some bowel movement now and cleared everything out haha I still haven't cleared anything out yet, day two here doing great! all the best to ya hope to hear from ya soon man! be good god bless
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2019, 12:01:33 AM »

Dang brother sorry to hear you experienced 10/10 pain l: I guess we all have to go through it one time during the process, but I'm glad you're able to have some bowel movement now and cleared everything out haha I still haven't cleared anything out yet, day two here doing great! all the best to ya hope to hear from ya soon man! be good god bless

Hei bro, usually the pain is actually very low, like 0 to 1 , the problem is when you expose yourself to some extreme situations , like I sat on the uneven commode for such long time thus asking for trouble. Actually I was thinking about my normal self where I used to watch videos while waiting for dump to come out but what I forgot is after LL your bowel movement is screwed because of pain medicine and you cannot just seat on commode expecting   to come out, Dulcolax is the king.  Keep Dulcolax with you.


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2019, 12:14:46 AM »

Hei bro, usually the pain is actually very low, like 0 to 1 , the problem is when you expose yourself to some extreme situations , like I sat on the uneven commode for such long time thus asking for trouble. Actually I was thinking about my normal self where I used to watch videos while waiting for dump to come out but what I forgot is after LL your bowel movement is screwed because of pain medicine and you cannot just seat on commode expecting   to come out, Dulcolax is the king.  Keep Dulcolax with you.
haha right on will keep that in mind
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2019, 01:49:20 AM »

Continued .... day 7/24 -

This is the day I was told to start my distraction, but I had this mental thing in my mind that until I clear my stomach I will not start distraction, after taking the dulcolax I was able to clear my stomach around 5 PM and my mind was ready to start distraction, but what I did not want to do was to do 3 distractions withing a span of like 2 hours each (since it was already 5 PM), I wanted at least 5 hours gap between two distractions , so I decided that on the first day I will lengthen only .66mm. I called up my friend and advisor Ronnie and he concurred with my decision. Nothing more to that day. Went to sleep after 2nd distraction around 11 PM. Note: i) PT guys did not call, I texted them but no response. ii) did some walking with walker in hotel, with aide on my side


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Re: My Femur Stryde LL (with Dr. Debiparshad) diary
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2019, 01:58:40 AM »

Continued .... day 7/25 -

PT person called and asked me to come for PT, we agreed on 5 PM slot. I did some walking at hotel during the day, with walker, with caretaker/aide by my side. Caretaker prepared food for me. Then we went to PT (called UBER, caretaker took me down to hotel lobby in wheelchair and then I transferred to walker and from walker to Uber), wheelchair and walker fitted in the uber trunk.
PT was very good, the girl is very cute looking and young and smart and knows what she is doing, so happy to have her as my PT, doing PT with her makes me happy, other members of the PT staff arr also very awesome and nice people. came back using uber, caretaker prepared food, watched youtube, went to sleep. Sleep was difficult due to soreness due to PT, total sleep maybe 5 hrs.
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