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Author Topic: Diary - January 2019 - In Full Stryde with Dr. Mahboubian of North Hollywood.  (Read 146903 times)

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Thanks for the great share again IFS. Wish the best for you with fast recovery!!! ;D

Thanks Shortykon! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, man.  So far so good.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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What's stopping you from lengthening to 5 inches or more? 8cm in femur and 6cm in tibia is the "safe" limits according to Paley.

Hi Zucc420! Great question.   I'm going to push the femurs as far as they can I think I will achieve 5-7cm range, maybe 8cm.  I have not ruled out the possibility of going through a second surgery on the tibia's to add another couple of inches.  I'll make that decision after I complete my experience with the outcome of the femurs.   I honestly feel that I will be happy after femur recovery....however, we'll see.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 06:30:43 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 48 Post Op - Journey Continues.. [3.574 cm or 1.407 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

What.A.Journey. Is all I can really say to myself when ask to describe CLL.   My friends, I'm almost 1 1/2 inches taller and the journey continues.   I think the one thing that surprises me the most is just how fast the lengthening occurs.  Every 25 or so days, you're an inch taller.  I mean, you walk up to your Statiometer and next to family or friends and you just feel the difference.  I never realized just how much of a difference an inch truly is.  An inch is actually a pretty good amount of heightening.  As I have mentioned before, my goal is to reach 2 inches and then I will take it day-by-day after that and continue my lengthening toward that 3" mark until I know its time to stop.  I'll also depend on the advice of my PT and doctors to aide my decision as well.   Not saying this is the case, but I'd be perfectly fine with a 2" increase...every mm after that is a bonus.  I started this process with great upper body strength which has helped me a great deal win moving around; but my legs were fairly tight.  I could touch my toes by the time of surgery; but overall, I had tightness in hips area...I can feel this creeping in now.  I'm fairly tight.  I do have decent ROM at this point and can perform all movements asked my PT and I'm pushing pretty good.  Once lengthening is completed, I'm looking forward to the positive impacts a solid consolidated bone will have on my overall ability to walk and just the feelings that come from being healed.  I'm excited at the height gain and I'm grateful that the process has been going smooth.  I'm going to work as hard as I can as the final half of the distraction phase is now upon me.

Pain: I'll be to the point.  It hurts at night time and early morning around 5 level pain.   During day, while resting and not doing PT, 0-1 level pain.  While doing PT and and movements 1 - 2 or 3 level pain.   The pain is not bad and its all tolerable. For prospect CLL'ers out there wondering... If the only thing stopping you from doing CLL is the pain...Please go forward with the surgery. The pain isn't so bad at all. It's worth the inches.   

Flexibility and movement: Doing fine here.  Still performing stretches to satisfaction level and working hard.   My hips are very tight and my IT band has some pain as one runs down it; so that is impactful.  As a result of tight and weak hip and glutes,  my unassisted steps are swaying and and not long fast steps; more like slow baby steps.  Having said that; good news is that I can 100% weight bear and take unassisted steps on my legs.   Also, I move well on walker.  I will continue to train my gate and strengthen.  Its still so early and my bones are not even consolidated yet and I'm actually training my legs with 100% weight on them.  Thank goodness for the Stryde nail.

Today's' Activities: 8 hour work day via remote connection, 1 Hour PT in Clinic and 1 Self PT Session and 1 hour weight training for upper body.

I'm 14 days away from the magic 2 inch mark. Wish me luck guys! I'm starting to feel tight. Let's see how I do.

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 49 Post Op - Journey Continues.. [3.64 cm or 1.433 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

Well, my journey continues.  I'm about 4 days from that fun 4cm mark and 14 days from the fabulous 5cm milestone (2 INCHES).  I'm pretty darn tight, I must say.  I suppose that is pretty normal; but sheesh. I guess no one was kidding when they said that those soft tissues will stretchhhhhh.   I have decent ROM in every category; so that is keeping me going here.  Pain is fine; and tightness well its a bit bothersome; but not brutal.   As I've stated before, My first milestone and check-in post will be 5cm, at this point, I will go 1 day at a time and quit lengthening when I know its time. That could mean I go 5.1cm or all the way to 8cm. I will keep everyone updated.   

Pain: No issues here.  0-2 pain all day. Last night, the pain was a bit better as well, I'd say 3 - 4.   Some discomfort with tight muscles that are being streched; but nothing that is painful.   I'd say at this point, I feel like I'm coasting fine in regard to pain.

Flexibility and movement: Flexibility has taken a hit in all areas since the surgery.   My legs are still straight; but I do feel the stiffness coming on from the back of the calves and hamstrings, so I have a close eye on this.  Hips are tight and I'm working these as much as a I can.   All in all, I'm doing well in this area.  I am starting to walk more and more, unassisted as well.   Baby steps, with sway; but I'm still taking full weight bearing unassisted steps and that my friends is a great workout for your hips and butt.   I do have to stop walking after some time because I get sore and I prefer not to wear down to far so that I can still maintain a healthy PT session with stretches and bike. 

Today's' Activities: 8 hour work day via remote connection, 2 SELF PT Sessions and 1 hour weight training for upper body.

I'm 14 days away from the magic 2 inch mark! Send your good thoughts my way.  I'll need it.

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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glad everything is going good regardless of the discomforts in result of the obvious!
best wishes and keep it pushing (:
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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glad everything is going good regardless of the discomforts in result of the obvious!
best wishes and keep it pushing (:

Thank you for the motivation, Movie! It helps me to hear this. 
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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You are already haflway there. We are rooting for you. Stay strong my friend.


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You are already haflway there. We are rooting for you. Stay strong my friend.

Thanks so much buddy. It's getting tough. I will give it my ALL.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Hi InFullStryde,

How many calories do you eat per day, and are you still on pain medication?

Thanks and kind regards


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Hi InFullStryde,

How many calories do you eat per day, and are you still on pain medication?

Thanks and kind regards

Hi Pilor,

I eat about 2000 to 2500 calories a day and I am taking Tramadol HCL 50mg for pain as needed.   Usually, I am only taking pain medication before bed time now.  I am experiencing almost zero pain during the day time. 

Let me know if you have any more questions for me.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 50 Post Op - Let's celebrate 50 days of my legs being broken! *Smile*.. [3.706 cm or 1.459 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

Today was tough.   My tension headache that i was experiencing last week returned so it was a struggle to focus.  Fortunately, with some rest here and there, I was able to kick most of the headache away.  One item to note for prospect CLL'ers... be in as good health as possible before the surgery.  Get a flu shot, do everything needed to put yourself in the best position to NOT get sick during CLL.  Any other sickness is just compounded when you do not have regular use of your legs.  Either way, I did get through the day okay.  I'm continuing to push the best i can.  I'm 3 days away from 4cm and 13 days away from 5cm or that golden 2 inches.

Pain: Night and morning pain, was about a 3....virtually no pain during the day.   Other then the occasional ache and ouch I experience when moving around; I don't have much pain going on at all.

Flexibility and movement: Flexibly is a very unique proposition during CLL.   Its like 1 step forward and 2 steps back.  What I mean is this.... When you're lengthening, its very tough to get ahead and become "more flexible".  During the lengthening phase, its really more about "Management".   You can't possibility stretch your body enough to keep up with 1mm per day; but you can manage enough to prevent injury, as well as prevent the soft tissues from stretching to far beyond what the bone and you can handle.  I'm doing well enough at the moment.  Decent ROM and just a bit stronger each and every day.    As mentioned prior, I can take steps unassisted but usually prefer to use walker because my steps are rather awkward and lack balance.  Also, after taking enough steps, unassisted, I do start to feel tired in those muscles so I ration things very carefully.

Today's' Activities: 8 hour work day via remote connection, 1 pro PT session at the clinic and 1 hour weight training for upper body.

I'm 13 days away from the magic 2 inch mark! it's true... you get tighter and the distraction phase becomes more difficult as you lengthen more and more... Send me some good thoughts guys.. Everything helps.

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Keep going IFS . Wish you have a successful CLL.


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Keep going IFS . Wish you have a successful CLL.

Thank you, goodlucktomylegs.   I really appreciate the support.  So far so good. I'll try my best and will keep everyone updated on my journey.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congratulations FullyStryde, hoping all goes as planned for you and you're brave for taking the plunge. I will be following along and hope that you will continue to update. Thanks for your story!


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Congratulations FullyStryde, hoping all goes as planned for you and you're brave for taking the plunge. I will be following along and hope that you will continue to update. Thanks for your story!

I appreciate it Johnson1111.  Although, we rarely get to know the people from the forum; when you jump in and wish me well it actually motivates me and I feel less alone in this. Thanks again.  I'll keep everyone updated.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 51 Post Op - I'm pushing the best I can here [3.806 cm or 1.498 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

Today was pretty decent.  My headache wasn't too bad; so that helped.  I felt stronger in my legs over all which was nice to feel.  Overall I'm doing well.   Just a couple of days away from that elusive centimeter 4 and only 12 days away from the true difference making inch...that's right..the 2" point.  Thank you for your support and appreciate the positive words.   My summary is below.

Pain: It was a rough night trying to sleep.  I deal with similar issues as other LL'ers. It's just hard to find a position that you are comfortable with and you're constantly being woken up by tightness and little dull pains.  Nothing feels unbearable; but just enough going on in the legs to keep you up.  Any suggestions are welcome.  Other then that, barely any pain.  I had 0-1 pain throughout the day.  I can't really beat that.

Flexibility and movement: Today, I felt stronger.  I was practicing steps on both my walker and unassisted and the steps were stronger, farther and progress is clear.  The true difference maker is in the butt and hips.   I am getting stronger in the butt and hips and its allowing me to take steps forward and do less compensation on the hip which causing the "sway" that others speak of. Flexibility is being managed as best as possible. I'm doing strong stretching 2 - times per day, and always keeping my legs moving with exception to some small stretches of time where I rest.  I am pretty tight in the hamstrings and IT Band  and it's starting to tug at my knees slightly.  Will keep a close eye on this and continue to work hard in PT.  My goal is to merely keep hams and IT band manageable so that when Lengthening is done I can conquer them quickly and without to much trouble with PT.  We will see how the next week or two of lengthening affects me.

Body Condition *New*: I'm adding a new feature called body condition. I'll summarize in another post the past month or so; but will stick to the current for today.   My legs are getting stronger and bigger than they were in the past; but they are still very much slim and recovering. Upper body is looking good and building back up with my consistent working out on my apartment bowflex machine.   I have lost about 8 lbs it appears.  With CLL you will lose your apetite and also your desire to work out will be reduced in the very beginning.  I'm motivated again however and I'm also forcing my self to eat at all costs.  When I'm back up and walking in a few months or so; I want to look and feel GREAT.

Today's' Activities: 4 hour work day via remote connection, 2 Self PT Sessions and 1 hour weight training for upper body. Also, going to netflix and chill tonight with my friend ;-)

Guys, I can remember starting this journey.  51 days later, I'm amazed to be only 2 days away from 4cm (1.57 inches) and and only 12 days away from 2 inches taller.  This little bit will help my situation so much.   I don't want to stop at 5cm (2 inches), however, I have to be safe. I want a swift recovery.... so we'll monitor closely and see what my body can safely bear.   I'm going to go as far as I can safely go.

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2019, 01:46:23 AM by InFullStryde »
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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how many mm are you lengthening by daily?
it seems u should have been around 4.6cm after 51 days if u were going at 1mm


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HI Blade Runner!  Thank you for the post. I'm right at 1mm per day.  There was several days in there where I was a bit below the 1mm mark for one reason or another.  Those mm's add up!   So long that the process stays smooth; should remain 1mm going forward. 
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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HI Blade Runner!  Thank you for the post. I'm right at 1mm per day.  There was several days in there where I was a bit below the 1mm mark for one reason or another.  Those mm's add up!   So long that the process stays smooth; should remain 1mm going forward.

Brilliant work - keep going my friend


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Brilliant work - keep going my friend

Thanks Man. Only 11 more days and I'll be at the 2 inch mark. I'm holding on "tight"
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Hey InFullStryde, just wanted to ask you something. You of course don't have to reply if you don't feel like it.

Are you shorter than both your parents? And since you had the option of doing LL at 17 years (with the possibility of your parents financing it), did your pediatrician(s) monitor your height back then and were you given the option of HGH treatment? What actually lead to you seeing a CLL doctor at mere 17 years back then? Did you suffer from any growth disorders back then, or was your original height the result of natural growth?

Hope you have a successful end spurt of reaching 2 inches!
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Hey InFullStryde, just wanted to ask you something. You of course don't have to reply if you don't feel like it.

Are you shorter than both your parents? And since you had the option of doing LL at 17 years (with the possibility of your parents financing it), did your pediatrician(s) monitor your height back then and were you given the option of HGH treatment? What actually lead to you seeing a CLL doctor at mere 17 years back then? Did you suffer from any growth disorders back then, or was your original height the result of natural growth?

Hope you have a successful end spurt of reaching 2 inches!

Thank you for the great question.  I am happy to answer this; especially because I feel it can help others in some way.   Growing up, I was always shorter than the other kids around.   My pediatrician, never thought anything of it and was pretty convinced that I would eventually grow to achieve the average height of my Mom and Dad.  My Mom was 4'11 and my Dad was 6'0".   At age 10/11 I was concerned as well as my parents since I was still very much behind my class mates in height; so I was taken to a growth doctor/specialist and he had a bone age x-ray test arranged.  At age 11, there as significant space between my growth plate and based on the space and my age, it was estimated that my height would be approximately 5'8-5'10".  The doctor did not feel that HGH was necessary and felt that it would have been a risk for me try that and could even stunt my growth. My parents went ahead and believed him and that was that.  I was left to wait to grow taller.   In the summer of age 11, I grew 5 inches and arrived at about 5'1.25 when I was 12.  Myself, my doctors, and my parents took this as a sign that my growing spurts were now on their way.  There was one problem however,  Not only was I growing in height; but I was rapidly developing through puberty.   I was growing a mustache, beard, very strong muscular system, deeper voice, etc.  I was actually experiencing one of the most common growth inhibitors of all.... something called "Precocious puberty".   I went from underdeveloped to overdeveloped in a 1 year span.  Unfortunately, as a result of my early puberty my grown plates fused and I was disqualified to reach my predicted height of 5'8" - 5'10".    At 17 (1998), we learned of the procedure to increase height so my parents and myself were very curious about that possibility and we visited Dr. Dror Paley in Baltimore.  I opted against it since I did not want to put my parents through so much.   I hope that answers  your question and let me know if you have any more quetions for me!
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 52 Post Op - Gut check time! [3.906 cm or 1.538 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

Not going to write too much today since it's a bit late. I will say that for's gut check time. As one can expect, my hamstrings and quads are pretty tight.

Pain: Morning and night - Pain was at about a 3/4.  Barely any pain during the day..maybe 0-1.  Tightness is there and a bit aggravating; but not painful.

Flexibility and movement: I can get around on crutches easily and walk unassisted.  The walk is a bit stiff as expected. 

Body Condition: I felt strong today. 

Today's' Activities: 4 hour work day via remote connection, 2 Self PT Sessions and just relaxing ;-)

Well, its day 52.  I'm 11 days away from 2 inches and I'll hit the 4cm mark tomorrow.   

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Thanks for the reply! It's really astonishing how these random occurences can happen to anyone in life. Even a totally normal person growing up in safe conditions can be hit by such a thing as idiopathic precocious puberty. Another reason why we, by all means, should research and develop methods and techniques to increase adult people's heights and make LL safer and easier. But you are making your own way and pursuing your goals successfully nonetheless. :)
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It's a long way to find peace of mind, peace of mind.


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Day 52 Post Op - Gut check time! [3.906 cm or 1.538 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

Not going to write too much today since it's a bit late. I will say that for's gut check time. As one can expect, my hamstrings and quads are pretty tight.

Pain: Morning and night - Pain was at about a 3/4.  Barely any pain during the day..maybe 0-1.  Tightness is there and a bit aggravating; but not painful.

Flexibility and movement: I can get around on crutches easily and walk unassisted.  The walk is a bit stiff as expected. 

Body Condition: I felt strong today. 

Today's' Activities: 4 hour work day via remote connection, 2 Self PT Sessions and just relaxing ;-)

Well, its day 52.  I'm 11 days away from 2 inches and I'll hit the 4cm mark tomorrow.   

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.

Congrats bro - what do you mean by gut check btw?

Also would you say the height increase from you barefoot compared to you with shoes on feels the same as the equivalent height increase when lengthening? Perhaps there is a difference psychologically..

Hope that question makes sense - for example when I put my sliders on in the morning I think to myself is this the feeling of being 2 cms taller when lengthening..


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Thanks for the reply! It's really astonishing how these random occurences can happen to anyone in life. Even a totally normal person growing up in safe conditions can be hit by such a thing as idiopathic precocious puberty. Another reason why we, by all means, should research and develop methods and techniques to increase adult people's heights and make LL safer and easier. But you are making your own way and pursuing your goals successfully nonetheless. :)

I really like this quote: "You are making your own way and pursuing your goals successfully nonethelss."  Thank you IwannaBeTaller.   It's true.  There are challenges in life that we must work around or work through them.  We must "make our own way" and still succeed.  Thank you for your kind words.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congrats bro - what do you mean by gut check btw?

Also would you say the height increase from you barefoot compared to you with shoes on feels the same as the equivalent height increase when lengthening? Perhaps there is a difference psychologically..

Hope that question makes sense - for example when I put my sliders on in the morning I think to myself is this the feeling of being 2 cms taller when lengthening..

Hi Michael Jose!  I would say that I feel taller when I have any shoes on.  Shoes are a great bonus height and I love the various sole heights you can attain along with the different styles.    Oh, and by "gut check" I mean, that the CLL process is getting more challenging now that i'm stiff; so I really have to be tough to finalize this the rest of the way! I will do what is safe and best for me!.

Thank you again and let me know if you have more questions
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Day 53 Post Op - 10 Day Count Down Begins Today! [4.006 cm or 1.577 inches Taller!]

Greetings LL'ers,

I have officially passed the 4cm mark!  It feels good to be 1 1/2 inches taller and I'm happy to say that I am now just 10 days away from the big 2 INCH milestone.   My soft tissues are very tight indeed, but they will soon have time to catch up as I approach the final few weeks of distraction! It's time to start getting excited about a job well done. Still more work to do of course.  I'm going to push the best I can to reach the 5cm mark. In fact, I should be right at 5cm (2 inches) for my next office visit with Dr. Mahboubian in less than  2 weeks.  We'll sit down together and evaluate where I am at and make a determination of what would be my safe limit at that point.  Details on my day below....

Pain: Morning and night - Pain was at about a 2/3.  Barely any pain during the day..maybe 0-1.  Tightness discomfort in upper legs.  My hamstrings are very tight.

Flexibility and movement: I can get around on crutches easily and walk unassisted.  As far as range of motion.  I'm a bit stiff; but bearable.  While standing, I can bend my knee 90 degrees.  While laying down on my stomach, I can bend my knee 90 degrees. I feel a strong tug by my hamstrings on the back of my knee, now.  Additionally, my IT Band is tight; so its causing some pull of on my legs as well.  I'm pretty much feeling all the 4cm tightness pains at this point. I'll be monitoring this closely.

Body Condition: Feel good and strong

Today's' Activities: 8 hour work day via remote connection, 1 Clinic PT session and 1 Self PT Session.

Well, its day 53.  I'm 10 days away from 2 inches and 50 cm.  It's challenging times; but exciting.  I'm more than half way done.

Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.  Talk soon and best regards.
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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Congrats bro, keep pushing thru! I remember my hamstrings getting pretty tight too and I had trouble keeping my legs straight unless I pushed down on the knees, are you having the same issue or can you keep them straight without much trouble?


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Congrats bro, keep pushing thru! I remember my hamstrings getting pretty tight too and I had trouble keeping my legs straight unless I pushed down on the knees, are you having the same issue or can you keep them straight without much trouble?

Thanks buddy! Yep, definitely having trouble with that by now.   I measure a 3 degree bend in right and left is straight.  How did you get that resolved or when did that resolve?
"Make the BEST of what you have and Make what you have, the BEST"
InFullSTRYDE with Dr. Mahboubian - Jan 2019
Start Height/End Height: 5'1.25"/5'4.25"
Status: Gained 3" and Recovered Successfully! | Stryde Nails Removed: November 2020


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I just kept doing exercises that pushed down on the knee to keep the leg straight and held that position for a minute or so and repeat. You will feel your hamstring stretch doing that.  It eventually went away after I stopped lengthening and I had way worse bend than you, at my worse I think mine was about 15 degree bend. 
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